Файл: Staliunas K., Sanchez-Morcillo V.J. (eds.) Transverse Patterns in Nonlinear Optical Resonators(ST.pdf

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11.7 Domain Boundaries and Image Processing


Fig. 11.17. Spatial localized structures. Left: the transient stage is shown, where one domain (the upper one) is contracting, and three other domains have already contracted to minimum radius. Right: two stationary solitons are visible





a )


b ) 2

c ) 2

d ) 2

Fig. 11.18. A contracting domain boundary (2), and a stable soliton (1). Time increases from (a) to (d)

Length of domain boundary










Fig. 11.19. Length of the domain bound-



aries of (1) and (2) from Fig. 11.18 as a


function of time. The lines are to guide






the eye





of the domain boundaries are plotted as a function of time in Fig. 11.19. This evidences that the solitons are not marginally stable small domains, but really are stable formations (with a finite stability range).

11.7 Domain Boundaries and Image Processing

Phase domains and spatial solitons in the form of dark rings could be a useful tool for parallel analog information processing [13], which could be applied to all-optical artificial vision, optical neural networking or optical sensing. Here

164 11 Phase Domains and Phase Solitons

Fig. 11.20. A photo of an airplane (left) and a reduced-resolution version (on a grid of (128×128 points). The reduced-resolution version was processed (see Fig. 11.21)

we give just an example that shows the potential of this technique to locate and track stationary and moving objects. In Fig. 11.20, an original photo of an airplane (left) and its reduced-resolution version on a grid of 128×128 points (right) are shown. The DOPO equations (11.1) were solved using the distribution in Fig. 11.20 as the initial condition for the subharmonics. In practice, this could be achieved by a short injection of a field with a distribution of subharmonic frequency corresponding to the image to be processed.

The temporal evolution of the spatial distribution of subharmonics is shown in Fig. 11.21, as obtained from the numerical integration of (11.1). The contour of the object (the airplane) is automatically reproduced by dark curves (the domain boundaries). In the nonlinear evolution (which in a experiment using a DOPO could take just few picoseconds), the dark curves contract into a phase soliton positioned at the center of the object (targeting).

The detailed scenario is as follows:

1.t = 1. There is essentially an image of the injected field distribution. The amplitude of the subharmonics at the beginning of the processing is 0.1% of the saturation value of the subharmonic amplitude (the corresponding value in terms of intensities).

2.t = 3. Linear stage of amplification: a smoothing of the field due to spatial filtering is observed. The form of the spatial filter is a ring or a central spot in the far field, depending on the detuning.

3.t = 10. Nonlinear saturation is reached: the amplitude distribution in the domains becomes more and more regular (more “flat”). The nonlinear evolution of domains begins.

4.t = 30. The domain begins contracting.

5.t = 90. The domain boundary becomes smoother, and contraction continues.

6.t = 130. At a particular size of the domain, the contraction slows down. This particular radius is roughly 3r0, where r0 is the radius of the final soliton. The evolution, however, does not stop at this size of the domain, but the domain continues contracting.

11.7 Domain Boundaries and Image Processing


Fig. 11.21. Domain evolution as obtained by numerical integration of DOPO equations (11.1). Spatial intensity distributions are shown. The initial distribution of subharmonics is taken (injected) from Fig. 11.21. Parameters are: E = 2, ω0 = 0, ω1 = 0.2, γ1 = γ0 = 1 . Di raction coe cients are: a1 = 0.001 and a0 = 0.0005. Integration was performed with periodic boundary conditions in unit size region

7.t = 190. The contraction again slows down, this time at a radius 2r0.

8.Finally, at t = 250, the domain contracts to the final state, a stable soliton, at the geometrical center of the object.

