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Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 21.07.2020

Просмотров: 252

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

a) favourite b) possibility c) refusal d) desire


a) kindness b) horror c) type d) question


a) of a city b) not allowed

c) circular d) large


a) sweet-smelling b) deadly

c) ancient d) healthy

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

John's _____ improved at his new school. BEHAVE

No-one with a recent ______ record will be considered for this job. CRIME We have decided to interview only the best six _____for the job. APPLY

The company has shown rapid____in the last two years. GROW

Newspapers in that country can say what they like. There's no____. CENSOR

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Deside which sports centre would be the most suitable for thefollowing people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Dionysis works in the city centre and wants to take up a sport that he can do regularly in his lunch hour. He enjoys activities which are fast and a bit dangerous.

Sporting Opportunities

Suzanne's Riding School

You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. (3.30 p.m. on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat.

Lackford Sailing Club

Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification. You'll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.).

Adonis Dive Centre

Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evening lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely. You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.

Windmill Tennis Academy

Learn to play tennis in the heart of the city and have fun at our tennis weekends. Arrive on Friday evening, learn the basic strokes on Saturday and play in a competition on Sunday. There's also a disco and swimming pool. White tennis clothes and a racket are required.

Hilton Ski Centre

If you take our 20-hour course a week or two before your skiing holiday, you'll enjoy your holiday more. Learn how to use a ski-lift, how to slow down and, most importantly, how to stop! The centre is open from noon to 10 p.m. Skis and boots can be hired.

Avon Watersports Club

We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing and water-skiing. A beginners' course consists of ten 20-minute lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently, but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with lessons all through the day.

Glenmorie Golf Club

After a three-hour introduction with a professional golfer, you can join this golf club. The course stretches across beautiful rolling hills and is open from dawn until dusk daily. There are regular social evenings on Saturdays in the club bar. You will need your own golf equipment.

Hadlow Aero Club

Enjoy a different view of the countryside from one of our two-seater light aeroplanes. After a 50-hour course with our qualified instructor, you could get your own pilot's licence. Beginners' lessons for over-18s are arranged on weekdays after 4 p.m.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) business deal

b) war c) ceremony

d) show


a) able to be heard b) believable c) willing d) nearly


a) total b) study c) approval d) majority opinion


a) forgotten b) lacking c) complete d) well-known


a) display b) discover c) pickup d) choose

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

David's _____ at winning the competition was clear to everyone. ASTONISH That large dog is perfectly _____ and has never been known to attack anyone. HARM

Work is going on to _____ the bridge, which carries a great deal of traffic. STRONG

It took him a long time to recover from the____of his mother. DIE

The____of poverty, disease and ignorance must be our principal aim. CONQUER

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Deside which sports centre would be the most suitable for thefollowing people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

John and Betty already play golf at weekends. Now they have retired, they want to learn a new activity they can do together in the mornings in the countryside.

Sporting Opportunities

Suzanne's Riding School

You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. (3.30 p.m. on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat.

Lackford Sailing Club

Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification. You'll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.).

Adonis Dive Centre

Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evening lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely. You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.

Windmill Tennis Academy

Learn to play tennis in the heart of the city and have fun at our tennis weekends. Arrive on Friday evening, learn the basic strokes on Saturday and play in a competition on Sunday. There's also a disco and swimming pool. White tennis clothes and a racket are required.

Hilton Ski Centre

If you take our 20-hour course a week or two before your skiing holiday, you'll enjoy your holiday more. Learn how to use a ski-lift, how to slow down and, most importantly, how to stop! The centre is open from noon to 10 p.m. Skis and boots can be hired.

Avon Watersports Club

We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing and water-skiing. A beginners' course consists of ten 20-minute lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently, but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with lessons all through the day.

Glenmorie Golf Club

After a three-hour introduction with a professional golfer, you can join this golf club. The course stretches across beautiful rolling hills and is open from dawn until dusk daily. There are regular social evenings on Saturdays in the club bar. You will need your own golf equipment.

Hadlow Aero Club

Enjoy a different view of the countryside from one of our two-seater light aeroplanes. After a 50-hour course with our qualified instructor, you could get your own pilot's licence. Beginners' lessons for over-18s are arranged on weekdays after 4 p.m.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) ignore b) display c) copy d) embrace


a) enter b) live in c) get used to d) understand


a) dislike b) strongly desire c) impress d) respect


a) set free b) grow c) refresh d) make easier


a) against b) unwilling to speak c) undecided d) tending beforehand

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

The crowd showed its _____ by shouting insults at the players. APPROVE

Dozens of _____ are injured on the city's roads each year. CYCLE

The company is not taking on any new _____ this year. EMPLOY

It is my____that there is life on mars and Venus. BELIEVE

The police think that she committed the murder but they have no____. PROVE

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Deside which sports centre would be the most suitable for the following people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

In six weeks' time, Juan is having a holiday on a Caribbean island, where he plans to explore the ocean depths. He has a 9-to-5 job and wants to prepare for this holiday after work.

