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- temperature

- rales

- breathing

- discharge

- lung

215. The right answer is: The patient complained of the PAIN in the chest.

216. The right answer is: During the attacks of pain he was covered with cold PERSPIRATION

217. The right answer is: The doctor … the diagnosis of angina pectoris.

- put

- live

- move


- take

218. The right answer is: Her pulse was … and irregular.

- weak

- big

- small

- tall

- long

219. The synonym to the word cholecystitis is:

- the inflammation of the stomach

- the inflammation of the heart

- the inflammation of the liver

- the inflammation of the gallbladder

- the inflammation of the kidney

220. The right answer is:cholecystitis

221. The right answer is:inflammation

222. The right form of the verb is: The aeteology of cancer is unknown.PRESENT SIPMLE

223. The right answer is: Gastric carcinoma is a frequent form of …

- cancer

- diphtheria

- gastritis

- stomach

- blood

224. The right answer is: On … examination the doctor revealed areas of very sensitive skin.

- severe

- strong


- mental

- weak

225. The synonym to the word “frequent” is:

- many

- easy

- hard

- often

- always

226. Thenoun is:

- to stop

- to need

- to make

+ jaundice

- infectious

227Theverb is:TOLOCATE

228. The verb in Present Simple Active is:REDUCES

229. The verb in the Past Simple Passive is:WAS INFECTED

230. The inflammation of stomach is:GASTRITIS

231. Diphtheria is:

- infection

- bleeding

- gastritis

- anemia

- injection

232. Jaundice is:

- the inflammation of the liver

- the inflammation of the kidney

- the inflammation of the vessels

- the inflammation of the tissue

- the inflammation of the ear

233. The noun is:

- vomiting

-to seem


- to examine

- to prove

234. The verb is:TOEXAMINE

235. The adjective is:

- to examine

- gastritis

- gangrenous

- to smoke


236. The modal verb is:





- drink

237. The equivalent of the modal verb is:

- to be late

- to be sorry

-to be glad

- to be able to

- to be proud

238. The modal verb is:

- make

- save

- study



239. The noun is:

-to drink



-to hold

-to appear

240. The adverb is:

- to appear

-to hold

- lately



241. The noun is:

- cancer

-to look

- lately

- to swim

-to treat

242. The verb in the Present Perfect Passive is:HAVE BEEN ASKED

243. The verb in the Past Continuous Active is:WAS LOOKING

244. The verb in the Present Perfect Passive is:HAVE BEEN DRUNK

245. The verb in the Past Perfect Active is:HAD CORRECTED

246. The verb in the Future Indefinite Active is:WILL SMOKE

247. The inflammation of stomach is:GASTRITIS

248. The modal verb is:



- can



249. The modal verb is:

- could

- like


- take

- make

250. The modal verb is:

- mean

- try

- might

- like

- make

251. The equivalent of the modal verb is:

- to be strong

- to be able to

- to be glad

- to be sorry

- to be sick

252. The equivalent of the modal verb:

- to be sick

- to be young

- to be allowed to

- to be sorry

- to be glad

253. The right answer is:

- manifestation

- manifistation

- manifestetion


- manifestatete

254. The right answer is:ABNORMALITY

255. The adverb is:

- palpation

- to reveal

- pale


- lately

256. The adverb is:

- manifestation

- vomiting

- close

- strictly

- gastritis

257. The noun is:

- chemotherapy

- to reduce

- strictly

- often

- big

258. Pneumonia is a disease of the:lungs

259. Fever is a sign of:

- good diet

- sound sleep

- disease

- examination

- doctor

260. Dry cough is a sign of :

- tuberculosis

- inflammation of leg

- inflammation of arm

- headache

- backache

261. Cold profuse perspiration is a sign of…

- inflammations of leg

- inflammation of arm

- inflammation of spine

- gastritis


262. The right preposition is: The diseases are spread BY living insects.

263. The verb is:TORECOVER

264. The adjective is:

- to do

- development

- various

- to make

- to try

265. The verb is:TO IMPROVE

266The noun is:

