Файл: Обучающийся Гончарова Анастасия Алексеевна Преподаватель Гоголева Елена Александровна Практическое занятие.docx

ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 09.11.2023

Просмотров: 40

Скачиваний: 2

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Цифровой архив штата Вашингтон является частью Канцелярии государственного секретаря, которой в настоящее время руководит Ким Вайман.


1. In what year did the Washington State Archives begin strategic planning of digital archives?

2. When did the planning of the physical design and technical infrastructure begin?

3. What places did the members of the project team visit as part of the study of the software and technological aspects of digital archives?

4. When did the individual development of the web interface and database design begin, combining the latest technologies with traditional archiving theory to create a first-of-its-kind repository?

5. What is the purpose of digital archives?

6. What are the first documents received by the center?

7. When was the grand opening of the Washington State Digital Archive?

8. Who was present at the grand opening of the Washington State Digital Archive?

9. Who was among the speakers at the identical opening of the Washington State Digital Archive?

10. What did the digital archive staff quickly work on in 2005?

11. In what year did the digital archives staff work quickly to preserve the website of outgoing Governor Gary Locke, an important public document, before it was replaced by the website of new Governor Christine Gregoire?

12. In what year, thanks to collaboration with Microsoft Research, Archives released a groundbreaking new feature that made it possible to search audio files by keywords?

13. What archives were released in 2008 thanks to cooperation with Microsoft Research?

14. How many keyword-searchable audio files are available on the archives website as of May 15, 2017?

15. What is the Washington State Digital Archive part of?


1. Planning and start of construction of digital archives;

2. Research of software and technological aspects of digital archives;

3. Development of the web interface and database design, the first documents

4. Grand opening of the facility;

5. The main milestones in the activities of the digital archives of Washington.

Задание 5. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

Образуйте подходящее по смыслу однокоренное слово.


Cyber communication

1. The development of cyber communication — email, text messaging, and social networking — has revolutionized the way we communicate. Quick and Successful communication via the Internet has proved essential to national governments, and to the individual.        SUCCESS

 2. Now, we can send and receive important messages, communicate and clarify statements practically, within seconds.     PRACTICAL

 3. Cyber communication is very important in business  BUSY

 4. On a more individual level, cyber communication has transformed the method in which people communicate. In particular, social networking sites have provided access to people in every corner of the globe and their popularity is growing.  POPULAR

 5. This has helped old friends living far apart to maintain a close relationship RELATION

 6. For many people, not just teens, social networking has become an alternative to traditional forms of communication — writing a letter, a face-to-face conversation, or a phone call. TRADITION

Задание 6. (максимальное количество баллов – 5 баллов)

Составьте примерный диалог на английском языку по следующей ситуации: Вы работаете в крупной компании начальником отдела кадров. На следующий день Вам предстоит командировка в другой город. Ваш секретарь забронировал Вам гостиницу, но экстренно попал в больницу. Вам нужно позвонить в гостиницу, напомнить о своём приезде, уточнить о наличии брони, а также об условиях проживания.


Administrator: Good afternoon! How can I help you?

Guest: Good afternoon. The secretary of the company «XXX» booked rooms for tomorrow.

A: Could you tell me your full name, please?

G: My name is Anastasia Goncharova.

A: Anastasia, your company has booked a standard single room with full board for you from May 15th to 20th. Your accommodation is paid for by the company. Is everything right?

G: Absolutely right.

A: Have you ever stayed in our hotel?

D: No, this is my first time in your hotel.

A: Let me tell you about the conditions of staying at the hotel. The standard departure time from the hotel is 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Our reception is open 24 hours a day. You can ask any questions or call us. Breakfast time in our hotel is from 8 to 10 am. You can have lunch and dinner at our Gallery restaurant. It is located opposite the Reception desk (reception desk). We can also offer you additional services, such as: Room service, Laundry service, Spa Center and travel agency "Beresta Travel".

G: Thank you.

A: How else can I help you, Anastasia?

G: Everything is fine. Thanks.

A: Have a nice day!

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