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Экзаменационные тесты по английскому языку

Для студентов 1 курса по специальности «Стоматология».

тесты I уровня

1.Choose the correct word.

  1. toath

  2. toth

  3. +tooth

  4. taoth

  5. toith

2. Choose the correct word.

  1. stomatologest

  2. stomotologict

  3. stomatologisd

  4. +stomatologist

  5. stamotologist

3.Choose the correct word.

  1. +dentist

  2. dantisty

  3. dentyst

  4. dentest

  5. dentisd

4.Choose the correct word.

  1. therophy

  2. +therapy

  3. theraphi

  1. thyraphy

  2. tharephy

5.Choose the correct word.

  1. assistanci

  2. assestance

  3. assystance

  4. +assistance

  5. assistanse

6.Choose the correct word.

a) haidache

b) headyche

c) headachi

d) hedache

e) +Headache

7. Choose the correct word.

  1. mooth

  2. moath

  3. +mouth

  4. mouht

  5. mauth

8. Choose the correct word.

  1. diagnosys

  2. diagnasis

  3. +diagnosis

  4. diognosis

  5. dyognosis

9. Choose the correct word.

  1. +enamel

  2. enamol

  3. anemel

  4. anymel

  5. enemal

10. Choose the correct word.

    1. dantine

    2. dentyne

    3. dendine

    4. dintine

    5. +dentine

11. Choose the correct word.

  1. caviti

  2. covity

  3. +cavity

  4. cavety

  5. kavity

12. Choose the correct word.

  1. enjektion

  2. injectyon

  3. injaction

  4. +injection

  5. enjuction

13. Choose the correct word.

    1. +filling

    2. felling

    3. fillign

    4. filleng

    5. fillyng

14. Choose the correct word.

    1. polyclynic

    2. palyclinic

    3. policlinic

    4. +polyclinic

    5. polyklinic

15. Choose the correct word.


b) +laboratory

c) labarotory

d) loborotory

e) laborotare

16. Choose the correct word.

    1. physycion

    2. phisicion

    3. physision

    4. physicyon

    5. +physician

17. Choose the correct word.

    1. mirrar

    2. merror

    3. +mirror

    4. myrror

    5. mirrar

18. Choose the correct word.

  1. +people

  2. peaple

  3. poeple

  4. peeple

  5. peolpy

19. Choose the correct word.

  1. seringe

  2. saringe

  3. siringe

  4. syrynge

  5. +syringe

20. Choose the correct word.

    1. infoction

    2. infaction

    3. enfection

    4. +infection

    5. infuction

21. Choose the correct word.

  1. syrgoen

  2. sargeon

  3. +surgeon

  4. surgoen

  5. curgoen

22. Choose the correct word.

  1. origen

  2. +origin

  3. origan

  4. orygin

  5. origyn

23. Choose the correct word.

  1. nervi

  2. nurve

  3. nerfe

  4. nyrve

  5. +nerve

24. Choose the correct word.

  1. +discovery

  2. discoveri

  3. discavery

  4. dyscovery

  5. diskovery

25. Choose the correct word.

    1. skillphul

    2. +skillful

    3. skilful

    4. skillfyl

    5. skellful

26. Choose the correct word.

    1. +gentle

    2. gendle

    3. gantle

    4. gemtle

    5. egentli

27. Choose the correct word.

  1. polate

  2. palote

  3. +palate

  4. palati

  5. palade

28. Choose the correct word.

  1. knawledge

  2. knowletge

  3. knovledge

  4. +knowledge

  5. knowlydge

29. Choose the correct word.

  1. stracture

  2. strocture

  3. structere

  4. strucdure

  5. +structure

30. Choose the correct word.

  1. +toothache

  2. toathache

  3. doothache

  4. toothashe

  5. tootheche

31. Choose the correct word.

  1. forkeps

  2. farceps

  3. +forceps

  4. forcebs

  5. forcips

32. Choose the correct word.

  1. lyquid

  2. +liquid

  3. liqiud

  4. liquit

  5. liqyid

33. Choose the correct word.

  1. pryck

  2. brick

  3. pricc

  4. preck

  5. +prick

34. Choose the correct word-combination.

  1. +waiting room

  2. waityng room

d) wayting room

c) waiting roum

e) waiding room

35. Choose the correct word.

  1. doorsteb

  2. doorstip

  3. +doorstep

  4. doarstep

  5. doorctep

36. Choose the correct word.

  1. institutoin

  2. instutition

  3. instidution

  4. inctitution

  5. +institution

37. Choose the correct word.

  1. scientivic

  2. +scientific

  3. sceintific

  4. sciendific

  5. scientifik