- blood

- intensive

- lobular

-to reduce

- severe

267. The verb is:TO ACCOMPANY

268. The verb is:TO CAUSE

269. The adverb is:

- sign

- cause

- range

- purulent

- gradually

270. The noun is:

- purulent

- gradually

- dry

- moist

- rales

271. The verb is:TOREDUCE

272. The noun is:

- cough

- from

- various

- numerous

- suffer

273. The right preposition is: The pain radiated TO the back.

274. The right position is: He complained OF pain in the chest

275. The right preposition is: The electrocardiagram showed a disturbance IN the blood flow.

276. The right preposition is: Dullness IN the left lung was revealed

277. The inflammation of the bile duct is:

- bronchitis

- gastritis

- cholecystitis

- infection

- constipation

278. One of the form of cholecystitis is: CATARRHAL

279. The right answer is: An attack of pain is preceded by physical and mental …

- overstrain

- person

- vomiting

- nausea

- perspiration

280. The right answer is: Painsmayradiatetothe…

- street

- bronchitis

- left page

- right page

- right arm

281. The right answer is: … form of cholecystitis is highly dangerous to life

- umbilical

- purulent

- lumbar

- dependent

- nervous

282The noun is:

- perspiration

- requires

- highly

- toxic

- some

283. The adjective is:

- blood

- irritation

- perspiration

- toxic

- form

284. The adjective is:

- form

- blood

- operation

- liver

- purulent

285. The verb is:TOREVEAL

286. Acute cholecystitis is: INFLAMMATION OF THE GALLBLADDER

287. The adjective is:

- result

- biochemical

- from

- effect

- they

288. The adjective is:

- jaundice


- operation

- arm

- disease

289The noun is:

- responsible

- worsёe

- when

- even

- manifestation

290. One of the form of cholecystitis is:CATARRHAL

291. The right answer is: The main cause of angina pectoris is ATHEROSCLEROSIS OF THE CORONARY ARTERIES

292. The right answer is:

The pain began suddenly at night during sleep in:

- angina pectoris

- overdosage

- ovestain

- meal

- danger

293. The right answer is:

Themaincauseof angina pectoris wasATHEROCLEROSIS of the coronary arteries.

294. The adverb is:


- overstain

- to treat

- chest

- to suffer

295. The disease is:

- friendship

- university

- angina pectoris

- blood

- development

296. The right answer is: The inflammation of the pulmonary tissue is:

- angina pectoris

- jaundice

- lobular pneumonia

- cholecystitis

- gastritis

297. The right answer is: The patient’s breathing was rapid in:

- gastritis

- sound sleep

- lobular pneumonia

- backache

- cholecystitis

298.The right answer is: Occlusion of numerous bronchioles and alveoli is the symptom of:

- angina pectoris

- cancer of stomach

- lobular pneumonia

- gastritis

- backache

299. The right answer is:????

Cough with purulent sputum is the symptom of:

- gastritis

- angina pectoris

- jaundice

- lobular pneumonia

- headache

300. The right answer is:

Dullness in the lungs is a symptom of :

- headache

- backache

- jaundice

- gastritis

- lobular pneumonia

309. The right answer is:

A profuse perspiration at night is a symptom of :

- gastritis

- jaundice

- lung abscess

- sound sleep

- cholecystitis

310. The right answer is:

When pus is evacuated from the thoracic cavity the temperature:DECREASES

311. The right answer is:

The course of the lung abscess may be divided into:TWO PERIODS

312.The right answer is:Lung abscess develops as a complication of…PNEUMONIA

313. The right answer is:Pulmonary tuberculosis may affect:

- sputum

- lungs

- cough

- attack

- treatment

314. The right answer is:

One of the permanent symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis is…