Sporting Opportunities

Suzanne's Riding School

You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. (3.30 p.m. on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat.

Lackford Sailing Club

Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification. You'll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.).

Adonis Dive Centre

Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evening lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely. You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.

Windmill Tennis Academy

Learn to play tennis in the heart of the city and have fun at our tennis weekends. Arrive on Friday evening, learn the basic strokes on Saturday and play in a competition on Sunday. There's also a disco and swimming pool. White tennis clothes and a racket are required.

Hilton Ski Centre

If you take our 20-hour course a week or two before your skiing holiday, you'll enjoy your holiday more. Learn how to use a ski-lift, how to slow down and, most importantly, how to stop! The centre is open from noon to 10 p.m. Skis and boots can be hired.

Avon Watersports Club

We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing and water-skiing. A beginners' course consists of ten 20-minute lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently, but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with lessons all through the day.

Glenmorie Golf Club

After a three-hour introduction with a professional golfer, you can join this golf club. The course stretches across beautiful rolling hills and is open from dawn until dusk daily. There are regular social evenings on Saturdays in the club bar. You will need your own golf equipment.

Hadlow Aero Club

Enjoy a different view of the countryside from one of our two-seater light aeroplanes. After a 50-hour course with our qualified instructor, you could get your own pilot's licence. Beginners' lessons for over-18s are arranged on weekdays after 4 p.m.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) respect b) work hard c) work together d) search


a) unintentional b) not for sale c) distant d) near


a) prove b) use c) mark d) expect


a) celebrate b) amaze c) desire d) love


a) repair b) change c) make up d) fasten

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

Carl is studying to become a _____ . LAW

Motor-racing is an extremely _____ sport. RISK

Не cycled _____ and had an accident. CARE

It was a great____to hear that your illness isn't serious. RELIEVE

Most of the passengers were killed in the aircrash. The____were badly injured. REMAIN

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Deside which sports centre would be the most suitable for thefollowing people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Tomoko and Natalie are 16. They want to do an activity one evening a week and get a certificate at the end. They would also like to make new friends.

Sporting Opportunities

Suzanne's Riding School

You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. (3.30 p.m. on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat.

Lackford Sailing Club

Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification. You'll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.).

Adonis Dive Centre

Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evening lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely. You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.

Windmill Tennis Academy

Learn to play tennis in the heart of the city and have fun at our tennis weekends. Arrive on Friday evening, learn the basic strokes on Saturday and play in a competition on Sunday. There's also a disco and swimming pool. White tennis clothes and a racket are required.

Hilton Ski Centre

If you take our 20-hour course a week or two before your skiing holiday, you'll enjoy your holiday more. Learn how to use a ski-lift, how to slow down and, most importantly, how to stop! The centre is open from noon to 10 p.m. Skis and boots can be hired.

Avon Watersports Club

We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing and water-skiing. A beginners' course consists of ten 20-minute lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently, but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with lessons all through the day.

Glenmorie Golf Club

After a three-hour introduction with a professional golfer, you can join this golf club. The course stretches across beautiful rolling hills and is open from dawn until dusk daily. There are regular social evenings on Saturdays in the club bar. You will need your own golf equipment.

Hadlow Aero Club

Enjoy a different view of the countryside from one of our two-seater light aeroplanes. After a 50-hour course with our qualified instructor, you could get your own pilot's licence. Beginners' lessons for over-18s are arranged on weekdays after 4 p.m.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) shake b) stretch c) kneel d) wrap


a) wave b) rub c) cry d) depart


a) hand b) embrace c) wave d) skip


a) abundant b) serious c) true d) sufficient


a) anxious b) infrequent c) weak d) real

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

Could you _____ the picture over the sofa? STRAIGHT It's hard to buy meat on the island but fish is _____ . PLENTY My car is much too _____ to take on a long journey. RELY

Two miles from here, it's still possible to see the____of a 2,000-year-old Roman town. REMAIN

Some people tie a knot in their handkerchiefs as a____of something

important they must do. REMIND

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Deside which sports centre would be the most suitable for thefollowing people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Alice has a well-paid but stressful job. She would like to take up a sport which she can do outside the city each weekend. She also wants to get to know some new people.

Sporting Opportunities

Suzanne's Riding School

You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. (3.30 p.m. on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat.

Lackford Sailing Club

Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification. You'll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid. Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom. There are 10 weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesdays 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.).

Adonis Dive Centre

Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners. There are two evening lessons a week, in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely. You only need a swimming costume and towel. Reduced rates for couples.

