Файл: Л.Ю. Галкина Неличные формы глагола (английский язык).pdf

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1. The hypothesis proposed interested us greatly. 2. The house looked deserted. 3. The results obtained caused us to change our plans. 4. The bridge constructed provided better communication between the two districts of the city. 5. Mother looked alarmed. 6. The properties observed indicated the likeness of the substances. 7. The procedure of calculating used saved a lot of time. 8. The methods recommended speeded up the process of cleaning. 9. The experience gained (приобретать) helped him to get a position of manager. 10. The Alpinists were noticed encamped at the foot of the pick. 11. The article published concerned some environmental problems. 12. The results obtained surprised everyone.

V. Определите функции, выполняемые -ed формами и содержащими их оборотами, переведите предложения.

1. This is a film much talked about. 2. The frozen ground was hard as stone. 3. I saw an old man followed by a big dog. 4. The task is not so difficult as expected. 5. Look at the girl dressed in white. 6. The houses ruined during the war have been repaired. 7. Why don’t you get you shoes mended (чинить)? 8. There is a shortage of trained nurses in the hospital. 9. Unless exercised dogs get lazy (ленивый). 10. The experiment carried out, we started the processing of the data. 11. Why don’t you make your hair waved? 12. Paralysed with fear, the boy couldn’t say a word. 13. The grammar material explained by the teacher is rather difficult. 14. The popular singer was seen greeted by his fans. 15. Suddenly we saw a building blackened by smoke. 16. The vase holding cut flowers is cracked. 17. Published in the 19th century, the magazine looks different from those published nowadays. 18. We have our house painted. 19. Founded in 1800, the Library of Congress is the largest single repository (хранилище) of knowledge in the world. 20. Unless stopped, the train could run off the rails.


I. Переведите, обращая внимание на обстоятельство, выраженное различными неличными формами глагола.

1. Be careful going down the steps. 2. Why did John go off like that, without even saying good-bye? 3. The house was replanned while constructed. 4. The aircraft making a crash landing, the passengers had to leave by the emergency (аварийный) chutes. 5. Mother spent the whole day in packing things. 6. I went to the post-office to mail a letter. 7. You'll improve your pro-


nunciation by reading aloud. 8. If invited, I 'll take part in this work with great pleasure. 9. Attending an English course, listen to radio and television newscasts. 10. Last night I was too sleepy to finish my homework. 11. Though prevented by illness, he passed the exam.12. The old equipment having been replaced, productivity greatly increased. 13. Having been discussed in detail the procedure was approved by experts. 14. Never having seen a UFO (unknown flying object) I believe in their existence. 15. When heated or cooled all the materials change their properties. 16. Being his friend I can't do that.

II. Сравните перевод определений, выраженных различными не-

личными формами.


Подберите возможный перевод:


1) the bus stopped by

а) останавливающийся автобус

2) а stopping bus

б) останавливаемый автобус

3) the bus being stopped

в) остановленный автобус

4) the bus to be stopped

г) автобус, который надо остановить


д) автобус, который остановят


е) автобус, который останавливают


ж) автобус, который остановили


з) автобус, который останавливается

Переведите возможными способами:

а man asking for help, the man to be ased for help, the man being asked for help, the man asked for help.

Вставьте -ing или -ed форму:




a) a table … by a white cloth


a) the boy … by the dog


b) a clean cloth … the table


b) the dog … my friend

a) problems … young people

a) a cat … a fish


b) the problem … by the government

b) a big fish … by the cat

Скажите по-английски:

студент, которому задают вопросы; студент, который задаёт вопросы; студент, которому задали вопросы; студент, которому зададут вопросы; задающий вопросы студент; студент, которого надо спросить.

III. Переведите предложения с неличными формами в функции определения.

1. Is there any possibility of getting tickets for the ballet tonight? 2. Higher production costs including labour costs, cost of materials, etc. usually lead to


higher prices. 3. She is usually the first to visit a sick classmate. 4. They are discussing the possibility of arranging extra classes. 5. I know some men working at your department. 6. A pan is a vessel to cook food in. 7. The problems discussed at the meeting are very important. 8. She never misses an opportunity of practising her English. 9. There are a great many things to be said in favour of the plan. 10. The conference being held in the assembly hall is devoted to some problems of automatic programming. 11. The idea suggested by you is the best one. 12. There’s no one to stop him. 13. The medicine being taken might do more harm (вред) than good. 14. It is a novel to read for enjoyment. 15. The broken glass was replaced with a new one. 16. She is the only woman to understand him.

IV. Проанализируйте и переведите предложения, в которых подлежащее выражено неличными формами и содержащими их оборотами.

1. Careless driving costs lives. 2. His being late for the lecture worried me. 3. They seem to be living here. 4. Getting money is more difficult than spending it. 5. To swim against the current is difficult. 6. Finding a good job is often impossible. 7. St. Basil's Cathedral in Red Square is stated to have been built on orders from Ivan the Terrible in 1561. 8. To travel in company with your friends was a real pleasure. 9. Being polite to other people is important. 10. Gutenberg is known to be the inventor of printing. 11. Living in a big town has many advantages (преимущество). 12. Jack’s having been confered the degree of Master of Arts helped him to find a good job. 13. To pass an examination is easy if one is well prepared. 14. Attack is said to be the best form of defense (защита). 15. Advertising helps to sell goods. 16. Monte Carlo being the best gambling (играть в азартные игры) place is a wellknown fact.