- temperature

- good appetite

- sound sleep

- singing

- gastritis

315. The right answer is:

The first sign of tuberculosis is:

- sound sleep

- good appetite

- pain in the leg

- blood in the sputum

- blood on the arm

316. The right answer is:

The causative agent of tuberculosis was discovered by:KOCH

317. The right answer is:

The patient breathed with difficulty in:

- gastritis

- jaundice


- sound sleep

- atherosclerosis

318. The right answer is:

Both dry and moist rales were heard in the

- head

- back

- stomach

+ lungs

- legs

319. The right answer is:

The respiratory rate was considerably increased in:


- gastritis

- jaundice

- sound sleep

- cholecystitis

320. The right answer is:One of the causes of chronic gastritis is

- good appetite

- bad diet regimen

- cough

- sputum

- impairment of memory

321. The right answer is:In severe forms of gastritis secretion is observed to be completely …


- proved

- seen

- been

- become

322. The right answer is:One of the symptoms of chronic gastritis is:

- good appetite

- dry cough

- rales

- epigastric discomfort

- sputum

323. The right answer is:Gastric carcinoma is …

- form of face

- form of cancer

- cough

- sputum

- pneumonia

324. The right answer is:

Gastric carcinoma is more common in:

- plants

- animals

- women


- children

325.The right answer is:

One of the symptoms of gastric carcinoma is

- good appetite

- sound sleep

- metabolism

-loss of weight

- smoking

326. The right answer is:The duration of gastric carcinoma is 1-2 years

327. The right answer is:

A prolonged profuse bleeding results in:

- good appetite

- sound sleep

- angina pectoris

- atherosclerosis

- anemia

328. The right answer is:

Ulcer of stomach contributes considerably to the development of:

- jaundice

- atherosclerosis

- cancer of stomach

- angina pectoris

- pneumonia

329.The right answer is:Vomiting of blood is a symptom of:

- pneumonia

- atherosclerosis

- headache

- cancer of stomach

- bronchitis

330. The right answer is:

Disturbance in gastric digestion is a symptom of:

- cancer of stomach

- bronchitis

- pneumonia

- backache

- lung abscess

331. The right answer is:Jaundice is a symptom common to many disturbances of the:liver

332. The right answer is:In jaundice the skin and sclera take on: YELLOWISH COLOR

333. The right answer is:Jaundice is often accompanied by:

- good appetite

- severe itching

- severe cough

- severe bleeding

- sputum

334. The right answer is:Infectious jaundice is caused by:

- sugar

- pneumonia


- eruption on the skin

- bad vessels

335. The right answer is:

A tendency to hemorrhage is a sign of:

- pneumonia

- angina pectoris

- bronchitis

- lung abscess

- jaundice

336. The right answer is:

The urine is deeply colored in:JAUNDICE

337. The right answer is:Dysentery is a disease of…

- heart infection

- intestinal infection

- blood infection

- leg infection

- lung infection

338. The right answer is:

The insects become infected as they ingest the blood of:DISEASED MAN

339. The right answer is:

The infection of the respiratory tract composes the:

- first subgroup

- third subgroup

- second subgroup

- fifth subgroup

- sixth subgroup

340. The right answer is:

The infection is spread when the air contains drops of:

- mucus

- tea

- coffee

- water

- rain

341. The verb in the Present Simple Active is:SPREADS

342. The verb in the Present Simple Passive is:IS FORMED

343. The verb in the Past Perfect Passive is:HAD BEEN EVACUATED

344. The verb in the Past Perfect Active is:HAD PRODUCED

345. The verb in the Present Continuous Active is: ARE DEMINISHING

346. The verb in the Present Continuous Passive is: IS BEING ELIMINATED

347. The modal verb is:

- could

- lay

- stay

- take

- produce

348. The right answer is:The patient’s throat is coated with a membrane in:DIPHTHERIA

349. The right answer is:The diphtheria is caused by:diphtheriaBACILLI

350 .The right answer is:The infectious disease is:

- atherosclerosis

- headache

- backache

- angina pectoris

- diphtheria

351. The right answer is:

Prostration is a symptom of:

- headache

- toothache


- jaundice

- fat

352. The right answer is:

The diphtheria bacilli cause:diphtheria

353. The modal verb is:


- reveal

- take

- see

- put

354. The modal verb is:

- put

- see

- lay

- say

- may

355. The right answer is:The smear is taken for culture in:diphtheria

356. The verb in the Present Continuous Passive is:IS BEING CONTAINED

357. The right answer is:The absence of secretion is observed in:GASTRITIS

358. The right answer is:A sick person must follow diet regimen in:


- toothache

- backache

- inflammation of leg

- inflammation of arm

359. The right answer is: Itching is a sign of JAUNDICE

36 0.What is the symptom of bronchitis?

-painful dry cough

-bed regimen


-light diet

-cough mixture

361.Find the form of the verb in the Passive Voice:

-was discharged

-has discharged


-have discharged


362.Find the form of the verb in the Active Voice:


-has been admitted

-was admitted

-has have admitted

-was be admitted

363.What procedure can control the cough?

-warm applications





364.What can be revealed during physical examination of lungs of ill person?




-light diet

-bed regimen

365.What is the symptom of Lobular pneumonia?

-pain in the chest


-pain in the stomach


-pain in the leg

366.What is the form of the verb in the Active Voice?


-was affected

-were affected

-to affect

-was being affected

367.What is the form of the verb in the Passive Voice?

-was caused

-has caused

-have caused



368.What is the form of the verbs in the Passive Voice?

-was revealed



-has revealed

-have revealed

369.What is the verb in Participle I? (ing)TAKING

370.Find the irregular verb:

-to get

-to move

-to like

-to open

-to close

371.Find the irregular verb:

-to put

-to open

-to prove

-to try

-to like

372.Find the modal verb:






373.Find the modal verb:






374.Find the equivalent of the modal verb:

-to be able

-to go to

-to be glad

-to be ready

-to be late

375.What is the form of the verb in the Active Voice?

-have followed

-have been followed

-has been followed

-was followed

-was being followed

376.What is the verb in the Future-in-the-Past? (should or would)WOULD EXAMINE

377.What are the verbs in the Future-in-the-Past?(should or would)SHOUD HAVE COMPLAINED

378.What is the modal verb?






379.What is the verb in the Passive Voice?

-was persisted

-will persist


-has persisted

-have persisted

380.What is the irregular verb?

-to come

-to look

-to complain

-to like

-to move

381.What is the symptom of Angina pectoris?

-pain behind the breastbone

-pain in the leg

-pain in the head


-blood in the sputum

382.What is the symptom of Angina pectoris?

-cold perspiration

-pain in the legs

-blood in the sputum

-pain in the arms


383.Find Participle I: (ing)GOING

384.Find Participle I:(ing)PRESENTING

385.Find Participle I:(ing)EXAMINING

386.Find Participle II:(ed or IIIrd column of the table)TAKEN

387.Find Participle II::(ed or IIIrd column of the table)CLOSED

388.Find modal verb:






389What is preventive measure for Atherosclerosis?



-bad sleep



390What is the verb in the Passive Voice?

-was treated

-have treated

-has treated



392The cause of chronic gastritis is:

-bad diet regimen



-bad sleep

-physical overstain

393What is the symptom of chronic gastritis?

-epigastric discomfort

-good appetite



-pain in the chest

394Find Participle I: MOVING

395. Find the Infinitive: TO PROVE

396. Find the Infinitive: TO BE EXAMINED

397Find the Infinitive: TO HAVE LOST

398. Find the Infinitive: TO BEREDUCED

399. Find the Infinitive:TO HAVE BEEN CAUSING

400.What verb is used in Complex Subject?

