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ББК 81.2 Англ

Учебное пособие рекомендовано для студентов второго курса средних специальных учебных заведений. – Астрахань, 2006. – с. 79

Автор: Н.И. Гетмиченко

Рецензенты: зав. кафедрой англ. языка для Института Соц. Наук АГУ, канд. филол. наук, доц. Э.А. Саракаева

Утверждено к печати на заседании ПК

Протокол №________________от__________________2005г.

  • Гетмиченко Наталья Игоревна

  • Астраханский колледж строительства и экономики


Данное учебное пособие предназначено для изучения иностранного языка студентами второго курса средних специальных учебных заведений. Пособие содержит устно-разговорные темы и задания к ним, краткое изложение определенного раздела грамматики с подбором упражнений, а так же дополнительный лексический материал по устно-разговорной теме раздела, помогающий студентам на практике закрепить полученные знания и умения.

Овладев материалом, изложенным в настоящем учебном пособии, студенты приобретут достаточный уровень знания лексики и грамматики, необходимый им в изучении английского языка в сфере получаемой ими специальности на старших курсах.


UNIT 1 5


GRAMMAR: Modal Verbs 13


UNIT 2 21

LEXICAL MATERIAL: My future profession 21

GRAMMAR: The Past Simple Tense 24

ADDITIONAL STUDY: Professions 27

UNIT 3 30


GRAMMAR: The Past Continuous Tense 33


UNIT 4 39


GRAMMAR: The Future Simple Tense 42


UNIT 5 48


GRAMMAR: The Future Continuous Tense 51

ADDITIONAL STUDY: Cities in Great Britain 54

UNIT 6 59


GRAMMAR: The Present Perfect Tense 66

ADDITIONAL STUDY: Cities in the USA 70




I. Read the text, translate it and make the tasks

The British Educational System

All state schools in Britain are free, and schools provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies. About nine million kids attend 35.000 schools in Britain. Education is compulsory from five till sixteen years.

Parents have a choice – to send a child to a nursery school or a pre-school playground to prepare him or her for compulsory education.

Children go to primary school at five and continue until they are eleven.

Primary school is divided into infant school – from five to seven (where they learn to read and write, and the basis of arithmetic) and junior school – from eight to eleven (where they learn geography, history, biology, foreign languages and other subjects).

Seven percent of British schoolchildren go to private schools where they study from five to eighteen years. There are 2.400 private schools and they have been growing in number or popularity since the mid-1980s. Parents pay for these schools, and fees vary from about 250 pounds a term for a private nursery to 3.000 pounds a term or more for a secondary boarding school. Most private schools are called prep-schools because they prepare the children for the Common Entrance Exam which they take at the age of 11. This exam is for the entry into the best schools.

The most famous schools are called “public schools” and they have a long history and traditions. It is often necessary to put your child’s name on a waiting list at birth to be sure he or she gets a place. Children of wealthy or aristocratic families often go to the same public school as their parents and their grandparents. Eton is the best known of these schools.

At the age of sixteen pupils take a national exam called General Certificate of Secondary Education and then they can leave school if they wish. This is the end of compulsory education.

Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the sixth form at school or at a six form college. The sixth form prepares pupils for a national exam called “A” level (that means – advanced) at 18.

If a young man would like to enter the university he needs “A” level. Other 16-year-olds choose to go to a college of further education to study for more practical diplomas relating to the word of work such as hairdressing, typing or mechanics.

Universities and colleges of higher education accept students with “A” levels from 18. Students study for a degree which takes an average three years of full-time study. Most students graduate at 21 or 22 and are given their degree at a special graduation ceremony.

In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teach via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The Oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree.


free – бесплатный

to provide – обеспечивать

compulsory – обязательный

nursery school – дошкольное обучение (детсад)

primary school – начальная школа

infant school – младшая начальная школа

junior school – старшая начальная школа

private school – частная школа

secondary school – средняя школа

the Common Entrance Exam – Единый Вступительный экзамен

General Certificate of Secondary Education – Аттестат о получении среднего образования

Answer the questions

  1. What education is considered to be compulsory?

  2. What is a primary school?

  3. What is a private school like?

  4. What is a public school?

  5. What exam do the children pass at the age of sixteen?

  6. What can the pupils do when they are sixteen?

  7. What can you say about universities in Britain?

  • Make up your own examples with the vocabulary:

For example: private school – частная школа

My best friend goes to the private school and she really likes to study there but unfortunately I can see her only on weekends.

