Файл: Практическая работа по предмету английский язык.doc

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Добавлен: 08.11.2023

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АНО ПО «Открытый социально-экономический колледж»

Практическая работа

по предмету: «английский язык»

на тему: Практическая занятие к разделу 2

Выполнил: студент 1 курса

Шулешкин Игорь Александрович

Практическое задание к разделу 2

Задание. Прочитайте и ПИСЬМЕННО переведите текст на русский язык, выполните задания, размещенные до и после текста ПИСЬМЕННО.


Warm up

How many people are there in the world?

What are the world’s most populated countries? What are the causes of the increasing population growth there?

What are the world’s least populated places? In what way do different factors (natural disasters, economic development, etc.) lead to the decrease in the population growth in these regions?


1.Сколько людей в мире?

2.Какие самые населенные страны мира? Каковы причины увеличения прироста населения?

3.Какие самые малонаселенные места в мире? Каким образом различные факторы (стихийные бедствия, экономическое развитие и т. д.) приводят к снижению прироста населения в этих регионах?

1. The population of the Earth is the totality of all people living on Earth at a given time. As of January 2022, the world's population is approximately 7.92 billion people.

2. the most populated countries are China, India and Africa. population growth depends on population control, birth control, public health and medical care.

3. The most sparsely populated places in the world Mauritania, Namibia, Mongolia. They remain sparsely populated due to a poorly developed infostructure, drought of little fertile land and natural resources such as oil and gas, thus they are not of interest to the countries of the so-called first world.

            The growing population

Some scientists predict that human population will grow to 9 or 10 billion by 2050. The real problem, however, is not the number of people, but the resources they need to live. As most people are meat eaters, we will need more and more meat. Meat and milk production is not cheap as it is closely connected with the health of soils — the source of food for animals. 95 % of the food we eat comes from soil. It means that human health, in some way, depends on soil health. In the 21st century, we have to look for the ways to save our soils from pollution and degradation. If we do not, then our organisms, just like soils, will get polluted.


            1. Farmers use fertilizers to make soil grow more food. How is it influencing our health?

            2. What does the word “polluted” in the last line mean?

Растущее население

Некоторые ученые предсказывают, что к 2050 году человеческое население вырастет до 9 или 10 миллиардов человек. Однако реальная проблема заключается не в количестве людей, а в ресурсах, необходимых им для жизни.
Поскольку большинство людей едят мясо, нам нужно все больше и больше мяса. Производство мяса и молока недешево, так как тесно связано со здоровьем почвы — источника пищи для животных. 95 % пищи, которую мы едим, поступает из почвы. Это означает, что здоровье человека в некотором роде зависит от здоровья почвы. В 21 веке мы должны искать пути сохранения наших почв от загрязнения и деградации. Если мы этого не сделаем, то наши организмы, как и почвы, будут загрязняться.


1. Фермеры используют удобрения, чтобы в почве росло больше пищи. Как это влияет на наше здоровье?

2. Что означает слово «загрязненный» в последней строке?


1. In order for the plant to grow and develop quickly, fertilizers applied to the soil are not enough. You can get a good harvest only by protecting it from pests. For this purpose, farmers use various pesticides and pesticides. The need for their use arises in the case of:

lack of natural means to combat the invasion of insects (fields are cultivated against locusts, moths, etc.);

infection of plants with dangerous fungi, viruses and bacteria.

Pesticides and pesticides are used to control weeds, rodents and other pests. Chemicals are selected in such a way that they affect only specific rodents, a variety of weeds or pests. Cultivated plants treated together with weeds do not experience the negative effects of chemicals. Processing does not affect their appearance in any way, but pesticides and pesticides are deposited in the soil and, together with minerals, first penetrate the plant itself, and from there into the person who used it.

2. A moderate amount of minerals in the soil is good for plants, but many vegetable growers use more fertilizer than they need. Such irrational use leads to saturation with minerals not only of the root and stem, but also of that part of the plant that is intended for human consumption. Thus, it pollutes our body with harmful substances.

How to deal with the growing population

 In the 18 th century, people believed in progress and thought that society would be developing in a better way. However, the British scientist Thomas Malthus predicted that population growth would bring out the problem of limited resources. The problem is that people start families and produce babies faster than soils can produce food. The growing population, as Malthus said, would lead to the growing need for food and other resources to support human life.

            One possible solution offered by Thomas Malthus was to control the growth of population. According to Malthus, a person should not marry and have babies unless they have enough money to be able to support their family.

            However, the world’s overpopulation is not just one problem; it needs more than one solution. Humans need to reduce consumption, reduce and improve the influence of technologies on the environment — to slow or stop the population growth.


            1. Do you agree with Thomas Malthus’ views on population growth? What solutions do different countries have to reach in order to control the world’s population growth?

            2. Read the information about Hans Rosling. Why, according to Dr Rosling, “the only way of really getting world population growth to stop is to continue to improve child survival to 90 percent”?

Как справиться с растущим населением

В 18 веке люди верили в прогресс и думали, что общество будет развиваться лучше. Однако британский ученый Томас Мальтус предсказал, что рост населения вызовет проблему нехватки ресурсов. Проблема в том, что люди создают семьи и рожают детей быстрее, чем почва может производить пищу. Рост населения, как сказал Мальтус, приведет к увеличению потребности в пище и других ресурсах для поддержания жизни человека.

Одно из возможных решений, предложенных Томасом Мальтусом, заключалось в том, чтобы контролировать рост населения. Согласно Мальтусу, человек не должен жениться и иметь детей, если у него нет достаточно денег, чтобы содержать свою семью.

Однако перенаселение мира — это не единственная проблема; требуется более одного решения. Человечеству необходимо сократить потребление, уменьшить и улучшить влияние технологий на окружающую среду — замедлить или остановить рост населения.


1. Согласны ли вы со взглядами Томаса Мальтуса на рост населения? К каким решениям должны прийти разные страны, чтобы контролировать рост населения мира?

2. Прочтите информацию о Хансе Рослинге. Почему, по словам доктора Рослинга, «единственный способ действительно остановить рост населения мира — это продолжать повышать выживаемость детей до 90 процентов»?

1. In his famous report Essay on the Law of Population, Malthus writes that it is possible to stop the growth of mankind only by moral abstinence and misfortunes, including wars and epidemics. Unfortunately, his words began to come true, since from the end of the 19th century military conflicts began to flare up, epidemics became more frequent, such as the current coronovirus epidemic, which is reducing the population with a frightening progression. So no matter how regrettable it may sound, Malthus' essay becomes a prophecy.

The United Nations has a population division that has existed since 1946. Demographers and statisticians work in it. They give population growth projections that are pretty accurate. According to their data, if the population reaches 11.2 billion by 2100, and then the number stabilizes and gradually declines, nothing bad will happen, there will be enough food for everyone.

2. Over the next 50 years, the world's population will grow to 9 billion, and this growth can only be stopped by improving the living standards of the poorest. This is the paradoxical answer given by Hans Rosling.

The demographic implications of this are truly amazing. Over the past decade, the total number of children aged 0 to 14 worldwide has stabilized at around two billion, and UN population experts predict it will remain about the same for the rest of the century. And it's true: the number of children in the world today is the maximum! We have entered the era of Peak Kids! The population will continue to grow as the current generation of children grows and ages. This means that the world will most likely add three or four billion adults - but in the second half of this century, the rapid growth of the world's population will finally come to an end.