Файл: Контрольная работа по дисциплине Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере Магистр гр. Зэпм122 Гареев А. Р проверил.docx
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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное
учреждение высшего образования
Контрольная работа
по дисциплине
«Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере»
Магистр гр. ЗЭПм-1-22 Гареев А.Р
к.ф.н., доцент Артамонова Е.В.
Казань 2023
In the final qualifying work of the student of the ZESu-1-18 group Gareev Aydar Rustamovich «Designing the regional electrical network with the choice of the main electrical equipment at the substation», the district of the electrical distribution network with a voltage of 110 kV was designed.
When designing a regional electrical network:
1. The optimal variant of the regional network has been chosen.
2. For the optimal version of the network, the maximum, minimum and emergency modes of its operation were calculated, the power flows in all these modes, as well as its payback period, were determined.
3. Selected equipment at one substation of the regional network, according to the calculated short-circuit currents.
In the special part of the final work, an analysis was made of the main directions of technical re-equipment of overhead power transmission lines.
The life safety section describes safety measures during testing and measurements of electrical equipment of substations.
Currently, in our country, as in a number of industrially developed countries, most of the electrical networks of this purpose are carried out at a voltage of 110-115 and 220-230 kV classes. The length of electric networks 35-220kV in electric power systems is about 90% of the total length of electric networks 35-1150kV.
The development of modern electric power systems should be predicted for 15-25 years ahead. Development planning and design of specific power grids of districts is carried out with a forecast of electricity consumption, electrical loads, the composition of power plants, etc. for 10-15 years. At the same time, the limited reliability of the above and other initial design conditions is inevitable.
In this diploma, the calculation of the district 110/10 kV electrical network and the choice of equipment for a dead-end substation were carried out.
When calculating the district electric network, two variants of the district electric network were considered, according to technical and economic indicators, the most reliable and economical one was selected and calculated. For the optimal variant of the RES, the maximum and post-emergency operating modes were calculated, power flows in all these modes were determined.
When designing the substation, electrical devices, current-carrying parts and measuring devices on the 110 and 10 kV side, tires and busbars on the 110 kV side were selected. The selection of equipment was carried out according to modern catalogs, GOST standards and PUE.
As a special issue, the analysis of the main directions of technical re-equipment of overhead power transmission lines was carried out.
In the section "Life safety", the rules of compliance with safety measures during tests and measurements of electrical equipment of substations are considered.
Text A
Scientific Method
Scientific method is a term denoting the principles that guide scientific research and experimentation, and also the philosophic bases of those principles. Whereas philosophy in general is concerned with the why as well as the how of things, science occupies itself with the latter question only, but in a scrupulously rigorous manner. The era of modern science is generally considered to have begun with the Renaissance, but the rudiments of the scientific approach to knowledge can be observed throughout human history.
Definitions of scientific method use such concepts as objectivity of approach to and acceptability of the results of scientific study. Objectivity indicates the attempt to observe things as they are, without falsifying observations to accord with some preconceived worldview. Acceptability is judged in terms of the degree to which observations and experimentations can be reproduced. Scientific method also involves the interplay of inductive reasoning (reasoning from specific observations and experiments to more general hypotheses and theories) and deductive reasoning (reasoning from theories to account for specific experimental results. By such reasoning processes, science attempts to develop the broad laws—such as Isaac Newton's law of gravitation - that become part of our understanding of the natural world.
Science has tremendous scope, however, and its many separate disciplines can differ greatly in terms of subject matter and the possible ways of studying that subject matter. No single path to discovery exists in science, and no one clear-cut description can be given that accounts for all the ways in which scientific truth is pursued. One of the early writers on scientific method, the English philosopher and statesman Francis Bacon, wrote in the early 17th century that a tabulation of a sufficiently large number of observations of nature would lead to theories accounting for those operations - the method of inductive reasoning. At about the same time, however, the French mathematician and philosopher Descartes was attempting to account for observed phenomena on the basis of what he called clear and distinct ideas - he method of deductive reasoning.
A closer approach to the method commonly used by physical scientists today was that followed by Galileo in his study of falling bodies. Observing that heavy objects fall with increasing speed, he formulated the hypothesis that the speed attained is directly proportional to the distance traversed. Being unable to test this directly, he deduced from his hypothesis the conclusion that objects falling unequal distances require the same amount of elapsed time. This was a false conclusion, and hence, logically, the first hypothesis was false. Therefore Galileo framed a new hypothesis: that the speed attained is directly proportional to the time elapsed, not the distance traversed. From this he was able to infer that the distance traversed by a falling object is proportional to the square of the time elapsed, and this hypothesis he was able to verify experimentally by rolling balls down an inclined plane.
