Файл: Отчет обучающегося по учебной языковой практике по профилю.docx

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Категория: Отчет по практике

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Добавлен: 06.11.2023

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Отчет обучающегося по

учебной языковой практике по профилю

Кольцовой Аделины Рустамовны
Место прохождения практикиКафедра романо-германских языков и методик их преподавания ФГБОУ ВО «НГПУ»

Сроки практики с 10.05.2023 по 06.06.2023

Направление подготовки 44.03.01 Педагогическое образование

Направленность (профиль) Иностранный язык

Курс 2, группа 2171
1. Характеристика базы практики.

Я, Кольцова Аделина Рустамовна, студентка ФГБОУ ВО «НГПУ» по направлению подготовки 44.03.01 Педагогическое образование, по профилю «Иностранный язык» проходила учебную языковую практику в период с 10 мая 2023 года по 6 июня 2023 года.

Руководителем практики от университета является кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры РГЯиМП Радионова Светлана Александровна.

Цель учебной языковой практики заключается в формировании первичных профессиональных умений в предметной области «Иностранный язык» на основе специальных научных знаний.

Задачами учебной языковой практики по профилю являются:

- систематизация полученных знаний по иностранному языку;

- закрепление теоретических знаний по основным грамматическим категориям;

- закрепление практических навыков, полученных при изучении дисциплины «Практическая грамматика иностранного языка»;

- осуществление предметно-профессиональной деятельности в соответствии с ФГОС.

Практика направлена на формирование следующих компетенций:

УК-4: Способна осуществлять деловую коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на государственном языке Российской Федерации и иностранном языке

Индикаторы достижения компетенций:

УК-4.7: Осуществляет выбор коммуникативных стратегий и тактик при ведении деловых переговоров

УК-4.2: Демонстрирует умение осуществлять деловую переписку на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей


- особенности осуществления деловой переписки на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей.


- осуществлять деловую переписку на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей.


- навыками ведения деловой переписки на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей.

ОПК-8: Способна осуществлять педагогическую деятельность на основе специальных научных знаний

Индикаторы достижения компетенций:

ОПК-8.1: Демонстрирует специальные научные знания в т.ч. в предметной области

Знать: специфику осуществления педагогической деятельности на основе специальных научных знаний;

Уметь: осуществлять педагогическую деятельность на основе специальных научных знаний;

Владеть: навыками осуществления педагогической деятельности на основе специальных научных знаний; специальными научными знаниями, в т.ч. в предметной области.

2. Описание выполненной работы по отдельным разделам с указанием объема работы.

2.1.1. Индивидуальное чтение 100 страниц аутентичного текста.

В ходе практики было прочитано 100 страниц аутентичного текста на английском языке из романа Джейн Остин «Гордость и предубеждение» (Jane Austen «Pride and Prejudice». C текстом можно ознакомиться по ссылке: https://drive.google.com/file/d/110G7Xgw64QkGXIpIzpvwBzgXZLdA7Tk4/view?usp=sharing. Выбор текста из данной книги, был обусловлен интересом к прочтению данного произведения в оригинале и выявления отличий с русской версией перевода. В ходе чтения я ознакомилась с новой лексикой, увидела разницу оформления текста между книгами на русском и английском языках, пополнила свой словарный запас.

2.1.2 Написание характеристики 2 персонажей с использованием предложенной схемы и клише.

Были написаны характеристики двух персонажей Мистера Уикхема и Лидии Беннет.

1. Mr. Wickham.

Mr. Wickham, a minor character in Jane Austen’s novel "Pride and Prejudice" is a complex evil character with his own secrets. Mr. Wickham has an attractive appearance and a particular manner of speech that he has skillfully used to his advantage, presenting a lie as truth.

At the first encounter with the main characters of the work, his appearance is described in this way: «His appearance was greatly in his favour; he had all the best part of beauty, a fine countenance, a good figure, and very pleasing address.»