  • Find the equivalents in the text for:

  1. Школы обеспечивают учащихся учебниками и необходимым оборудованием.

  2. Обучение является обязательным с пяти до шестнадцати лет.

  3. Около семи процентов британских детей учатся в частных школах.

  4. Этот экзамен считается вступительным в самые лучшие школы.

  5. Дети аристократов и богатых людей, как правило, учатся в тех же частных школах, что и их родители.

  6. Они могут закончить обучение, если пожелают.

    • Retell the text under following plan:

  1. Name the types of schools in Britain

  2. Name the difference between these schools

  3. Speak about higher education in Britain

II. Read about two famous Universities in England

Oxford and Cambridge are the most beautiful and oldest universities in England. Every year hundreds of young people whose parents have enough money to pay for university education come to Oxford or Cambridge from school. They spend three or four years at the university.

People from other countries like to visit Oxford while they are in England because it has many interesting buildings. The most important street in Oxford is High Street. Cambridge consists of many different colleges which make a picture of Cambridge as one of the most amazing towns in Great Britain. Parts of the town of Cambridge have not changed since they were built hundreds of years ago.

III. Read the text, translate it and make the tasks

The USA Educational System

Each state in the USA has its own system of schools but there are some common features in the organization of school education in the country. Schools can be divided into state or public schools and private schools. State schools are free and private are fee-paying. Four of five private schools are run by churches, synagogues and other religious groups.

Most schools start at nursery level at the age of three. Elementary education starts at the age of six and continues till eleven years. Secondary education is provided from the age of twelve. It is divided into junior (from twelve to fourteen) and high school (from fifteen to eighteen). High schools may be classified in three major categories: comprehensive, general, and vocational. Comprehensive offers a broad program of academic education. General offers a limited program. Vocational is for those who want to get a general education plus some training.

There are also specialized schools for children who are interested in a particular area of study and ho are artistically or musically gifted.

Out of more than three million students who graduate from high school each year, about one million go on for higher education. A college might receive applications from the school graduates and then decide who enters and who doesn’t. They chose on the basis of their high school records and recommendations from high school teachers. The system of higher education in the USA comprises three categories of institutions:

1. The university that may contain several colleges – the students get bachelor (four years of education) or master or doctorial (five to seven years) degrees;

2. The technical training institutions – the students take courses ranging from six month to four years in duration and get technical skills,

3. The two-year college – the students get the basis of any profession and may transfer to four-year College.

The most selective are Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, Cornel and other universities.


common features – общие черты

to be divided – различаться

elementary – начальный

comprehensive – общеобразовательный

general - общий

vocational – профессиональный

to receive – получать

application – заявление

to transfer – переводиться

selective - выбираемый

Answer the questions

    1. What is a system of schools in the USA?

    2. What types of schools are there in the USA?

    3. What age do the children go to school?

    4. What is the difference between comprehensive, general, and vocational?

    5. What is a specialized school?

    6. How many students go on for higher education?

    7. What categories does the USA system of higher education comprise?

    8. What are the most selective universities?

            • Make up your own examples with the vocabulary

    For example: elementary – начальный

    My younger sister Hailey goes to the elementary school, where she studies the ABCs and plays active group games with other children.

    • Find the equivalents in the text for:

      1. В каждом штате США есть своя собственная система образования

      2. Во многих школах обучение начинается с трехлетнего возраста.

      3. Существуют специализированные школы для детей с особыми наклонностями.

      4. Колледж получает заявления от выпускников и принимает решение о поступлении каждого отдельного студента.

      5. Это университет, состоящий из нескольких колледжей.

        • Retell the text under following plan:

          1. The system of schools in the USA

          2. The system of higher education in the USA

    IV. Read the text, translate it and make the tasks

    Russian Education System

    Russians have always shown a great concern for education. The right to education is stated in the constitution f the Russian Federation. There are compulsory secondary schools, vocational schools, and higher educational establishments.

    In Russia children begin going to school at the age of seven. First they study at the elementary school. It lasts three or four years. At the elementary school children get the elementary education, they learn to read, write and count. From the fifth form the secondary education begins. Children begin learning different subjects, such as Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Computing, Foreign Languages and so on.

    The nine-year secondary education is compulsory in our country, but after completing the nine-year schooling pupils face the first serious decision in their lives. They have to decide either to continue their studies in the tenth and eleventh forms at a general secondary school, or to transfer to specialized colleges, that is to say, choose a particular career.