Windmill Tennis Academy

Learn to play tennis in the heart of the city and have fun at our tennis weekends. Arrive on Friday evening, learn the basic strokes on Saturday and play in a competition on Sunday. There's also a disco and swimming pool. White tennis clothes and a racket are required.

Hilton Ski Centre

If you take our 20-hour course a week or two before your skiing holiday, you'll enjoy your holiday more. Learn how to use a ski-lift, how to slow down and, most importantly, how to stop! The centre is open from noon to 10 p.m. Skis and boots can be hired.

Avon Watersports Club

We use a two-kilometre length of river for speedboat racing and water-skiing. A beginners' course consists of ten 20-minute lessons. You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently, but must be able to swim. The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with lessons all through the day.

Glenmorie Golf Club

After a three-hour introduction with a professional golfer, you can join this golf club. The course stretches across beautiful rolling hills and is open from dawn until dusk daily. There are regular social evenings on Saturdays in the club bar. You will need your own golf equipment.

Hadlow Aero Club

Enjoy a different view of the countryside from one of our two-seater light aeroplanes. After a 50-hour course with our qualified instructor, you could get your own pilot's licence. Beginners' lessons for over-18s are arranged on weekdays after 4 p.m.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) unfriendly b) legal c) soften d) cowardly


a) easily seen b) make up c) make worse d) correspond


a) protection b) group of five c) skill d) accord


a) deliberate b) overhasty c) fearless d) too bold


a) resist b) postpone c) withstand d) yield

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

In _____ , I'd like to thank the many people who have helped me while I have been working here. CONCLUDE

Не used all his _____ to force the door open. STRONG He was too _____ to tell his teacher about the stupid mistake. SHAME

The priest asked us to say a____for world peace. PRAY

He put the two televisions together so that we could make a____. COMPARE

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which college would be the most suitable for this person . Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Anna is 18 and she wants to do computer studies so that she can work in an office. She would like to study in London but is worried about finding accommodation.


Hillman College is a London college with up-to-date facilities. We offer both primary and secondary full-time teacher training courses. This year there will be special two-year courses available on maths and computers in the primary classroom. All students are expected to spend two terms working in local schools.

Kirby College has over fifty years' experience of teacher training. We offer both full-time and part-time courses for all levels of teaching. Large college in lovely countryside, with excellent sports facilities, especially for football and athletics. There is a new course this year called 'Computers in the Classroom'.

Kemp College offers a wide range of both full-time and part-time diploma courses in arts and science subjects, lasting from one to three years. The college is about two hours away from London by train. It has a new library and good student accommodation. Grants are available for students wanting to return to studying.

MacKintosh College offers a range of courses from modern languages to computer studies, in a quiet and pleasant part of London. All students are offered accommo­dation in college flats and we have excellent sports facilities. Full-time and part-time courses of either three or four years are available.

Pemberley College in central London offers full-time courses in science and computer studies. Our four-year courses allow you to spend a term every year getting work experience in different firms. There are good social and sports facilities. No college accommo­dation is available at present.

Treeholme College. If you want to be a teacher, join one of our courses. Places are available on our full-time courses in science and maths this October. Ours is a small teacher training department in a large London college, so we can offer good facilities such as a new computer centre.

Dene College was built in 1990 in an attractive part of north London. Spaces are still available on our popular part-time course in primary teaching for teachers who want to retrain. Beginning in October we will also have new four-year courses in law, economics, mathematics and sports science.

Westgate College in south London has a range of courses, from maths and physics to computer studies and sports science. We offer both lower and advanced diplomas. All our courses are from one to three years in length and are particularly suitable for people with some work experience.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) urgent b) unnecessary c) out of date d) surplus


a) conspirancy b) discord c) harmony d) abusement


a) city b) enemy c) information d) area nearby


a) late b) following one after another c) able d) at the same time


a) unavoidable b) dangerous c) spiteful d) doubtful

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

The police are interested in the sudden _____ of the valuable painting. APPEAR I believe you because I know you are _____ . TRUTH

I feel so _____ that I'm going to bed. SLEEP

The police car crashed into a traffic-light while it was in____of a stolen car. PURSUE

He feels a deep____for the people who killed his brother. HATE

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which college would be the most suitable for this person . Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Peter is 19 and wants to be a sports teacher. He is very good at sport, especially running. He wants to go to a college outside London.


Hillman College is a London college with up-to-date facilities. We offer both primary and secondary full-time teacher training courses. This year there will be special two-year courses available on maths and computers in the primary classroom. All students are expected to spend two terms working in local schools.

Kirby College has over fifty years' experience of teacher training. We offer both full-time and part-time courses for all levels of teaching. Large college in lovely countryside, with excellent sports facilities, especially for football and athletics. There is a new course this year called 'Computers in the Classroom'.

