Файл: Л.Ю. Галкина Неличные формы глагола (английский язык).pdf

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goods, to go up, are certain. 13. I, wanted, him, as soon as possible, to come. 14. Everybody, the news, to know, happened.

V. Преобразуйте предложения, используя сложное подлежащее и сложное дополнение с toформой.

Model: At one time everybody believed that the world was flat. At one time the world was believed to be flat.

At one time everybody believed the world to be flat.

1. They suppose that the house costs a million dollars. 2. Everyone knows that Leo Tolstoi is one of the greatest Russian writers. 3. They thought that I was the captain of the team. 4. They declared that the case was very serious. 5. Everybody believes that football is one of the oldest games in existance. 6. They assume that the diameter of the sun equals to about 1,391,000 km. 7. One knows that coal has been formed in the earth by action of geological forces and favourable biochemical conditions. 8. They say that V. Peskov is writing a new collection of stories about animals. 9. Everyone expects that the weather will change.

V. Проанализируйте и переведите предложения, в которых toфор- мы и содержащие их обороты выполняют различные функции.

1. To be or not to be – that is the question. 2. He tried to ring the airport but the number was engaged. 3. I am going into town today to do some shopping. 4. We wanted to sit down and rest but all the seats were occupied. 5. To cross the Rubicon is to take a final step. 6. John and Mary seem to have been made for each other. 7. His jokes made us all laugh. 8. The expedition was reported to have reached the North Pole. 9. Her only aim in life was to become famous. 10. The lecture to be delivered deals with some social problems. 11. They earn enough to buy what they need. 12. The manager found him to be the right man for the job. 13. The purpose of the book is to give you a good idea of life in ancient Greece.14. There seemed to be a need of reforms. 15. We turned off the radio so as to let him sleep. 16. The problem to be discussed concerns (касается) everyone. 17. The purpose of his coming here was to borrow (занимать) money from me. 18. The information will help you prepare for the seminar. 19. Everyone is to be here in time. 20. You should have been more careful. 21. These young men might have been my students.



Скажите, сколько и какие видовременные и залоговые формы имеют –ing формы (при необходимости обратитесь к Таблице 1).

Изучая Таблицу 4, скажите:

а) какими членами предложения могут быть -ing формы;

б) в каких функциях перевод -ing форм и toформ совпадает (сравните по таблицам);

в) какие формальные признаки могут иметь -ing формы в функции обстоятельства (запомните эти предлоги и союзные слова) и каковы способы их перевода;

г) на что могут указывать -ing формы в функции левого определения (перед определяемым словом) и как это отражается на их переводе;

д) как переводятся -ing формы в функции правого определения (после определяемого слова).

Не следует путать -ing формы с отглагольными (образованными прибавлением -ing к основе глагола) существительными. Запомните, что неличные формы

не имеют:

-окончания множественного числа,

-относящегося к ним артикля

или прилагательного,

- следующего за ними предлога of;


- предшествующие им предлоги

(for, of, by и др.),

-притяжательные местоиме-

ния (his, their и др.),

-существительные в притяжа-

тельном падеже (Nelly’s, baby’s).

I. Опираясь на формальные признаки, определите, чем являются слова с -ing окончанием (неличной формой, отглагольным существительным).

Sayings, boiling water, boiling point, a clapping of hands, crying children, coming of spring, baby’s crying, the pleasure of seeing you, openings, his having read this story, the getting of tickets, while singing a song, the idea of building a house, the killing of bacteria, Helen’s singing, after nationalizing the factories, 50 per cent savings in cost, the process of making, without testing the machine, types of buildings, by pressing the button.


II. Переведите словосочетания, с -ing формами в функции определения, обращая внимание на их место и значение.

A swimming boat, a swimming-pool, the boy swimming across the river, run- ning-shoes, the distance being run, a running dog, a sportsman running the distance, a man walking along the road, a flying saucer, a woman writing a letter, the letter being written, a chance of getting a grant, different ways of solving the problem, a writing-desk, a galloping horse, a flying suit, a driving licence, the following year.

III. Учитывая временное и залоговое значение -ing форм в функции обстоятельства, дайте возможные переводы предложений.

1. Carrying out the experiment the research workers collected interesting data. 2. By carrying out the experiment the research workers collected interesting data. 3. Having carried out the experiment the research workers analyzed its results. 4. When carrying out the experiment the research workers collected interesting data. 5. Being carried out by the research workers, the experiment gave interesting data. 6. Having been carried out by the research workers the experiment was described in the scientific journal. 7. You’ll help me greatly by checking these exercises. 8. Having done the exercise the students checked it all together. 9. Having been done the exercise was checked. 10. While doing the exercise the students made some mistakes. 11. Being done, the exercise was checked at once. 12. Please return the key to your room before leaving. 13. Having served earlier as a technologist he was appointed (назначать) the chief engineer. 14. Milk is pasteurized by heating it for 30 minutes at about 63 deg. Centigrade, rapidly (быстро) cooling it, and then storing (хранить) it at a temperature below 10 deg. Centigrade.

