Файл: "Методы измерения и анализа психофизиологических рабочих нагрузок персонала".pdf

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Категория: Курсовая работа

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Добавлен: 26.06.2023

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5) innovator who understands the role of science in modern conditions, able to evaluate and without delay to introduce into the manufacture of an invention or rationalization proposal: 6) just a man with good knowledge and abilities, level of culture, honesty, determination, character and at the same time, rationality, able to be in all respects a model for others. The object of the study is to examine managerial relationships, their nature and characteristics. The subject of the research is to study situational approaches to effective leadership. The purpose of this coursework is to examine the concept and essence of leadership, and to analyze the relationship between supervisors and subordinates, and provide recommendations to improve the efficiency of work of the enterprise as a whole. The achievement of the goal meant the solution of the following tasks: - to define the essence and role of leadership in the enterprise, and to identify features of leadership relationship; - to examine the current models of leadership; to determine the impact on profitability of the business, depending on the style of leadership. Despite the fact that management is a vital component of effective management, effective leaders are not always at the same time and effective managers. The effectiveness of a leader can be judged by the extent to which he or she affects others. Sometimes effective leadership can interfere with the formal organization. For example, an influential informal leader can make so that the personnel will begin to limit production or to produce goods or services of low quality, house, and Kerr set the difference between management and leadership: "Management can be defined as mental and physical process which leads to the fact that subordinates carry out their official assignments and solve certain tasks. Leadership, by contrast, is a process by which one individual influences group members". The Manager becomes the head of the organization through deliberate actions of the formal organization - delegation of authority. Leaders, on the other hand, are not at the behest of the organization, while opportunities to lead people, too, can be increased by delegation of authority. Members of the organization know who their leader is, but slaves don't always know what they are. Finally, the actions of leaders are not limited by any of the powers and structures. Very often the leader is the leader without any reference to his or her formal position in the hierarchy. In some situations, subordinates may even lead to senior positions. Of primary interest to us is the head of the organization, who is also the leader and effectively manages subordinates. Its goal is to influence others so that they perform assigned work. In their definitions of leadership in organizations many authors have tried to articulate the special component that makes the leader. For example, Katz and Kahn consider leadership as "influencing element that appears in addition to the mechanical execution of routine tasks of the organization." In his definition of leadership Peter develops this idea further: "Leadership is the ability to raise human vision to a level of wider horizons, to bring the efficiency of human activities on the level of higher standards and the ability to shape the personality going beyond the conventional limiting its scope".

Leadership is the ability to influence individuals and groups, directing their efforts to achieve the goals of the organization.

An effective leader not sit still, committed to testing, totally engaged. It has distinct attitudes, demanding of himself and others, is committed to excellence.

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