    Colleges give young people a secondary education plus trade training. This means that after finishing a college they are educated and financially independent, able to go straight to a job.

    Except general secondary schools there are a lot of specialized schools, where more attention is paid to a particular subject, mostly to a foreign language. Besides, there are many private schools now, where the education is not free of charge.

    After finishing school or college young people may enter institute or university to get the higher education. After finishing the fourth course they get the bachelor's degree and after graduating from the higher educational establishment — the master's degree.

    To study is not an easy thing, of course, but nowadays it is quite necessary to be highly skilled and educated specialist.


    elementary school - начальная школа

    education - образование

    compulsory - обязательный

    to complete - завершить, закончить

    to face - столкнуться, встать перед лицом

    to have to - быть вынужденным

    to continue - продолжать

    particular - определенный

    career - карьера

    trade training - обучение профессии

    financially independent - материально независимый

    to pay attention - уделять внимание

    free of charge - бесплатный

    to enter - поступать (в институт)

    higher education - высшее образование

    bachelor's degree - степень бакалавра

    higher educational establishment - высшее учебное заведение

    master's degree - степень магистра

    skilled - квалифицированный

    Answer the questions

    1. What types of schools are in Russia?

    2. What age do children go to school?

    3. What do the children study in elementary school?

    4. What may children do after the nine-year schooling?

    5. What may children do after finishing school or college?

      • Find the equivalents in the text for:

    1. В России всегда большое внимание уделялось образованию

    2. В России дети начинают ходить в школу в возрасте семи лет

    3. С пятого класса начинается среднее образование

    4. Девятилетнее образование считается обязательным в нашей стране.

    5. В колледжах молодежь получает помимо среднего образования получение какой-либо профессии.

    6. Сейчас существует большое количество частных школ, где обучение платное.

      • Retell the text under following plan:

        1. The system of schools

        2. The compulsory education

        3. The higher education in Russia

    GRAMMAR: Modal Verbs

    В отличие от других глаголов, модальные передают отношение говорящего к действию, выраженному инфинитивом. Модальные глаголы можно условно поделить на три группы:

    1. can (could); may(might) – используются для выражения возможности или способности выполнить действие, но модальные глагол can (could) выражает физическую возможность или умение, а may(might) выражает возможность совершения действия, но как разрешение, позволение.

    EX: I can swim. Я могу (умею) плавать.

    He may help you. Он может тебе помочь (т.е. ему позволено)

    2. must, should, ought toвыражают значение долженствования, но отличаются в значениях:

    mustдолженствование категорично

    shouldдолженствование с раздражением

    ought toдолженствование с (дружеской) рекомендацией.

    EX: I must study. Я должен заниматься.

    She should go there. Ей бы лучше пойти туда.

    You ought to be with her. Тебе лучше быть с ней.

    Кроме модальных глаголов, в английском языке существуют эквиваленты:

    To have to – выражает необходимость в силу обстоятельств

    EX: I have to ask for help. Мне приходится просить о помощи.

    To be able to – выражает возможность совершения в будущем.

    EX: I will be able to help you. Я смогу тебе помочь.

    To be to – выражает долженствование, необходимость, договоренность.

    EX: She is to come at 5 o’clock. Они должны прийти в 5 часов.


    EXERCISE1. Make up 10 sentences with any modal verbs or equivalents

    EXERCISE 2. Analyze the usage of modal verbs in the following contexts. Translate the sentences.

    1. Nick can run long distances. 2. He can speak many foreign languages. 3. You may join our group. 4. I must excuse myself. 5. You mustn’t park the car here. 6. The boy must see a doctor. 7. You may take this book for a week. 8. You may stay at your friend’s house over the weekend. 9. It may be cold. 10. Jake shouldn’t have laughed at Jon. 11. He ought to be more careful in the future. 12. You are to be at school at 8 in the morning. 13. She is to take her exam in a month. 14. We are to meet her at home. 15. I have to take a taxi in order not to be late. 16. I will be able to do it tomorrow. 17. I have to talk to him about the matter. 18. You must always come in time. 19. May I have a glass of milk? – no, you may not. 20. You should take care of him. 21. Can I have a banana? Could I have a look at the prices? 22. Can you travel anywhere you like without a visa? 23. Can you drive? May you drive us to the school? 24. Can you lend me your bike? 25. Can we cross the street here? 26. Mum, may I have another sweet? 27. What a perfect morning! Who can feel sad at heart on a day like this? 28. fashions may be changing but style remains. 29. Don’t throw it away; it may become useful some day. 30. I can do it for you, it’s not hard anyways.