Kemp College offers a wide range of both full-time and part-time diploma courses in arts and science subjects, lasting from one to three years. The college is about two hours away from London by train. It has a new library and good student accommodation. Grants are available for students wanting to return to studying.

MacKintosh College offers a range of courses from modern languages to computer studies, in a quiet and pleasant part of London. All students are offered accommo­dation in college flats and we have excellent sports facilities. Full-time and part-time courses of either three or four years are available.

Pemberley College in central London offers full-time courses in science and computer studies. Our four-year courses allow you to spend a term every year getting work experience in different firms. There are good social and sports facilities. No college accommo­dation is available at present.

Treeholme College. If you want to be a teacher, join one of our courses. Places are available on our full-time courses in science and maths this October. Ours is a small teacher training department in a large London college, so we can offer good facilities such as a new computer centre.

Dene College was built in 1990 in an attractive part of north London. Spaces are still available on our popular part-time course in primary teaching for teachers who want to retrain. Beginning in October we will also have new four-year courses in law, economics, mathematics and sports science.

Westgate College in south London has a range of courses, from maths and physics to computer studies and sports science. We offer both lower and advanced diplomas. All our courses are from one to three years in length and are particularly suitable for people with some work experience.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) changing b) solid c) fixed d) rigid


a) light b) not strict c) delayed d) not biased


a) imagine b) prove c) keep going d) cancel


a) hidden b) distant c) changed d) nearly


a) habituated b) skilled c) unfavourable

d) notable

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

The cost of _____ must be paid by the buyer. CARRY

Recently health foods have increased in _____. POPULAR The old lady hid all her _____ under the floor. SAVE

Of course the____of a mountain takes longer than the____. ASCEND ...DESCEND

Not far from here you can see the____of an old church. Only the walls are left. RUIN

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which college would be the most suitable for this person . Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Maria used to teach in a secondary school but now wants to teach at primary level. She wants to do a part-time course in London.


Hillman College is a London college with up-to-date facilities. We offer both primary and secondary full-time teacher training courses. This year there will be special two-year courses available on maths and computers in the primary classroom. All students are expected to spend two terms working in local schools.

Kirby College has over fifty years' experience of teacher training. We offer both full-time and part-time courses for all levels of teaching. Large college in lovely countryside, with excellent sports facilities, especially for football and athletics. There is a new course this year called 'Computers in the Classroom'.

Kemp College offers a wide range of both full-time and part-time diploma courses in arts and science subjects, lasting from one to three years. The college is about two hours away from London by train. It has a new library and good student accommodation. Grants are available for students wanting to return to studying.

MacKintosh College offers a range of courses from modern languages to computer studies, in a quiet and pleasant part of London. All students are offered accommo­dation in college flats and we have excellent sports facilities. Full-time and part-time courses of either three or four years are available.

Pemberley College in central London offers full-time courses in science and computer studies. Our four-year courses allow you to spend a term every year getting work experience in different firms. There are good social and sports facilities. No college accommo­dation is available at present.

Treeholme College. If you want to be a teacher, join one of our courses. Places are available on our full-time courses in science and maths this October. Ours is a small teacher training department in a large London college, so we can offer good facilities such as a new computer centre.

Dene College was built in 1990 in an attractive part of north London. Spaces are still available on our popular part-time course in primary teaching for teachers who want to retrain. Beginning in October we will also have new four-year courses in law, economics, mathematics and sports science.

Westgate College in south London has a range of courses, from maths and physics to computer studies and sports science. We offer both lower and advanced diplomas. All our courses are from one to three years in length and are particularly suitable for people with some work experience.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) reject b) get c) improve d) free


a) logically connected b) fault c) obstruction d) agreement


a) unknown b) having mixed feelings c) temporary d) able to be done


a) receive b) delay c) setup d) attract


a) pay b) decide c) happen together d) get in

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

The gas from the chemical factory was extremely _____ . HARM

The restaurant is now under new _____. MANAGE Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete _____. SATISFY

If you want to know what's in a book, look at the____page at the front. CONTAIN

He has a very wide____of African affairs. KNOW

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which college would be the most suitable for this person . Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Stephen works in the computer industry and wants to go back to college for a year to do a diploma in advanced computer studies. He lives in London and wants to study there.


Hillman College is a London college with up-to-date facilities. We offer both primary and secondary full-time teacher training courses. This year there will be special two-year courses available on maths and computers in the primary classroom. All students are expected to spend two terms working in local schools.

Kirby College has over fifty years' experience of teacher training. We offer both full-time and part-time courses for all levels of teaching. Large college in lovely countryside, with excellent sports facilities, especially for football and athletics. There is a new course this year called 'Computers in the Classroom'.

