Файл: Эффективный лидер и его команда (Власть и влияние лидера на команду).pdf

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The increased importance of computers in organizations has led to the increased power of the staff of the departments of data processing. The more necessary information, resources or services of one leader gives to another, the greater his power over other leaders. As secretaries chiefs usually know who to contact to get specific information, they also often holding a significant share of power.

The Manager can increase his power by giving others the opportunity to see what they depend on it for resources necessary for their work. These resources can mean access to important people, information, services, money, necessary meetings, etc.

Taking this into consideration, we can say that creating a working group, we create a family. And married life is an art. Having mastered this art, you can put the creation of a "cell of society", groups, on a commercial basis.

Fear, reward, tradition, charisma, rational faith, belief, and participation in management are tools that a leader uses to influence by appealing to his needs. But even the rare leader who has in their disposal all these mechanisms should take into account other factors.

It is not enough to have power: it must be strong enough to encourage others to work, inspired and aimed at achieving the objectives of the organization. To achieve this you must fulfill several conditions.

The largest impact will be when the contractor appreciates the need to which the appeal believes is important to its satisfaction or dissatisfaction and thinks that his efforts will meet the expectations of the Manager. Conversely, if any of these components is missing, the power of influence is reduced or disappears altogether.

In order to be an effective leader you must possess the skill of working with people:

1) try to win respect, not popularity.

2) Set the direction, to spread the risk and difficulties.

3) don't be a dictator and taskmaster.

4) Show an example to back up their words with deeds.

5) Listen trying to understand. Be open to new ideas.

6) eager to discuss and solve the problems of their people.

7) to Help people uncover their talents. To charge them with energy.

8) to Support teamwork. To facilitate the interaction.

9) to Help his team in the decision-making process.

10) to Delegate authority. Trust your people and their opinion.

11) to Speak openly and honestly, to make people believe your words.

In order to properly lead, you need to influence to influence, you must have a basis of power. Common sense tells us that in order to have power you must be able to control anything of importance for the performer, that will create dependence on you and make him act as you wish.

Researchers in the field of power and leadership (management), has developed a convenient classification of bases of power. According to their classification, there are five main power:

1) Power based on coercion. The contractor believes that the influence has the ability to punish, in a manner that will prevent the satisfaction of some need, or can make any other troubles.

2) Power based on rewards. The contractor believes that the influence has the ability to satisfy an immediate need or pleasure.

3) Expert power. The executor believes that impact has special expertise that will satisfy the need.

4) Reference power (power of example). The characteristics or properties affecting so attractive to the performer that he wants to be the same as impact.

5) Legitimate authority. The contractor believes that the influence has the right to give orders and that his duty to obey them. He or she is following orders to the letter influence, as tradition teaches that obedience will lead to the satisfaction of the contractor.

All forms of influence to encourage people to fulfill the desires of another person, satisfying unmet needs or preventing them satisfaction, or they encourage the contractor to expect that the demand will be or not granted depending on the conduct of the contractor.

Seeing this behavior, one begins to imagine in the mind the impact of his behavior on the patient's needs. And the head is also the effect of its influence on the behavior of the contractor. As a result, the head and Executive of learn the similar or dissimilar behavior for the future.


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