    EXERCISE 3. Insert modal verbs may or can. Translate the sentences.

    1. You … come in when you have taken off your shoes. 2. Be careful: you … spill the milk. 3. Most children … slide on the ice very well. 4. … you see anything in this darkness? 5. You … go when you have finished your test. 6. … I use your pen? 7. You .. read this book. You know the language well enough. 8. You … take this book, I don’t need it any more. 9. Do you think you … do it? 10. What time is it? – It … be about 6 o’clock, but I am not sure. 11. You … take a horse to the water, but you … not make him drink. 12. Where nothing is, nothing … be had there. 13. Love … neither be bought nor sold; its only price is love. 14. Man … not live by bread alone. 15. You … take control of your schedule. 16. ... you tell me the time, please? 17. No more for me thanks. I ... eat another thing. 18. Who is that outside? It ... be the postman - he has already been here. 19. We loved the cake. ... you give us the recipe for it? 20. My aunt ... tell fortunes from tea leaves.

    EXERCISE 4. Analyze the usage of modal verb must in the following contexts. Translate the sentences.

    1. Who says A must say B. 2. Knowledge must be gained by ourselves. 3. What everybody says must be true. 4. What can't be cured must be endured. 5. I felt sure it must be a ghost, a visitor from another world. 6. I think we must rely only on ourselves. 7. We must not look for a golden life in an iron age. 8. Caesar's wife must be above suspicion. And so should Caesar. 9. Well, I must have looked an ass. 10. My matches have fallen out. I must go and buy some. 11. At work today, my boss told me that I must stop sleeping. 12. He realized he must do it. 13. Henry must be still sleeping. 14. - Must I send the fax and write the contract today? - You needn't send the fax, but you certainly must write the contract.

    EXERCISE 5. Translate into English using a modal verb must

    1. Я должна упорно работать над своим английским. 2. Вы должны внимательно слушать учителя на уроке. 3. Ты должен заниматься каждый день. 4. Вы не должны забывать о своих обязанностях. 5. Вы должны быть осторожными на улице. 6. Сейчас она должна быть дома. 7. Я должна написать письмо брату. 8. Я должна купить продукты на обед.

    EXERCISE 6. Analyze the usage of modal verb have to in the following contexts. Translate the sentences.

    1. Have a seat, please. I have to make a call before we leave. 2. You've just broken the law and you shall have to answer for it. 3. Norris had to learn a couple of hard lessons on his road to the top. 4. We'll have to label all the goods which we have to sell. 5. Do I have to have another check-up, doctor? 6. He had to raise his voice to be heard through the rising storm. 7. You don't have to cheer up if you don't want to! 8. Jane has to get up early to catch the coach. 9. You'll have to say it to his face. 10. I had to run for my life! But for my feet I would have long been dead! 11. You'll have to be very cautious, it wouldn't do for you to get caught. 12.From now on, my son, you'll have to earn your own living. 13. Mary had to invent a story to escape from the house. 14. I understand, darling. Work has to come first. 15. It was something she had to agree to.

    EXERCISE 7. Insert modal verbs to be to or to have to. Translate the sentences.

    1. She … to send a telegram because it was too late to send a letter. 2. They decided that she … to send them a telegram every tenth day. 3. You … to learn all the new words for the next lesson. 4. Do you know this man? – He … to be our new teacher. 5. Who … to go to the library to get the new books? – I was, but I couldn’t. 6. It is raining. You … to put on your raincoat. 7. I told her she … to open the window for a while every day. 8. I … to wear glasses as my eyesight is very weak. 9. You … to learn this poem by heart. 10. She … to tell him the truth, there were no other way.

    EXERCISE 8. Insert modal verbs should или must. Translate the sentences.

    1. You … have studied the material very well. I see you have made no mistakes in the test paper. 2. You … have studied the material very well. Then you will not make so many mistakes. 3. She … have forgotten to take her medicine. 4. She … have remembered to take her medicine. 5. I … have got on the wrong bus. I cannot recognize the places we are passing.

    EXERCISE 9. Analyze the usage of modal verbs should and ought to in the following contexts. Translate the sentences.

