Файл: Отчет обучающегося по учебной языковой практике по профилю.docx

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Категория: Отчет по практике

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Добавлен: 06.11.2023

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Anyone who has obtained a bachelor’s degree may continue his studies at the following levels:

  1. Master’s degree (1-2 years).

  2. Postgraduate studies (3 years).

  3. There are three types of colleges in the United Kingdom:

Classical (they have been accredited and can issue a bachelor’s degree). Technical (with a narrow curriculum and practical basic training in a particular occupation). Further education (special vocational education, such as engineering, design).
British universities are of two types:

  1. Unitary (these include faculties and departments).

  2. Collegiate (comprising several dozen colleges), such as Cambridge and Oxford Universities

Higher education is free of charge for all British citizens, including foreigners. However, citizens have certain privileges in payment, while foreign students have to pay full tuition fees. There is support for students in the form of scholarships and grants, which are available to particularly gifted students.
The starting time for higher education is October. The school year is divided into three terms, which in turn last between 8 and 10 weeks. The main forms of work in colleges are lectures, seminars and laboratory work. In addition, there are also tutorials for groups of 2-10 students for whom the teacher (tutor) conducts his or her own classes. Students have holidays are from June 1 to September 30.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. Е.И. Бояринцева Education in Great Britain: Учебно-методическое пособие/ Е.И. Бояринцева, Т.П. Руденко. – Омск: Изд-во ОмГУ,2004. – 76 с.

  2. Туристический портал «Руки в Ноги» –M.: RukiVNogi.com ,-2012-2021. -URL: https://rukivnogi.com/great-britain/obrazovanie-v-velikobritanii -


  1. Информационный портал «Study in UK» - М.: Studying-in-UK.org,-2020.- URL: https://www.studying-in-uk.org/uk-education-system-guide/ - 01.06.2021

С помощью данного задания я познакомилась с системой образования Великобритании и её особенностями. Закрепила теоретические знания и практические навыки практической грамматики английского языка.

2.3. Написание письма-запроса в университет на прохождение летних языковых курсов.

Были изучены правила деловой переписки и написано письмо-запрос в университет на прохождение летних языковых курсов.

Adelina Koltsova

10, Polyakova 12

423800 Naberezhnye Chelny



Robert Martin

EF International Language Campus Cambridge

221 Hills Road Cambridge

Cambridge CB2 8RN

Great Britain

Dear Mr Martin,

I am writing with regard to the special summer courses that you offer. I would be very grateful if you could send me a brochure with full detailed information about the courses, and information about accommodation. Would like to know if hostel space is provided.

I am 24 years old and I have been learning English for 2 years. I have some problems with English grammar, listening and speaking, so I want to improve my skills. I want to be an English teacher in the near future so i really need to train my English skills. Do you have any interesting courses for young people which offer all parts of basic English in small groups? As I have a job I would be interested in details about the start date, duration of the courses and the full price of the course including accommodation

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Your sincerely

Adelina Koltsova
В результате изучения правил деловой переписки на английском языке, мной были выявлены такие особенности: деловое письмо должно быть правильно оформленным, коротким и содержательным, написанным грамотно, вежливым.

Выполнив данное задание, я изучила особенности осуществления деловой переписки на иностранном языке, научилась осуществлять деловую переписку на иностранном языке, овладела навыками ведения деловой переписки на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей. Овладела компетенцией УК-4.2: Демонстрирует умение осуществлять деловую переписку на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей.

2.4. Составление списка грамматических явлений из художественной литературы английских авторов с указанием источника и с обозначением функций представленных грамматических явлений (80 примеров).

Также на основе произведения «Гордость и предубеждение» был составлен список грамматических явлений из художественной литературы английских авторов с указанием источника и с обозначением функций представленных грамматических явлений.