An interesting point is that the evolution of the domain does not exactly follows the velocities (11.16) and (11.17), but slows down at some stages of evolution. This slowing down can be explained by the modulation of the slope of the variational potential shown in Fig. 11.11. At some radii of the domain, roughly equal to integer multiples of the radius of the fundamental soliton (r = nr0, where n = 1, 2, 3 ...), the slope of the potential is minimum (it is maximum at radii r = (n + 1/2) r0). The force causing contraction (the derivative of the potential) is minimum at radii that are integer multiples of r0, and here the contraction velocity is also minimum. The modulation of the slope of the potential is due to the spatial modulation of the tails of the domain boundaries, as discussed above in Sect. 11.5.

For su ciently strong modulation of the tails, the potential can have multiple local minima, at radii r = nr0. In this case a domain can stop contracting at those radii. Figure 11.22 shows some snapshots of the evolution of domains with larger spatial modulation of the tails of the domain boundaries (e.g. because of larger pump di raction, as will be discussed in the next chapter).

This simple example shows the unique possibilities of phase domains in analog image processing. Domain boundaries may simulate the margins of an object. Discrete solitons can count the objects of interest in the field of vision. A (stroboscopic) array of solitons can be left behind to track a moving object and the trajectory of the moving object can be recorded by discrete positions

166 11 Phase Domains and Phase Solitons

Fig. 11.22. Some snapshots from domain evolution as obtained by numerical integration of the DOPO equations. The parameters and initial conditions are as in Fig. 11.21 except for the pump di raction coe cient, a0 = 0.0015 (three times as large as in the previous case). The larger di raction of the pump enhances spatial modulation (see Chap. 12), and consequently enables not only a stable fundamental soliton (of minimum radius), but also stable solitons with twice (or even three or more times) the minimum radius

of solitons. In general, solitons can discretize the properties of objects. And, finally, moving (inertial) solitons may be employed to forecast the trajectory of an object or the evolution of an image in general by all-optical means.


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6.J.B. Swift and P.C. Hohenberg, Hydrodynamic fluctuations at the convective instability, Phys. Rev. A 15, 319 (1977). 149

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10.V.J. Sanchez-Morcillo and K. Staliunas, Stability of localized structures in Swift–Hohenberg equation, Phys. Rev. E 60, 6153 (1999). 157, 159

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12 Turing Patterns in Nonlinear Optics

12.1 The Turing Mechanism in Nonlinear Optics

A well-known transverse-pattern formation mechanism in broad-aperture lasers and other nonlinear resonators is o -resonance excitation. If the central frequency of the gain line of the laser ωA is larger than the resonator resonance frequency ωR, then the excess of frequency ∆ω = ωA −ωR causes a transverse (spatial) modulation of the laser fields, with a characteristic transverse wavenumber k obeying a dispersion relation ak2 = ∆ω, where a is the di raction coe cient of the resonator. The patterns that occur in such a way play the role of a “bridge” between the excitation and the dissipation, which occur at di erent frequencies, and these patterns enable maximum energy transfer through the system.

In all the previous chapters, patterns due to o -resonance excitation have been studied. These were patterns in lasers, photorefractive oscillators, degenerate and nondegenerate optical parametric oscillators, and four-wave mixers. For a degenerate OPO, the excitation frequency is equal to half of the pump radiation frequency ωA = ω0/2, and its mismatch from ωR leads to the same macroscopic pattern formation mechanism as in lasers. The o -resonance mechanism not only excites extended patterns (such as tilted waves, rolls, square vortex lattices and hexagons), but is also responsible for the stability of localized structures in the above systems.

The o -resonance pattern formation mechanism is essentially a geometrical one. It resembles the formation of rolls in Rayleigh–B´enard convection, where the width of the convection rolls is fixed mainly by the distance between the upper and lower plates. In optical resonators, the propagation angles of o -axis components are fixed by the resonance conditions. The spatial scale is thus fixed not by nonlinearity, but by linear geometric e ects.

The pattern formation mechanism discovered by Turing for reaction–di u- sion systems [1] has a di erent origin from the mechanism discussed above. Here, at the root, is an interplay between the di usions of two (or more) interacting components. The coupling between a strongly di using (lateral) inhibitor and a weakly di using (local) activator is responsible for the pattern formation.