IV. Скажите по-английски, используя -ing формы.

Мужчина, читающий газету; газета, которую сейчас читают; читая газету; будучи читаемой, газета; прочитав газету; после того, как газету прочитали; при чтении газеты; чтение газет; читальный зал.

V. Замените придаточные предложения, используя соответствующие -ing формы.

1. When I was peeling (чистить) potatoes, I cut myself. 2. After I had peeled it, I cut the apple in half. 3. As we were tired, we fell fast asleep. 4. The article was corrected while it was being typed. 5. After it had been played at


the cinemas the film was shown on TV. 6. While it was being washed, the glass cracked. 7. When he drives a car he always observes the rules of the road. 8. Dad put the newspaper aside after he had looked it through. 9. When they watch a film, children live the lives of its heroes. 10. The artist spoke with the accent because he had spent many years abroad. 11. The game was analysed in detail after it had been lost. 12. The young man who is waiting for me in the hall is my group-mate. 13. The documents that are being signed by the heads of the delegations are very important to all of us.

VI. Определите функции -ing форм, переведите предложения.

1. Smoking is not allowed here. 2. There is a smoking-carriage for smokers on a railway train in Britain. 3. What’s your attitude to the girls smoking cigarettes? 4. Do you have tobacco for smoking in pipe? 5. Having smoked their cigarettes the men went on working. 6. The nicotine content of the cigarette being smoked by you is small. 7. Smoking a cigarette he was looking through the newspaper. 8. I am going to give up (бросать) smoking. 9. Drinking tea is useful. 10. My grandmother likes drinking tea. 11. By drinking tea we make ourselves alert (бодрый). 12. While drinking tea I spilled (пролил) it over. 13. The young man drinking tea at that table is a friend of mine. 14. Having drunk my tea I put the cup on the table. 15. Bob’s favourite occupation is travelling. 16. Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be competitive. 17. I started learning English when I went to secondary school. 18. The actual testing time is about 20 minutes. 19. Starting at 9.00 means getting up at 8.00.

Complexes with -ing forms

(Обороты с -ing формами)

Подобно toформам, -ing формы с относящимися к ним словами могут образовывать обороты.

После глаголов, выражающих ощущения, -ing формы могут входить в состав сложного подлежащего, аналогичного соответствующему обороту с toформами. Аналогичен и перевод, с той лишь разницей, что toформа указывает на завершённость или мгновенность действия, а -ing форма подчёркивает его длительность.

Сравните: The students were heard to talk about their finals.

Слышали, что студенты говорили о своих выпускных экзаменах.


The students were heard talking about their finals.

Слышали, как студенты говорили о своих выпускных экзаменах.

Изучая Таблицу 5, скажите:

а) какие ещё существуют сложные обороты с -ing формами;

б) каковы признаки самостоятельного оборота, почему его так называют, от чего зависит его перевод.

I. Проследите зависимость перевода самостоятельного оборота от его места в предложении.

1. It was Friday, the regional library being closed. It being Friday, the regional library was closed. 2. There being no bread for dinner, I had to go to the baker’s. There was no bread for dinner, I having to go to the baker’s. 3. There being no mistakes, the student got a good mark for the test. There were no mistakes in his test paper, the student getting a good mark for the test. 4. His principle being that punctuality saves time, he is never late. 5. The professor having delivered the lecture, the students stayed down to ask their questions. 6. It being necessary to send the telegram at once, I’ll go to the post-office immediately. 7. The press-conference was opened, the correspondents attacking the congressman with questions. 8. Maxim turned round to me, his face being pale in the darkness of the room. 9. The experiment being over, the results were published. 10. The door being opened, a beautiful girl got out of the car. 11. There are many historic monuments in London, the Tower being the oldest one. 12. The plan having been worked out, we started its realization. 13. The number of automobiles being manufactured in the world increases yearly, air pollution (загрязнение) having also increased.

II. Замените придаточные предложения самостоятельным оборотом с -ing формой.

1. As the novel was written well, everybody read it with pleasure. 2. When the examination session was over, the students could relax. 3. The tourists had a good rest because the weather was fine. 4. As my sister was ill, I stayed at home. 5. I had to wait for an hour because the rector could not receive me. 6. As the text-book is taken from me, I can’t do my homework. 7. When everything was ready, we sat down to have dinner. 8. As the time for talking is past, we must act at once. 9. As it was difficult to answer the question, Jack had to think for a moment. 10. After all the problems had been solved we


stopped the discussion. 11. As it was late, they made the stereo softer. 12. The city transport was overcrowded because the working day was over. 13. As the agreement is broken, we should take some measures. 14. After the text had been listened to twice, the teacher asked some questions.

III. Переведите предложения, содержащие обороты с -ing формами в функции подлежащего и дополнения.

1.The singer's having been awarded the first prize pleased his fans greatly.