Kemp College offers a wide range of both full-time and part-time diploma courses in arts and science subjects, lasting from one to three years. The college is about two hours away from London by train. It has a new library and good student accommodation. Grants are available for students wanting to return to studying.

MacKintosh College offers a range of courses from modern languages to computer studies, in a quiet and pleasant part of London. All students are offered accommo­dation in college flats and we have excellent sports facilities. Full-time and part-time courses of either three or four years are available.

Pemberley College in central London offers full-time courses in science and computer studies. Our four-year courses allow you to spend a term every year getting work experience in different firms. There are good social and sports facilities. No college accommo­dation is available at present.

Treeholme College. If you want to be a teacher, join one of our courses. Places are available on our full-time courses in science and maths this October. Ours is a small teacher training department in a large London college, so we can offer good facilities such as a new computer centre.

Dene College was built in 1990 in an attractive part of north London. Spaces are still available on our popular part-time course in primary teaching for teachers who want to retrain. Beginning in October we will also have new four-year courses in law, economics, mathematics and sports science.

Westgate College in south London has a range of courses, from maths and physics to computer studies and sports science. We offer both lower and advanced diplomas. All our courses are from one to three years in length and are particularly suitable for people with some work experience.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.

to be engaged in

a) be sorry b) be busy c) be honoured d) be awarded


a) healthy b) modern c) well-known d) necessary


a) methods b) people c) habits d) sour.


a) ride b) ask c) care d) take


a) ordinary b) slow c) wise d) practical

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

The government has promised to deal with the problem of _____ among young people. EMPLOY

Oscar had eaten so much he had to ______ his belt. LOOSE

The dictionaries are with the other _____ books. REFER

You'll have to make a____soon. DECIDE

She's very nice but she has a____to talk too much. TEND

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which college would be the most suitable for this person . Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Ali wants to do computer studies in London. He would like to do a full-time course which includes some time working in industry. In his spare time he plays football.


Hillman College is a London college with up-to-date facilities. We offer both primary and secondary full-time teacher training courses. This year there will be special two-year courses available on maths and computers in the primary classroom. All students are expected to spend two terms working in local schools.

Kirby College has over fifty years' experience of teacher training. We offer both full-time and part-time courses for all levels of teaching. Large college in lovely countryside, with excellent sports facilities, especially for football and athletics. There is a new course this year called 'Computers in the Classroom'.

Kemp College offers a wide range of both full-time and part-time diploma courses in arts and science subjects, lasting from one to three years. The college is about two hours away from London by train. It has a new library and good student accommodation. Grants are available for students wanting to return to studying.

MacKintosh College offers a range of courses from modern languages to computer studies, in a quiet and pleasant part of London. All students are offered accommo­dation in college flats and we have excellent sports facilities. Full-time and part-time courses of either three or four years are available.

Pemberley College in central London offers full-time courses in science and computer studies. Our four-year courses allow you to spend a term every year getting work experience in different firms. There are good social and sports facilities. No college accommo­dation is available at present.

Treeholme College. If you want to be a teacher, join one of our courses. Places are available on our full-time courses in science and maths this October. Ours is a small teacher training department in a large London college, so we can offer good facilities such as a new computer centre.

Dene College was built in 1990 in an attractive part of north London. Spaces are still available on our popular part-time course in primary teaching for teachers who want to retrain. Beginning in October we will also have new four-year courses in law, economics, mathematics and sports science.

Westgate College in south London has a range of courses, from maths and physics to computer studies and sports science. We offer both lower and advanced diplomas. All our courses are from one to three years in length and are particularly suitable for people with some work experience.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) stay b) complete c) fill d) get acquainted


a) reach b) happen c) offer d) thank


a) brightly coloured b) local c) large d) very talkative


a) serious and sincere b) illegal c) boring d) wealthy


a) combine b) anger c) separate d) calm

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

I had to check the wages in _____ to my normal work. ADD

During his _____ the family lived in Cornwall. CHILD

This matter is very _____ .Don't discuss it outside this office. CONFIDENCE

I'm not sure, but I have a____that he was the boy who stole my bike. SUSPECT

The actors received enthusiastic____at the end of the show. APPLAUD

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which programme would be the most suitable for the following people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Katie is looking for a programme to help her with a geography project she is doing on the mountains of Europe. She needs to find out some basic facts before tomorrow's lesson.

On TV tonight

Do-it-yourself! Tonight, this practical look at home improvements considers how to make life easier for those who prepare the family meals! If you want to find out which is the right paint to use and explore new possibilities for even the smallest cooking spaces, you'll find all the answers you need tonight - or on the programme's seriously detailed website.

