Файл: Antsiferov V.V., Smirnov G.I. Physics of solid-state lasers (ISBN 1898326177) (CISP, 2005)(179s).pdf

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gallium garnet, neodymium ions in silicate and phosphate glass, in crystals of yttrium–aluminium garnet, gadolinium–scandium–gallium garnet with chromium, lanthanum beryllate, potassium–gadolinium tungstate and in a number of other solid-state media. The systematisation and generalisation in this monograph of the very large, often unique experimental material for the physics of solid-state lasers is of fundamental importance for the development of new laser and information technologies.

The book is intended for a wide range of experts working in the area of nonlinear optics, quantum electronics, solid-state physics, surface physics, microand nanoelectronics, informatics, for engineers and technologists working in the development and production of appropriate technologies, and for graduates and students of these disciplines.

V.V. Antsiferov and G.I. Smirnov

v i


As regards the most important parameters of coherent radiation, the solid-state lasers occupy the leading positions in quantum electronics. The solid-state lasers on activated crystals and glass are used most widely in practice in different scientific and technical applications, regardless of the strong competition by lasers of other types [1].

The fundamental physical factor, determining the possibility of lasing, is the effect of induced emission of atoms under the effect of the external electromagnetic field, predicted by Einstein [2]. After the discovery of powerful sources of monochromatic electromagnetic fields in the radio-range of the spectrum, Raby examined the central problem of the interaction of laser radiation with the two-level atoms without taking relaxation processes into account and explained the main special features of its dynamic evolution [3,4].

These investigations were continued by Autler and Townes [5] who introduced the concept of the splitting of the levels of the atom, interacting with coherent radiation, i.e. the dynamic Stark effect. The special features of the kinetics of forced transitions, closely associated with the monochromatic nature of the strong external electromagnetic field, consist of the oscillation of the probability of the atom being in the combined states with the frequency proportional to the amplitude of the field. The processes of relaxation disrupt the strict dynamic nature of evolution, but the latter retain its nonlinear-dynamic nature and is controlled by the parameters of radiation [6].

The problems of formation of the inverse population of the levels were of principal importance for the development of lasers. Basov and Prokhorov proposed a method of formation of the inversion of populations in a three-level system using external pumping [7] which was subsequently developed further by Bloembergen [8]. Taking into account the simple variants of relaxation, the nonlinear dynamics of resonance radiation processes in the three-level systems was examined by Kantorovich, Prokhorov and Javan [9,10] who provided a significant contribution to quantum electronics and nonlinear optics.

In particular, the three-level system was used by Maiman in 1960 in the development of the first laser which was of the solid-state type: the active medium was ruby [11]. In 1964, lasing was generated in a laser with Al–Y garnet with Nd, developed on the basis of the fourlevel system [12].


In solid-state lasers, the high energy lasing parameters are combined with relative wide bands, reliability, compact form and longevity of laser systems of the given type, and also with their capacity to operate in the greatly differing conditions: from the regime of ultrashort pulses of femtosecond duration to the regime of quasi-continuos high power generation. The constant attention of investigators in the physics of solid-state lasers is determined by the constantly increasing range of the application of these systems, the need for modification of the currently available new lasing conditions, the development of methods of controlling the parameters of output radiation [13–22].

The free lasing of longitudinal modes on chromium ions in a ruby crystal, alexandrite, emerald and other media with flat mirrors in the normal conditions always takes place in the regime of non-damping pulsations of radiation intensity. In the case of forced smoothing of longitudinal heterogeneity of the field in ruby using compensating phase regulation, the generation of longitudinal modes in a ruby laser always takes place in a stable quasi-stationary conditions. The change of modes in the lasing process in the conditions of the homogeneous field in the active medium, determined by the thermal drift of the gain line, takes place by the adiabatic mechanism and is not accompanied by pulsations of radiation intensity.

In Nd lasers in different media, the free lasing of longitudinal modes always takes place in the quasi-stationary regime, and this is achieved in the normal conditions without forced smoothing of the longitudinal heterogeneity of the field in the active medium, but with the removal of the effect of technical perturbations of the resonator. In crystals characterised by high homogeneity and heat conductivity, such as Y– Al garnet, beryllium lanthanate, potassium–gadolinium tungstate and a number of others, in the same experimental conditions, it is possible to ensure even more easily the stable quasi-stationary lasing of transverse modes, but only at low values of transverse indexes.

