Файл: Л.Ю. Галкина Higher education in Russia (Высшее образование в России).pdf

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I. Read these international words. Guess their meanings. Remember: they often have several possible translations.

Centre, lecture, instructor, rector, figure, practice, rent, administrative, occupy, metre, accredit, period, polytechnic, definition, title.

II. State what parts of speech they are. Translate.

Lecture – lecturer, instruct – instructor – instruction, speed – speedy, grow – growth, occupy – occupation, accomplish – accomplishment, construct – construction – constructor, administrate – administration – administrative, define – definition – defining.

III. Read the following meanings of the word in italics and then translate the sentences below.

number n quantity, amount; v amount to

1.In 1950 the student body numbered only 300 persons.

2.The number of full-time students is 6 900.

3.We number 20 in all.

4.What’s the number of people coming to see the Motor Show?

IV. Read the passage below and give a free translation of it.

The Kuzbass State Technical University, KuzSTU for short, is one of the major institutions of higher learning and research centres in West Siberia. It was founded in 1950 as the Mining Institute becoming the seventh higher mining school in this country. At that time the student body numbered only 300 persons and there were fewer than 20 lecturers and instructors. Its first rector was T. F. Gorbachov, a prominent figure in the mining science and practice. For some eight years the Institute held classes in space rented from the Mining Technical School based on the right bank of the river Tom. The first graduating class of 1955 numbered 236 people, twelve of them taking diplomas with distinction. The Institute began a period of a speedy growth under the leadership of Professor P.I. Kokorin. One of his accomplishments was the construction of the administrative and classroom building that occupied a 17,500-square meter plot of land in the centre of Kemerovo. The sixties-eighties (under V.G. Kozhevin and M.S. Safokhin) were the years of tremendous growth in enrolment and facilities. In 1965 the Mining Institute was accredited as the Kuzbass Polytechnic. The late eighties and early


nineties were the defining period in the history of the Institute. In 1993 it assumed a title of technical university.

V. Suggest their English equivalents.

Один из крупнейших исследовательских центров, седьмой горный вуз страны, называть кратко, общее число студентов, под руководством, ускоренный рост, арендовать площади, проводить занятия, первый выпуск, получить диплом с отличием, учебный корпус, определяющий период в истории университета, огромный рост числа студентов и возможностей вуза, принять звание технического университета.

VI. Complete the chart with some important events in the life of the University.











VII. Ask some Yes/No and Whquestions on the passage.

VIII. Using the chart above speak on the important events in the life of the University.



Check the following vocabulary.

compose v


mine n

шахта, рудник

liberal arts

гуманитарные науки

extra-mural a


branch n

филиал, отделение

opportunity n

благоприятная возможность

available a

доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении

create v

творить, создавать

teaching staff

профессорско-преподавательский состав

win v (won, won)

победить, выиграть

enter v (the) university)

поступать (в университет)


I. Read these international words. Guess their meanings.

Olympiad, electrical, technology, machine, military, information, career, physics, mathematics, coordinate.

II. State what parts of speech they are. Translate.

Mechanic – mechanics – mechanical – mechanize, chemistry – chemical – chemist, economy – economic – economist – economics, prepare – preparation – preparatory, act – action – active – activity – interaction, prefer – preference – preferential, conductor – conduct – conduction – conductivity, assistant – assistance – assist, enter – entrance – entry, apply – applicant, create – creation – creator – creational – recreational, win – winner.

III. Read the following meanings of the word head and then translate the sentences below.

head n ruler, chief, smb. in the position of command; v be at the head or top of

1.The Prime Minister of Great Britain heads the government.

2.The head of the University is the Rector.

3.Chairpersons head University’s departments.

IV. Read the passage.

The University is composed of nine faculties, those of mining, mining electrical and mechanical engineering, chemistry and chemical technology, mechanics and machine building, mine construction, economics, arts, extra-mural education, military training with numerous courses within them. There are 53 departments. Students are trained in 34 subject areas of technical and engineering science. The University has got its branches in six other towns of Kuzbass. There is also a preparatory department. The University’s Centre of Pre-Higher Education coordinates programmes for pupils of senior forms applying to the University. It assists them in obtaining the necessary information about admission to the University and career opportunity available to its graduates, creates interaction between them and teaching staff members of the University, organizes Olympiads in physics, mathematics, and chemistry. The winners have got the preferential right to enter the University.

V. Say these in English.

Электротехника, заочное обучение, военная подготовка, иметь филиалы в других городах, инженерно-техническая наука, центр довузовской подготовки, подгото-


вительное отделение, получать необходимую информацию о приёме в университет, имеющиеся возможности продвижения по службе, создавать взаимодействие, проводить олимпиады по различным предметам, обладать преимущественным правом.

VI. Find synonyms.

a)assist, extra-mural students, the humanities, build, be made up of, branch, get;

b)unit, construct, obtain, help, correspondence students, be composed of, liberal arts

VII. Answer these questions.

1.How many faculties is the University composed of?

2.Could you name them, please?

3.Does the University have branches in other towns of the region?

4.How many departments are there in the University?

5.Has the University got a preparatory department?

