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Добавлен: 06.07.2023

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It takes years of hard work to turn a sales company into a marketing-oriented company. The purpose of this transformation is to please the consumer with the very essence of all the company's activities.

However, this concept of marketing approach does not mean that the company will try to provide the consumer with everything he wants. The job of marketers is to balance the creation of significant consumer value with the profitability of the company. The purpose of marketing is not an undisputed customer satisfaction. The goal of marketing is to create consumer value. The essence is that when the consumer value is lowered, the relationship with the consumer immediately broke off. The task of the marketer is to create high consumer value for all customers, but not to give him the last one. That's the tricky science - marketing.

2.4 The concept of social and ethical marketing

The major environmental, raw, energy and other problems of the 1970s and 1980s have significantly changed their beliefs towards the consumer concept of marketing towards the focus on the collective needs and economic resources of society.

The aim of the concept of socio-ethical marketing is to meet the needs and needs, the interests of target markets and to ensure that the most effective and productive ways are met, while reducing or enhancing the well-being of consumers and society as a whole.

The concept of social and ethical marketing is the balancing of all three factors: the profit of the firm, the interests of society and the purchasing needs. By adopting this concept, individual companies have been able to achieve huge increases in sales and revenue.

Familiarity with the concept of social and ethical marketing has led me to conclude that the concept of marketing cannot foresee likely conflicts between minute needs and long-term customer well-being.

2.5 International Marketing Concept

The emergence and development of the concept of international marketing as an original marketing system began in the 60s and 70s. In this period, significant prerequisites for the transformation of market activity on an international scale on the basis of marketing principles, which confirmed in the previous period their effectiveness as an effective system of corporate governance and a means of competitive competition in national markets.

In the life of people in today's conditions, the development of the economic sphere, which consists of increased competition in world markets, more difficult and diverse both technological and organizational models of production, excessive information content and communicative. Foreign economic activity, as well as economic activity, is always closely related to the goals and methods of using marketing tools. At the same time, its international aspects are highly relevant, due to the subsequent internationalization of the world economy, increased international trade, significant dynamic and mass movement of capital and labour.

Foreign economic relations are becoming a more visible part of the economic activity of Ukrainian enterprises and organizations. There is an increased interest in participation in industrial, economic and scientific - technical cooperation with partners from foreign countries. In such circumstances, a large proportion of workers in the manufacturing sector, small businesses and government agencies need unbiased information about the global market and its structure, organization and business equipment.

For many enterprises, research and use of international marketing is necessary because of the increasing frankness towards external markets and in order to improve their relationship with these markets.

Gradually, the world is becoming an increasingly integrated system, where the political integration of some State structures is moving away from the economic one. The development of foreign economic relations includes imports and exports, international auctions and auctions, cash investments in foreign enterprises and, of course, in the existence of a global market for goods and services operating in many countries, using foreign manufacturing and marketing offices, which really operate in general on the world market. All this implies the need for international marketing - a special set of measures to sell goods and services outside their country. We are talking about international firms, whose productive and commercial activities extend to foreign countries and are characterized by the presence of subsidiaries and subsidiaries, technological cooperation and specialization, the common resource base, the centralization of management and control.

The development of market relations in Russia and the related changes in the economic activity of many enterprises are increasingly exporting their products, as well as the emergence of trade organizations specializing in importing goods from other countries. The inclusion of domestic economic structures in the international distribution of labour all requires knowledge of the functions and methods of international marketing and the skillful application of them, especially in the coordination of the productive, supply and management activities of enterprises, commercial organizations, banks, insurance companies, etc.

All these features significantly increase the overall commercial risk of doing business in the international market. Thus, the instability of the currency system can lead to unexpected results, turning literally within a few days an exceptionally profitable deal into a loss-making one.

Because of the high degree of interconnectedness and interdependence between countries, there is a very large international market for importing and exporting a variety of products. Where for businesses or companies, there are additional requirements in the field of marketing:

(a) Compliance with the quality of goods, packaging, design, advertising to international standards, and the production complex - modern scientific - technical level;) In addition, import and export policies require a specific approach to maintaining the competitiveness of the enterprise, both in terms of quantity and quality.

International marketing is functionally larger than domestic marketing, as the company increases the range of products if it has the opportunity to export and import. Therefore, marketing goals and objectives become more complex. First of all, it is necessary to make sure that it is appropriate to enter the international market, i.e. to find out what prospects may be opened in the future and what threats may arise. Then the problems are solved: what products the company can offer (old or new, ready or semi-finished), how to enter the market and determine the buyer, what can be the results of participation in the international business.

There are also questions about pricing. Often, in economically less developed countries, the price of a product is lower than in developed countries, and the main reason for this is differences in labour costs. When a company searches for a product for imports or exports, the price level is essential.


Marketing − is one of the foundational disciplines for market professionals such as retailers, salespeople, marketing researchers, advertising workers, and brand new and branded product managers. Today we all have a responsibility to understand marketing. Marketing is an integral part of the life of a society. Marketing is included in all areas of our activity, therefore, we all need to know as much as possible about its laws and specifics.

  • Now you need to know how to properly outline the markets and divide them into segments.
  • How to accurately assess requests and needs, consumer preferences within the target market.
  • How to build and test a product with the consumer qualities required for this market.
  • How to explain the idea of ​​the value of the product to the consumer based only on the price of the product.
  • How to find experienced resellers who will help the product to be generally available and well recommended;
  • How to advertise and promote a product so that consumers have information about it and would like to purchase it.

A professional market figure must have a wide range of knowledge and skills. Marketing as a separate economic discipline in our educational institutions is more and more preferable. Therefore, in the near future, our country will acquire a maximum of qualified specialists in this interesting area for research. So, marketing is becoming a very promising area these days. Leaders will understand that there is no point in producing what there is no one to buy, therefore, it is necessary to have at their disposal people who know and understand the needs and requirements of the population and are able to instantly strike a marketing blow. A marketing specialist should be able to be quite good at influencing the level, time, nature of demand, since the existing demand may not coincide with what the company wants for itself. Therefore, interest in this activity is increasing as more and more organizations in the field of entrepreneurship, in the international sphere, realize how exactly marketing contributes to their more successful performance in the market. In the Russian Federation, marketing has not yet received sufficient distribution, but an increasing number of enterprises are beginning to successfully use its basic principles in their work. Unfortunately, marketing activities require a lot of money, which is practically impossible in our unstable economic situation. However, examining various aspects of the functioning of domestic firms and organizations, we can conclude that a marketing approach to business will soon help our enterprises get out of the crisis and take their rightful place in the field of international economic relations.