This qualitative difference in the dynamics of free lasing of these lasers is determined by the large differences in the structure of their working levels and, correspondingly, the characteristics of non-linear self-effect of lasing, linked with the dynamic Stark effects.

The role of stochastic factors and the dynamic Stark effect in the self-organisation of radiation of solid-state lasers has attracted special interest of the investigators [23–27]. Analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of the pulsed laser systems and the stability of different lasing regimes makes it possible to solve the problem of reproducibility of the parameters of output radiation and of controlling these parameters, and describe different special features of the self-effect of radiation in nonlinear optical systems [28–31].


Solid-state chromium lasers in free lasing regime

Chapter 1

Solid-state chromium lasers in free lasing regime


The electronic configuration of neutral chromium atoms is (Ar)3d54s. Trivalent chromium ions with the electron configuration (Ar)3d3 lose their screening shell and the spectrum of the ion, determined by 3d- electrons, may differ for these ions isomorphously implanted into different matrixes. The interaction of 3d-electrons of the chromium ions with the electrical fields surrounding them in the matrixes of the active media determines their energy levels. The energy of the spin-orbital interaction for 3d-ions is approximately 100 cm–1, whereas the energy, determined by the electric field of the crystal, is two orders of magnitude higher. This strong field ruptures the bond between the spin S and the orbital moment L which in this case do not interact which each other. The energy of individual sublevels is determined by the projections of total magnetic moments on the direction of the field and the energy levels are determined by the removal of orbital degeneration with the ratio (2L + 1) under the effect of the crystal field. In the range of the real crystal fields at the trivalent chromium ion the mutual

position of the levels 2E and 4T


may differ. This makes it possible

to produce both narrow-band lasing on R-lines (2E 4A2


and the lasing rearranged in a wide band (transition 4T2

4A2). The

ground state of the free ion Cr3+, determined by the Hund rule, is

the state 4F3/2 with the orbital moment L = 3 and the spin S = 3/2. As a result of the Stark effect, the intracrystal field partially reduces

the degeneration of the levels and leads to the shift and splitting of the therms of the ions. Further degeneration of the levels is removed by the spin-orbital interaction of the electrons.


Physics of Solid-State Lasers

Table 1.1 Main spectroscopic characteristics of several active media with trivalent chromium ions



λ o, nm

∆ λ , nm

τ , µs

σ × 10–20 cm2

















Be Al2O4






































































λ – the lasing wavelength in the centre of the gain line;

∆λ – the width of the

gain line; τ – the lifetime of the upper working level; σ

– the cross section of

induced transition.


At present, lasing on chromium ions has been achieved in a wide range of wavelengths for greatly different crystal matrixes.

The spectral–time, spatial and energy parameters of lasing of lasers on chromium ions in different active media have been investigated by us in [1–30]. The main spectroscopic characteristics of the examined media are given for comparison in Table 1.


1.2.1 Experimental equipment

The main parameters of free lasing of solid-state lasers have been investigated on experimental equipment whose diagram is shown in Fig. 1.1. In development of equipment, all measures have been taken to eliminate the effect of technical perturbations of the resonator on the free lasing dynamics. All optical elements of the resonator are placed on very rigid and thick tables with mechanisms for precision angular and linear displacement.

The spurious selection of longitudinal modes in the resonator was completely eliminated: the ends of all elements of the resonator were cut either under the Brewster angle or under a small angle in relation


Solid-state chromium lasers in free lasing regime

Fig. 1.1. Experimental equipment for examining spectral-time characteristics of radiation of solid state lasers: 1,7) resonator mirrors; 2,6) electrooptical crystals for compensated phase modulation; 3,5) diaphragms for separating TEMooq modes; 4) active medium; 10) Fabry–Perot interferometer; 11,14) superfast photorecoding devices; 12) oscilloscope; 13) photodiode; 15) generator of sinusoidal voltage.

to the axis of the resonator (in the latter case, the ends of the elements were trans-illuminated); the mirrors of the resonator were sprayed on glass substrates with a wedge; the diaphragms, separating the longitudinal modes, were coated with a lacquer. The active media of the lasers were cooled with distilled water or a liquid filter cutting off the ultraviolet radiation of pumping. The temperature of the cooling liquid was maintained with a thermostat with the accuracy to 0.1°C. The active media were excited with standard xenon pumping lamps in a single-block quartz illuminator, and the shape of the pumping pulse was close to right-angled, with a duration of 0.25–1.0 ms.

