Файл: In в внутри временного отрезка In April, in 2000. В апреле, в 2000 году in через.docx

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Добавлен: 23.11.2023

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Предлоги времени

in — в
внутри временного отрезка:
In April, in 2000. — В апреле, в 2000 году.

in — через
через некоторое время:
in an hour, in' two days — через час, через два дня

at — в
(точка во времени):
at 5 o'clock, at midnight — в 5 часов, в полночь

on — в
в (с названием дней недели, датами):
on Monday, on the 10th of February — в понедель­ник, 10 февраля

by — к
к определенному моменту:
by 8 o'clock tomorrow — к 8 часам завтра

from... till I from... to... — от / c... до
from 5 till 6 o'clock — с 5-ти до 6-ти

for — в течение
в течение (отрезок времени): for an hour — в течение часа

during — во время (чего-либо)
during the lesson — во время урока

after — после (чего-либо)
after work — после работы

before — перед (чем-либо)
before the lesson — перед уроком

within — внутри, в рамках
within a month — в течение месяца Прочие предлоги

by — при, около, посредством:
by the window — около окна
by plane – на самолете

with — вместе с
with a friend — с другом

for — для
I'll do it for you. — Я сделаю это для тебя.

Задание_1.'>Задание 1.
Заполните пропуски предлогами.
1. The book is ... the table. 2. The lamp is ... the table. 3. The girl is ... the table. 4. The man is ... the chair. 5. The book is ... the bag. 6. The pencil is ... the desk. 7. My house is ... the street. 8. The blackboard is ... the classroom. 9. The chair is ... the table. 10. We sit ... the table. 11. There is a lamp ... the desk. 12. Please, sit down ...the table. 13. A sport ground is ... our school. 14. Pushkin street is ... Lenin street and Sadovaya street. 15. We have lunch ... 11 o'clock and 12 o'clock. 16. The bridge is ... the Don River.

Задание 2. Употребите соответствующий предлог, где необходимо.
1. There is a picture ... the wall. 2. What street do you live ...? 3. ... Sunday we often swim ... the river. 4. Last week he went ... Moscow. 5. They will go ... the college tomorrow. 6. She goes ... work ... bus. 7. My brother stayed ... home... the evening. 8. Many people travel ... train. 9. I see many books... the table and ... the bookcase. 10. I was born … the first... October. 11. Our lessons begin ... nine o'clock ... the morning. 12. He took some books ... the table and put them ... his bag. 13. We went ... home … foot. 14. They often go ... a walk ... the park. 15. My father works... the plant. 16. I don't like to sit ... the window. 17. She stood ... and went ... the room. 18. Usually I get up ... 7 o'clock, put ... my dress and go ... the kitchen. 19. My friend goes sports and I am fond ... music. 15.... summer we spend much time ... the open.
Предлоги направления / движения

to — к
движение по направлению к предмету (лицу), про­текающему процессу:
Come to me. — Подойдите ко мне.

from — от, из, со
движение от предмета (лица), удаление от протека­ющего процесса:

Take this book from the table. — Убери книгу со стола. I come from Russia. — Я из России.

into — в, внутрь
движение внутрь ограниченного пространства:
Put the book into the bag. — Положи книгу в порт­фель.

out of — из
движение из ограниченного пространства:
Take the book out of the table. — Возьми книгу из стола.

on(to) /onto — на
движение на поверхность:
Snow fell onto the ground. — Снег падал на землю.

through — через, сквозь
Не went in through the door. — Он вошел через дверь.

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски предлогами.
Go ... the table. Take the book ... the table. Open it ... page six. Look ... the book. Put it... the bag. Take the pen and the pencil... the table. Put them ... the bag. Take the bag ... the table and go ... your desk.

Общее задание

Задание 1. Употребите соответствующий̆ пред­лог (движения, места, направления).

(above, across, around, at, behind, from, in front of, in, into, on, out of, over, through, to, under)

1. There is a garden... our house. 2. The bridge is... the river. 3. All students are... the lesson now. 4. Where are the boys? They are... the park. 5. Our flat is... the centre. 6. There was a lamp... the table. 7. He will sit... you. 8. Usually we go... the college together. 9. He came... the house. 10. I come home... school very late. 11. Take my book... him, please. 12.. Come... the room. 13. He took us... the forest. 14. Children, take your books... your bags and put them... the tables. 15. The box was... the bed. 16. He looks ... the window.