Файл: Л.Ю. Галкина Higher education in Russia (Высшее образование в России).pdf

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II. State what parts of speech they are. Translate.

Equip – equipped – equipment, erect – erection, assemble – assembly, refer – reference, library – interlibrary – librarian, identification – identify – identical, access – accessible

inaccessible – accessibility, geological – geology – geologist, annual – annually, popular – unpopular – popularity – popularize – popularizing, history – historical – historic – historian – historicity, reason – reasonable – unreasonable – reasonably, care

careful – carefully – careless, vary – various – variety.

III. Read the following meanings of the words in italics that belong to more than one part of speech and then translate the sentences below.

total a entire;

v amount to


1.The total area of the Kuzbass State Technical University exceeds 102 000 sq. m.

2.The University library holdings total nearly 600 000 volumes.

3.What were their total debts?

4.The visitors to the exhibition total 15 000.

5.Our expenses reached the total of $50.

house n a building made for people to live in; v provide space for

1.We’ve bought a new house.

2.We can house you and your friends if the hotels are full.

3.New houses are growing up everywhere.

4.The Main Building houses administrative and faculty offices, a computer centre, a library, numerous well-equipped laboratories and classrooms.

IV. Study carefully the passage below.

Nowadays, the KuzSTU is made up of eight buildings (five of which are on the main University campus) that offer students modern laboratory and library facilities, the latest in computer technology and equipment. Their total area exceeds 102 000 sq. m. The centrepiece of the campus is the magnificent Main Building erected in 1958. It houses administrative and faculty offices, an assembly-hall, gymnasiums, a library, a computer centre, numerous well-equipped laboratories and classrooms. The library includes several reading rooms, stacks, and reference areas. Its holdings total nearly 602 000 volumes. Readers may also use interlibrary loan services. To borrow books from the library you need an identification card. The University Computer Centre and


microcomputer laboratories use more than 550 computers available both for computeraided education and for general purposes, including access to the Internet and E-mail. The KuzSTU comprises the mineralogical and geological museum, and the museum of its history.

The University cares deeply about its students and staff. On the campus there is a students’ hospital and a refectory. The University dining service provides a variety of popular meals at a reasonable cost. The classroom buildings house dining areas and coffee bars. University housing includes 3 nine-storеyed hostels with bedrooms shared between 2-4 students. There is also a hostel for married students. Residences are furnished, have lounges with TV-sets and laundry facilities and are equipped with kitchens and shower-rooms. There is a dental surgery, a hairdresser’s shop, a barber’s shop, and a shoemaker’s shop in the hostels. The University has a skiing lodge, 5 gymnasiums, a shooting gallery, numerous sports grounds and athletic fields.

The students are proud of their Lozha (Box) amateur theatre. It was established in 1990 and has its own auditorium and rehearsal rooms. Its company took part in several theatrical festivals held in this country and abroad and more than once became a prizewinner. The students performed their plays in Belgium, Austria, and South Korea. In 2002 the company was invited to the Royal Court international festival (London) to show the performance “Coal-Mining Basin”. The Students’ Spring festivals of amateur talent groups held annually in March are very popular with students. The University’s

Club of Merry and Ready-Witted Persons is well known in Siberia, too. The University’s chess club has trained two international grandmasters, a number of international masters, and a world champion among students. Our students have good facilities for study, research and rest at their disposal.

V. Ask your group-mates these questions.

1.How many buildings is the University made up of?

2.Are all of them on the main campus?

3.What’s the centrepiece of the campus?

4.When was the Main Building erected?

5.What does it house?

6.How are the numerous laboratories equipped?

7.Is there a good library in the University? What can you say about it?


8.Are non-resident students given accommodation?

9.What facilities for study/research/rest do the students of the University have at their disposal?

VI. What would you expect to find in these places?

A university campus, a library, a computer centre, a hostel, a recreational centre, a classroom building, a classroom, a laboratory, a refectory

VII. Work with a partner

Imagine you are going to live in one of the university’s hostel. Which person would you like to live with?

Imagine your father/mother recently got back from a visit to your sister/brother who lives in the University hostel. What questions could you ask him/her? Think of four or five questions.

An applicant asks you where he can get an inexpensive meal. What could you recommend?



Is the following vocabulary familiar to you?

expose v

подвергать воздействию, зд. предлагать

extra-curricular a

дополнительный, предлагаемый сверх программы

elective а

факультативный, выбираемый по интересу

optional а

необязательный; факультативный

competitive а

конкурирующий; конкурсный

fully-fledged а

знающий, квалифицированный (инженер)

civil engineering

гражданское строительство

core n

ядро; суть; стержень

involve v


range n

ряд; сфера

engage v

заниматься (чем-л.); вовлекать

advanced а

передовой, продвинутый

request n

просьба, требование; запрос, заявка

at /by ~

по просьбе, по заявке

enterprise n

промышленное предприятие

I. Read these international words. Guess their meanings. Remember: they often have several possible translations.

Reputation, cultural, social, expose, elective, intensively, balance, seminar, combine, stage, principle, basis, conduct, dozen, experiment, project, publish.


II. State what parts of speech they are. Translate.

Competitive – compete – competition – competitor, culture – cultural – intercultural, intensive – intensively – intensity – intensify – intensification, develop – development

– developing – developed, know – knowledge – knowledgeable – known – unknown, balance – balanced – balancer.