The main parameters of free lasing were recorded with a high spatial and time resolution: the intensity was recorded using an avalanche photodiode and an oscilloscope; the spectrum was recorded using a spectrograph or a Fabry–Perot interferometer and high-speed photographic equipment; the distribution of radiation intensity in the nearrange (long-range) zone was recorded using a superhigh speed photorecording system or a photochronograph. When recording the radiation spectrum with the Fabry–Perot interferometer, the spurious link between the interferometer and the resonator of the laser was eliminated by means of optical decoupling.

1.2.2 Methods of eliminating technical perturbations of the resonator of a pulse solid-state laser

The main types of technical perturbations of the resonator were detected and examined in detail by the authors of this book in Ref. 9,12,24. Relatively simple methods have been developed for eliminating the


Physics of Solid-State Lasers

effect of technical perturbations of the resonator on the dynamics of free lasing of pulsed solid-state lasers with lamp pumping. If no special measures are taken to stabilise the intensity of laser radiation, it is almost impossible to determine and examine the individual types of technical perturbations of the laser resonator in the peak regime. Analysis of these perturbations was carried out only in the quasi-continuous regime of lasing of longitudinal (TEMooq) modes of a ruby laser with flat mirrors obtained by smoothing the longitudinal heterogeneity of the field in the active media using compensated phase modulation (CPM). The oscillographs of radiation intensities (Fig. 1.2) were obtained when pumping energy Ep was three times higher than threshold pumping energy Et.

1.Mechanical non-axial oscillations of the active rod with a frequency of ~10 kHz form during hydraulic impact through the cooling liquid from pumping lamps at the moment of appearance of the discharge pulse. These oscillations result in periodic displacement of the lasing channel of longitudinal modes, separated by the diaphragms, and the

amplitude modulation of the intensity of radiation (Fig. 1.2) on these diaphragms if they are small (≤ 1 mm) and in the case of non-optimum


The non-axial oscillations of the active rod can be eliminated using a special quantron with mechanical uncoupling and separate cooling of the rod and pumping lamps. However, there are also simple means of eliminating the effect of these oscillations on the lasing dynamics. For this purpose, it is sufficient to increase the diameters of the diaphragms separating the longitudinal modes to 1.4 mm for Cr lasers and to 2.0 mm for Nd lasers, position the diaphragms in the vicinity of the ends of the active rod and adjust them in the optimum manner in relation to the separated lasing channel. The separation of a single Frenel zone is achieved by increasing the length of the resonator to

1.6m for the Cr lasers and to 2.0 m for the Nd lasers. The dynamic tuning of the diaphragms is carried out on the basis of the shape of the lasing pulse of the screen of the oscilloscope to 0.1 mm after preliminary, static adjustment on the basis of the reference beam of the gas laser and the minimum value of the lasing threshold.

2.The dynamic thermal lens, formed in the active rod as a result of non-uniform heating of the cross-section of the rod, may lead to gradual displacement of the lasing channel and slow modulation of radiation intensity with respect to the amplitude on the diaphragms (Fig. 1.2b) in the case in which the lasing channel does not pass accurately along the axis of this thermal lens. If the lasing channel passes under the maximum possible angle to the axis of the rod, its deviation from the initial direction during the formation of the thermal


Solid-state chromium lasers in free lasing regime

lens will be minimum owing to the fact that the effect of one half of the thermal lens in this case is compensated by the effect of the other half. The dynamic setting of the position of the active rod and the diaphragms makes it possible to eliminate the effect of this factor and produce the shape of the lasing pulse close to the shape of the pumping pulse (Fig. 1.2c).

3. The mechanical oscillations of the mirrors of the resonator result in high-frequency modulation of radiation intensity even in the conditions of the uniform field in the active medium (Fig. 1.2c). In the presence of a non-uniform field in the active medium, very small displacements (of the order of λ /4) of the field of standing waves are sufficient to cause 100% modulation of radiation intensity. The residual modulation of the losses on the mirrors is removed by their dynamic tuning of the oscillogram on the screen of the oscilloscope with the accuracy to 1 angular second (Fig. 1.2d).

4. The thermal drift of the gain line of the active medium, determined by heating of the active medium by the pumping radiation, also causes disruptions in the dynamics of free lasing because it leads to a forced change of the modes during the lasing process. In addition, increase of the length of the active rod as a result of the increase of its temperature leads to the rearrangement of the natural modes of the resonator, with the shift being

Fig. 1.2. Oscillograms of intensiyies of radiation of TEMooq modes of a ruby laser with flat mirrors in the conditions of smoothing the longitudinal heterogeneity of the field in the active medium and passive negative feedback, illustrating the effect of technical perturbations of the resonator; Ep = 3Et; markers – 10 (a) and 20 µs (b–d).