    1. A gentleman should be honest in his actions and refined in his language. 2. Children should be seen and not heard. 3. Law makers should not be law breakers. 4. People should reflect how tender is the Earth's environment. 5. Is it vitally important that I should say "yes"? 6. Well, you should be working now instead of relaxing. 7. Kings ought to be kings in all things. 8. A liar it to have a good memory. 9. We ought to weigh what we can only once decide.10. He ought to have been more tactful.


    I. Read and translate the texts about students from England, translate them and answer the questions

    TEXT A

    Hello, my name is John Green, I am eighteen and I live in England. When I was four my parents decided it would be good for me to go to the nursery school.

    In my country children do not have to go to school until they reach the age of five but there is some free nursery education before that age.

    But I liked to go to school when I was little; we had a lot of fun playing group games. Then the teacher taught us how to read, write and count.

    Later I went to the primary school where we began to study other subjects plus foreign languages – German and French. When I turned eleven it was the right time for me to pass an Eleven Plus exam, and I passed it successfully. There were kids in my class who didn’t want to pass this exam or who failed to pass it – so they went to secondary modern schools straight.

    I went to the grammar school where I continued to study foreign languages plus some compulsory subjects. Three months ago the school was over and I passed an “A” level exam and entered the Oxford University.

    Answer the questions

    1. Why did John go to school at the age of four?

    2. What did John do in the nursery school?

    3. What did John study in the primary school?

    4. How did John pass an Eleven plus exam and what school did he go?

    5. Did John continue his education after the school?

    TEXT B

    Hi, my name is Regina MacDougal; now I am a student of one of the best universities in Britain – Cambridge.

    Even before I was born my parent decided that I would get the same education that my mom had got.

    When I turned five I went to the private school for girls that is called St. Augusta Private School.

    There are a lot of private schools in my country.

    These schools are very expensive and they are attended by about 5 percent of the school population. I studied in my school until I turned eighteen. I loved to study in my school. There were a lot of subjects there – music, foreign languages, theater class, and gymnastics. The saddest part was that I had to be apart from my family – I went home only during holidays. But I had made a lot of friends in school and they replaced me a family.

    Now I am in the university and I am very happy, plus I have a lot of friends from my private school here.

    Answer the questions

    1. Why did Regina go to the private school?

    2. What was the name of the school?

    3. What subjects did Regina study there?

    4. Did Regina like to study in her school?

    5. Who studies together with Regina?

    II. Read and translate the texts about students from England, translate them and answer the questions


    Hi, my name is Kevin Steward. I am from Annandale, a small town in Minnesota.

    When I was three and a half I began to go to the nursery Annandale school and I really enjoyed it – we played games outdoors and when the weather was bad we went inside where the teacher read us fairy-tales.

    When everyone in my class turned six we went to the Annandale Elementary School – there we got our class teacher who taught us ABCs first and then other subjects.

    When I turned twelve I finished my elementary school and we had a real graduation ceremony. Then I went into Annandale Junior School. There I studied a lot of subjects and took special courses in art because I liked it. When I studied in High School I had to have general program material plus my personal studies in art studio.

    Then my art teacher advised me to enter Art College. I fulfilled a lot of applications and fourteen universities gave me an answer “yes”, but the universities were very far from my native town – they were in San Diego, New York, Miami, and Richmond.

    But I decided to stay in my Minnesota and applied to Minnesota State University and I entered the Art College there.

    It takes me about an hour and half to get there from home and I am pleased because I can go home on weekends.

    Answer the questions

    1. What nursery and elementary education did Kevin get?

    2. Who taught Kevin in the Elementary school?

    3. What subjects did Kevin take in Junior school?

    4. What universities did Kevin apply?

    5. Where does Kevin study now?


    Hey, I am Miranda Tailor. I live in New York. Until I turned five my nanny educated me a little bit.

    My parents though it would be great for me to study in a private school so they sent me to the St. Anna Private School in New Jersey. That’s a school for both girls and boys. The school is run by a Catholic Church.

    So I studied in this school until I got seventeen. I went home on weekends and holidays, but when I grew older I preferred to spend my holidays at school with my friends. In school I shared a room with a girl named Lora and we became bet friends.

    It was very hard for me to decide what college or university to enter. I was good in many subjects – in Mathematics, Physics, Foreign Languages, and Literature and so on. So I entered the Columbia University College and I study on the first course now – I don’t major in any subject for now. During the first year I get the general education and on the next year I will have to decide what specialty I want to study.