Such agreement of a conclusion with an actual observation does not itself prove the correctness of the hypothesis from which the conclusion is derived. It simply renders the premise that much more plausible. The ultimate test of the validity of a scientific hypothesis is its consistency with the totality of other aspects of the scientific framework. This inner consistency constitutes the basis for the concept of causality in science, according to which every effect is assumed to be linked with a cause.
Scientists, like other human beings, may individually be swayed by some prevailing worldview to look for certain experimental results rather than others, or to “intuit” some broad theory that they then seek to prove. The scientific community as a whole, however, judges the work of its members by the objectivity and rigor with which that work has been conducted; in this way the scientific method prevails.
Научный метод - это термин, обозначающий принципы, которыми руководствуются научные исследования и эксперименты, а также философские основы этих принципов. В то время как философия в целом занимается вопросами "почему" и "как", наука занимается только последним вопросом, но в скрупулезно строгой манере. Принято считать, что эпоха современной науки началась с эпохи Возрождения, но зачатки научного подхода к познанию можно наблюдать на протяжении всей истории человечества.
Определения научного метода используют такие понятия, как объективность подхода и приемлемость результатов научного исследования. Объективность
указывает на попытку наблюдать вещи такими, какие они есть, не фальсифицируя наблюдения в соответствии с каким-либо предвзятым мировоззрением. Приемлемость оценивается с точки зрения степени, в которой могут быть воспроизведены наблюдения и эксперименты. Научный метод также включает в себя взаимодействие индуктивного рассуждения (рассуждения на основе конкретных наблюдений и экспериментов к более общим гипотезам и теориям) и дедуктивного рассуждения (рассуждения на основе теорий для объяснения конкретных экспериментальных результатов. С помощью таких рассуждений наука пытается разработать общие законы — такие, как закон всемирного тяготения Исаака Ньютона, - которые становятся частью нашего понимания мира природы.
Однако наука обладает огромными возможностями, и многие ее отдельные дисциплины могут сильно отличаться друг от друга с точки зрения предмета и возможных способов изучения этого предмета. В науке не существует единого пути к открытию, и невозможно дать ни одного четкого описания, которое объясняло бы все способы достижения научной истины. Один из первых авторов, писавших о научном методе, английский философ и государственный деятель Фрэнсис Бэкон, писал в начале XVII века, что сведение в таблицу достаточно большого числа наблюдений за природой привело бы к теориям, объясняющим эти операции, - методу индуктивного рассуждения. Однако примерно в то же время французский математик и философ Декарт пытался объяснить наблюдаемые явления на основе того, что он называл ясными и отчетливыми идеями, - метода дедуктивного рассуждения.
Более близким подходом к методу, обычно используемому учеными-физиками сегодня, был тот, которому следовал Галилей в своем исследовании падающих тел. Наблюдая, что тяжелые предметы падают с возрастающей скоростью, он сформулировал гипотезу о том, что достигнутая скорость прямо пропорциональна пройденному расстоянию. Поскольку он не мог проверить это напрямую, он вывел из своей гипотезы вывод о том, что объектам, падающим на неравные расстояния, требуется одинаковое количество затраченного времени. Это был ложный вывод, и, следовательно, логически первая гипотеза была ложной. Поэтому Галилей выдвинул новую гипотезу: достигнутая скорость прямо пропорциональна затраченному времени, а не пройденному расстоянию. Исходя из этого, он смог сделать вывод, что расстояние, пройденное падающим объектом, пропорционально квадрату затраченного времени, и эту
гипотезу он смог проверить экспериментально, катая шарики вниз по наклонной плоскости.
Такое совпадение вывода с фактическим наблюдением само по себе не доказывает правильности гипотезы, из которой выводится вывод. Это просто делает предположение гораздо более правдоподобным. Окончательным критерием достоверности научной гипотезы является ее соответствие совокупности других аспектов научной системы. Эта внутренняя согласованность составляет основу концепции причинности в науке, согласно которой предполагается, что каждое следствие связано с причиной.
