Файл: Проблема выбора художественных текстов для обучения чтению на иностранном языке Петимат Халидовна Альмурзаева.pdf

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Управление образованием: теория и практика / Education Management Review
Том 12 (2022). №11 / Volume 12 (2022). Issue 11 91
The problem of choosing literary texts for teaching reading in a foreign language
Petimat Kh. Almurzayeva
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages
Kadyrov Chechen State University
Grozny, Russia almurzayeva@chesu.ru
Malika Yu. Elzhurkaeva
Senior lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages
Chechen State University Pedagogical University
Grozny, Russia elzhurkaeva@chspu.ru
Received 10.10.2022
Accepted 01.11.2022
Published 01.12.2022 10.25726/z0982-1370-0146-c
The article is devoted to the problem of choosing literary texts for teaching reading in foreign language lessons. The authors note that reading in a foreign language occupies a special place among other types of speech activity in terms of dissemination, accessibility and importance. The ability to read formed in students is the most stable and long-term, unlike other types of speech activity. Home reading is an important process during the study of a foreign language, since in addition to the formation of students' ability to read and analyze certain information, home reading can become a powerful incentive and help in the formation of skills and abilities of various types of speech when teaching students a foreign language. Home reading is considered by the authors as an independent activity in order to assimilate basic information from the text. That is why texts for home reading should contain lexical and grammatical material appropriate to the level, be feasible and interesting in content. In addition, consideration of various aspects of the process of home reading gives grounds to assert that in the course of teaching foreign languages, home reading is advisable to conduct on the basis of works of fiction of the country of the language being studied and be sure to pay attention to authenticity when selecting texts so that the process of working on the text is really effective and useful.
home reading, literary text, foreign language, listening, writing, speaking.
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