2.He wasn’t seen signing (подписывать) the letter. 3. I heard the actor having played the new role successfully. 4. We want the house being sold as soon as possible. 5. I am not sure of the information being correct. 6. The delegation having left for Paris was reported in newspapers. 7. Helen’s reading English so well surprised everybody. 8. They noticed a car passing through a red light. 9. A woman was heard crying for help. 10. Your ringing me up is no excuse for your not coming. 11. I insist upon (настаивать) your telling me the truth (правда). 12. Her returning so soon was quite unexpected. 13. Everybody approved of her having taken part in the competition. 14. The bird was seen circling over the tree. 15. I felt my heart beating widely.

IV. Замените придаточное предложение сложным дополнением с - ing формой, используя данный в скобках предлог.

that Helen has been confered a first academic I am pleased (at) degree.

that you will be sent abroad to continue your education.

that she makes such a progress in mastering English.

that he has already seen this film.

He is sure (of)

that Mary will be late for the date.

that the work will be finished in time.

We are that he knows several foreign languages. surprised (at)

that the delegation has not come yet.

that the document was signed so soon.



V. Проанализируйте и переведите предложения, в которых


ing формы и содержащие их обороты выполняют различные функции.

1.You'll never speak good English without learning grammar. 2. Seing is believing. 3. Being asked, the passer-by showed me the way to the supermarket. 4. By writing The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain became well-known all over the world. 5. I saw him talking to the dean. 6. Her having good friends always helps her in difficult situations. 7. The students stood by in the corridor waiting for the exam to begin. 8. The Russians have the custom of sitting down for a minute before a long journey. 9. We heard them having moved into a bigger flat. 10. The people making the most money must pay the highest taxes (налоги). 11. He was angry at being kept waiting. 12. Having taken the key we went upstairs. 13. The weather permitting, the expedition will reach the pick of the mountain. 14. The main thing is starting in time. 15. There was a strong wind that day, it being dangerous to go boating. 16. The man being spoken about is a promising writer. 17. Living in the country he knows little about it. 18. Having been read the letter was answered at once. 19. She couldn't control her feelings. 20. Did you notice his hand shaking? 21. Their guests were heard laughing and dancing the whole of that evening. 22. Crossing the road at the wrong place you run the risk of being knocked down by a car.


Внимательно изучите Таблицу 6, уясните наиболее распространенные функции -ed форм, их формальные признаки и способы перевода на русский язык. Сравните -ed формы с другими неличными формами глагола.

I. Попрактикуйтесь в переводе -ed форм в функции определения.

1. Among those invited were actors, painters, writers. 2. We bought all these things at reduced (снижать) prices. 3. She shelled the hardboiled eggs. 4. Better untaught than ill taught. 5. The distance travelled is given in meters. 6. The letter sent by him reached its destination (место назначения) in three days. 7. Have you got a student called Kuznetsov? 8. The plan worked out by the committee was approved by everybody. 9. She is a woman respected by her colleagues. 10. The test papers corrected by the teacher will be returned to the students at the next lesson. 11. The broken cup was thrown out.


12. Books taken from the library must be returned in time. 13. The goods sold at this shop are of good quality. 14. Well begun is half done.

II. Указывая на формальные признаки -ed форм в функции обстоятельствa, переведите содержащие их предложения.

1. If heated, magnetized steel will lose its magnetism. 2. Though expected on Friday, the group of tourists only arrived on Sunday. 3. He did everything as requested. 4. It is difficult to work if tired. 5. Realized in practice, the idea was a success. 6. When ill prepared, students pass their exams with difficulty. 7. If looked steadily (пристально) in the eyes, any animal will turn away. 8. Although frightened to death, she tried to control her feelings. 9. Deeply impressed by my words, they kept silent. 10. If mixed, yellow and blue give green. 11. Unless delayed (задерживать), the train left ten minutes ago. 12. When used in technical texts, a word may have a different meaning. 13. Though produced by a well-known director, the film was not a success. 14. If untrained, a sportsman will never be able to do these gymnastic exercises.

III. Переведите предложения с -ed формами в составе сложных оборотов.

1. Then I saw him offered a drink. 2. They heard his name mentioned. 3. I want the notes typed. 4. The preparations completed, we went for a holiday. 5. The boss likes everything done in time. 6. He got a small model made. 7. The referee was seen surrounded by the footballers. 8. We watched the luggage registered. 9. Did you have your tooth filled? 10. He has his shoes cleaned every morning. 11. He leaned (откинуться) back, with his eyes closed. 12. I want the thesis typed. 13. The actress was heard invited to the dinner party. 14. I have my hair cut once a month.

IV. Переведите, помня, что -ed форма может быть как личной, так и неличной. Запомните! Обычно (но не всегда) первая из двух следующих друг за другом -ed форм является определением (какой?), а

вторая - сказуемым в простом прошедшем времени (что /с/делал/и/?).

При переводе соответсвующее неличной форме страдательное причас-

тие ставится перед определяемым им существительным.

The system developed increased labour productivity. Разработанная

система повысила производительность труда. Но: After holiday parents looked rested. После отпуска родители выглядели отдохнувшими.