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Russia's economy of construction and industrial market organizations is a controversial and complex process. Economic reform is the crucial condition for the renewal and transformation of industrial relations in our country. All old views in the process of social development are being viewed. Cardinal changes in the development of the country's economy and in the system of economic mechanism.

The policy of the national economy, which was functioning in the development of the national economy before the economic reform, did not cause much interest in the study of the forms, methods of industrial and commercial activities used in the world economic processes.

In economic processes, methods and principles, as well as forms of marketing, occupy a very important place. In situations of strengthening market-based economic relations and independence of enterprises, organizations and companies, the preference for appropriate forms and their development is directly intended to contribute to increasing economic efficiency and the environment and social and environmental security of collectives.

Marketing in meeting these challenges should be seen as an effective concept of production-quality activity, as a function of management, and as an economic process.

Exploring the market for its products and providing resources, changing consumer needs, learning new types of products, technologies and techniques, organizing production and management forms, pricing and commodity service policy.

The approach in marketing to form goals in the economy, manufacturing activities sets before the manufacturer, at the beginning of this activity, the initial questions:

the question is: for whom to produce products?

the question is: what consumer properties should products have?

the question is: how much do you need to produce this product?

the question is: when will the consumer need such products?

the question is: at what prices can it be sold?

The productive application of the marketing approach in the production, business and marketing activities of the enterprise depends on how quickly and flexibly it reacts to the slightest changes taking place in the market, responds to new consumer needs through the development of technologies and new products. Its ability to adapt to the uncertainty of consumer demand development. To create an appropriate economic and legal environment that would ensure genuine economic independence for the enterprise in any relationship in the market.

The purpose of this coursework is to explore the peculiarities of modern marketing concepts. In accordance with this goal, the following objectives have been set and solved:

  • Explore the theoretical aspects of marketing
  • Explore existing marketing concepts
  • Analyze the content of marketing planning

The work of foreign and domestic scientists, both in the field of marketing and marketing communications and in the field of promotion of goods, was used as a theoretical basis for writing this coursework: P. Drucker, F. Kotler, K. Howard, S. Lavrov, J. Lambena, G.L. Bagiev, M.V. Gundarin, F.N. Gurov, E.V. Popov, S.V.

concept marketing social international

1. Theoretical aspects of marketing

1.1 Essence and Marketing Principles

Marketing is the result of years of evolution of managers' beliefs on tasks and goals, methods of trade and industry formation. Scientific and technological progress has shown great importance in the development of the concept of marketing, which has provided a wide variety of products, a significant pace of their renewal, and efficient production management.

Marketing means "market action" or market activity. In the modern sense, marketing is an entrepreneurial activity related to the promotion of services and goods from manufacturer to consumer. Marketing as the basis of the market economy is a "philosophy" of production, entirely dependent on the conditions and requirements of the market, which are in constant dynamics of development under the influence of a wide range of economic, political, social factors and scientific and technical factors. In his book, the American economist Philip Kotler "Marketing Basics" defines marketing: "Marketing is a form of human activity aimed at meeting needs and needs through exchange." This definition is accompanied by the most important marketing motto: "Find the need and satisfy it" - formulating the main goal of marketing efforts. Marketing as an economic category has very capacious content: to improve its range and product, to research buyers, competition and competitors, to ensure price policy, to generate demand, to stimulate sales and advertising, organization and technical service, to increase the range of recommended services, to optimize channels of movement and organization of sales.

The development of production management in the formation of marketing, in its development has occurred several stages. The changes that have taken place in society have been a reflection of political, social and economic change. In countries where marketing has evolved and developed, there has been a trend of development that focuses on the consumer or consumer groups to meet their or her needs rather than production.

The essence of marketing states that only what will find real sales is made, and not try to impose "inconsistent" products with the market in advance.

