Файл: Staliunas K., Sanchez-Morcillo V.J. (eds.) Transverse Patterns in Nonlinear Optical Resonators(ST.pdf

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References 19

components. In particular, the emergence of Turing-like patterns is predicted to occur in active and passive systems, concrete examples being lasers with a strongly di using population inversion, and degenerate OPOs with a strongly di racting pump wave. In both cases, one field plays the role of activator, and the other the role of inhibitor. It is also shown that the e ect of di u- sion and/or di raction contributes to the stabilization of spatial solitons and allows the existence of complex states resembling molecules of light.

In Chap. 13, we describe the three-dimensional structures of light predicted to occur in resonators described by the three-dimensional Swift– Hohenberg equation. This order parameter equation describes a class of nonlinear optical resonators including the synchronously pumped OPO. Various structures embedded in the envelopes of spatio-temporal light pulses are discussed, in the form of extended patterns (lamellae and tetrahedral patterns), light bubbles (the analogue of the phase solitons in two dimensions) and vortex rings. These structures exist when the OPO resonator length is matched to the length of the pump (mode-locked) laser, which emits a continuous or finite train of picosecond pulses. A three-dimensional modulation can develop on the subharmonic pulses generated, depending on several parameters such as the detuning from the resonance of the OPO cavity, and the mismatch of the resonator lengths for the pump and OPO lasers.

The final chapter, Chap. 14, deals with the influence of noise on spatial structures in nonlinear optics. Noise, which is not considered in the rest of the book, is always present in a real experiment, in the form of vacuum noise (always inevitable) or noise due to technological limitations. It is shown that the noise a ects the pattern formation in several ways. Above the modulation instability threshold, where extended patterns are expected, the noise destroys the long-range order in the pattern. Rolls and other extended structures still exist in the presence of noise, but they may display defects (such as dislocations and disclinations) with a density proportional to the intensity of the noise. Also, below the modulation instability threshold, where no patterns are expected in the ideal (noiseless) case, the noise is amplified and can result in (noisy) patterns. The symmetry of a pattern may show itself even below the pattern formation threshold, thanks to the presence of noise. This can be compared with a single-transverse-mode laser, where the coherence in the radiation develops continuously, and where the spectrum of the luminescence narrows continuously when the generation threshold is approached from below.


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