On his first meeting, he encouraged Kitty, Lydia, and Elizabeth to continue their relationship. At the next meeting, Lizzie distinguished him among other officers: «The gentlemen did approach, and when Mr. Wickham walked into the room, Elizabeth felt that she had been neither seeing him before, thinking of since, with the smallest degree of unreasonable admiration. The officers of the ***shire were in general a very creditable, gentlemanlike set, and the best of them were of the present party; but Mr. Wickham was as far beyond them all in person, countenance, air, and walk, as they were superior to the broad-faced, stuffy uncle Phillips, breathing port wine, who followed them into the room. Mr. Wickham was the happy man whom almost every female eye was turned.

But despite his attractive appearance, he turned out to be an antagonist who had always been against Mr. Darcy. He has long deceived everyone, assuring that Mr. Darcy (the protagonist of the novel) is the culprit of his poor and unhappy life, jealous of his father from childhood and not allowing him to receive his rightful inheritance.

«We are not on friendly terms, and it always gives me pain to meet him, but I have no reason for avoiding him but what I might proclaim before all the world, a sense of very great ill-usage, and most painful regrets at his being being he is.

«His behaviour to myself has been scandalous.»

«-What can have induced him to behave so cruelly?»

«-A thorough, determined dislike of me-a dislike which I cannot attribute in some measure to jealousy.» - these words he said to Elizabeth.

In addition to being a skilled liar, he was also a gambler, had a lot of debts.

Elizabeth Bennett is one of the first to know his nature and will be shocked that she was full of prejudices about Mr. Darcy. The truth about Mr. Wickham’s mercantile and cunning comes out after the youngest daughter of the Bennet family, Lydia, escapes with him. The family need to pay money to Mr. Wickham and marry a couple in order to avoid public censure.

The author’s attitude to Mr. Wickham is clearly expressed, and the whole truth is revealed by the reader as he reads along with the protagonists. My attitude towards the character is completely negative and I believe that in this novel he has received a very happy ending, not worthy of him.

2. Mrs. Lydia Bennet.

Mrs. Lydia Bennet is the minor character in novel. She is fifteen years old. She is the youngest sister in the Bennet’s family. Writer describes her in this way: «Lydia was a stout, well-grown girl of fifteen, with a fine complexion and good-humoured countenance; a favourite with her mother, whose affection had brought her into public at an early age. She had high animal spirits, and a sort of natural self-consequence, which the attention of the officers, to whom her uncle's good dinners, and her own easy manners recommended her, had increased into assurance. »

Miss Lydia has poor manners and has often been the cause of her older sisters' shame. Lydia has both bad and good qualities.

She’s frivolous, irresponsible, but uptight and social. Her main goal throughout the novel was to get married quickly, which happened at the end. This is what Lydia says on a trip with her sisters: «Lord! how I should like to be married before any of you; and then I would chaperon you about to all the balls.»

Lydia is selfish, she has absolutely no thoughts about her behavior or how this behavior is related to her family. At every opportunity, she seeks ways to communicate with men. She goes to balls, evenings and receptions with officers. Her permissive attitude to family honour leads to the point that her family could be disgraced. Lydia escapes with no one but mercantile and cunning Mr. Wickham. It’s only thanks to Mr. Darcy that the family keeps their dignity because they marry a couple and pay Mr. Wickham money. But even after the escape and all the family’s experiences and hardships, Lydia feels no guilt at all, she’s fine. After the wedding, she becomes even more selfish because of her married status and starts bragging about her lovely husband.

The writer treats Lydia as a foolish young woman with no special interests or goals. The author has managed to show how much he treats life like Lydia’s. I disdain this character. I didn’t like her personality traits or her keen interest in men at a very young age.

2.1.3. Составление списка из 10 – 15 фразеологических оборотов (идиом) с переводом на русский язык и указанием страницы из источника.

Используя текст выше названного произведения, мною был составлен список фразеологических оборотов и идиом с переводом на русский язык и указанием страницы из источника.

Praseological Units (Idioms)



Keep your breath to cool your porridge'

(Сохраняй свое дыхание, чтобы кашку (или) кашу студить (или) охлаждать.)

