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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 The Needs and Wants

3.0 The Process of Buyer Decision Making

3.1 The Stage of Need Recognition

3.2 The Stage of Information Searching

3.3 The Stage of Evaluation

3.4 The Stage of Purchasing

3.5 The Stage of Post-purchase Evaluation

4.0 Analysis of the 4 P’s

4.1 Analysis of Nokia Service

4.2 Analysis of Place

4.4 Analysis of the Price

4.5 The Issue of Promotion

5.0 Analysis of the Extended Service Mix

5.1 The Element of Physical Layout

5.2 The Element of Customer Services Provisions

5.3 The Element of Processes

6.0 The Satisfaction Achieving as a Customer

7.0 Conclusion

8.0 References

1.0 Introduction

The aim and objective of the analysis that would be carried out here would be the customer-experience or aspiration in relation to a service and the company that is selected for this analysis would be the Nokia and the department that is relevant to the analysis would be their service center. In looking at things from my own perspective in being one that would require the service, the analysis would be concentrated on whether Nokia has serviced and interacted with me as a customer and this would be through the use of my own appreciation and understanding in relation to marketing as well as the level at which my needs and wants would be satisfied. The analysis would be aimed at making an analysis of the needs and wants, the decision making process, the various facets of the 4 P’s and the extended service-mix performance. There would then be an outline of the overall satisfaction that was achieved. The service encounter involved me going to the Nokia service center in order to get my Nokia hand phone serviced.

2.0 The Needs and Wants

A company like this would only be likely to achieve any kind of success in their business when they would make a correct identification of the wants and needs of a customer like myself. In this case, it was the need and requirement for having my handphone serviced and optimized. It is stated here that when there is no satisfaction, this would be the kind of element that would compel a person like me to require a particular service as in this case, it was me wanting to have a handphone that is serviced well and optimized. In order to determine what the customer wants, Nokia would be required to have an understanding of the needs and wants of a customer like me in terms of wanting handphone related services and they can then determine what kind of services that are to be provided to a customer like me. It is when these needs and wants would be appreciated, the company would then be likely to address a requirement of the market and customer (Kotler, 2009).

3.0 The Process of Buyer Decision Making

This process would be governed by the buyer decision making framework and it would labelled as a kind of framework that would be important for me in order to reach a particular marketing decision. This would likely to make a company like Nokia to have consideration of the stages in the buying process (Kotler, 2009). Outlined here are the various stages in the process.

3.1 The Stage of Need Recognition

In this stage, there is a need recognition and in relation to my case, the need was simply to have my Nokia handphone serviced and optimized in order for it to work efficiently.

3.2 The Stage of Information Searching

When it comes to achieving a kind of satisfying of the need, the next stage would be the process of information searching. There are a number of methods that could be utilized in order to get information and among these include commercial and personal sources (Adcock et al, 2001). In relation to my issue, personal sources were the main source of information that were required for me to have knowledge of the kind of services that were provided by the Nokia company. I had obtained information relevant to my quest from classmates and other friends that had similar issues and that were resolved by the Nokia service center. I gave these sources more credibility as the information could be validated by appropriate feedback from others that have utilized similar kinds of services in the past (Kotler, 2009).

3.3 The Stage of Evaluation

It is during this stage that I had considered a number of other options before making my final decision. There were a number of other handphone service firms that could provide the similar kind of services and in making an evaluation of these firms, I used information that is obtained mostly from personal sources. This stage of the process is very important for a firm in order to win their customer as it is the stage where the customer either accepts or rejects the firm and these would be premised on their good and bad points. A firm that manages to gain the most good points would likely to win the loyalty of a customer (Adcock et al, 2001), (Guiltinan, 1996). In this case, it is apparent that the most appropriate selection was that of the Nokia service center as it provided the kind of services that were required and there was also a guarantee of the services provided, as opposed to other firms that had not given such a thing. Nokia has done well in relation to this stage as it had provided customers with a great amount of information in relation to the services being offered and what the benefits were for as customer like me with an issue like this (Kotler, 2008).

3.4 The Stage of Purchasing

It is at this stage that the customer makes the decision to purchase from a particular company and in this case, I has decided on the Nokia firm and this decision was made on an informed premise and relying on the information that is had obtained in terms of the nature of the services and feedback on it (Kotler, 2008).

3.5 The Stage of Post-purchase Evaluation

It is at this stage that a customer like me would take part in making a post-purchase evaluation. People like me are very concerned customers and are likely to be impacted by what is terms as being cognitive dissonance and this relates to the kind of perception that is apparent after a customer has made a purchase. It might be the case that an alternative would be preferable and when matters like these arise, it would be the case that a customer would be unlikely to use the same kind of services again and might change to other service providers (Joshi, 2005). Companies like these would have the task of addressing cognitive dissonance through ensuring that the kind of services that were provided were likely to have achieved my needs and wants. This is essential in order to make the customer be of the opinion that they have made the correct decision to use the services of Nokia and not other companies. Nokia has assured me that they had the technical knowledge on serving these kinds of hand phones and that going to ordinary service centers might compromise the use of my handphone and its service efficiency.