Physics of Solid-State Lasers

∆λ = −

λ l∆ T


n− 1 α


∂ n








g T


∂ T Q








Here l is the length of the active rod; L is the length of the resonator; n is the refractive index of the active medium; α T is the coefficients of linear expansion of the medium; n/T is the thermooptical coefficient. The rate of rearrangement of the natural modes of the resonator is considerably lower than the speed of thermal drift of the gain line and, as shown by experiments, these two processes do not lead to breaks in quasi-stationary lasing in all examined media. The change of the modes during the lasing process, determined by these factors, is adiabatic in the conditions of the quasi-stationary regime and is not accompanied by radiation pulsations.

5. Other factors, resulting in spurious amplitude modulation of the intensity of laser radiation, which can be relatively easily eliminated, include: the presence of macroheterogeneities in the active medium, the spurious selection of the modes in the resonator, non-active absorption in non-pumped regions of the active medium, and others.

It should be noted that to ensure stable quasi-stationary lasing in solid-state lasers, in addition to the optimisation of the resonator parameters, it is necessary to place the active rod in the centre of the resonator and the diaphragms, separating the longitudinal modes, should be positioned in the vicinity of the ends of the resonator. In this case, the effect of spurious disruptions of the resonator parameters on the lasing dynamics is greatly reduced and the spatial modulation of inversion in the active rod is also reduced.

This method of adjusting the main elements of the resonator makes it possible to eliminate by simple means the effect of external technical disruptions and instability of the resonator parameters on the nature of free lasing and examine in explicit form its dynamics in the pulsed regime.

1.2.3 Methods of producing quasi-stationary lasing

The solid-state lasers with lasing in the quasi-stationary regime with a narrow radiation spectrum stable with time, are used widely in science and technology. The efficient control of the spectral–time characteristics of radiation is possible only in the quasi-stationary regime and only in lasers with flat mirrors.

1. The method of producing quasi-stationary lasing in lasers in different media with optical resonators of critical configuration (confocal


Solid-state chromium lasers in free lasing regime

or concentric) characterised by strong degeneration of the modes, is well known. In these lasers, the spatial non-uniformity of the field in the active medium is eliminated as a result of the excitation of a large number of degenerate modes with a high transverse index, high angular divergence and a wide radiation spectrum which is almost impossible to control.

2.The smoothing of the pulsations of radiation intensity is achieved using a negative feedback between laser radiation and losses in the resonator: active [42], in which an electro-optic shutter is placed in the resonator, or passive [43], using darkening filters. However, the application of the negative feedback in the laser with flat mirrors in the conditions of the non-uniform field in the active medium does not make it possible to ensure stable lasing on a single longitudinal mode because this regime is always unstable [44].

3.The forced smoothing of the spatial heterogeneity of the field in the active medium in the lasers with flat mirrors is carried out using the movement of the active medium (running medium) [45,46] or the resonator mirror [47]. However, it is not possible to ensure stable quasi-stationary lasing because the movement of the reflecting surface along the axis of the resonator results in periodic modulation of the Q-factor of the resonator and in the kinetic modulation of radiation intensity [48]. In addition, the movement of elements of the resonators is often accompanied by the formation of purely mechanical perturbations in the resonator.

4.Attempts have been made to produce quasi-stationary lasing of the longitudinal waves in a pulsed solid-state laser using a ring-shaped resonator in which the spatial heterogeneity of the field was removed in the running wave regime. One of the waves in the ring-shaped resonator was suppressed using a nonmutual element (Faraday cell) [49]. In the pulsed regime, it is almost impossible to adjust optimally the ringshaped resonator in the case of lasing of longitudinal modes taking into account the changes with time of the focus of the thermal lens formed in the active rod.

5.In order to generate the quasistationary regime in the laser with flat mirrors, experiments were also carried out using the method of non-resonant feedback in which one of the mirrors of the resonator is replaced by a diffusion reflector [50]. This method is not used widely owing to the fact that the laser of this type is characterised by a high lasing threshold, high losses and low radiation energy.

6.The homogeneous field in the active medium can be produced using circulation-polarised waves generated by two quarter-wave phase sheets [51]. However, this method can be used to realise the quasistationary lasing of solid-state lasers in the pulsed regime.