Держи язык за зубами. Чем сказать лучше смолчать. Не лезьте в чужие дела.

p.15 line 29

The olive-branch

(Оливковая ветка) Ветка примирения.

p.39 line 40

To be cast down

Быть подавленным, грустить, упасть духом.

p.134 line 39

Shift for oneself

Обходиться без посторонней помощи.

p.202 line 34

Be lost upon somebody

Не заметить, не обратить внимания.

p. 22 line 27

To throw in a good

word (for someone)

Замолвить словечко,рассказать хорошее о человеке

p. 4 line 3

To heal the breach

Положить конец размолвке

p. 39 line 26

Throw oneself at

(someone's) feet

Просить благословения

p. 74 line 12

To be on (your) guard

Быть начеку, быть более осмотрительней

p. 86 line 14

Catch (someone's) fancy

Прийтись по вкусу

p. 102 line 16

Think ill of somebody

Плохо думать о ком-то

p. 113 line 10

Not to care a straw

Не беспокоиться о ком-то или о чём-то

p. 128 line 25

(Be) Out of one's senses

Быть без ума от кого-то

p. 163 line 14

Make haste

Поторопиться, спешить

p. 199 line 1

Pass one's lips

Сорваться с губ, произнести

p. 201 line 16

Благодаря данному заданию, я познакомилась с множеством фразеологических оборотов и идиом, что расширило мой словарный запас.

2.2. Написание письменного сообщения на английском языке об образовательной системе Великобритании.

Было подготовлено письменное сообщение на английском языке о системе образования в Великобритании.

British system of education.

The system of public education in England is organized in three stages of Primary, Secondary and Further Education. The first 2 are compulsory for all children. Further education is voluntary. So children study at school from 5 to 16–18 years old. Then they can go to work, to further education or to university. Over 9.9 million children attend 33,685 state and private schools in Britain. About 93% receive free education financed from public funds, the rest attend fee-paying independent schools. Boys and girls are taught together in most schools. Many children receive pre-school education from the age of three, attending kindergarten. But this is not necessary.

First schooling - primary education, for children from 5 to 11 years of age. There are both public and private primary schools in England. State, in turn, can be non-religious and religious.

Non-religious are elementary schools that are familiar to our understanding, where children are enrolled on a territorial basis. State religious schools-despite the fact that a large role is assigned to religious education, many of these institutions also provide higher-quality academic buildings, in comparison with state non-religious ones.

Compulsory secondary education begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years. Secondary school is traditionally divided into 5 forms: a form to each year. Children study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Art, Geography, Music, a Foreign language and have lessons of Physical training. Religious education is also provided. English, Mathematics and Science are called "core" subjects. At the age of 7,11 and 14 pupils take examinations in the core subjects.

There are 3 types of state secondary schools in Great Britain. They are:

1) comprehensive schools, which take pupils of all abilities without exams. In such schools pupils are often put into certain sets or groups, which are formed according to their abilities for technical or humanitarian subjects. Almost all senior pupils (around 90 per cent) go there;

2) grammar schools, which give secondary education of a very high standard. Entrance is based on the test of ability, usually at 11. Grammar schools are single sexed schools;

3) modern schools, which don't prepare pupils for universities. Education in such schools gives good prospects for practical jobs.

After five years of secondary education, at the age of 16, pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination. When they are in the third or in the forth form, they begin to choose their exam subjects and prepare for them.

After finishing the fifth form pupils can make their choice: they may either leave school and go to a Further Education College or continue their education in the sixth form. Those who stay at school after GCSE, study for 2 more years for "A' (Advanced) Level Exams in two or three subjects which is necessary to get a place at one of British universities. Students who choose to continue their studies after 16 – about two-thirds – work for academic (i.e. study for examinations which lead to higher education) or vocational qualifications which are the main standard for entry to higher education or professional training. These include the General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ), mainly taken between the ages of 16 and 18, which is designed to provide a broad-based preparation for a range of occupations and higher education; the academic General Certificate of Education Advanced (A) level examination taken at the age of 18 or 19, and the Advanced Supplementary (AS) examination.

The final level of education is higher education, which begins at the age of 18. It begins with a bachelor’s degree, which lasts 3-4 years (6 years in medicine). If a bachelor’s degree takes four years, the fourth course offers a first master’s degree.