The simplest (linearized) representation of such a reaction–di usion equations displaying a Turing instability is given by the model [2]

K. Stali¯unas and V. J. S´anchez-Morcillo (Eds.):

Transverse Patterns in Nonlinear Optical Resonators, STMP 183, 169–192 (2003)c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003



12 Turing Patterns in Nonlinear Optics








= a1u1 − b1u2 + d1 u1 ,










= b2u1 − a2u2 + d2 u2 .




In this system u1 plays the role of the activator and u2 the role of the inhibitor, with di usion coe cients d1 and d2 respectively. The particular form of the cross-coupling matrix (where ai and bi have positive values) leads to maximum amplification of the wavenumbers obeying



















as follows from a stability analysis of (12.1).

Motivated by this analysis, one might ask the following question: is the Turing mechanism possible in nonlinear optics too? Let us take as an example

the equation for a class B laser from Chap. 7,









= (D


1) A + i a


ω A


g a





A ,



































= −γ D − D0 + |A| ,



















with an unsaturated population inversion D0 and a spatial-wavenumber selection factor g. Let us simplify (12.3) by assuming a very narrow gain line, i.e. g 1, which makes di raction negligible when compared with di usion, and zero detuning, ω = 0. Also, which is very significant here, let us assume that the population inversion also di uses, which results in adding a Laplacian to (12.3b). In this case, if we define the field di usion constant d1 = gd2, (12.3) converts to


= (D − 1)A − d1 4A ,




= −γ D − D0 + |A|2 + d2 2D ,




a system of two nonlinearly coupled di using components. The field di usion is governed not by the usual Laplace operator, but by the second power of the operator (sometimes called super-di usion, as mentioned earlier); however,

this makes no essential di erence compared with normal di usion.

















Consider a perturbation of the stationary solution A = A + a, D = D +














d, where

A, D




D0 1

, 1 . Linearizing (12.4) with respect to the

perturbations leads to











= d









4a ,






























d + 2a


D0 1

+ d2 2d .



∂t = −γ


















The similarity to the Turing system (12.1) becomes more evident if we change the sign of the perturbation of the population inversion d. This results

12.2 Laser with Di using Gain


in the linear coupling matrix

0 − D0 1

L =






D0 1



and a diagonal di usion matrix

D =


−d1 4





0 .





d2 2






The form of the linear coupling matrix, compared with (12.1), allows us to identify the optical field with the activator variable in a reaction–di usion system, and the population inversion with the inhibitor variable.

The main requirement for Turing pattern formation in a reaction–di usion system is that the inhibitor di uses faster than the activator. This requirement is often called the principle of “local activator and lateral inhibitor” (LALI). Consequently, it seems reasonable that for observation of similar patterns in nonlinear optics, one must require that the inhibitor (the population inversion in a laser) di uses more strongly than the optical field.

The purpose of this chapter is to generalize the LALI principle to arbitrary forms of nonlocalities. Indeed, both di usion and di raction are nonlocal operators responsible for the communication of fields in the transverse plane. In the original study by Turing, the usual form of di usion was considered for the two interacting components. In optics one can have more complicated situations: even the model (12.4) and (12.5) shows such complications, since besides the normal di usion of the population inversion there is a superdi usion of the optical field. One can also have a situation where the inversion is di using but the optical field is di racting (for a laser with a broad gain line). And, finally, one can have both components di racting, as in the case of optical parametric oscillators.

These cases are investigated below. In the next section, a laser with diffusing inversion is studied under subcritical and supercritical conditions, and it is shown that Turing patterns are possible in the subcritical case. It is also shown that the di usion of the population inversion stabilizes spatial solitons. In Sect. 12.3, the optical parametric oscillator is investigated. It is shown that the di raction of the pump field (playing the role of inhibitor) may lead to the excitation of Turing patterns, which are di erent from the o -resonance patterns studied in previous chapters.

12.2 Laser with Di using Gain

It is often supposed intuitively that di usion in a gain material (e.g. di usion of the population inversion in a gas laser or di usion of free charge carriers in a