38. Choose the correct word.

  1. medycine

  2. medecine

  3. medisine

  4. meticine

  5. +medicine

39. Choose the correct word-combination .

  1. human bady

  2. human bodi

  3. +human body

  4. hyman body

  5. humen body

40. Choose the correct word.

  1. physiolagy

  2. physiologi

  3. phisiology

  4. +physiology

  5. physialogy

41. Choose the correct word.

  1. pathologyc

  2. pothologic

  3. pathalogic

  4. pathologik

  5. +pathologic

42. Choose the correct word.

  1. experimend

  2. +experiment

  3. experyment

  4. expiriment

  5. expirement

43. Choose the correct word.

  1. +education

  2. educotion

  3. iducation

  4. edukation

  5. educadio

44. Choose the correct word.

  1. eqiupment

  2. equibment

  3. aquipment

  4. equipmend

  5. +equipment

45. Choose the correct word.

  1. extroction

  2. exdraction

  3. +extraction

  4. extraktion

  5. extractoin

46. Choose the correct word.

  1. avolution

  2. evolytion

  3. evolutoin

  4. evalution

  5. +evolution

47. Choose the correct word.

  1. technelogy

  2. technologi

  3. technolagy

  4. +technology

  5. technalogy

48. Choose the correct word.

  1. +disinfectant

  2. dysinfectant

  3. dizinfectant

  4. desinfectant

  5. disenfectant

49. Choose the correct word.

  1. drell

  2. +drill

  3. drall

  4. trill

  5. dryll

50. Choose the correct word.

  1. crawn

  2. croun

  3. crovn

  4. +crown

  5. krown

51. Choose the countable word.

a) health

b) fat

c) coffee


e) sugar

52. Choose the countable word.

a) +chamber

b) blood

c) sputum

d) sugar

e) water

53. Choose the countable word.


b) air

c)+ rib

d) snow

e) water

54. Choose the countable word.

a) rice

b) tea

c) cheese

d) +root


55. Choose the word different from others.

a) fortress

b) palace

c) notel

d) tower


56. Choose the word different from others.

a) rich

b) large

c) small

d) famous

e) +stomatological

57. Choose the word different from others.

a) old

b) new

c) young

d) childish

e) +famous

58. Choose the word different from others.

a) canine

b) enamel

c) dentine

d) crown

e) +label

59. Choose the word different from others.

a) molar

b) premolar


d) incisor

e) +reaction

60. Choose the word different from others.

a) permanent

b) deciduous

c) temporary

d) primary

e) +sensetive

61. Choose the correct variant of a word.

а) +valuable

b) voluable

c) valeable

d) vyluable

e) valuabl

62. Choose the correct variant of a word.

  1. +environment

  2. invironment

  3. envyronment

  4. onvironment

  5. envoronment

63. Choose the correct variant of a word.

  1. +healthy

  2. hialthy

  3. haelthy

  4. healthe

  5. heelthy

64. Choose the correct variant of a word.

  1. triatment

  2. traetment

  3. treatmint

  4. +treatment

  5. treatmynt

65. Choose the correct variant of a word.

  1. camplication

  2. cymplication

  3. cemplication

  4. +complication

  5. complecation

66. Choose the correct variant of a word.

  1. privention

  2. provention

  3. +prevention

  4. previntion

  5. pryvention

67. Choose the correct variant of a word.

  1. domage

  2. dimage

  3. dymage

  4. +damage

  5. damode

68. Choose the correct variant of a word.

  1. bactiria

  2. bocteria

  3. bycteria

  4. bactyria

  5. +bacteria

69. Choose the correct variant of a word.

  1. polate

  2. +palate

  3. pylate

  4. palote

  5. palaty

70. Give the antonym of the word “enormous”.

  1. large

  2. thick

  3. small

  4. +tiny

  5. big

71. Find the right word- combination.

  1. permanent teeth

  2. permanent extraction

  3. permanent orthodontic

  4. permanent pulpitis

  5. permanent questions

72. Choose the correct variant.

  1. +tweezer

  2. tueezer

  3. twizer

  4. tweecer

  5. tweeser

73. Give the antonym of the word “intelligent”.

  1. interesting

  2. clever

  3. +stupid

  4. slow

  5. active

74. Find the antonym to the word “to separate”.

  1. +to connect

  2. to invite

  3. to come

  4. to examine

  5. to become

75.Choose the correct variant of a word.