    Answer the questions

    1. Who taught Miranda until she turned five?

    2. What school did Miranda go to?

    3. Where did Miranda spend her weekends and holidays when she grew older?

    4. What subjects were Miranda’s best ones?

    5. Where does Miranda study now?

    III. Read the text “Typical student” and answer the question:

    What type of student do you consider yourself to belong to?

    Typical Student

    Who are they and how they look? In the streets, in parks, cafes, on discos, everywhere you can see young people standing together and talking about something with great interest. What are they talking about? They talk about studying, music, and clothes and about money, which will finish soon. But in spite of the problem they are never sad. At the same time students walk in town, go to cafes, discos and concerts. Students become friends very fast and forever.

    There are some different types of students. One part does nothing but study. Others have time for studying and for things they love to do. Someone likes going in for sport, some are fond of playing computer games, others like singing or dancing and so on. And there are some students who don’t want to study and want to graduate the university with good and excellent marks.

    Students wear everything that is comfortable to them. They listen to different types of music. Pop, rock, rap these are only few types they listen to. And all students like sleeping. So they are very different.

    UNIT 2

    LEXICAL MATERIAL: My future profession

    I. Read and translate the text “Choosing a future profession”

    Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open between them: vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more that 2000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can’t decide even after leaving school. Let’s have a look at what some school leavers think about their future profession.

    Masha: I have made my choice long time ago. I want to be a teacher. Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils’ intellect; form their views and characters, their attitudes to life. It’s a great responsibility!

    Dima: I want to become a computer programmer. I am interested in computers. I think this profession can give many opportunities. We are living in the age of information. I think our future is just filled with computers.

    Ivan: I have already decided what career to choose. I would like to be a psychologist and I want to help people to solve their problems.

    Anna: I decided to enter the department of sociology. I understand the difficulties of this profession. But I believe this specialty is really needed and hope that I can help a lot of people.

    Max: I like the profession of a journalist. They try to understand what is going on in the world, or the country, or the city and try to explain it to other people. Journalists can influence the history.

    II. Answer the questions.

    1. What does finishing school mean?

    2. Why is it so difficult to choose a future profession?

    3. What profession did Masha choose? Why?

    4. Why did Ivan decide to become a psychologist?

    5. Why does Dima think that being a computer programmer gives many opportunities?

    6. Why does Anna want to be a sociologist?

    7. Why does Max like the profession of a journalist?

    III. Make up short dialogues on the topic “Future profession” between:

      • Masha and Ivan

      • Ivan and Dima

      • Dima and Anna

      • Anna and Max

      IV. Read and translate the text “My future profession”

      My future profession

      Hi, my name is Sasha. I finished my school and entered the Astrakhan College of Building and Economics. Usually, pupils’ plans for the future change many times during the school years. That’s what happened to me.

      When I was about 10 years old I wanted to become a doctor, then I changed my mind and since I was enjoying playing computer games I decided to become a computer programmer.

      But playing games and making programs is not the same. So I changed my mind again and didn’t know what profession to choose. And then I looked at my parents. They are engineers.

      Their profession is always available, they help people the most, and they make their lives more comfortable. When I told my parents about my decision they were very excited because I followed their steps.

      I decided to enter the Astrakhan College of Building and Economics and then continue my education in the university. I like the profession I will be given and I will try to make the life of the citizens of my city more comfortable.

      V. Speak about how your plans for the future got changed.

      VI. Read and translate the text “I want to be an economist

      I want to be an economist

      My name is Oksana, I am sixteen. I study in the Astrakhan College of Building and Economics. I want to be an economist.

      And I can explain why I think so. Russia for a long time had the command-and-administrative methods of management. (Every official had extensive power which he did not want to lose.) Economics and economic science were not developing.

      The reconstructing of the economic system abolished many ministries and other departments. As a result of the reconstructing, the connections between different areas of our country were broken and our industry and agriculture gone down. However, the reconstructing opened up wide opportunities for a business and marketing economics.