High challenge. Tonight's true story is about one man's attempt to reach the top of one of the most difficult mountains in the world fifty years ago. Recreated from diary entries and newspaper reports, this wonderful film will hold your attention right to the end, with its amazing camerawork and unusually detailed content on this little-known climber.

Memorable people. This series has looked at a number of important people, from the scientist Charles Darwin to Brunei, the great nineteenth-century engineer. Tonight's programme will introduce us to Sir Humphry Davy, whose famous development of the Davy safety lamp in 1815 changed the lives of miners and their families forever.

Shelley's kitchen. Visit top chef David Shelley's home tonight, for an amusing half-hour of recipes and personal stories. In his own kitchen, Shelley will be preparing recipes from the Italian mountain regions. He will cook a range of delicious mountain dishes consisting mainly of cheese, herbs and potatoes. Perfect entertainment for vegetarians!

New homes. Continuing the lives of people who have moved to different countries in the last twelve months, tonight's episode follows Berit as she leaves her home in Norway and drives south to her dream house in Spain. Even when she learns her furniture is stuck on a lorry north of the border, Berit doesn't stop smiling. Highly entertaining TV.

Friends like us. This Australian comedy series has many fans, who love its gentle jokes and true-to-life characters. This evening, Val's cousin has come for a short holiday, and decides to redesign the apartment while everyone is out at work, which is very unpopular, and makes Val finally say what's on her mind.

Introducing the Matterhorn. Terry Martin visits Switzerland to find out more about the famous mountain, filming it both in winter and summer. He discusses how and when the Matterhorn was formed, and informs the viewer about the wildlife and plants found beneath its snowline, as well as telling some amusing stories about nineteenth-century climbers.

Travel shop. Tonight's programme reviews four of the best holiday destinations in Europe and includes a special report on camping opportunities in the USA this summer. There's also a detailed look at the cut-price weekend breaks available on the internet, with advice on the best sites for last-minute bookings.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) interest b) difficulty c) desire d) forecast


a) simple b) needed c) profitable d) proper


a) in the habit b) specially made c) necessary d) extra


a) run from b) follow c) suggest d) create


a) prohibit b) laugh c) allow d) comfort

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

Those berries are _____ .Don't eat them! POISON

He was very _____ of the work he had done. PRIDE

There has been a _____ of 10% in the amount of money available for buying new books. REDUCE

The staff at this hotel are excellent. They give very good ____. SERVE

The____of the new baby was about four kilograms. WEIGH

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which programme would be the most suitable for the following people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Brian loves programmes about the past, where he can learn more about famous individuals. He is particularly interested in inventors of the nineteenth century.

On TV tonight

Do-it-yourself! Tonight, this practical look at home improvements considers how to make life easier for those who prepare the family meals! If you want to find out which is the right paint to use and explore new possibilities for even the smallest cooking spaces, you'll find all the answers you need tonight - or on the programme's seriously detailed website.

High challenge. Tonight's true story is about one man's attempt to reach the top of one of the most difficult mountains in the world fifty years ago. Recreated from diary entries and newspaper reports, this wonderful film will hold your attention right to the end, with its amazing camerawork and unusually detailed content on this little-known climber.

Memorable people. This series has looked at a number of important people, from the scientist Charles Darwin to Brunei, the great nineteenth-century engineer. Tonight's programme will introduce us to Sir Humphry Davy, whose famous development of the Davy safety lamp in 1815 changed the lives of miners and their families forever.

Shelley's kitchen. Visit top chef David Shelley's home tonight, for an amusing half-hour of recipes and personal stories. In his own kitchen, Shelley will be preparing recipes from the Italian mountain regions. He will cook a range of delicious mountain dishes consisting mainly of cheese, herbs and potatoes. Perfect entertainment for vegetarians!

New homes. Continuing the lives of people who have moved to different countries in the last twelve months, tonight's episode follows Berit as she leaves her home in Norway and drives south to her dream house in Spain. Even when she learns her furniture is stuck on a lorry north of the border, Berit doesn't stop smiling. Highly entertaining TV.

Friends like us. This Australian comedy series has many fans, who love its gentle jokes and true-to-life characters. This evening, Val's cousin has come for a short holiday, and decides to redesign the apartment while everyone is out at work, which is very unpopular, and makes Val finally say what's on her mind.

Introducing the Matterhorn. Terry Martin visits Switzerland to find out more about the famous mountain, filming it both in winter and summer. He discusses how and when the Matterhorn was formed, and informs the viewer about the wildlife and plants found beneath its snowline, as well as telling some amusing stories about nineteenth-century climbers.

