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Calendar-thematic plan practical lessons on discipline Anat-2 3240 "Anatomy-2", specialty 051301 -" General Medicine "course for students IІІ

 to VI semester 2013-2014 academic year

Head of the Department of Anatomy: c.m.s. N.N. Nauryzov
«____»__________ 20__y.

Ф КГМУ 4/3-13/02

ПП КГМУ 4/02

Karaganda State Medical University
Department of Anatomy

                                                          Dean of General Medicine
                                                      and Stomatology faculty

________ K.K.Toleubekov

Thematic plan of students' independent work on discipline Anat-2 3240

"Anatomy-2", specialty 051301 -" General medicine "for students
IІІ course at the VI semester 2011-2012 academic year



Type of individual work

Type of control

Duration in academic hours

Endocrine System


Anatomy of combining no endocrine function of the endocrine

Show and tell the structure, function, and topography of combining no endocrine function with the endocrine (pancreas and gonads)

Self-study by working with literature, prepare a project.

Border and final control on discipline


Digestive system


Structure and function of the liver in infants and young children.

Structure and function of the liver in infants and young children.

Structure and function of the liver in infants and young children.

Structure and function of the liver in infants and young children.



Anatomy of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Anatomy of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Anatomy of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Anatomy of the gallbladder and biliary tract.



Manufacture of anatomical specimens on the digestive system.

Manufacture of anatomical specimens on the digestive system.

Manufacture of anatomical specimens on the digestive system.

Manufacture of anatomical specimens on the digestive system.


Urogenital System


Anomalies of the kidneys.

Anomalies of the kidneys.

Self-study by working with literature, prepare a project.

Border and final control on discipline



Muscles and fascia of the perineum.

Muscles and fascia of the perineum.

Self-study by working with literature, prepare a project.

Border and final control on discipline



Features of the structure in the male and female pelvis. age features

Features of the structure in the male and female pelvis. age features

Self-study by working with literature, prepare a project.

Border and final control on discipline


Hematopoietic system


The central and peripheral organs immunogenesis.

Anatomy of the topography, the function of the central and peripheral organs immunogenesis

Self-study by working with literature, prepare a project.

Border and final control on discipline


Total hours:


Head of the Department of Anatomy: c.m.s. N.N. Nauryzov
«____»__________ 20__y.