Грамма-тические явления

Примеры с обозначением функции

Указание источника


Modal Verbs (15 examples of different types)

  1. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, mustbe in want of a wife. (Confident assumption)

p. 2 line 1

  1. «Come, Darcy,» said he, "I must have you dance. (A duty based on one's own opinion)

p. 8 line 1

  1. On this subject, what can you have to say? (Asking for someone’s opinion)

p. 113 line 27

  1. How can you be so teasing? (Reproach)

p. 5 line 20

  1. I cannot quite agree with you there. (Expression of disbelief)

p. 5 line 29

  1. If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield, and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for. (Expression of hope)

p. 6 line 31

  1. Nothing could be more delightful! (Opinion)

p. 6 line 28

  1. But it is very likely that he mayfall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes. (Possibility)

p. 3 line 18

  1. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves… (Permission)

p. 3 line 20

  1. But I knew I should persuade you at last. ( A duty based on one's own opinion)

p. 6 line 7

  1. You shouldbe so ready to think your own children silly. (Advice)

p.18 line 33

  1. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are the result of previous study? (Permission)

p. 42 last line

  1. I wish I might take this for a compliment. (Possibility)

p. 27 line 1

  1. "If I," said Mr. Collins, "were so fortunate as to be able to sing, I should have great pleasure. (Possibility)

p. 62 line 23

  1. We dine at Rosings twice every week, and are never allowed to walk home. (Permission)

p. 94 line 2


Tenses (20 examples of different tenses)

  1. They attacked him in various ways—with barefaced questions, ingenious suppositions, and distant surmises. (Past Simple- one-off actions in the past)

p. 6 line 23

  1. We dine at Rosings twice every week. (Present Simple- regular action)

p. 94 line 1

  1. But I hope you will getover it, and liveto see many young men of four thousand a year come into the neighbourhood. (Future Simple- general prediction about distante future)

p. 4 line 15

  1. You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them. (Present Continuous-action happening by the moment of speaking)

p. 3 line 16

  1. Your sister has been talkingto me about him, and asking me a thousand questions. (Perfect Continuous-action began on the past, has been going on up to the present moment)

p. 58 line 27

  1. Mr. Darcy was eyeing him with unrestrained wonder. (Past Continuous-action was happening at certain moment in the past)

p. 60 line 6 from the bottom

  1. Bingley was sure of being liked wherever he appeared, Darcy was continually giving offense. (Past Continuous-actions took place simultaneously to each other)

p. 11 line 5

  1. You are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room. (Present Continuos- action is happening now)

p. 8 line 10

  1. We have had a most delightful evening, a most excellent ball. (Present Perfect-the action ended recently and it’s result is important at the time of the speaking)

p.8 line 6 from the bottom

  1. Yes, she called yesterday with her father. (Past Simple. Action happened and ended yesterday)

p. 28 line 1

  1. He has always something to say to everybody. (Present Simple-regular action)

p.28 line 3

  1. You will be having a charming mother-in-law. ( Future Continuous-continued action in the future)

p. 17 line 4 from the bottom

  1. Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three-and-twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character. (Past Perfect Continuous- a long-term action that began and ended in the past)

p. 4 line 18

  1. When the first tumult of joy was over, she began to declare that it was what she had expected all the while. (Past Perfect- the action happened in the past and is the cause of another action in the past)

p. 6 line 6

  1. An invitation to dinner was soon afterwards dispatched; and already had Mrs. Bennet planned the courses that were to do credit to her housekeeping, when an answer arrived which deferred it all.( Past Perfect- the action happened in the past before another action in the past)

p. 7 line 4

  1. Why, at that rate, you will have been here only six weeks. (Future Perfect Continuous- action started in the past and will continue until a certain point in the future)

p.123 line 8 from the bottom

  1. They had often attempted to do it before. (Past Perfect- the action happened in the past before another action in the past)

p. 39 line 12

  1. When is your next ball to be, Lizzy? (Present Continuous- planned action for the future)

p. 5 line 12

  1. I am sorry to hear that; but why did not you tell me that before? (Past Simple- Action happened and ended in the past)

p. 6 line 1

  1. Does she live near you, sir? (Present Simple-regular action)

42 line 12


Passive Voice (10 examples)

The book was written by J.London.