The basic principles arising from the essence of marketing include:

Established production and sale of goods are required to meet the needs of buyers, as well as the market situation and the company's capabilities;

Absolute customer satisfaction and compliance with all modern standards of artistic and technical level;

Mandatory availability of the product on the market at the moment of the greatest and most effective demand and sale of this product;

Continuous renewal of all products produced or sold;

cohesion of strategies and a tactical approach to respond quickly to the slightest change in consumer demand.

To establish certain current and long-term strategic goals, opportunities to achieve them, the true sources of resources of economic activity, as well as the ability to determine the quality of products and the desired range, the best structure for production, the most profitable profit for production or firm, for this purpose is directed marketing activities of production or firm.

The most important methods of marketing activities in the workplace are:

in relation to the enterprise is important analysis of the external environment, which is included not only in the market, but also on social, political, cultural and other conditions. The entire analysis identifies factors that contribute to or hinder commercial success, creating the necessary data bank to assess the environment and its potentials;

Consumer analysis or analysis of real and potential consumers is important. The study of this analysis includes a study of the economic, demographic, social, geographical and other characteristics of people, about purchasing ability, as well as their needs and needs and the purchasing power of both ours and competing products;

The following analysis aims to study and plan the future of products or to develop concepts to create new products or to modernize old ones, including the range of these products and parametric series, as well as packaging and other. Out-of-living goods that do not bring calculated profit are removed from production and the market. Plan marketing and marketing, create, when necessary, appropriate to own distribution networks with shops and warehouses or agency networks;

Provide and generate demand and promotion (FOSSSS) through combinations of non-commercial prestigious events, advertising, personal sales and various types of material incentives aimed at buyers, agents and sellers themselves;

to provide a pricing policy that includes planning the system itself and the level of prices for all products supplied and defining technologies in application to prices, discounts and credits. Compliance with the social and technical norms of the region where the products are sold. Compliance with the norms of moral and ethical rules - an indispensable level of consumer value of the product;

Marketing management as a system consisting of planning and execution, monitoring of the marketing program and personal responsibilities of all participants engaged in the work of the enterprise, as well as assessing the risk and profit, and, of course, the effectiveness of marketing decisions.

1.2 Marketing Features and Goals

Marketing touches a lot of people in all sorts of different ways, it inevitably causes contradictions. Not everyone is satisfied with the activity on modern marketing, incriminating it in the destruction of the environment, reinforced by the attack of stupid advertising, in the education of unnecessary needs, in the development of young people's feelings of insatiability and other faults. The rest are angry about marketing.

What is the main idea and purpose in the marketing system? There are four alternative answers:

. Analytical function.

. Product and production function.

. Sales function.

. Control, communications and control.

The first goal is to maximize consumption or maximize profits. All commercial organizations have a similar goal. The idea of this goal is to increase consumption of goods as much as possible in all possible ways, which would lead to an increase in production, and as a result, to increase profits. To do this, consumers are convinced that "the more consumption - the better the result."

The second goal is not much different from the third and fourth goals. It consists of caring for consumers. Increase customer satisfaction with purchased goods. Consumers, having received great satisfaction from the purchase, will come for this product more than once and probably buy it in greater quantities, as well as can advertise it to their relatives and friends, thus bring considerable benefit to manufacturers.

In marketing, there is a third goal that provides the maximum and diverse choice for consumers. One side of this goal helps to fully meet the needs of buyers in the choice of quality goods, and the other side warns that the increase in production may not lead to an increase in demand, and the price of goods will increase due to significant costs. The increase in the price of goods will generate the anger of consumers. It turns out a kind of closed chain. This goal is suitable only for those companies that are convinced that all their products will have maximum demand.

Improving the standard of living, as many believe - the most basic in life. This is what we will consider the fourth goal, and it consists of three principles. In my opinion, the first principle of improving or improving the standard of living includes improving the quality and increasing the number and expansion of the range, as well as the acceptable price of goods. Increasing the positive impact of marketing on the physical and environment, cultural and spiritual environment, is all a second principle. In this case, the company's goal should predetermine the formation of an improvement in the environment and general cultural values. It is fair to note that measuring the quality of life is difficult, as well as the pleasure of buying an excellent product.

