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188 12 Turing Patterns in Nonlinear Optics


where Ai represents the stationary homogeneous solution for the pump and signal fields, given in (11.2).

After substitution of (12.36) in (12.22), if we consider regions in space not close to the domain boundary, the resulting system can be linearized in the deviation, and the spatial evolution can be described by the system

2 δA = L δA ,


where δA is the four-component perturbation vector and L is a linear matrix. In the case of a resonant pump, i.e. ω0 = 0, L is given by [10, 11]





(2i/a) A¯1

L =












i (1 + iω1)





































(2i/a) A¯1









i (1 iω1)

The solutions of the linear system (12.37) are of the form

δA(r) eqr ,


where the wavevector q can be complex, in the form q

= Re(q) +i Im(q).

From (12.39), it follows that a negative value of Re(q) indicates a spatial decay of the perturbation and is responsible for localization, while a nonvanishing value of Im(q) indicates the presence of a nonmonotonic (oscillatory) decay [12]. Thus, the solution (12.36), with the deviation given by (12.39), represents the asymptotic profile of the soliton far from its core.

Expressions for the spatial decay and modulation follow from a study of the eigenvalues of L, which are the solutions of the characteristic equation

a2µ4 2a2ω1µ3 +(1 4aI1) µ2 2ω1 (1 2aI1) µ+4I1 (1 + I1) = 0 , (12.40)

where I1 = A21. Comparing with the ansatz (12.40), we identify q = µ.

A simple analytical solution of (12.40) exists in the case of a resonant

signal, i.e. ω1 = 0, only, and can be written as




1 + 4aI1

± 1 + 8a (2a + 1) I1 .



= 2


We see from (12.41) that the size of the soliton depends on the di raction ratio a in a nontrivial way. This is in contrast with previous studies of pattern formation in many nonlinear optical systems (the Lugiato–Lefever approach [13]), where di raction appears simply as a scale factor in the wavevector, in the form ak2.

12.3 Optical Parametric Oscillator with Di racting Pump


In Fig. 12.11 a comparison between analytical results (dashed curve) and numerical results (continuous curve) for the spatial oscillations of the decaying tail of a domain boundary is given. The peak of the localized structure is omitted. Note that the correspondence is very good, even close to the domain boundary (the line of zero intensity). In this particular case, four minima of the intensity are visible. The opposite segment of a dark ring can be locked by each of the minima. Obviously, the soliton of minimum size, locked by the first maximum, which is the strongest, is the most stable one. However, dark rings with larger radii can also be stable.


















Fig. 12.11. Spatial oscillations of the field outside a soliton, as evaluated numerically (continuous line) and analytically from the spatial stability analysis (dashed line), for E = 2.5, ω1 = 0.5, ω0 = 0, a1 = 0.00025 and a0 = 0.00125 (a = 5)

The stability range of solitons is limited on one hand by the contraction and annihilation of domains, and on the other hand by either the presence of modulational instabilities (the modulations grow, and fill the whole space) or expansion of domains. Since modulational instabilities are favored by di raction, it may seem that di raction has a negative e ect on the stability of solitons. However, for pump values at which instabilities are absent, the increase in the modulation of the tails could prevent full contraction, thus contributing to an enhancement of the stability range. Numerical calculations performed for a large pump di raction parameter show that the stability is always enhanced, at least up to some value of the pump parameter.

The presence of strong modulations in the tails also allows the formation of more complex structures, in the form of bound states of single solitons, or “molecules” of light. Some examples of molecules of varying complexity are shown in Fig. 12.12. Examples with two and three maxima are shown in Figs. 12.12a,b, and a chain composed of five maxima is shown in Fig. 12.12c.

190 12 Turing Patterns in Nonlinear Optics







Fig. 12.12. Several bound states (molecules) of solitons, obtained for a = 5, E = 2.5, ω1 = 0.5, ω0 = 0 : (a) Double; (b) triple; (c) a chain. The field amplitude along a cross section y = 0 of the chain is shown the graph by the solid line. The dashed line represents a section across the space outside the dark line

The internal structure of the chain shown in Fig. 12.12c is more clearly visible in a section along the middle (y = 32). Five maxima at equidistant points are seen. The field along a line outside the domain boundary is given by the dashed line, evaluated at y = 20.

In all cases, the large value of the pump di raction parameter is responsible for the stability of such complex structures, by amplifying the spatial oscillations and thus preventing their collapse. To show this, we have followed the evolution of the soliton “molecules” shown in Figs. 12.12b,c by decreasing the di raction parameter to a = 1 while keeping the other parameters unchanged. The resulting scenario is shown in Fig. 12.13, where the pictures have been taken at equally spaced times. The final state corresponds to a single soliton.

References 191

Fig. 12.13. Temporal evolution showing the decay to a single soliton of the molecules shown in Figs. 12.12b,c when the di raction parameter is decreased to a = 1


1.A.M. Turing, The chemical basis of morphogenesis, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London B 237, 37 (1952). 169

2.M.C. Cross and P.C. Hohenberg, Pattern formation outside of equilibrium, Rev. Mod. Phys. 65, 851 (1993). 169

3.K. Staliunas, Stabilization of spatial solitons by gain di usion, Phys. Rev. A 61, 053813 (2000). 172

4.N.N. Rosanov, Transverse Patterns in Wide-Aperture Nonlinear Optical Systems, Progress in Optics, vol. 35, ed. by E. Wolf (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1996). 175, 176

5.S. Fauve and O. Thual, Solitary waves generated by subcritical instabilities in dissipative systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 282 (1990); M. Tlidi, P. Mandel and

R.Lefever, Localized structures and localized patterns in optical bistability, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 640 (1994). 176

6.D. Michaelis, U. Peschel and F. Lederer, Multistable localized structures and superlattices in semiconductor optical resonators, Phys. Rev. A 56, R3366 (1997);

M.Brambilla, L.A. Lugiato, F. Prati, L. Spinelli and W.J. Firth, Spatial soliton pixels in semiconductor devices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2042 (1997).