  1. He had the pleasure of being eagerly questioned by his wife and his five daughters at once.

p. 39 line 2

  1. Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England

p. 3 line 4

  1. They werebrightened by the exercise.

p. 23 line 1

  1. I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who areslighted by other men.

p. 8 line 17

  1. Mrs. Bennet had seen her eldest daughter much admired by the Netherfield party.

p. 8 line 24

  1. Mr. Bingley had danced with her twice, and she had been distinguished by his sisters.

p. 8 line 25

  1. Mr. Bingley had not been of age two years, when he was tempted by an accidental recommendation to look at Netherfield House.

p. 10 line 8 from the bottom

  1. By Jane, this attention was received with the greatest pleasure.

p. 13 line 19

  1. She considered with pleasure that it was not likely to be discovered by the world in general.

p. 13 line 25

  1. Every impulse of feeling should be guided by reason.

p. 20 line 5 from the bottom


Conditional Sentences of 3 Types (15 sentences)

If he had studied harder, he would have passed his exams. (3rd type – unreal action in the past)

  1. If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield, and all the others equally well married, I 

shall have nothing to wish for.

p. 39 line 10

  1. If I had been you, I should have tried long ago to do something or other about it.(3rd type – unreal action in the past)

p. 39 line 9

  1. If I had known as much this morning I certainly would not have called on him. (3rd type – unreal action in the past)

p. 6 line 2

  1. "If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield," said Mrs. Bennet to her husband, "and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for." (1st type-possibility in the future)

p. 6 line 4 from the bottom

  1. "If he had had any compassion for me," cried her husband impatiently, "he would not have danced half so much! (Mixed 1 Conditional-present result of a past condition)

p. 9 line 6

  1. If he had been so very agreeable, he would have talked to Mrs. Long. (3rd type – unreal action in the past)

p. 12 line 24

  1. "I would not dance with him, if I were you." (2nd type- imaginary situation in the future)

p. 12 line 8 from the bottom

  1. I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine. (Mixed 1 Conditional-present result of a past condition)

p. 12 last line

  1. If I were as rich as Mr. Darcy," cried a young Lucas, who came with his sisters, "I should not care how proud I was. (2nd type- imaginary situation in the present)

p. 13 line 7 from the bottom

  1. If I were to see you at it, I should take away your bottle directly. (2nd type- imaginary situation in the present)

p. 13 line 3 from the bottom

  1. If she were married to him tomorrow, I should think she hadas good a chance of happiness as if she were to be studying his character for a twelvemonth. (2nd type- imaginary situation in the future)

p. 14 line 25

  1. If my vanity had taken a musical turn, you would have been invaluable. (Mixed 1 Conditional-present result of a past condition)

p.15 line 24

  1. "That would be a good scheme," said Elizabeth, "if you were sure that they would not offer to send her home." (2nd type- imaginary situation in the future)

p. 19 line 8 from the bottom

  1. I would go and see her if I could have the carriage. (2nd type- imaginary situation in the future)

p. 20 line 15 from the bottom

  1. But if you will listen to his letter, you may perhaps be a little softened by his manner of expressing himself. (1st type-possibility in the future)

p. 39 line 16


Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (Infinitive, Gerund, Participle I, Participle II) (20 examples)

  1. Do you not want to know who has taken it? (Infinitive- after “want” , expressions of desire- the infinitive is used, to express purpose.

p. 3 line 1

  1. Lady Lucas was a very good kind of woman, not too clever to be a valuable neighbour to Mrs. Bennet. (Infinitive- after “too” the infinitive is used.)

p. 11 line 8

  1. This is not quite enough to make her understand his character. (Infinitive- after “enough” the infinitive is used.)

p. 14 line 18

  1. Mamma would like to go too of all things! (Infinitive- after “would like” and expressions of desire- the infinitive is used.)

p. 128 line 5

  1. I shall not be able to keep you—and so I warn you. (Infinitive- after “be able to” the infinitive is used.)

p. 69 line 22

  1. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. (Gerund-is the object in this sentence)

p. 2 line 5

  1. You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it. (Gerund-is the object in this sentence, expresses a process in a noun)

p. 3 line 2

  1. You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them. (Gerund-is the object in this sentence, expresses a process in a noun)

p. 3 line 16

  1. You take delight in vexing me. (Gerund-is the object in this sentence, expresses a process in a noun)

p. 4 line 9

  1. She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. (Gerund-is the object in this sentence, expresses a process in a noun)

p. 4 line 20

  1. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. (Participle 1- present tense, active voice, as an adjective)

p. 2 line 5

  1. Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat, he suddenly addressed her with. (Participle 1- present tense, active voice.)