a) serface

b) syrface

c) sorface

d) +surface

e) sarface

76.Choose the correct variant of a word.






77.Choose the correct variant of a word.






78.Choose the correct variant of a word.






79.Choose the correct variant of a word.






80.Choose the correct variant of a word.






81.Choose the correct variant of a word.






82.Choose the correct variant of a word.






83. Find the synonym to the word “regularly”.

  1. +often

  2. seldom

  3. already

  4. yet

  5. never

84. Find the synonym to the word “solid”

  1. +hard

  2. soft

  3. large

  4. mild

  5. sharp

85. Find the synonym to the word “always”

  1. +often

  2. never

  3. rare

  4. seldom

  5. sometimes

86. Find the antonym to the word “small”

  1. +large

  2. soft

  3. middle

  4. ancient

  5. hard

87. Find the synonym to the word “form”

  1. +shape

  2. height

  3. length

  4. volume

  5. weight

88. Find the synonym to the word “to cure”

  1. to define

  2. to visit

  3. +to treat

  4. to cover

  5. to extract

89. Choose the antonym of a word “dependent"

a)+ independent

b) famous

c) acute

d) weak

e) severe

90. Find the plural form

a) man

b) woman

c) child

d) person


91. Find the antonym to the word “to separate”

a) to change

b) to give

c) +to connect

d) to get

e) to become

92. Choose the antonym to “hard”.

a) hot





93. Choose the antonym to “permanent”.






94. Choose the antonym to “upper”.





e)next to

95. Choose the antonym to “extract”.

a) take

b) put


d) damage


96. Choose the correct word.

a)+ temporary





97.Choose the correct word.

