Файл: Практическая работа 1 Щербаков Вячеслав Сергеевич Дисциплина Английский язык Задание 1.docx

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Практическая работа № 1
Щербаков Вячеслав Сергеевич
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Задание 1
Запишите данные предложения:
а) в прошедшем времени (Past Indefinite);
б) в будущем времени (Future Indefinite).
1. They have a big house in the country.
2. These students have five examinations.
3. The child is 10 years old.
4. The workers are at the factory.
а) в прошедшем времени (past indefinite);
1. They had a big house in the country.
2. His mother had a nice garden.
3. I was very busy.
4. The children were at school.
б) в будущем времени (future indefinite):
1. They will have a big house in the country.
2. His mother will have a nice garden.
3. I will be very busy.
4. The children will be at school.

Задание № 2
Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. They have just seen the accident in the street.
2. They will have completed the experiment by the end of the year.
3. Now they are organizing another kind of work at their laboratory.
4. Yesterday at the meeting this man was sitting next to me.
5. The first underground travel in the world took place in 1863 in London.
6. At the end of May the students will be preparing for their examinations.
1. They have just seen (the Present Perfect) the accident in the street.
1. Они только что увидели аварию на улице.
2. They will have completed (the Future Perfect) the experiment by the end of the year.
2. Они закончат эксперимент к концу этого года.
3. Now they are organizing (the Present Continuous) another kind of work at their laboratory.
3. Сейчас они организуют еще один вид работы в их лаборатории.
4. Yesterday at the meeting this man was sitting (the Past Continuous) next to me.
4. Вчера на встрече этот человек сидел рядом со мной.
5. The first underground travel in the world took (the Past Indefinite) place in 1863 in London.
5. Первое подземное путешествие в мире состоялась в 1863 году в Лондоне.
6. At the end of May the students will be preparing (the Future Continuous) for their examinations.
6. В конце мая студенты будут готовиться к своим экзаменам.
Задание № 3
Поставьте вопросы к данным предложениям, начиная с вопросительного слова в скобках.
1. He failed in chemistry, because he was not ready for it. (Why)

2. These schoolchildren will leave school next year. (When)
3. The writer wrote a new book about his travelling to the North. (Who)
4. They are discussing the plans of the next year. (What)
5. They have just furnished their new flat. (Who)
1. He failed in chemistry, because he was not ready for it. (Why)
Why did he fall in chemistry, because he was not ready for it?
2. These schoolchildren will leave school next year. (When)
When will these schoolchildren leave school next year?
3. The writer wrote a new book about his travelling to the North. (Who)
Who wrote a new book about his travelling to the North?
4. They are discussing the plans of the next year. (What)
What are they discussing?
5. They have just furnished their new flat. (Who)
Who has just furnished the new flat?