6.In how many subject areas of technical and engineering science are students trained at the University?

7.What are the functions of the University’s Centre of Pre-Higher Education?

8.The winners of Olympiads have got the preferential right to enter the University, haven’t they?



Are you familiar with these words and expressions?

current a

текущий, теперешний

faculty n

факультет; профессорско-


преподавательский состав кафедры (Аm E

employ v


предоставлять работу

senior teacher

старший преподаватель

earn v

зарабатывать; заслуживать

corresponding member


invent v


scholar n


active professional


ratio n


be responsible (for)

быть ответственным (за)

be in charge (of)

заведовать, отвечать (за)

run v

руководить, управлять

affair n

дело, занятие

managerial a

ведающий хозяйством

dean n




sub-dean n

зам. декана

deal v (dealt) (with)

иметь дело (с)

matter n

вопрос, дело

progress n


pick up information

получать информацию, сведения

bulletin board

доска объявлений

announce v

объявлять, сообщать

active professionals


I. Read these international words. Guess their meanings. Remember: they often have several possible translations.

Pro-rector, progress, natural, professionals, contact, commercial, discipline, business, policy, total, prize, bulletin.

II. State what parts of speech they are. Translate.

Current – currently, academy – academician – academic, invent – invention – inventor

– inventive, honour – honoured – honorary, announce – announcement, response – responsible – responsibility – responsive, day – daily, employ – employer – employee – employment – unemployment – unemployed, natural – nature – naturally.

III. Read the following passage.

Currently the University employs over 700 teaching staff members (teachers/instructors (Am E), senior teachers, assistant professors, professors). More than half of them have academic degrees and honorary titles. Each of ten faculty members earned doctorate. There are about 70 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and other academies, state-prize winners, honoured scholars and inventors. There are also active professionals who share with students their daily experience in industries.

The student-teacher ratio at the University is 14:1. The KuzSTU has a total number of 11,120 students. The number of full-time students is 6, 890. Besides, over 9,000 students are on full and part time at the University’s branches.

The head of the University is the rector, elected for a term of five years. He is responsible for the general policy and organization of the University. Pro-rectors are also involved in its running. They are in charge of academic affairs, research, external


relations, commercial-contact and managerial affairs. The head of the faculty is called the dean. He is a member of the teaching staff who spends much of his time on faculty business. The next under him administratively is the sub-dean, dealing with matters of students’ discipline and progress. If a student has questions or needs help the dean’s office is the place to go. Here he can pick up information and check the board for announcements. Each faculty consists of several departments. The chairperson of a department is called the head of the department.

IV. Ask your group-mates these questions.

1.How many teaching staff members does the KuzSTU employ?

2.How are the members of the teaching staff ranked?

3.Is the academic and pedagogical potential of the University high? Give facts to support your point of view.

4.What’s the total number of students involved in all forms of studies?

5.How many students are on full time?

6.What’s the student-teacher ratio?

7.Who is the head of the University?

8.How many pro-rectors are there and what are they responsible for?

9.What are the dean’s/sub-dean’s duties?

10. Where can students pick up any information they need?

V. Complete the diagrams with words from the previous passages.


number (employ, …)


rank (senior, …)


number (total, …)


subject areas (train, …)







































forms of studies (part-time, …)

degrees, titles (doctorate, …)











































(be responsible for, … )














































(involve, …)








(faculty business, …)








































































(deal with, …)











Heads of departments

(chairperson, …)




VI. Work with a partner.

A foreign student is interested in structural organization of Russian universities. Think of some questions he could ask and answers to be given. Make up a dialogue using the communicative schemes above.



Do you know the meaning of these words and expressions?

campus n

кампус, территория университета

exceed v


magnificent a

величественный; разг. прекрасный

erect v

сооружать; воздвигать

equip v






reference area

справочный отдел


зд. фонды (библиотеки)

interlibrary loan services

межбиблиотечный абонемент

borrow v (from, of)

брать на время (у кого-л.)

volume n

том, книга

identification card

удостоверение личности


электронная почта

access n


comprise v

включать, заключать в себе

care v (about, оf, fоr)

заботиться (о ком-либо)

reason n

разум; причина, основание

hostel n (hall – colloq)


furnish v

обставлять мебелью, меблировать

lounge n

холл или комната для отдыха

refectory n

студенческая столовая

coffee bar n


laundry n


shower-room n


dental surgery n

зубоврачебный кабинет

hairdresser’s (shop) n

дамская парикмахерская

barber’s (shop) n

мужская парикмахерская

shoemaker’s (shop) n

мастерская по ремонту обуви

skiing lodge n

лыжная база

shooting gallery n


be proud (of)


amateur n

любитель, дилетант



~ talent groups

художественная самодеятельность

auditorium n

зрительный зал

rehearsal n


company n


merry a


ready-witted a

находчивый, сообразительный

have at one’s disposal.

иметь в своём распоряжении

I. Read these international words. Guess their meanings. Remember: they often have several possible translations.

The Internet, laboratory, assembly, microcomputer, identification, mineralogical, club, geological, museum, hospital, complex, popular, residence, festival, talent, group, athletic, recreational, service.