      Therefore I took the decision to become an economist.


      command - приказывать, командовать, управлять

      extensive - экстенсивный, растущий вширь

      official - чиновник, должностное лицо

      power - власть, сила

      economy - экономия, хозяйство

      reconstructing - перестройка

      to abolish - отменять, уничтожать

      ministry - министерство

      connection - связь, связи

      however - однако

      opportunity - удобный случай

      marketing - рыночная торговля

      therefore - поэтому, следовательно

      decision -решение, решимость

      to take a decision - принять решение

      to become - становиться

      VII. Discussion questions

      1. What was your favorite subject at school? 2. Have you read any books on this subject? 3. Where your classes in this discipline interesting? 4. Have you decided what profession to choose? 5. What do you do to prepare for you future work or to get better changes for that profession? 6. Have you had talk with your parents on future profession? 7. What profession did your parents advise you to take up? 8. Do your parents say that it is up to you to decide which road you will take in life? 9. What will you be after graduating from the Institute? 10. If you are admitted to this faculty, what specialization would you like to take up?

      VIII. Write down a composition called “My future profession” using the texts. You must touch upon the following problems:

      1. What were your plans for the future when you were a child?

      2. What made you choose this profession?

      3. What do you like in your future profession?

      GRAMMAR: Past Simple

      Прошедшее простое время употребляется для:

      • Описания действий, происходивших в прошлом, но не связанных с настоящим. Прошедшее действие может характеризоваться обстоятельством времени (yesterday – вчера, last week – на прошлой неделе, a month ago – месяц назад, on Sunday – в воскресенье):

      EX: I met him last week

      Я встречал его на прошлой неделе.

      • Описания ряда последовательных действий в прошлом:

      EX: She came up to the house, opened the door, and turned on the light in the hall.

      Она подошла к дому, открыла дверь и включила свет в прихожей.

      Образование Past Simple

      Форма Past Simple правильных глаголов образуется прибавлением к основе инфинитива окончания ed

      EX: to end – ended; to work – worked; to open – opened

      Форма Past Simple неправильных глаголов образуется различными способами (список неправильных глаголов):

      EX: to speak – spoke, to meet – met, to know – knew

      Для построения вопросительной и отрицательной формы используется вспомогательный глагол to do в Past SimpleDID:

      I saw him before Я видел его раньше

      I didn’t see him before Я не видел его раньше

      Did I see him before? Видел ли я его раньше?


      EXERCISE 1. Form the Past Simple Tense from the verbs given below

      To bring, to blow, to do, to seem, to last, to draw, to break, to listen, to read, to jump, to feel, to hear, to sleep, to cry, to appear, to love, to show, to sing, to hide, to get, to understand, to forget, to remember, to tell, to ask..

      EXERCISE 2. Put the verbs in the following sentences into negative and interrogative form

      1. He knew her address. 2. This engineer needed help. 3. I liked my new apartment. 4. They found a new solution of this problem. 5. She worked very hard on this problem. 6. He realized that he was right. 7. I saw this movie yesterday. 8. I was in Moscow last year. 9. She decided to go to the country and left last month. 10. They moved to their new house.

      EXERCISE 3. Translate into English

      1. Ты был в колледже вчера? 2. Каким студентом он был? 3. В понедельник мы ходили по магазинам, выбирали подарки. 4. Вчера была очень хорошая погода. 5. В прошлом году я успешно сдал все экзамены. 6. Месяц назад мы ездили на море. 7. Я не успел все сделать вчера. 8.Было довольно темно, но мы не увидели звезд на небе. 9. Он хотел мне помочь, но я отказался. 10. Я вчера вспомнил, где я его видел.

      EXERCISE 4. Make up a situation (10-15 sentences) with using the verbs in the Past Simple Tense

      EXERCISE 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple

      1. The other day I (to meet) a friend of mine at the conference. 2. We (to listen) to almost all reports there yesterday. 3. They (to go) to the country last Sunday 4 Many specialists (to take part) in the last conference. 5. We (to buy) a new software program for the computer tlie day before yesterday. 6. He (to begin) to study Economics a year ago. 7 When I (to come) to the library yesterday, the librarian (to give) me a lot of books on this problem. 8. What salary you (to get) last month? 9. He (to get) a bad mark- at the exam because he hardly (to know) the subject and (to forget) many facts 10. Last time my colleague (to ask) me to help him with a difficult task. 11. Their company O be) quite successful in trading last season. 12. The men (to be) very busy, when I (to come) to ask them about their working conditions. 13. When Peter (to get) his new job?

      EXERCISE 6. Open the brackets, using Present or Past Simple.