p. 4 line 5 from the bottom

  1. I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner. (Participle 1- present tense, active voice.)

p. 8 line 2

  1. "About a month," said Elizabeth; and then, unwilling to let the subject drop, added, "He is a man of very large property in Derbyshire, I understand." (Participle 1- present tense, active voice.)

p. 48 line 1

  1. They are young in the ways of the world, and not yet open to the mortifying conviction that handsome young men must have something to live on as well as the plain. (Participle 1- present tense, active voice.)

p. 90 line 1

  1. He had entertained hopes of being admitted to a sight of the young ladies, of whose beauty he had heard much; but he saw only the father. (Participle 2- passive voice)

p. 6 last line

  1. Mr. Darcy danced only once with Mrs. Hurst and once with Miss Bingley, declined being introduced to any other lady, and spent the rest of the evening in walking about the room, speaking occasionally to one of his own party. (Participle 2- passive voice)

p. 7 line 11 from the bottom

  1. His character was decided. (Participle 2- passive voice)

p. 7 line 8 from the bottom

  1. She saw instantly that her cousin's manners were not altered by his marriage. (Participle 2- passive voice)

p. 93 line 1

  1. Here, leading the way through every walk and cross walk, and scarcely allowing them an interval to utter the praises he asked for, every view was pointed out with a minuteness which left beauty entirely behind. (Participle 2- passive voice)

p. 93 line 21

Данное задание способствовало решению таких задач практики:

- закрепление теоретических знаний по основным грамматическим категориям;

- закрепление практических навыков, полученных при изучении дисциплины «Практическая грамматика иностранного языка»;

Т.к при работе над этим заданием я основывалась на знаниях, полученных при изучении дисциплины «Практическая грамматика иностранного языка», при возникновении трудностей, обращалась к записям теоретического материала по данной дисциплине, и закрепила практические навыки при поиске и обработке, найденных в художественной литературе грамматических явлений.

3. Практическая помощь, оказанная обучающимся в период прохождения практики.

В случае возникновения каких-либо незнакомых, непонятных для меня вопросов, мне давалась подробная консультация со стороны руководителя практики- Родионовой Светланы Александровны.

4. Положительные моменты практики.

Благодаря данной практике я закрепила, как и знания по грамматике английского языка, так и по лексике. Я пополнила свой словарный запас, улучшила навык чтения и написания делового письма.

5. Проблемы и затруднения при прохождении практики.

Проблем и затруднений при прохождении практики не возникало. Задания были подобраны по среднему уровню знаний студентов, не были слишком простыми и слишком сложными.

6. Оценка умений и навыков, приобретенных на практике.

В результате прохождения учебной ознакомительной практики были сформированы следующие компетенции:

УК-4: Способен осуществлять деловую коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на государственном языке Российской Федерации и иностранном(ых) языке(ах)

Индикаторы достижения компетенций:

УК-4.7: Осуществляет выбор коммуникативных стратегий и тактик при ведении деловых переговоров

УК-4.2: Демонстрирует умение осуществлять деловую переписку на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей


- особенности осуществления деловой переписки на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей.


- осуществлять деловую переписку на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей.


- навыкамиведения деловой переписки на иностранном языке с учетом социокультурных особенностей.
ОПК-8: Способен осуществлять педагогическую деятельность на основе специальных научных знаний

Индикаторы достижения компетенций:

ОПК-8.1: Демонстрирует специальные научные знания в т.ч. в предметной области


- специфику осуществления педагогической деятельности на основе специальных научных знаний;


- осуществлять педагогическую деятельность на основе специальных научных знаний;


- навыками осуществления педагогической деятельности на основе специальных научных знаний;

- специальными научными знаниями, в т.ч. в предметной области.

Считаю, что данные компетенции сформированы на достаточном уровне.

7. Общие выводы о практике, достижение цели и задач практики.

В целом можно сделать вывод, что уровень полученных знаний и компетенций– средний, т.к мне часто приходилось обращаться к словарям, учебным пособиям и веб. сайтам.

Цель и задачи практики были достигнуты в полной мере.

8. Пожелания и предложения в адрес факультета, университета по организации практики.

В дальнейшем к заданиям по учебной языковой практике было бы хорошо добавить онлайн -тестирования, интерактивные задания для закрепления, проверки, оценки своих знаний.
Дата составления 06.06.2023
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