V. Переведите предложения, в которых неличные формы и содержащие их обороты являются дополнением.

1. Stop talking, for goodness sake! 2. We saw the boy knocked by the lorry. 3. I don't like wearing glasses in cold weather because they mist over when I go into a warm place. 4. Then the teacher asked the students to make up sentences of their own. 5. The librarian told you to give the books in but you haven't done so. 6. My sister is thinking of taking an English course next term. 7. Those who learn English dream of going to London. 8. They made me repeat the story. 9. I remember having shown her the letter. 10. The


students had the scheme drawn. 11. He spoke of his work and of its being finished at last. 12. The doctor objected to (возражать) my being sent to Africa. 13. She denied (отрицать) her having been acquainted with him. 14. Jack saw the car knock agaist the tree. 15. I remember to have brought my text-book to class. 16. Everybody was tired of walking. 17. We saw him watching his reflection in the looking-glass. 18. I am so glad to have been of use.

VI. Определите функции неличных форм и содержащих их оборотов, переведите предложения.

1. Looking up words in a dictionary takes a lot of time. 2. The text contains a lot of words to be looked up in a dictionary. 3. Having looked the unknown words in the dictionary, I translated the sentence. 4. Your assignment is to look up the unknown words in a dictionary. 5. His looking up the unknown words in the dictionary helped me greatly. 6. I translate texts looking up the unknown words in a dictionary. 7. The text containing a lot of unknown words, I looked them up in the dictionary. 8. To translate the text you should look up a lot of words in a dictionary. 9. The students ought to have looked up the unknown words in a dictionary. 10. I hate looking up words in a dictionary because it takes a lot of time. 11. The text being translated contains a lot of unknown words. 12. The text is thought to contain a lot of unknown words. 13. I want the text to be translated. 14. The unknown words having been looked up in the dictionary, we could translate the text into Russian. 15. To translate the text is rather easy. 16. I had the text translated. 17. The text seems to contain a lot of unknown words. 18. The text contained a lot of unknown words, I looking them up in a dictionary. 19. You can help me by looking up some words in the dictionary. 20. You could have looked up the unknown words in a dictionary.

VII. Найдите в тексте изученные неличные формы, скажите, какими членами предложения они являются. Переведите неличные формы с относящимися к ним словами (предложения, содержащие неличные формы или входящие в них обороты, отдельные абзацы или весь текст).

The Loss of the Titanic

The tragic sinking of this great liner is known all over the world. Even by modern standards Titanic was a colossal ship. The 46 000 ton Titanic was


regarded to be unsinkable. Having sixteen watertight compartments, she* would still be able to float even if two of them were flooded.

Having sailed from Southampton** on April 10th, 1912 the great ship was going to New York. Being the largest ship that had ever been built, she was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891.

Four days after setting out, while sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, the passengers were all having a good time. Suddenly, a huge iceberg appeared. The alarm being given, the ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. It was done just in time. The wall of ice rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her.

Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, the captain going down to see what had happened. No one thought the ship to have been damaged. The captain was the first to realize that the Titanic was rapidly sinking. Five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded.

To abandon the ship was the only thing to be done. The order having been given, hundreds of frightened people jumped into the icy water. Another ship was passing not far away. The sinking Titanic fired rockets into the air in order to get the help. But she did not even stop.

There being not enough life-boats for everybody, 1500 lives were lost. The loss of the Titanic is one of the greatest known sea disasters of all times. Her going down on the first voyage with heavy loss of life will always be remembered.

*she (not it) is used for all sorts of ship in Britain

**Southampton – г. Саутгемптон

Technical English

The great technical and scientific achievements of our age have urged very many people to study foreign languages. Students and post-graduates find that many of the books written on their subjects are in English, French, or German. Nowadays technical English is very popular in this country.

Let us examine the relation between ordinary English and technical English. Vocabulary, grammar and style are factors to be taken into consideration. When speaking we normally use short sentences. It often happens that we start saying one thing and then change our minds half way through, and finish by saying something different. To make ourselves clear we often repeat what we have said or make ourselves clear by gestures, or by the tone


of our voice. We cannot do such things when writing. While carrying on an ordinary conversation we usually use the active form. In technical English the writer tries to disappear from the scene. For this reason the passive form is commonly used. You will hardly ever find a sentence beginning with “I”.

The scientists, being interested in causes of things, usually use such words as by, because of, by means of, etc. Isolated facts or events being seldom dealt with by engineer, simple sentences are not often used.

The problem of vocabulary is known to cause a lot of difficulties. Scientists, in trying to define things and notions accurately, have been making up technical words for hundreds of years. In using ordinary language we help our listeners to form pictures in their minds. More than half of all the vocabulary of science comes from Greek-Latin group, and therefore quite likely to be international. Some words may be familiar in every day life, but they may have a different meaning when used in a scientific context. At present great work is being carried out not only in making the existing terms more precise, but also in reducing their number.

Better Pump

We know human muscle power to be the only power available in some developing countries. Lifting water is one of its applications. But handgenerated pumps take a lot of efforts, the operator’s arms soon getting tired.

A group of British engineers have found a way to operate a pump using much less effort. The idea is using the weight of the human body. The operator, standing with each foot on a large pedal, moves them up and down by rocking (раскачиваться) from side to side. The pedals are connected to the pistons (поршень) pumping the water. It is possible to produce a stream of water at the rate of about 35 litres a minute. Two people taking turns (сменяться по очереди) could keep the pump going all day. The pump can be used for small irrigation projects, for supplying drinking water.


Таблица 1.

Non-Finite Forms of the Verb

Напоминаем, что V обозначает основу глагола (его словарную форму), VIII - III форму неправильного глагола или основу правильного глагола с окончанием –ed, а Ving - основу любого глагола с окончанием - ing.


The -ing Forms

The –ed Forms


The toForms (The infinitive)



























being + VIII


to + V


to be + Ving

to be + VIII











































































being asked


to ask


to be asking

to be asked



being broken


to break


to be breaking

to be broken






























to have been + Ving