Файл: How can technology improve our learning process? (Types of technologies).pdf

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As technology has rooted its way into our day to day existence, education has been changed. Long gone are the times of thumbing through an Encyclopedia. With information at the tips of our fingers, learning is now boundless. Though there is, of course, the argument that technology has adversely influenced students’ learning schedules, due to digital distractions and the impact on their attention spans.

Improving education is a huge issue for our society. Test scores, our perceived performance against different nations, and different elements have pushed education to the bleeding edge of national legislative issues, directly behind healthcare reform. Technology can be utilized to improve teaching and learning and help our students to be successful.

Technology, like any tool, depends on the skill of the person wielding it. Most everyone has heard the expression "a shoddy craftsman blames his tools." The same goes for education, especially in light of the fact that the single greatest in-school factor in determining the success or failure of a student is the quality of her teacher.

Types of technologies

While everyone would love to see smaller schools and class sizes, technology cannot do that physically. However, technology can be a “force multiplier” for the teacher. Through the use of learning management systems (LMS) students can access online resources to get assistance on-demand beyond the physical reach of their teacher. Technology can also extend education in another way.

Education doesn’t stop toward the finish of the school day. Students can access teachers, resources, and assignments via the web whenever and wherever they have an internet connection. For students who need to spend more time practicing a concept, online exercises and curriculum can also help them work at their own pace and still keep up with their peers.

Parental contribution is another factor impacting student accomplishment that can expand with technology. Most guardians nowadays have extremely bustling schedules. In turn, they may not have time to assist their child with homework at home or come to class for conferences. Technology can help. Parents may be able to meet with teachers via web conferencing or other online collaboration tools. Additionally, they can check their child’s attendance, assignments, and grades through online frameworks. They can likewise converse with their children from work via email, texting, instant messaging, and video calling.

Technology-based projects can also inspire students to think and collaborate as opposed to memorizing, whether they’re using the web for research or to correspond with other students or experts who are not physically present. These projects likewise, help them learn technology skills they’ll need to succeed in the modern workforce.

Though technology itself can be expensive, it can also help schools save money. Virtual field trips, electronic documents, email instead of printed memos, virtual labs, electronic textbooks and thousands of free online resources help schools save cash and still, give students amazing educational experiences.

Teachers can also utilize technology to discover resources and go to virtual expert improvement courses and conferences (most are free). They can likewise make personal learning networks with Twitter, and different resources to discover and share thoughts and resources, and get support from their colleagues.



















Methods of using technologies

Schools are slowly looking at technology as an opportunity to develop teaching methods and resonate with students on a technology level. Regardless of age, almost everyone owns a smartphone. Google is our library, and Wikipedia is our encyclopedia. At a time like this, learning to change our teaching methods by incorporating technology is the only way to bring light to the lives of our students. What are schools doing in order to bring about this change?

 1. Smart class

Teaching with a whiteboard, chalk, and markers are now a thing of the past, and teachers have shifted to making use of projectors, VCD, DVD players to display tutorial videos and short sessions online to help understand that learning can be fun too. Many schools now come with a TV or a projector attached to their whiteboard where it is easy to shift from a normal classroom session to an interactive digital session. This can make students pay more attention as we are now in the digital era where Google is our go-to place.

 2. Being digitally updated

In a tech-savvy world, education can become easily outdated, as there is always something new happening. Equipping students to be updated with news and other subject-related topics is the best way to teach students to grow as a person. Students spend most of their time on their laptops, their phones, and their iPads. Knowing what sources students can refer to, online, and knowing which websites offer the best information can be a great way to guide students.

 3. Converting books to PDFs

Books are now taken to Kindle and other Tabs. Sending them notes, references, and other information in PDF formats that can be easily accessed on laptops, phones, and tabs is a good way to encourage students to choose to study better.

 4. Encouraging online tests

Training students on subjects by conducting fun online tests from time to time can create a good learning environment for them. Students can be given online quizzes and assessments that they can take from home, replacing general homework that they find excuses for.

 5. Conducting online webinars

How attentive are students when there is only one-way communication with the teacher standing in front of a whiteboard? We find the classroom becoming noisy or students becoming easily disinterested in the topic. Conducting online seminars and webinars, enabling all students to engage in commenting and participating in questionnaires can help them stay alert. Keeping students interested throughout a lecture is an art and a talent that teachers need to have, to benefit from the entire teaching-learning process. It is very vital that students engage in seminars and the lectures involve two-way communication.

6. Supporting online research

Similar to how a teacher is well prepared for a classroom session, encouraging students to be prepared too, can drive students to be excited about taking up classes. Online research is trending and people find exciting careers in Market Research and more. Asking students to find something online that is difficult to find or encouraging online research by giving them a list of things to find before the next class is a good way to keep students looking forward to more classes. It really does feel like a great achievement knowing you’ve found something that no other student could find. Giving them rewards or appreciating their online findings can encourage students to make the best use of the digital resources they have.

7. Creating Communities

The interaction between a teacher and a student does not have to end at school, in a classroom. An online community is where a group or a team stay connected online, submitting projects, discussing topics or expressing ideas. Teachers can set a platform for students to communicate their ideas, suggestions and subject-related queries, for them to solve any time. Being open to online activities like these keep students more focused even outside of school, without realizing the fact that the learning process continues even after classes are done.



Technology can give teachers and students remarkable resources. They have access to new opportunities for learning approaches to work together and to set aside additional cash. Technology is not just a powerful thing for education–it is a superpower.
As far as we know, technology is here to stay and develop. There are more revolutions that are expected in the industry, so you need to be ready for every new update. The idea that “Education is for everyone” seems to be verified with technology's involvement.