For excellent and productive work, any firm is obliged to set these four goals of maximization, although this does not always work, as a result there is a new name of the goal - alternative.

Analytical function is also present in marketing analysis and it consists of research:) Markets:

It is very important for any manufacturer to choose from a huge mass of markets more priority and suitable. The choice of market is influenced by many factors: import and export policy of countries, geographical location and volume of market consumption, competition - the country of producer and consumers, as well as the permanence of the economies of these countries, forecasting the development of the market. The volume of consumption of the market is also very significant, because it is invariably better when the sale of goods on the market is maximum. The presence of a huge number of competitors in the market generates very competitive competition. The strongest competitor wins with great experience. Import-export policy has a significant impact on the sale of goods of the producing and consuming countries, because the size of customs duties and customs legislation are of great importance.) Consumer markets:

All markets are saturated with a considerable number of buyers, and they differ from each other on different criteria. The analytical function will help us here as well. Here's the salvation - segmentation. Market segmentation allows you to divide all consumers into groups by needs and place of residence, by age and gender, and both. Targeting manufacturers to find one or more groups of consumers and orient their production to them.) Product:

First, before presenting its products on the market, the manufacturer carefully studies the commodity structure of the market. It is formed from the names of goods - analogues and goods - substitutes offered in this market by competitors, the service of competitors, their quality and their technical level, special requirements for the product.

. The production function of marketing consists of:

(a) Creating a competitive quality product in a market environment. Production of products organized in such a way that the manufactured product was a product that satisfied buyers and their needs for the technical characteristics and quality that determine the competitiveness of the product. The product in development should be formed as a commodity - universal for conditional segments of the market.) creating a logistics base.

The task of this base is to supply materials and raw materials, a variety of components from the found channels at set prices and without interruption. A well-built logistics system eliminates disruptions in this chain.

. The sales function consists of:) to organize a system of delivery of products to the consumer.

This function consists of a system of activities that stand in between the production and sale of the product. The systematic approach of delivery of products should be flexible and well-established, primarily for food products, as most of them are rapidly spoiling products. The manufacturer must take into account the cost of a certain amount for the delivery of goods to the consumer, which turn off the packaging, transportation and storage of products.) service or service of the organization, consists in a set of services for the sale and movement of goods. This feature is a complement to the first subfunction of the marketing function. Offers of service for the organization - it is a stable delivery of products to the buyer using a variety of services. The management function is based on the planning and control of the production of the product. Excellently planned activity, supported by calculations and research, analysis and forecasts of the development of this type of production allows the possibility to be confident in a positive result. The degree of risk is reduced.

Planning happens in three kinds:

) long-term or strategic:

Long-term planning is used to determine the scenario, the development of the firm as a whole for 10 - 20 years.


Medium-term plans are being developed for specific projects, drawn up mainly for 3-5 years.

) short-term (operational):

Short-term planning is used to organize production for a year, to meet specific objectives and to analyse financial results.

A management function that consists of a subfunction of feedback control between real results and planned results, which uses all sorts of business reports and their comparative analysis. Control helps to detect not only the strengths of production, but also weaknesses and identify errors, prevent flaws and deviations, and find new solutions and opportunities.

 2. The evolution of marketing concepts

2.1 The concept of product and production improvement

Marketing concepts consist of the main provisions that characterize the market activity of enterprises at different stages of development. Special functions have the concepts of production, commodity, marketing, consumer, as well as integrated, social and strategic orientation.

Initially, entrepreneurs proceeded from those goods that had a market need or demand, it was necessary to increase their output by improving production.

This concept is based on the assertion that consumers only buy goods that are widely distributed and affordable, so management is obliged to focus their efforts on improving the production and distribution of goods.

The concept of improving production is used in two situations; when demand for goods exceeds supply and when the cost of goods is too high and needs to be reduced, therefore, productivity needs to be increased. This concept has been followed and continues to be followed by the priority of Russian enterprises and organizations, which has led many of them to distress. This concept of consumer indifference is applicable in exceptional cases, such as in the production of goods and commodities that have a state standard. This is one of the long-standing fundamental approaches that guide enterprises.

