ВУЗ: Не указан

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Добавлен: 13.07.2020

Просмотров: 547

Скачиваний: 3

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  1. Крум Д., Робертс Б. Кондиционирование воздуха и вентиляция зданий: Пер. с англ. /Под ред. Е.Е.Карписа. – М.: Стройиздат, 1980. – 399 с.

  2. Kaplan F. Nomograph Solves Valves Sizing Formulas for Saturated Steam. Heat. Pip. Air Condit., 36, (9), 151 (1964).

  3. Kaplan F. Nomograph Sizes Valves for Handling Compressible Fluids. Heat. Pip. Air Condit., 36, (12), 145 (1964).

  4. Kaplan F. Nomograph Solves Valves Sizing Formulas for Liguid Flow. Heat. Pip. Air Condit., 36, (8), 135 (1964).

  5. Carlson G.E. Flow Balanse in Hidronik Sistems. Air Condit. Heat. Vent., 62 (9), 71 (1965).

  6. Alyes H., Janisse N. Matching Damper to System by Damper Characterics. Air Condit. Heat. Vent., 60, (12), 31 (1963).

  7. Alyes H., Janisse N. The Right Size Damper. Air Condit. Heat. Vent., 61, (3), 82 (1964).

  8. Alyes H., Janisse N. Adapting Damper to System. Air Condit. Heat. Vent., 61, (3), 82 (1964).

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