a) permanend

b) permanant

c) permonent



98. Choose the antonym to “after”.


b)next to

c) under

d) between

e) above

99. Choose the antonym to “inner”.



c)next to



100. Choose the antonym to “thick”.






101. Choose the antonym to “external”.





e) down

102. Choose the correct word.


b) canvniences

c) conviniences



103. Choose the correct word.






104. Choose the correct word.



c) haspitable



105. Choose the correct word.



c) +therapeutical



106. Choose the correct word.




d)+ shipbuilding


107. Choose the correct word.






108. Choose the correct word.






109. Choose the correct word.






110. Choose the correct word.

a) financil

b) financiale

c) financal



111. Choose the correct word.






112. Choose the correct word.

a) Westminister


c) Westmister



113. Choose the correct word-combination.

a)secondery education

b)+secondary education

c)cecondary education

d) secondary edukation

e)sekondary education

114. Choose the correct word.






115. Choose the correct word-combination.

a) +technical drawing

b)tehnical drawing

c)tecnical drawing

d)tekchnical drawing

e) technical drowing

116. Choose the correct word-combination.

a)primery education

b) primary edukation

c)primari education

d) primary edication

e)+ primary education

117. Choose the correct word.






118. Choose the correct word–combination.

a) listen atentively

b) listen attentivily

c)+listen attentively

d) listen attentiveli

e)lisen attentively

119. Choose the correct word–combination.

a) natural scences

b)+natural sciences

c)natyral sciences

d) natural sciiences

e)netural sciences

120. Choose the correct word–combination.

a)tekhnical schools

b)tehnical schools

c) +technical schools

d) technical shools

e) technicall schools

121. Choose the correct word–combination.

a)giftid children

b)gefted children

c) gifted shildren

d)+gifted children

e) gifted childrin

122. Choose the correct word–combination.

a)Bashelor degree

b)Bacheler degree

c) Bachelor degrii

d)Bahelor degree

e)+Bachelor degree

123. Choose the correct word–combination.

a)+free of charge

b)frii of charge

c) free of chage

d)frea of charge

e) free off charge

124. Choose the correct word–combination.

a)forein languages

b)+foreign languages

c) foreign languagis

d)foreighn languages

e) foreign langueges

125. Choose the correct word–combination.

a)handicaped children

b)handecapped children

c)handicappied children

d) handicapped shildren

e)+handicapped children

126. Choose the correct word.






127. Choose the correct word.






128. Choose the correct word.

a) currenci

b) cuurensy


d) currensy


129. Choose the correct word.






130. Choose the correct word–combination.

a)+reception ward

b) riception ward

c) reciption ward

d) recepteon ward

e) reception word

131. Choose the correct word.






132. Choose the correct word.

a) overdosoge

b) ovirdosage

c) overdasage



133. Choose the correct word.






134. Choose the correct word–combination.






135. Choose the correct word.





e) fruitfol

136. Choose the correct word.

a) favaurable

b)+ favourable

c) favouroble

d. favourible

e. favourabl

137. Choose the correct word.






138. Choose the correct word.

a) deciduaus





139. Choose the correct word.

a) instriment

b) +instrument

c) inctrument



140. Choose the correct word.

a) tangue

b) toongue




141. Choose the correct word.






142. Choose the correct word.




d) dautere


143. Choose the different word.

a) institution

b) polyclinic

c) department

d) faculty


144. Choose the different word.


b) +disease

c) government


e) college

145. Choose the different word.


b) treatment


d) toothache

e) +nephew

146. Choose the different word.

a) spoon

b) cup


d) knife

e) fork

147. Choose the different word.




d) easy

e)+ temperature

148. Choose the different word.

a) Literature

b) History

c) Natural Science


149. Choose the different word.

a) surgeon

b) nurse



e) dentist

150.Choose the different word.

  1. northern

  2. south

  3. west

  4. east

  5. +high

151.Choose thedifferentword.

  1. country

  2. capital

  3. territory

  4. population

  5. +polyclinic

152.Choose theuncountableword.

  1. +water

  2. heart

  3. tooth

  4. eyes

  5. mouth


  1. cavity

  2. gum

  3. filling

  4. injection

  5. +instrument

154.Choose the uncountable word.

  1. dentist

  2. +blood

  3. person

  4. doctor

  5. patient

155.Choose the different word.

  1. to treat

  2. to fill

  3. +to read

  4. to extract

  5. to examine

156.Choose the correctword.

  1. toothpast

  2. +toothpaste

  3. touthpaste

  4. tothpaste

e) tuthpaste


  1. square

  2. street

  3. station

  4. monument

  5. +jaw

158.Choose thedifferentword.

  1. heart

  2. lung

  3. +capital

  4. vessel

  5. stomach

159.Choose thedifferentword.

  1. stomatologist

  2. dentist

  3. +examination

  4. neurologist

  5. therapeutist

160.Choose thedifferentword.

  1. canine

  2. surface

  3. incisor

  4. +station

  5. cavity

161.Choose thedifferentword.

  1. +hospitable

  2. outer

  3. inner

  4. upper

  5. lower

162. Choose the different word.

a) flowers

b) grasses

c) plants

d) trees

e) +children

163. Choose the different word.

a) institute

b) academy

c) university

d) college

e) +injection

164.Choose the correct word.






165.Choose thecorrectword.

  1. stamach

  2. +stomach

  3. stomash

  4. stomakh

  5. stomak

166.Choose thecorrectword.

  1. ekzamination

  2. examynation

  3. +examination

  4. examenation

  5. examinasion

167.Choose thecorrectword

  1. +prominent

  2. pruminent

  3. promynent

  4. prominant

  5. praminent

168. Choosethedifferentword.

a) plain

b) desert

c) mountain

d)+ climate

e) valley

169. Choose the different word.

a) patient

b) nurse

c) physician

d) doctor

e)+ classroom

170. Choose the different word.

a) label

b) dose

d) +city

e) drug

171. Choose the different word.

a) temperature

b) +environment

c) blood pressure

d) heartbeat

e) urine analyses

172. Choose the different word.

a) south

b) north

c) west

d) east

e) +river

173. Choose the different word.

a) +mountain

b) river

c) lake

d) sea

e) ocean

174. Choose the different word – combination.

a) infant school

b) junior school

c) state school

d) public school

e) +physical education

175. Choose the different word.


b) +box

c) pilot

d) politician

e) teacher

176. Choose the different word.

a) literature

b) mathematics

c) physics

d) +drug

e) science

177.Choose the different word.