4.0 Analysis of the 4 P’s

The purpose of the framework would be to help a customer like me to decide as to whether to utilize the services of Nokia. This marketing mix would make reference to the kind of decisions that a firm would make in terms of make their services to be apparent to customers and the market. The 4Ps would be inclusive of the following:

  1. The Service

  2. The Place

  3. The Price

  4. The Promotion

(Kotler, 2009) (Joshi, 2005)

4.1 Analysis of Nokia Service

When it comes to service, it is the customer service of handphones that are offered by Nokia and these include the servicing and optimization of handphones. This is an efficient service provided and suitable for the Nokia brand of handphones.

4.2 Analysis of Place

When it comes to the place, this would be likely to involve a location whereby Nokia would make their services to be available and it is where a customer would go to if they had and matter to be addressed with regards to Nokia products (Joshi, 2005). Nokia service centers are located in numerous parts of Kuala Lumpur and it was no trouble in locating a service center that could provide these kinds of services.

4.4 Analysis of the Price

When it concerns matters of price, it would amount to the total sum of money to be paid by the customer to Nokia for their service rendered. It is apparent that Nokia pricing would be very reasonable and efficient in comparison to the kinds of services provided by other firms (Joshi, 2005). It could be stated here that the pricing would be very competitive.

4.5 The Issue of Promotion

In relation to promotion, this is noted to be involving advertising carried out by Nokia in order to make present and future customers to have an idea of the services they are providing (Joshi, 2005). Advertising is done very efficiently as their strategies for promotion make their services and products well known through a number of mediums and these includes signboards, magazines, newspapers as well as the internet.

5.0 Analysis of the Extended Service Mix

Due to the fact that this is a service encounter and that firms are becoming more oriented towards their customer, there would be additional elements that would be relevant and would be addressed here in relation to the marketing mix. It is stated here that the additional 3 Ps would include the following:

  1. Physical layout

  2. Customer services provisions

  3. Processes

(Kotler, 2009) (Paliwoda et al, 2008)...

5.1 The Element of Physical Layout

When it comes to physical layout, what is apparent here is that having attention to the physical layout of the Nokia outlet would be essential as it would also be a factor that would impact the customers decision. Having a neat and eye pleasing layout would likely to make customers more confident when utilizing the firms services (Paliwoda et al, 2008). Many customers are likely to appreciation a high amount of presentation in these kinds of service centers and it was apparent that the physical layout at the Nokia outlet was very neat and made the customers to be in a place where they felt convenient. The layout is not confusing and everything was in good order.

5.2 The Element of Customer Services Provisions

When it comes to provisions of customer services, this would be an element that would be labelled as being very essential and it is the case here that customers like me would be very appreciative of a company that would address my wants and needs efficiently and speedily. At Nokia, it can be stated that all of the provisions of customer service was very efficient and this was right from the start when they handled my query relating to the servicing and optimization, to the interactions that had taken place at the service center and the staff that were handling the issue. All encounters were very efficient and the staff were very polite. It can be stated here that the customer relation practices at Nokia were very efficient (Paliwoda et al, 2008).

5.3 The Element of Processes

The processes would be the kind of elements that are related to the acts of customer service and that would increase the efficiency of Nokia’s service marketing in order to be efficient. These included the addressing of customer issues like I had, making an identification of customers needs and wants which included servicing and optimization and handling of order (Paliwoda et al, 2008). It can be stated here that these processes were handled very well and efficiently and the overall outcome of these were satisfactory.

6.0 The Satisfaction Achieved as a Customer

When analyzing the process of consumer buying and the marketing mix, what is apparent here is that satisfaction was achieved in my interactions with the Nokia company. They had satisfied my needs and wants of having my handphone services and optimized and the processes and events had gone smoothly and without any kind of issues. It can be stated here that these needs and requirements were satisfied by kind of services that were provided Nokia. I can state that I am very pleased with the service encounter and the various aspects of the service interactions were satisfactory. In terms of the marketing mix, it could be stated here that service that was offered was what I had required and the pricing was efficient, together with the location of the outlets that were convenient. It is apparent here as well that the promotional strategies were efficient as I did not have an issue with finding out about the services offered by Nokia. When it comes to the extended market mix, it can be said here that the physical layout of the Nokia service center was modern and very convenient for ma customer, the provisions of customer service was very efficient and all of the processes were carried out very well and efficiently as well. The needs and wants were satisfied and most of all, high levels of satisfaction were obtained with these service encounters.

7.0 Conclusion

In this paper, the focus of the analysis was to outline the customer-experience or aspiration with regard to Nokia services. It was determined here that Nokia had serviced and interacted with me very well and they have a very efficient understanding and appreciation in relation to marketing. It is stated here that they had managed to satisfy my wants and needs efficiently. The overall level of satisfaction can be stated as being high and they have managed to address my needs and wants and giving high levels of satisfaction.

8.0 References

Kotler, Philip; Gary Armstrong, Veronica Wong, John Saunders (2009). "Marketing defined". Principles of marketing (5th ed.)

Kotler, Philip; Gary Armstrong, Veronica Wong, John Saunders (2008). "Marketing defined". Principles of marketing (5th ed.) 

Adcock, Dennis; Al Halborg, Caroline Ross (2001). "Introduction". Marketing: principles and practice. p. 16. Retrieved 2009-10-23.

Guiltinan Marketing Management: Strategies and Programs", McGraw Hill/Irwin, 1996

Joshi, Rakesh Mohan, (2005) International Marketing, Oxford University Press, New Delhi and New York 

Paliwoda, Stanley J.; John K. Ryans. "Back to first principles". International Marketing: Modern and Classic Papers (1st ed.). p. 25.