Файл: Н.Н. Курпешко Методические указания для обучения устной речи на английском языке (практическое пособие для студентов-магистров).pdf

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Rundle: You Russians are very good at theoretical work and new ideas. I personally very much appreciate the experimental work at your lab, Peter. My boys will not be able to put two and two together soon, I’m afraid, because most of their work is automatized and computerized. But you’ll see it for yourself.

VI. Write down from the tape the English equivalents of the following:

я познакомлю вас с моими сотрудниками; я покажу вам лабораторию; мои сотрудники познакомят вас с нашей технологией и оборудованием; сколько человек в штате вашей лаборатории; на полной ставке работают пятеро, включая меня; у нас есть несколько студентов и аспирантов которые занимаются исследованиями под руководством штатных сотрудников; нехватка современного оборудования - самое слабое место у нас; лично я высокого мнения об уровне экспериментальной работы вашей лаборатории; вы это сами увидите.

VII. Make a report on the topic “A Visit to a Research Laboratory” using expressions.

To visit; to be shown around…; to get acquainted with ...; the staff of the lab…; to be equipped with…; to be (to get) interested in ...; to work in collaboration with ...; to do joint research; to exchange opinions on ...; to be of the same (a different) opinion on ...; to be impressed by

...; to enjoy.








особенно, в частности





participate/ take part (in)

принимать участи (в)




читать (доклад, лекции)

in advance


fill out/in







стендовый доклад

brush up/ refresh

освежать (знания)

registration form

бланк регистрации

welcome remark

приветственное слово

hold a conference

проводить конференцию


событие; мероприятие

under the auspices (of)

под (чьим-либо) покровительством


тезисы; резюме; отрывок

to submit / to present

представить (на рассмотрение)


труды, записки (научного общества)




конечный срок

joint research

совместное исследование

exchange opinions

обмениваться мнениями


рассуждение, аргументация

I.Read and translate. Ming international words.

official phrases; to sponsor the publication of the reports and material; to inform of an international conference; a conference hall; to address the conference; to start the discussion; (to make) hotel reservation; printed programmes; discuss problems of interest and projects; the organiser of the conference; assembly; general debate of the problem; (to make) a pause; the final session; review papers of special interest; to formulate and summarise the results; to serve as a guide; the Conference Programme Committee; the Conference Organising Committee; a conference registration form; biographical facts; personal details (of one’s biography); course date; nationality; telephone and telex number; address for correspondence; the title of one’s position (job); to analyze the published materials


II. Read the text and try to understand it. Pay attention to the official phrases of politeness.


Every year a great number of conferences and symposiums are held all over the world. They take place at different levels: from inhouse to the international ones. A conference is an important event in a researcher's life, particularly an international one, and Stepanov was very glad to receive an invitation to participate in the annual conference that was to be held in Glasgow in March. It was run under the auspices of Glasgow University and sponsored by the Royal Society.

The reports delivered at the conference are usually printed as the Scientific Proceedings. But first of all Stepanov had to send a short abstract of 200 words to the Program Committee. This he did and his abstract was accepted. He was informed that he had better submit his paper four weeks before the conference. So, the next stage was to see that the paper was prepared and sent well in advance. Now, as the time was approaching, it was necessary to make a hotel reservation.

At last Stepanov entered the conference hall and saw that most of the participants were already sitting with the printed programmes in front of them. The chairman – Professor Hall, a very prominent scholar and a Nobel Prize Winner – stood up to address the conference.

“It gives me a great pleasure,” he said, “to welcome you all to this conference and to extend to you my best wishes for continued success of its work. I believe this assembly will provide an opportunity for everyone present to meet, exchange opinions and discuss scientific problems of common interest. I hope that at this meeting the latest achievements will be discussed and projects of joint research will be considered”.

He began to speak. His English was simple but fluent. He spoke freely without once looking into his notes and made every step of his reasoning very clear. He finished speaking, as abruptly as he has started.

Then some scientists both the famous ones and the beginners were invited to make their reports. Stepanov also made his report. The chairman called for questions: “I’d like to open the discussion. Are there any questions on Dr. Stepanov's paper?” After a short pause a


man at the far end of the room rose to ask a question. Stepanov replied. The ice was broken and some minutes of general debate followed.

During the interval Stepanov asked one of the participants: "By the way, I wonder if the audience found my English hard to follow”.

“Oh, no, not at all. Though you rolled your "r" in a true Russian fashion, I'd say”.

“The trouble with me is”, Stepanov said, “I often forget to use articles when I speak English”.

During the first two or three days of the conference there were many different things going on at once, and it was impossible to take part in all of them. There were some interesting papers presented as posters and Stepanov participated in their discussion. The final session with the review papers was of special interest. It summarised all that had been going on not only at the conference but also in the field of physics as a whole for the past twelve months.