-to say

-to move

-to live

-to go

-to read

401. What verb is used in Complex Subject?

-to turn out

-to swim

-to show

-to read

-to move

402What verb is used in Complex Subject?

-to happen

-to drink

-to like

-to read

-to open

403What verb is used in Complex Subject?

-to suppose

-to live

-to move

-to jump

-to like

404What verb is used in Complex Object?

-to appear

-to swim

-to look

-to get

-to go

405What verb is used in Complex Object?

-to appear

-to drink

-to write

-to read

-to bring

406What verb is used in Complex Object?

-to appear

-to like

-to read

-to write

-to smoke

407What verb is used in Complex Object?

-to want

-to live

-to swim

-to move

-to drink

408The causes of cancer of the Stomach are:

-benign tumours

-angina pectoris




409The causes of cancer of the stomach are:

-too hot food

-angina pectoris




410The main symptom of gastric carcinoma is:

-epigastric pains

-pain in the legs

-pain in the chest

-pain in the arms


411The form of cholesystitis is






412Acute Cholecystitis pain may radiate to:THE STERNUM

413During the attack of Acute Cholesystitis:

-the tongue is dry

-the lips are thick

-the skin is green

-the face is black

-the face is nice

414The characteristic clinical manifistation of Acute Cholesystitis is:


-pain in the chest

-pain in the leg

-pain in the arm


415The symptom of Jaundice is:

-coloured urine

-good appetite

-slow movement

-pale face

-pain in the chest

416Infectious jaundice is characterized by:


-red face

-pain in the chest

-good appetite


417The symptom of diphtheria is:

-coated throat


-pain in the chest

-pain in the leg

-pain in the arm

418The symptom of diphtheria is:


-pain in the chest

-good appetite


-pain in the arms

419The verb in the Passive Voice is:

-were spread



-is spreading

-have spread

420The verb in the Passive Voice is:

-are caused



-has caused

-were causing

421The modal verb is:






422The modal verb is:






423The modal verb is:






424The modal verb is:






425The verb in Active Voice is:


-has been affected

-have been affected

-was affected

-were affected

426The verb in Active Voice is:


-was infected

-was being infected

-were infected

-have been infected

427The verb in Active Voice is:


-was associated

-have been associated

-has been associated

-were associated

428The verb in Passive Voice is:

-are revealed



-have revealed

-has revealed

429What is the equivalent of the modal verb?

-to be allowed to

-to be late

-to be glad

-to be proud

-to go to

430The equivalent of the modal verb is:

-to be able to

-to be glad

-to be surprised

-to meet

-to be sorry

431The equivalent of the modal verb is:

-to have to

-to go

-to be sorry

-to be late

-to be satisfied

432What is the modal verb?






433What is the Infinitive? TO BE GIVEN

434What is the Infinitive?TO PRESCRIBE

435What is the Infinitive? TO HAVE BEEN TREATING

436What is the Infinitive?TO RADIATE

437What is the verb in the Passive Voice?

-have been regulated

-have regulated


-is regulating

-was regulating

438What is the verb in the Active Voice?


-was stimulated

-is stimulated

-have been stimulated

-was being stimulated

439What is the verb in the Active Voice?


-have been proved

-was proved

-has been proved

-were proved

440What is the verb in the Active Voice?


-was dilated

-has been dilated

-were dilated

-have been dilated

441What is the verb in the Active Voice?


-to diminish

-was diminished

-were diminished

-was being diminished

442What is the verb in the Active Voice?

-have improved

-were improved

-has been improved

-is improved

-was improved

443What is the verb in the Passive Voice?

-was being contributed

-was contributing

-has contributed


-is contributing

444What is the modal verb?






445What is the modal verb?






446Infections are spread by:






447What is the noun?



-to drink

-to take

-to move

448What is the noun?




-to drink


449What is the verb? TO DAMAGE

450What is the verb? TO TREAT

451What is the adverb?


-to spread

-to move

-to love


452What is the noun?


-to move

-to reveal



453What is the noun?


