Файл: Практическая работа1 Дисциплина Английский язык. Часть 4 студент группы мн1121(2).docx

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

Автономная некоммерческая образовательная организация высшего образования «Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий»


Дисциплина: Английский язык. Часть 4

Выполнил: студент группы: МН-1121(2)

Ф.И.О. Матвеева Вероника Евгеньевна
Город: Омск
Омск 2023


1. 1. Replace the abstracts of the letter in the correct order.
1.2. Translate the final version of the letter into Russian.

Your ref

Ourref NW/lea

Ms M Russell

Ashworth Bookshops Ltd

234 Hogden Rd

Bristol BS7 9XS

23 July 2001


Books Ltd

PO Box 379 Jersey,

Channel Islands

Tel. 01534-797201

Fax 01534-797407



Dear Ms Russell

a. Both of these books are very competitively priced and we offer attractive discounts to booksellers.

b. After years of research, we have now produced THE WORLDWIDE ENCYCLOPAEDIA, an important new work for the home, containing information on thousands of subjects. It is available as a set of three volumes, as a one-volume shortened edition and as a multimedia CD-ROM.

с. On August 18th-19th, I will be in your area and I would be very grateful if I could meet you and show you our new books. Would Tuesday, August 19th at 11.30 a.m. be convenient for you?

d. I am writing to introduce two important new books just published by Universal Books Ltd.

e. I look forward to hearing from you.

f. Our second new book is THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF BUSINESS LETTERS, containing 3000 ready-to-use letters. All a business person has to do is choose the letter that they want, make a few small changes and then give it to a secretary to type. It is available in hardback and paperback, and as a special book
+CD-R0M pack.

Yours sincerely

N. Westwood

Nigel Westwood

Sales Representative


Your ref

Ourref NW/lea

Ms M Russell

Ashworth Bookshops Ltd

234 Hogden Rd

Bristol BS7 9XS

23 July 2001


Books Ltd

PO Box 379 Jersey,

Channel Islands

Tel. 01534-797201

Fax 01534-797407



Уважаемая г-жа Рассел,

d. Я пишу, чтобы представить две в новые важные книги, изданные Universal Books Ltd.

b. После нескольких лет исследования мы выпустили МЕЖДУНАРОДНУЮ ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЮ, важный новый труд для домашнего пользования, содержащий информацию о тысячах предметов. Она доступна в виде трех томов, в виде одного сокращенного издания и в виде мультимедийного CD-ROMа.

f. Наша вторая новая книга - ПОЛНАЯ КОЛЛЕКЦИЯ ДЕЛОВЫХ ПИСЕМ, содержащая 3000 готовых к использованию писем. Любому деловому человеку всѐ что нужно сделать это выбрать письмо, которое он желает написать, внести несколько небольших изменений и затем отдать его секретарю. Издание доступно в книге в твердом переплете и в книге в мягкой обложке, и в специальной книге с приложенным CD-R0Mом.

a. Обе эти книги продаются по очень конкурентоспособной цене, и мы предлагаем привлекательные скидки продавцам книг.

с. 18-го - 19-го августа я буду в Вашем регионе, и я был бы очень благодарен, если мы сможем встретиться с Вами и показать Вам наши новые книги. Во вторник, 19-го августа в 11:30 было бы удобно для Вас?

e. С нетерпением жду ответа.

Искренне Ваш

Н. Вествуд

Найджел Вествуд

Торговый представитель













1.3. Answer the following questions:

а) What is the aim of the letter?

b) What new books are offered in this letter?

c) When will Nigel come to Bristol?

d) Are these books useful? Why?


а) The aim of the letter is to introduce two important new books just published by Universal Books Ltd.


c) Nigel will come to Bristol on August 18th -19th.

d)These books are useful because The Worldwide Encyclopedia contains information on thousands of subjects and available in different kinds, and The Complete Collection of Business Letters presents 3000 ready-to-use letters for any businessman.

2. Read the situation, think it over and do the following tasks: phone to the company and find out when your order will be executed and write a letter of complaint, use the information below.

2.1. Imagine that you are working in a trading company. You have a contract with an American company for the supply of a large batch of meat. Your business partner from New York is calling on the issue of delivery delay of goods to Russia. He explains you that the ship, which is to deliver the order, needs urgent repairing.

He asks to transfer the delivery 2 weeks later. However, you have already got an obligation, in accordance with which you just need to get your product in time or you will suffer a loss.

2.2. Answer the following questions:

  1. Do you agree to change the delivery terms?

  2. Why is it so important to you not to change the terms?

  3. Is there a possibility to find the other ship?

  4. Is there a possibility to repair the ship?

  5. Should you refuse the services of the company and quickly find another supplier or better try to reduce the delay, or to find another ship?

  6. Do you have any other ideas?


  1. I don’t agree to change the delivery terms.

  2. Why is it so important to you not to change the terms? It is so important to me to not change the terms because I have already got an obligation, in accordance with which I just need to get the product in time or I will suffer a loss.

  3. I think it is possible to try to find the other ship.

  4. To my mind it is no possibility to repair the ship.

  5. I shouldn’t refuse the services of the company and quickly find another supplier, better try to reduce the delay, or to find another ship.

  6. I have no other ideas.

2.3. While making your dialogue you should follow the instructions:

- phone to the supplier company;

- discuss the possibility of accelerating the delivery;

- offer the possible scheme of action, from your point of view (for example a search of another vessel);

- express your confidence in the future cooperation between your companies.
2.4. Write down a letter of complaint:

- say exactly what is wrong;

- make a point connected with this;

- demand immediate action;

- ask for a compensation;

- give a warning.

Lava Kitchen Ltd

2656 Broadway, New York,

NY 10025

25 July 2016

Joe Black

Bloomfield Ave, Nutley,

NJ 07110

Dear, Lava Kitchen.
I am writing to you to complain about a meal that my friends and I had in your restaurant.
We ate there on the 19th of July. We are concerned about a number of issues regarding this meal.
First, your waiters and waitresses ignored us. We had a long long wait for both the menu and the bill. Though your restaurant is in Shanghai, your staff did not speak Shanghainese, which made one of my friends confused.
Secondly, one of the dishes, the beef, was corrupted. Though it was extremely salty and spicy, I could still sense a stinky smell. This dish later hospitalised all of us because of severe stomach aches. But worst of al, all your dishes were much more expensive than their usual prices.
I trust that you will seriously consider our complaint and give us a reasonable explanation. In addition, you must repay the money, which includes the amount we have spent on the medical services. Thank you.
Yours sincerely

Joe Black