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Unit 2

Eating & Drinking

Part A

Grammar and vocabulary

A Joe and Karl are discussing a party they’re giving. Choose the most appropriate word(s) to fill the gap. 0 means that no word is necessary.


Joe: We need … a shopping list for Saturday’s party.

a making

b to make

c for to make

1 Karl: OK, I’m happy … shopping later.

a go

b going

c to go

2 Joe: I’d like to do that Brazilian dish. Have we got … black beans?

a a

b some

c any

3 Karl: No, we haven’t, so I’ll get some. I want to make ... pasta dish, too.

a a

b 0

c some

4 Joe: OK, I’ll put … pasta on the list.

a a

b 0

c some

5 Karl: Have we got … crisps?

a enough

b few

c much

6 Joe: No, we need to get some. Can you buy … bags of them?

a much

b a few

c many

7 Oh, and don’t forget to buy … bread – we need a lot.

a 0

b any

c a

8 Karl: OK. This is a great excuse … to that big new supermarket. I love it there!

a go

b going

c to go

9 Joe: Is there anything else we need? How … glasses have we got?

a much

b many

c 0

10 Karl: We’ve got a few, but I can borrow … extra glasses from my brother.

a some

b any

c an

B Underline the correct restaurant phrases:


a Hello. A table for six, please.

b Hello. Six for a table, please.

c Hello. A table, please.


a We’ve got a table.

b We’ve got a reservation.

c We’re reserved.


a I have the bill?

b Could I have the bill?

c Can I pay?


a What will you order?

b What are you ordering?

c What would you like to order?


a Did you enjoy your meal?

b Do you enjoy your meal?

c Did you enjoy?

C Complete the sentences with these words.

breakfast bitter serve lunch

15 I don’t like that. It tastes very ……….

16 I often just have a sandwich at my desk for ……….

17 I usually have toast and coffee for ……….

18 We usually ………. potatoes or pasta with this dish.

D Complete the missing words.


I can’t start the morning without a cup of coffee.

19 Jan usually drinks two b_ _ _ _ _ _ of w_ _ _ _ every day.

20 Can you get a c_ _ _ _ _ of j_ _ _ _ from the shop, please?

21 My son loves to drink a g_ _ _ _ of m_ _ _ before he goes to bed.

22 I often have a c_ _ of c_ _ _ with my lunch.

E Write the correct word for each definition.


a container used for boiling water a kettle

23 a large piece of equipment that you cook food in

24 a piece of equipment you use for making toast

25 the place where you do the washing up

26 an object you use for eating soup

F Underline the odd-word-out.


arm hand foot

27 leg knee back

28 ear nails nose

29 brain finger hand

30 elbow muscle arm

Part B

Reading, listening and pronunciation

G Reading

Read the information about how to eat sushi. Decide if the sentences are True (T), False (F) or if the text Doesn’t say (D)? Choose Doesn’t say if there is not enough information to answer true or false.

How to eat sushi

Sushi is a very famous dish from Japan and it is one of the most popular dishes in Japan too. There are lots of different types, but basically it is cold cooked rice flavoured with vinegar, then made into bite-sized pieces. It either has fish on top or it is like a roll with fish, egg or vegetables inside, and seaweed on the outside. There are some rules about eating sushi, but they aren’t difficult!

Step 1: What to expect

On the table, you will see a napkin, a plate, a small block called a hashi oki for resting your chopsticks on and a small dish to pour soy sauce into.

Step 2: Chopsticks

It is usually easier to eat larger pieces of sushi with your fingers, but you should also use chopsticks for some pieces.

Never pass food to other people from your chopsticks to theirs. This is like part of a Japanese funeral ritual and it is considered very offensive.

Step 3: Soy sauce

Soy sauce is the usual dipping sauce for sushi. Pour a little of the soy sauce into your dish. Don't use too much – this is considered greedy and wasteful.

Step 4: Eating the sushi

Pick the sushi up and dip it fish-side down in the soy sauce. Do not put the rice into the sauce, this will make it too wet and difficult to eat. Put the sushi in your mouth fish-side down too, as it is the flavour of the fish, not the rice, that you want to taste first. You should really eat the sushi piece in one go, or maybe two. Try not to leave any food on your plate. It is considered especially rude to leave rice.


Vinegar is the main ingredient in sushi. F

31 Sushi is cold.

32 The seaweed is usually on the outside.

33 You put your chopsticks on the napkin.

34 There are usually six pieces of sushi on the plate.

35 It is polite to pass your food to another person.

36 You pour soy sauce onto your sushi.

37 You don’t have soy sauce with all kinds of sushi.

38 You want to taste the fish first.

39 Try to eat sushi in no more than two bites.

40 It is polite to leave rice on your plate.

H Listening

Listen to tips about eating out and staying healthy. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?


Restaurant meals are often low in fat. F

41 You may enjoy your meal more if you don’t eat a lot in the day.

42 Always order a dessert – a meal isn’t complete without one.

43 Have the salad dressing separate from the salad.

44 Don’t drink too much wine.

45 It’s a good idea to order cheese before a dessert.

46 It isn’t possible to eat out and enjoy yourself.


Global Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Resource CD Unit Test 2

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