-to loose




454What is the noun?


-to give


-to reveal

-to eliminate

455What is the verb? TO ELIMINATE

456What is the noun?



-to eliminate


-to take

457What is the noun?





-to give

458What is the noun?






459What is the verb? (to)TO DISINTEGRATE

460What is the adjective?





-to disintegrate

461The verb in the Present Simple Active is: PROVIDES

462The verb in the Past Simple Active is: (to see)SAW

463The verb in the Present Perfect Active is: (to eat)HAVE EATEN

464The verb in the Present Perfect Passive is: (to keep)HAS BEEN KEPT

465The verb in the Past Perfect Passive is: (to find)HAD BEEN FOUND

466. The verb in the Passive Voice is:

-have been lost

-has lost

-have lost

-is loosing

-was loosing

467. The verb in the Passive Voice is:

-was observed

-have observed


-will observe

-has observed

468The verb in the Passive Voice is:

-has been finished

-had finished

-have finished


-have been finishing

469The verb in the Active Voice is:

-have been watching

-was being watched

-is watched

-have been watched

-will be watched

470The verb in the Active Voice is:

-had been improving

-had been improved

-has been improved

-was improved

-were improved

471The verb in the Future Simple Passive is: (to send)WILL BE SENT

472The verb in the Past Continuous Active is: (to tell)WAS TELLING

473The verb in the Past Perfect Continuous is: (to knit)HAD BEEN KNITTING

474The verb in the Future Perfect Continuous is: (to drive)WILL HAVE BEEN DRIVING

475The verb in the Future Continuous Active is: (to make)WILL BE MAKING

476The right answer is: The diphtheria bacilli are revealed in the …






477The right answer is: General prostration is a sign of …






478The right answer is: The antitoxin treatment is used in …DIPHTHERIA

479The right answer is: The infectious diseases are spread through the …






480The right answer is: The pathogens are discharged during …






481The right answer is: The pathogens causing the infections circulate in the …






482The right answer is: The encephalitis is called …

-blood infection

-arm infection

-heart infection

-liver infection

-kidney infection

483The right answer is: Ulcer of the stomach can cause …

-cancer of the stomach

-cancer of the blood

-cancer of the foot

-cancer of the arm

-cancer of the lung

484The right answer is: Obstruction of the bile ducts is a disease of …






485The right answer is: The pain in the right arm and shoulder is a sign of …?????






486The noun is:






487The adjective is:






488The adverb is:




-to cause


489The verb is: (to)

-to take





490The noun is:






491The verb is: (to)

-to evacuate





492The adverb is:






493The noun is:






494The adverb is:






495The right answer is: Purulent form of cholecystitis requires an emergency … OPERATION

496The verb in the Future Simple Passive is: (to say)WILL BE SAID

497The verb in the Past Perfect Continuous is: (to bleed) HAD BEEN BLEEDING

498The verb in the Present Continuous Active is: (to swim)IS SWIMMING

499The verb in the Past Continuous Passive is: (to do)WERE BEING DONE

500The verb in the Past Continuous Active is: (to choose)WAS CHOOSING

501The verb in the Past Perfect Continuous is: (to catch)HAD BEEN CATCHING

502The verb in the Future Continuous Active is: (to smoke)WILL BE SMOKING

503The verb in the Past Perfect Passive is: (to do)HAD BEEN DONE

504The verb in the Past Continuous Active is(to bring)WERE BRINING

505The verb in the Future Perfect Active is: (to meet)SHALL HAVE MET

506The verb in the Past Continuous Active is: (to shut)WAS SHUTING

507The verb in the Present Continuous Active is: (to sleep)ARE SLEEPING

508The verb in the Present Continuous Passive is: (to pay)IS BEING PAID

509The verb in the Future Perfect Active is: (to buy)WILL HAVE BOUTHG

510The verb in the Future Simple Passive is: (to break)WILL BE BROUKEN