The concept of product improvement is that all consumers buy top quality products with optimal performance, so the organization is obliged to strengthen its capabilities on the constant uniqueness of the product.

All manufacturers are convinced that if you improve the mousetrap, the path to their doorstep will not grow. Isn't there a misconception of producers? Customers, looking for a way to escape from mice, are not always looking for an improved mousetrap. The solution to the problem may be chemical spray against mice. If the manufacturer does not organize the movement through reliable distribution channels, does not attract the attention of those who need a mousetrap, does not convince people of the excellent qualities of their product, it will fail.

The concept of improving the product will lead to marketing myopia, as it misses out on the needs of customers. The use of this concept by enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex is one of the reasons for their difficult and distress.

 2.2 The concept of intensification of commercial efforts

Many companies follow the concept of intensifying commercial efforts. The basis, which is that consumers do not buy the goods produced by the provided company, unless certain measures are taken to move the goods to the market and maximize the sale. The concept is applied for goods with minimal demand, the purchase of which the buyer hardly thinks. In such a situation, the implementing party can accurately establish the range of possible buyers and explain to them all the advantages of their product.

The concept of intensification of commercial efforts is also used in the non-profit sphere. The political party vigorously "sells" its voters a candidate as a super professional who is able to cope with the existing problems. The candidate acts in his constituency, meets with representatives of the organizations that fund the election campaign, and makes convincing speeches. A lot of money is spent on radio and postal advertising, and election posters. The shortcomings of the candidates are hidden from the people, because the goal is to make a deal, and the subsequent satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the public politicians does not bother.

Those companies that resort to the concept of intensification of commercial efforts during periods of overproduction use the goal - to sell their goods, not to produce what the market needs. Of course, based on aggressive sales strategy, marketing is associated with great risks. It is aimed specifically at the act of selling, and not at creating a long and profitable relationship with customers. The assumption that buyers who have agreed to purchase the goods will be really happy with it. And if over time forget the disappointment of buying, again buy the goods of the same company. All these hypotheses concerning buyers, of course, are not justified. Most of the research shows that the buyer will not buy again the goods, which he was dissatisfied with. What's worse: a satisfied buyer who shares with everyone about the favorite product, on average at least three of his friends, and unsatisfied, who shares the disappointment on average with ten acquaintances.

2.3 The Concept of Clean Marketing

The dependence of the definition of the needs and demands of target markets, on the goals achieved by the company in this is the idea of the concept of marketing, as well as on the most effective comparison with the companies- competitors to meet consumers. Oddly enough, this approach has only recently been used in business practice.

The conquest of the consumer and the conclusion of one-time, lightning-fast deals to this reduces the activity of the company; the seller is not interested in who buys his goods and why. The concept of marketing, on the contrary, uses an approach from the outside inside. The concept takes as a basis a clear definition of markets, focusing on the needs of consumers, coordinates all kinds of marketing activities aimed at consumer satisfaction, and extracts profits from the formation of long-term relationships with the consumer. The marketing concept allows companies to develop what the consumer requires, combining customer satisfaction with profit.

When introducing a marketing approach in the company, all employees are required to always take care of consumers. The central task is to retain the company's customers, so all the staff is involved in forming long-term relationships with their customers. In order to implement the marketing concept in the most successful way, the organization must focus on obtaining and accurately applying the information, on the relationships of its team, its motivation in order to optimally meet and meet the needs of the client.

However, there are a lot of companies that have adopted the concept of marketing approach, but in fact it does not adhere. Create the appearance of marketing - appoint a vice president of marketing and product managers, create implementation plans and conduct market research; Of course, there is no orientation to the market and the consumer in this situation. The main thing for them is that the company immediately responds to changes in consumer requests and in the strategy of competitors. The companies that have been successful in the past - General Motors, Philips, IBM, General Electric Company - have lost significant market share because they have not managed to transform the marketing strategy in accordance with the changed market.