Файл: Инструкция к тесту в задании содержаться вопросы по 8 предметам химия.docx
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Добавлен: 12.12.2023
Просмотров: 604
Скачиваний: 3
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Детский бассейн во «Дворце школьников»
Детский бассейн во «Дворце школьников»
Верно выполненные преобразования многочлена (а-3)2 - а(а+1)
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What does the word “annual” in the passage mean?
Every year companies losebecause of the disease.
Smoking is a very serious problem because…
If everyone stopped smoking, all the United Kingdom
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Smoking is a very serious problem because…
it kills hundreds of thousands of people in the UK
it causes fires and accidents
it enriches the insurance companies
it hands to spend families budget
Instruction: Read the text carefully and do the tasks on the text correctly.
The diseases connected to smoking are a big problem. Doctors think that the annual medical cost for lung cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses connected to smoking is between 12 and 35 million pounds.
And smoking costs society money in other ways. Between 27 and 61 billion pounds are spent each year on sick days when people don’t go to work, on wages that you don’t get when you don’t go to work, and on work lost at the company when you are sick.
This money counts the wages from people who die of cancer at young age and stop paying taxes. This does not count fire started by cigarettes which kill fifteen hundred people yearly and injure another four thousand. Smoking costs every man, woman arid child in the UK from one hundred and ten to two hundred and fifty pounds each year in the lost work and wages. When you add another fifty to one hundred and fifty pounds yearly in insurance cost, that comes to one hundred and sixty to four hundred and ten pounds. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year
Smoking will also cause other problems. People who don’t smoke will live longer, and so they will take money from the government when they are old. But they will also work for more years and pay more taxes.
In the end, the value of a non-smoking nation is not in pounds. The good health of the people is the true value for us all.
Without cigarettes , a family of four could havemore each year
from 110 pounds to 260 pounds
from 1,340 to 1,430 pounds
from 160 pounds to 410 pounds
1,640 pounds
Instruction: Read the text carefully and do the tasks on the text correctly.
The diseases connected to smoking are a big problem. Doctors think that the annual medical cost for lung cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses connected to smoking is between 12 and 35 million pounds.
And smoking costs society money in other ways. Between 27 and 61 billion pounds are spent each year on sick days when people don’t go to work, on wages that you don’t get when you don’t go to work, and on work lost at the company when you are sick.
This money counts the wages from people who die of cancer at young age and stop paying taxes. This does not count fire started by cigarettes which kill fifteen hundred people yearly and injure
another four thousand. Smoking costs every man, woman arid child in the UK from one hundred and ten to two hundred and fifty pounds each year in the lost work and wages. When you add another fifty to one hundred and fifty pounds yearly in insurance cost, that comes to one hundred and sixty to four hundred and ten pounds. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year more.
Smoking will also cause other problems. People who don’t smoke will live longer, and so they will take money from the government when they are old. But they will also work for more years and pay more taxes.
In the end, the value of a non-smoking nation is not in pounds. The good health of the people is the true value for us all.
If everyone stopped smoking, all the United Kingdom
would have more money
would live longer
would have no more problems
have less money
Instruction: Read the text carefully and do the tasks on the text correctly.
The diseases connected to smoking are a big problem. Doctors think that the annual medical cost for lung cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses connected to smoking is between 12 and 35 million pounds.
And smoking costs society money in other ways. Between 27 and 61 billion pounds are spent each year on sick days when people don’t go to work, on wages that you don’t get when you don’t go to work, and on work lost at the company when you are sick.
This money counts the wages from people who die of cancer at young age and stop paying taxes. This does not count fire started by cigarettes which kill fifteen hundred people yearly and injure another four thousand. Smoking costs every man, woman arid child in the UK from one hundred and ten to two hundred and fifty pounds each year in the lost work and wages. When you add another fifty to one hundred and fifty pounds yearly in insurance cost, that comes to one hundred and sixty to four hundred and ten pounds. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year more.
Smoking will also cause other problems. People who don’t smoke will live longer, and so they will take money from the government when
they are old. But they will also work for more years and pay more taxes.
In the end, the value of a non-smoking nation is not in pounds. The good health of the people is the true value for us all.