Travel shop. Tonight's programme reviews four of the best holiday destinations in Europe and includes a special report on camping opportunities in the USA this summer. There's also a detailed look at the cut-price weekend breaks available on the internet, with advice on the best sites for last-minute bookings.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) proud b) wise c) skilled d) well-known


a) help b) race c) value d) advertisement


a) send b) buy c) hide d) borrow


a) not proper b) poor in quality c) clear d) inside


a) shy person b) magnet c) main point d) outgoing person

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

He is interested in the _____ of old buildings. PRESERVE

The manager handed in his _____ after being accused of dishonesty. RESIGN All the newspapers praised the _____ of the firemen. BRAVE

We believe the existence of large armies and terrible weapons is a____to

world peace. THREATEN

His first____missed but he killed the bird with his second. SHOOT

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which programme would be the most suitable for the following people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

David has promised his parents that he will redo their tiny kitchen. However, he lacks experience and wants a programme that will help him to carry out the work properly.

On TV tonight

Do-it-yourself! Tonight, this practical look at home improvements considers how to make life easier for those who prepare the family meals! If you want to find out which is the right paint to use and explore new possibilities for even the smallest cooking spaces, you'll find all the answers you need tonight - or on the programme's seriously detailed website.

High challenge. Tonight's true story is about one man's attempt to reach the top of one of the most difficult mountains in the world fifty years ago. Recreated from diary entries and newspaper reports, this wonderful film will hold your attention right to the end, with its amazing camerawork and unusually detailed content on this little-known climber.

Memorable people. This series has looked at a number of important people, from the scientist Charles Darwin to Brunei, the great nineteenth-century engineer. Tonight's programme will introduce us to Sir Humphry Davy, whose famous development of the Davy safety lamp in 1815 changed the lives of miners and their families forever.

Shelley's kitchen. Visit top chef David Shelley's home tonight, for an amusing half-hour of recipes and personal stories. In his own kitchen, Shelley will be preparing recipes from the Italian mountain regions. He will cook a range of delicious mountain dishes consisting mainly of cheese, herbs and potatoes. Perfect entertainment for vegetarians!

New homes. Continuing the lives of people who have moved to different countries in the last twelve months, tonight's episode follows Berit as she leaves her home in Norway and drives south to her dream house in Spain. Even when she learns her furniture is stuck on a lorry north of the border, Berit doesn't stop smiling. Highly entertaining TV.

Friends like us. This Australian comedy series has many fans, who love its gentle jokes and true-to-life characters. This evening, Val's cousin has come for a short holiday, and decides to redesign the apartment while everyone is out at work, which is very unpopular, and makes Val finally say what's on her mind.

Introducing the Matterhorn. Terry Martin visits Switzerland to find out more about the famous mountain, filming it both in winter and summer. He discusses how and when the Matterhorn was formed, and informs the viewer about the wildlife and plants found beneath its snowline, as well as telling some amusing stories about nineteenth-century climbers.

Travel shop. Tonight's programme reviews four of the best holiday destinations in Europe and includes a special report on camping opportunities in the USA this summer. There's also a detailed look at the cut-price weekend breaks available on the internet, with advice on the best sites for last-minute bookings.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


a) cause b) expectation c) approach d) promotion


a) find b) excuse c) leave d) live


a) discord b) agreement c) disagreement d) enmity


a) generous b) not final c) medium d) bright


a) hope b) prediction c) opposite d) memory

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

Saucepans are sold in the _____ goods department. HOUSE The group called 'Friends of the Earth' is concerned about the _____ of the natural environment. CONSERVE

The thief replaced the diamond with a _____ stone. WORTH

£50,000 was taken in the bank____yesterday. ROB

I've written three letters to the firm about their bad product, but they've made no____. RESPOND

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which programme would be the most suitable for the following people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Anna and Kim are hoping to have a short holiday soon. They would like to watch a programme which will give them some practical advice about where they could go at an affordable price.

On TV tonight

Do-it-yourself! Tonight, this practical look at home improvements considers how to make life easier for those who prepare the family meals! If you want to find out which is the right paint to use and explore new possibilities for even the smallest cooking spaces, you'll find all the answers you need tonight - or on the programme's seriously detailed website.

High challenge. Tonight's true story is about one man's attempt to reach the top of one of the most difficult mountains in the world fifty years ago. Recreated from diary entries and newspaper reports, this wonderful film will hold your attention right to the end, with its amazing camerawork and unusually detailed content on this little-known climber.

Memorable people. This series has looked at a number of important people, from the scientist Charles Darwin to Brunei, the great nineteenth-century engineer. Tonight's programme will introduce us to Sir Humphry Davy, whose famous development of the Davy safety lamp in 1815 changed the lives of miners and their families forever.

Shelley's kitchen. Visit top chef David Shelley's home tonight, for an amusing half-hour of recipes and personal stories. In his own kitchen, Shelley will be preparing recipes from the Italian mountain regions. He will cook a range of delicious mountain dishes consisting mainly of cheese, herbs and potatoes. Perfect entertainment for vegetarians!