      1. You (to read) English books? 2. My sister (to read) that book last term. 3. When the delegation (to arrive) in Moscow? It (to arrive) yesterday. 4. This train usually (arrive) at 7.30. 5. I (not see) Andrew at the lecture. 6. Where you (to put) my dictionary? 7. This little girl always (to put) her dresses in the wardrobe. 8. Who (to send) a resume to a computer firm? 9.When you (to graduate) from the University? 10. The job interviewer always (to ask) many difficult questions. 11. You (to like) the new candidate? 12. I (to be) very busy, when you (to enter) the office, that's why I (not to discuss) the matter with you.

      EXERCISE 7. Translate into Russian

      1. I was born in April. 2. Mr. Buckster worked in the USA in 1998. 3. - When did you marry? ~ Jack and I got married two years ago. 4. Max left the house for college, walked to the bus-stop, got on the bus and after some stops got off, had a sandwich in a cafe ... and decided to go back home. 5. I saw the sea long ago, in my childhood. 6. Roger went to University and lived in a hostel. 7. It often rained in the autumn of 1996. 8. The Scotts had dinner at six o'clock and went to a pub. 9. - When and where did you buy this ring? - Oh! It was long ago! 10. It happened on a sunny spring day. 11. I didn't read much during my vacations. 12. The guests said good-bye and left the house. 13. The brothers went to the same school, entered the same University, worked at the same company, and even fell in love with the same girl. - No wonder, they were twins, weren't they? 14. - Who painted this work of art? - It was Levitan. 15. - How long did she wait? - She waited for half an hour and left.

      EXERCISE 8. Put the sentences into negative and interrogative form.

      1. I was born in a big American family. 2. The students were busy preparing for the exams. 3. I was shy in my childhood. 4. Mrs. Sweet taught Geography at school. 5. We did all the work on time. 6. The scouts heard something strange. 7. My father read all the detective stories from the public library. 8. It started raining. 9. Our group liked the new teacher. 10. My little sister had a kitten. 11. We had a nice journey to Jamaica last year. 12. Our family had dinner early yesterday. 13. We had great fun at the Halloween party! 14. She had to get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. 15. It snowed a lot this winter.

      EXERCISE 9. Open the brackets and put the verb into the right form

      1. You (be born) in Moscow? 2. I always (be afraid) of flying by planes. 3. What (happen) last Monday? 4. The train (start) at ten o'clock sharp. 5. Where you (be) yesterday? I (phone) you all day long! 6. Somebody (copy) the top secret file. I wonder who (come) here last night? 7. It (rain) all day long the day before yesterday and I (not, go shopping). 8. What (make) you give up jogging? 9. They (talk) for only twenty minutes and (fall in love) with each other deeply. Two months later they (marry). 10. As I (leave) the money at home yesterday, I (not, have lunch). 11. They (come) to the bank on Friday evening, but they (have) no money. 12. When my parents (be young), they (not, have) their own flat and they (have to) rent a room. 13. The boy (work) at his father's farm, (go) to the Art Institute in Kansas City and many years later he (found) his own cartoon company. The boy was Walt Disney. 14. - Who (do) this perfect translation of Shakespeare's sonnet? - It (be) Marshak. 15. - You (pay) a fortune for this car last year, didn't you? - Who (tell) you this? It (cost) me almost nothing then! 16. As soon as the tourists (arrive) in Paris, they (buy) the tickets to the Louvre. 17. - When the plane (take off)? - It (take off) ten minutes ago. 18. James (offer) me to go to the piano concert. It (sound) good, so I (agree). 19. He (wait) in the rain till it (get) dark, but she (not, come). 20. It (rain) for many days and nights during the rainy season.

      EXERCISE 10. Ask your friend questions like it’s shown in the example:

      - Did you clean your teeth yesterday? - Yes, I did. As usual, I cleaned my teeth yesterday.

      1. go to school 2. listen to music 3. go to the cinema, 4. get a letter 5. vacuum your room 6. do morning exercises 7. take out your pet 8. wash your jeans 9. have a sweet dream 10. get up early 11. water the flowers 12. eat some chocolate 13. have your hair cut 14. have a date 15. say "Good Morning" to your neighbor 16. cook something delicious 17. have a shower 18. call your best friend 19. watch TV 20. buy something nice for yourself.

      ADDITIONAL STUDY: Professions

      I. Read and translate the text “I want to be a programmer”

      I want to become a computer programmer. I am interested in computers. It is a whole new world.

      Many people continue careers of their parents or grand parents but it is not the case with me. My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. But I don't want to be neither a teacher nor a doctor. My favorite subjects in school were mathematics, physics, and, of course, computer science. I am not interested in such subjects as geography, biology or chemistry.