III. Study carefully the passage below.

The University has a good reputation for the quality of its educational programmes. The KuzSTU exposes its students to many different cultural, social, and extra-curricula programmes (elective and optional courses). Entry into the University is competitive. Applicants are admitted on the basis of their results in entrance examinations. Students are trained intensively to become fully-fledged specialists. Professional programmes in mining, civil engineering, electrical engineering, economics, chemistry, business, etc. are balanced with a solid core curriculum in the humanities and social sciences. They involve both academic (lectures, seminars, practical study in laboratories) and practical training (experience). The university offers a range of part-time programmes for those who want to combine work with study. The course of study lasts for 5 years and 10 months. There are short-study programmes, too.

The multilevel principle of training specialists with the completion of each staged course is the basis of the curriculum. Today, the University offers 12 four-year baccalaureate programmes, 2 five-year master’s degree programmes and senior educational certificate of proficiency programmes in 34 technical and engineering fields of knowledge.

At present nearly 300 post-graduate students and about 20 candidates for doctorates are busy with research work at the University. Research at the KuzSTU is conducted in faculties, 5 research units and 5 experimenting laboratories. Talented students are engaged in advanced research projects or development work at the request of industrial enterprises. The University publishes Vestnik (Bulletin), a magazine of faculty and post-graduates.


IV. Read through the paragraph again to pick out the equivalents of the following Russian phrases and word-combinations. Try to memorize them.

Иметь хорошую репутацию; качество образовательных программ; дополнительные программы; факультативные/элективные курсы; поступление на конкурсной основе; принимать по результатам вступительных экзаменов; готовить квалифицированных специалистов; включать как академическую, так и практическую подготовку; обязательные программы по гуманитарным и общественным дисциплинам; десятки областей инженерно-технических знаний; совмещать работу с учёбой; программа ускоренной подготовки; принцип многоуровневой подготовки специалистов; заниматься научной работой; вовлекать в исследование; по просьбе промышленных предприятий.

V. Ask your group-mates these questions.

1.Does the KuzSTU train fully-fledged specialists?

2.Is entry into the University competitive?

3.How are applicants admitted?

4.What programmes does the University offer to its students?

5.What are professional programmes balanced with?

6.Are all subjects compulsory?

7.What’s done for those who want to combine work with study?

8.What principle is the basis of the curriculum?

9.In how many fields of knowledge does the University award Bachelor’s degrees /Master’s degrees /diplomas?

10.How is research work conducted at the University?

11.Where can the University teachers and post-graduates publish their papers?



How many of these words and expressions do you know?

term n /AmE semester


take an examination (exam)

сдавать экзамен

pass an examination

сдать экзамен

fail (in) an exam

не сдать, завалить экзамен

success n

успех, удача

credit (test) n


grant n

грант; стипендия

monthly allowance /


scholarship /редк. stipend n

ежемесячная стипендия

drop out (from)

исключаться (из вуза)

period n

учебное время, учебный час





class n

класс; время начала занятий; курс обучения;


выпуск студентов



~ take classes (in)

проходить курс обучения (где-либо.)


~ get /obtain a class

окончить курс с отличием


expect v

предполагать, полагать



attend v

посещать; присутствовать


schedule (Am E) n / timetable





составлять или включать в расписание

gap n

окно (в расписании)



miss v

пропускать (занятия, лекции)


emergency n








I. Read these international words. Guess their meanings. Remember: they often have several possible translations.

Semester, system, test, minute, interval, normally, regularly, stipend, grant.

II. State what parts of speech they are. Translate.

Examination – re-examination – examine – examiner, success – successful – unsuccessful – successfully – unsuccessfully, fail – failure – failed, require – required – requirement, absent – absence, permit – permission – permissive – permissiveness – permissible, regular – regularly – regularity – irregular – irregularly – regulative – regulate – regulation – regulator, ill – illness, normal – abnormal – normality – normally – abnormality – normalize – normalization, emergency – emergent.

III. Translate these sentences into Russian paying attention to the word class.

1.He graduated from the University in the class of 1990.

2.When is class?

3.Ann and I were classmates last term.

4.My brother takes classes in а medical college.

5.Bob hopes to obtain a class.

IV. Study the passage below.

The University is on a semester system. The nine-month academic year is divided into two terms (semesters). The autumn term begins in September and ends in late January. The spring term runs from mid-February to late June. Tests and examinations are taken at the end of the terms. If students pass them successfully, they receive monthly allowances (scholarships/grants). Students who fail (in) an exam may have reexamination (take it again). Those who fail to have a required number of credits or


unable to pass the exams drop out from the University. Lectures and classes usually start at 9 o’clock. Each of them consists of two periods lasting for forty-five minutes. There are 5-minute breaks between periods, and 20-minute breaks between classes. The period when staff and students have lunch is called a lunch hour. Normally the students have three or four classes a day. Sometimes they have gaps. Every student must attend all regularly scheduled lectures and mustn’t miss classes except for illness and emergencies.

V. Answer these questions.

1.What system is the University on?

2.How many terms is the academic year divided into? What are they?

3.When are tests and exams taken?

4.Is it necessary to have a required number of credits to take examinations?

5.Do all the students receive monthly allowances?

6.When are classes?

7.How long do the classes and lectures last?

8.How many lectures and classes a day do the students have?

9.Are absences permitted?

VI. Work with a partner. Find out what a student usually does if s/he

- fails in an exam

- has ‘flu

- is late for a lecture

- misses lessons

- can’t pass his/her exams


VII. Find out what your partner has already done today. VIII. Ask your partner to comment his/her schedule.



Check the following vocabulary.

maintain v

поддерживать; сохранять

collaboration n

сотрудничество; совместная работа

abroad adv

за границей; за границу

backing n

поддержка; субсидирование

Board of Trustees

совет попечителей

remarkable a

замечательный, удивительный; выдающийся

take part (in)

принимать участие (в)

average a

средний; обычный