New homes. Continuing the lives of people who have moved to different countries in the last twelve months, tonight's episode follows Berit as she leaves her home in Norway and drives south to her dream house in Spain. Even when she learns her furniture is stuck on a lorry north of the border, Berit doesn't stop smiling. Highly entertaining TV.

Friends like us. This Australian comedy series has many fans, who love its gentle jokes and true-to-life characters. This evening, Val's cousin has come for a short holiday, and decides to redesign the apartment while everyone is out at work, which is very unpopular, and makes Val finally say what's on her mind.

Introducing the Matterhorn. Terry Martin visits Switzerland to find out more about the famous mountain, filming it both in winter and summer. He discusses how and when the Matterhorn was formed, and informs the viewer about the wildlife and plants found beneath its snowline, as well as telling some amusing stories about nineteenth-century climbers.

Travel shop. Tonight's programme reviews four of the best holiday destinations in Europe and includes a special report on camping opportunities in the USA this summer. There's also a detailed look at the cut-price weekend breaks available on the internet, with advice on the best sites for last-minute bookings.


Часть 1

1. Определите, какое слово ближе всего по значению к выделенному слову.


а) сarrу out b) be thirsty с) supply d) prove


a) wear b) stiff c) necessary d) unimportant


a) build b) fall down c) stay safe d) keep safe


a) get lost b) stay still c) come out d) survive


a) put apart b) bring together c) put in order d) make larger

2. a) Найдите в словаре и внесите в таблицу все слова производные от выделенных слов.

b) Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав необходимую форму.

Example: 1. He said 'Good morning' in a most _____ way. FRIEND









1. He said 'Good morning' in a most friendly way.

2. …………………………………………………

_____ about the company's future meant that few people wanted to invest money in it. CERTAIN

Simon admitted that his cruel joke was _____ . INTEND

People with very _____ skin shouldn't go sunbathing for long periods. SENSE

Thousands of people have been made _____ by the war. HOME

Craig's old jacket was so _____ that he had to buy a new one. WEAR

Часть 2

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

a) Read the text and give the Russian equivalents to the underlined sentences.

b) Decide which programme would be the most suitable for the following people. Write a short paragraph (about 35-45 words) to explain your choice. Don’t repeat the sentences from the text or the task.

Jake enjoys programmes about real people and would like to find one that involves travelling. As he wants to relax this evening, he would prefer to watch something that isn't too serious.

On TV tonight

Do-it-yourself! Tonight, this practical look at home improvements considers how to make life easier for those who prepare the family meals! If you want to find out which is the right paint to use and explore new possibilities for even the smallest cooking spaces, you'll find all the answers you need tonight - or on the programme's seriously detailed website.

High challenge. Tonight's true story is about one man's attempt to reach the top of one of the most difficult mountains in the world fifty years ago. Recreated from diary entries and newspaper reports, this wonderful film will hold your attention right to the end, with its amazing camerawork and unusually detailed content on this little-known climber.

Memorable people. This series has looked at a number of important people, from the scientist Charles Darwin to Brunei, the great nineteenth-century engineer. Tonight's programme will introduce us to Sir Humphry Davy, whose famous development of the Davy safety lamp in 1815 changed the lives of miners and their families forever.

Shelley's kitchen. Visit top chef David Shelley's home tonight, for an amusing half-hour of recipes and personal stories. In his own kitchen, Shelley will be preparing recipes from the Italian mountain regions. He will cook a range of delicious mountain dishes consisting mainly of cheese, herbs and potatoes. Perfect entertainment for vegetarians!

New homes. Continuing the lives of people who have moved to different countries in the last twelve months, tonight's episode follows Berit as she leaves her home in Norway and drives south to her dream house in Spain. Even when she learns her furniture is stuck on a lorry north of the border, Berit doesn't stop smiling. Highly entertaining TV.

Friends like us. This Australian comedy series has many fans, who love its gentle jokes and true-to-life characters. This evening, Val's cousin has come for a short holiday, and decides to redesign the apartment while everyone is out at work, which is very unpopular, and makes Val finally say what's on her mind.

Introducing the Matterhorn. Terry Martin visits Switzerland to find out more about the famous mountain, filming it both in winter and summer. He discusses how and when the Matterhorn was formed, and informs the viewer about the wildlife and plants found beneath its snowline, as well as telling some amusing stories about nineteenth-century climbers.

Travel shop. Tonight's programme reviews four of the best holiday destinations in Europe and includes a special report on camping opportunities in the USA this summer. There's also a detailed look at the cut-price weekend breaks available on the internet, with advice on the best sites for last-minute bookings.