Ученые, как и другие человеческие существа, могут индивидуально поддаваться влиянию какого-либо преобладающего мировоззрения и стремиться к определенным экспериментальным результатам, а не к другим, или “интуитивно постигать” некую широкую теорию, которую они затем стремятся доказать. Однако научное сообщество в целом оценивает работу своих членов по объективности и строгости, с которыми эта работа была проведена; таким образом, преобладает научный метод.
Exercise 1
Ответьте на вопросы:
How can you explain the expression “scientific method”?
Scientific method is a term denoting the principles that guide scientific research and experimentation, and also the philosophic bases of those principles.
What is the difference between philosophy and science?
Whereas philosophy in general is concerned with the why as well as the how of things, science occupies itself with the latter question only, but in a scrupulously rigorous manner.
When did the era of modern science begin?
The era of modern science is generally considered to have begun with the Renaissance, but the rudiments of the scientific approach to knowledge can be observed throughout human history.
What are the main concepts used by scientific method?
basic concepts used by the scientific method as objectivity of approach to and acceptability of the results of scientific study
What does objectivity of scientific approach indicate to?
Objectivity indicates the attempt to observe things as they are, without falsifying observations to accord with some preconceived worldview.
How acceptability of scientific approach is judged?
Acceptability is judged in terms of the degree to which observations and experimentations can be reproduced.
What does scientific method involve?
Scientific method also involves the interplay of inductive reasoning (reasoning from specific observations and experiments to more general hypotheses and theories) and deductive reasoning (reasoning from theories to account for specific experimental results.
Does science attempt to develop the broad laws by using reasoning processes?
By such reasoning processes, science attempts to develop the broad laws—such as Isaac Newton's law of gravitation - that become part of our understanding of the natural world.
Is there a single path to discovery in science?
No single path to discovery exists in science
Can straightforward description be given for all the ways in which scientific truth is pursued?
No one clear-cut description can be given that accounts for all the ways in which scientific truth is pursued.
What is the ultimate test of the validity of a scientific hypothesis?
The ultimate test of the validity of a scientific hypothesis is its consistency with the totality of other aspects of the scientific framework.
How does scientific community judge the work of its members?
the scientific community as a whole evaluates the work of its members on the objectivity and rigor with which this work was carried out
Exercise 2
Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:
The principles that guide scientific research and experimentation are expressed by the term Scientific method. -
Philosophy in general is concerned with the why, but science occupies itself with the latter question only, but in a scrupulously rigorous manner. -
The era of modern science is generally considered to have begun with the Renaissance. -
Rudiments of the scientific approach to knowledge can be observed throughout human history. -
Definitions of scientific method use such concepts as objectivity of approach to and acceptability of the results of scientific study. -
Objectivity indicates the attempt to observe things as they are. -
Acceptability is judged in terms of the degree to which observations and experimentations can be reproduced. -
By such reasoning processes, science attempts to develop the broad laws. -
No single path to discovery exists in science. -
Galileo formulated the hypothesis that the speed attained is directly proportional to the time traversed. -
The ultimate test of the validity of a scientific hypothesis is its consistency with the totality of other aspects of the scientific framework. -
In science every effect is assumed to be linked with a cause. -
The scientific community judges the work of its members by the objectivity and rigor with which that work has been conducted.
Exercise 3
Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста:
The principles that guide scientific research and experimentation are denoted by a term “scientific method”. Yes it does. -
Philosophy in general is concerned with the how of things, science occupies itself with why only. No it does not match. -
The era of modern science is generally considered to have begun with the Industrial Revolution. No it does not match. -
Scientific approach to knowledge can be observed after invention of steam engine. No it does not match. -
Scientific method uses such concept as subjectivity of approach. No it does not match. -
Subjectivity indicates the attempt to observe things as they are, without falsifying observations. No it does not match -
Scientific method also involves inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. Yes it does -
By inductive and deductive reasoning processes, science attempts to develop the broad laws. Yes it does -
Separate disciplines of science are similar in terms of subject matter and the possible ways of studying that subject matter. No it does not match. -
Only a single path to discovery exists in science. No it does not match
Exercise 4
Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами и выражениями:
Scientific method; scientific research; experimentation; scientific approach; objectivity of approach; acceptability of the results; scientific study; observations and experimentations; inductive reasoning; deductive reasoning; to develop the broad laws; scientific truth; hypothesis; to verify experimentally; scientific framework; prevailing worldview; experimental results; scientific community.
Scientific method is a term denoting the principles that guide scientific
research and experimentation, and also the philosophic bases of those principles.