Файл: I. теория и методика обучения и воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) (педагогические науки).pdf

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Вестник Сибирского института бизнеса и информационных технологий № 2 (34) 2020 14 5. Гусев В.А. Психолого-педагогические основы обучения математике [Текст] /В.А.Гусев. – М.: Вербум-
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Irina V. Babicheva
Associate Professor, Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technology SIBIT (Omsk, Russia)
Abstract. The article discusses the methodological aspects of teaching mathematics in higher education using
SCORM-technologies. Attention is drawn to the inability of students to transfer the acquired knowledge and skills to the solution of practical problems. In the process of analyzing traditional methods of teaching mathematics, the prevalence of abstract presentation of educational material is revealed in comparison with figurative presentation. Due to the fact that the majority of students do not have abstract, theoretical, but imaginative thinking, it is concluded that it is necessary to take into account the psycho-physical characteristics of the students when building the methods of teaching mathematics. Among the new approaches to learning, a cognitive-visual approach stands out, which is based on the optimal use of the reserves of visual thinking of students, involves the integration of new knowledge with the existing one. The implementation of this approach in teaching higher mathematics using SCORM-technologies is shown. Variants of methodological filling of applications for SCORM packages “Primary Processing of Statistical

Вестник Сибирского института бизнеса и информационных технологий № 2 (34) 2020 15
Data” and “Solving Problems of Market Equilibrium” are offered. In the presented applications, the XML format is actively used, which allows interoperability with any applications. The emphasis is on the use of animation in explaining the basic concepts of mathematical statistics, integral calculus. Shown are the options for organizing two training modes: a self-learning mode and a knowledge assessment mode. The content of the entertainment-educational video file “About statistics for fun and seriously” mounted by the authors is registered. The video includes the sayings of great people about statistics, dialogues of the heroes of the educational comic book “Entertaining statistics”, which reveal the essence of the basic concepts of mathematical statistics. As an additional means of motivation for learning, situations of solving practical problems are proposed. The video file “About statistics as a joke and seriously” contains a real story that shows the “work” of the Gauss curve. The video file “Statistical data collection” shows the procedure for students to measure weight, height, pressure, heart rate for further data processing as part of working with the SCORM package. The results can be applied in the development of courses for distance learning mathematics.
Key words: cognitive-visual approach, SCORM-applications, SCORM-technologies, statistics, integral calculus, market equilibrium.
Сведения об авторе:
Бабичева Ирина Владимировна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент очного отделения
АНОО ВО «Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий» (644116, Российская Федерация, г.
Омск, ул. 24 Северная, д. 196, корп. 1), e-mail:
Cтатья поступила в редакцию 24.03.2020 г.