192 12 Turing Patterns in Nonlinear Optics

7.L.A. Lugiato, C. Oldano, C. Fabre, E. Giacobino and R. Horowicz, Bistability, self-pulsing and chaos in optical parametric oscillators, Nuovo Cimento 10D, 959 (1988). 180

8.K. Staliunas and V.J. S´anchez-Morcillo, Turing patterns in nonlinear optics, Opt. Commun. 177, 389 (2000). 181

9.I. Prigogine and R. Lefever, Symmetry breaking instabilities in dissipative systems, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 1696 (1968). 186

10.V.J. S´anchez-Morcillo and K. Staliunas, Role of pump di raction on the stability of localized structures in degenerate optical parametric oscillators, Phys. Rev. E. 61, 7076 (2000). 187, 188

11.G.L. Oppo, A.J. Scroggie and W.J. Firth, From domain walls to localized structures in degenerate optical parametric oscillators, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 1, 133 (1999). 188

12.G.T. Dee and W. van Saarloos, Bistable systems with propagating fronts leading to pattern formation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2641 (1988). 188

13.L.A. Lugiato and R. Lefever, Spatial dissipative structures in passive optical systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2209 (1987). 188

13 Three-Dimensional Patterns

In the previous chapters, only 1D and 2D structures of light were investigated; when the fields depend on one or two transverse spatial coordinates and evolve slowly in time. A single family of longitudinal modes was assumed in the theoretical models, where the fields change negligibly along length of the resonator. The experimental measurements were also 2D; the two-dimensional distributions were recorded with a video camera. Very little is known about three-dimensional spatial light structures of the fields associated with the simultaneous emission of a large number of longitudinal and transverse modes of the resonator. Some analysis of 3D Turing structures has been done in [1] for nonoptical systems, and recently in [2] for lasers.

Emmision of multiple longitudinal modes can occur in lasers and other nonlinear optical systems when the gain line is broader than the free spectral range of the resonator. The gain line for OPOs (the line of phase synchronism) is usually very broad, and therefore this system is suited very well for generating 3D structures. The case of degenerate OPOs is the main case discussed in this chapter; we restrict our considerations of the nondegenerate case and other nonlinear optical systems to a short discussion at the end of the chapter.

13.1 The Synchronously Pumped DOPO

For simplicity, a synchronously pumped DOPO, as sketched in Fig. 13.1, is discussed here. 3D subharmonic pulses travel around a resonator filled with a medium with a second-order nonlinearity, being feed from the energy of a sequence of pump pulses. The pump pulses are resonant: a new pump pulse meets a resonating subharmonic pulse at the entrance of the nonlinear crystal on each resonator round trip. 3D structures are expected to reside within the propagating subharmonic pulses. We show below that the spatio-temporal dynamics of the field within the resonating pulses are governed by a 3D Swift–Hohenberg (SH) equation. We then analyze 3D extended (periodic) and localized structures as solutions of the order parameter equation.

The model of a synchronously pumped DOPO is used for simplicity and clarity only. It covers pump pulses of infinitely long duration, which corresponds to continuous pumping. The model of a continuously pumped DOPO

K. Stali¯unas and V. J. S´anchez-Morcillo (Eds.):

Transverse Patterns in Nonlinear Optical Resonators, STMP 183, 193–203 (2003)c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

194 13 Three-Dimensional Patterns

Synchronously pumped OPO:

cw-pumped OPO:

Fig. 13.1. Schematic illustration of a synchronously pumped (left ) and continuously pumped (right ) degenerate optical parametric oscillator

is also shown in Fig. 13.1. Therefore the analysis applies for synchronously and continuously pumped DOPOs.

The interaction of the three-dimensional slowly varying envelopes of the 3D pump and subharmonic pulses, A0(r , τ, z) and A1(r , τ, z), respectively, is described by the following set of equations:


= ia ,0


+ ia ,0 2

A0 − χA12 ,













= (v

v )


+ ia



+ ia


2 A


+ χA A .








1 ∂τ





0 1


Here vj = ∂kj /∂ωj are the group velocities for the pump (j = 0) and subharmonic (j = 1) waves, a ,j = ∂kj /∂ωj are the longitudinal dispersion coe cients, a ,j = 1/2kj are the transverse di raction coe cients, and χ is the nonlinear coupling coe cient. Evolution occurs along z, the longitudinal coordinate. The fields are defined in the 2D transverse space r = (x, y), in which the Laplace operator 2 = 2/∂x2 + 2/∂y2 acts, and in the longitudinal space τ, representing a retarded time in a frame propagating with the group velocity of the pump pulses.

The changes of the fields during one resonator round trip are assumed to be small. This allows us, first, to obtain a mapping describing the discrete changes of the subharmonic pulse in successive resonator round trips. Second, it allows us to replace the discrete mapping by a continuous evolution, and thus to obtain an order parameter equation in the form of a partial di erential equation.

13.1.1 Order Parameter Equation

Di ractive and dispersive changes of the pump are neglected during the propagation over the crystal length ∆l, which is assumed to be small com-