III. Look through the text once again and formulate the main steps one has to take to participate in the conference.

IV. You have received an invitation to a conference. Tell us what kind of conference it is going to be:

1) whether it will be a national or an international conference; 2) where and when it is to be held; 3) who is the organiser of the conference (under whose auspices it is run); 4) whether the problems on the conference programme are within the scope of your interests (whether the conference will cover the problems you are interested in); 5) whether you are planning to participate; 6) how you are going to present your material: whether it will be a poster presentation or you are going to read your paper; 7) how often such conferences are held in your field of science.

V. Your younger colleague has received his first invitation to participate in an international conference. Give him some advice as to what arrangements should be made before he goes.

To send (to submit) an abstract to the Programme Committee; not to exceed ... words; to get the paper ready well in advance (long before the conference); to translate it into English (to get it translated and


printed); the deadline for submitting abstracts; to brush up one's English by reading (listening in, watching TV language programmes, taking lessons, etc.); to submit one's paper (abstract) for publication in the Book of Abstracts (Proceedings of the Conference); to apply to the Organising Committee for hotel reservations (to make one's own hotel reservations).

VI. Translate into English. Mind the use of the official phrases of politeness.

Участие в международной конференции было большим событием в моей жизни. Конференцию открыл известный ученый в нашей области науки. Он сказал: “Я приветствую вас на этой конференции и надеюсь, что конференция даст возможность обсудить наиболее важные и злободневные (topical) проблемы, представляющие общий интерес”. На мой доклад было отведено 15 минут. Конечно, я волновался, особенно вначале. Я говорил, не глядя в текст. Затем началась дискуссия. Я был очень рад, что легко понимал все вопросы, когда их задавали на английском языке. Программа конференции была очень насыщенной (crowded). Трудно было участвовать сразу в нескольких мероприятиях. В последний день конференции состоялось заключительное заседание с обзорными статьями. На нем присутствовали почти все участники конференции. Атмосфера была очень приятной, и никаких языковых барьеров больше не существовало. Я очень рад, что присутствовал на той конференции.

VII. Here is a conference registration form. Fill it in. (It is not necessary for the information to be true to life.) Exchange the filled in forms with your partner and tell the group his (her) biographical facts.




Please write in BLOCK CAPITALS


Course Date ........................................

a) Surname or Family Name..................................................................



Mr./ Mrs./ Miss

b)First Name.........................................................................................


d)Date of Birth......................................................................................


f)Full Study Address, Telephone Number and Telex Number


g)Address for correspondence if different from above



a)Name of your University/faculty………............................................

b)Year of your education........................................................................

c)Describe your duties briefly................................................................

d)Knowledge of English ……………….fluently / well / poor ………...

VIII. Suppose you are to present your paper at a research center abroad. (In case of difficulty you may analyze any article you have just read.) Use the questions given below as a guide for your talk. Don’t forget to use the phrases of politeness.

1) What is the subject and the title of your paper? 2) Is there much or little material published on the subject of your investigation? 3) What is the purpose of your paper? 4) Who is it addressed to? 5) What problem(s) do you deal with in it? 6) What were you going to prove in the course of your research? 7) How many parts does your paper consist of? 8) How did you begin your paper? / What do you treat in your introductory part? 9) What problem(s) do you give much (little) attention to in your papers? 10) What is of particular interest in your paper? 11) What have you succeeded in? 12) What did you fail to show? 13) What do you say in conclusion?


Список рекомендуемой литературы

1. Учебно-методические указания для студентов II-III курсов, аспирантов и соискателей по теме “Реферирование и аннотирование иностранной литературы по специальности” / О.А. Ставцева, K.Р. Маркитантова; Кемеров. гос. ун-т. – Кемерово, 1990. – 21 с.

2.Симпозиум или 70 часов в Бостоне. Аудиокурс английского языка для научных работников. – 2 издание/ Л.Н. Смирнова, Е.Л. Власова. - М.-СПб.: Златоуст, 1993.- 136 с.

3.English for Everybody Use: Intermediate Course for Professionals /

Е. Л. Власова, Э.Д. Фролькис. - СПб.: Специальная литература,

1999. – 255 с.

4.Методические указания для обучения устной речи на английском языке для аспирантов горно-строительного направления / Н.Н. Курпешко, Л.П. Варакса, Т.К. Румас; Кузбас. гос. техн. ун-т. - Кемерово, 1999. – 76 с.

5.Сивергина О.В. От азов к совершенству. Курс английского языка: Учеб.- 2-е изд., испр. / Н.М. Разинкина. – М.: Высш. шк.,

1999. – 399 с.


Надежда Николаевна Курпешко


для обучения устной речи на английском языке (практическое пособие для студентов-магистров)

Редактор Е. Л. Наркевич

ЛР № 020313 от 23.12.96

Подписано в печать 25.12.2000. Формат 60х84/16 Бумага офсетная. Отпечатано на ризографе. Уч.- изд. л. 2,1. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ № Кузбасский государственный технический университет. 650026, Кемерово, ул. Весенняя, 28.

Типография Кузбасского государственного технического университета. 650099, Кемерово, ул. Д. Бедного, 4А.