a) neck

b) pulp

c) +label

d) root

e) tissue

178. Choose the different word.

a) to erupt

b) to extract

c) +to write

d) to appear

e) to fill

179. Choose the correct word

a) nephuw

b) nephiw

c) nefhew

d) +nephew

e) nefeuw

180. Choose the correct word

a) kitneys





181.Choose the different word.

  1. dendist

  2. stomatologist

  3. teeth

  4. jaw

  5. +education

182.Choose the different word.

  1. teeth

  2. cavity

  3. tongue

  4. palate

  5. +ache

183.Choose the different word.

  1. dentist

  2. +teacher

  3. surgeon

  4. therapheutist

  5. nurse

184.Choose the different word.

  1. stomatology

  2. polyclinic

  3. consulting room

  4. +library

  5. treatment

185.Choose the different word.

  1. extract

  2. fill

  3. +understand

  4. treat

  5. examine

186. Choose the different word.

a) room

b) laboratory

c) +headache

d) cabinet

e) lecture

187. Choose the different word.

a) heart

b) lung

c) +patient

d) liver

e) spleen

188. Choose the different word..

a) scientist

b) teacher

c) doctor

d) dentist

e) +health

189. Choose the different word.

a) tooth

b) +population

c) tongue

d) lips

e) skin

190. Choose the different word.

a) west

b) east

c) +climate

d) north

e) south

191. Find the common word for this group:

a) Balkhash

b) Ala-Kol

c) Tengis

d) Zaisan

e) +lakes

192. Give the synonym for “sick person”.

a) doctor

b) dentist

c) scientist

d) nurse

e) +patient

193. Give the synonym to “famous”.

a) common

b) + well-known

c) special

d) important

e) significant

194. Give the antonym for “old”:

a) different

b) strong

c) quick

d) easy

e) +young

195. Give the antonymfor “male”:

a) admenistration





196. Give the antonymfor “dry”:

a) cold


c) hot

d) sunny

e) mild

197. Choose the correct word.

a) +heartbeat

b) heatbeat

c) heartbeet

d) hartbeat

e) hartbeet

198. Give the synonym to the word “exhausted”.

a) ugly

b) terrible


d) dangerous

e)+ fashionable

199. Give the antonym to the word “silence”.

a) fear

b) +noise

c) wealth

d) quite


200. Give the antonym to the word “possible”.

  1. Polite

  2. +impossible

  3. important

  4. nice

  5. kind

201. Choose the antonym of the word “small”.

  1. +small

  2. hot

  3. mild

  4. wet

  5. soft

202. Choose the correct word.

  1. frequentli

  2. frekuently

  3. friquently

  4. frequintly

  5. +frequently

203.Choose the word in correct order.

  1. ifanmatlionm

  2. ilanmaftmino

  3. iniflammation

  4. +inflammation

  5. inflemmation

204. Find the antonym to the word“true”.

a) dangerous

b) stupid

c) difficult

d)+ false

r) easy

205. Find the antonym to the word “sick”.

a) adult

b) beautiful

c) +healthy

d) congenital

e) famous

206. Choose the correctword – combination.

    1. to make a correkt diagnosis of the disease

    2. to make a carrect diagnosis of the disease

    3. to make a correct diagnosis of the disease

    4. +to make a correct diagnosis of the disease

    5. to make a correkt diagnosis of the desiase

207. Choose the correctword– combination.

    1. +a number of different procedures

    2. a number of diferent procedures

    3. a number of different prosedures

    4. a number of different prosidures

    5. a number of different procegures

208. Complete the sentence:

The room where we cook is …

a) a living room

b)a bedroom

c) a bathroom

d) +a kitchen

e) a hall

209. What generalizing word refers to the following words:

treatment, teeth, mouth, gum, toothache.

a) +dentist

b) teacher

c) worker

d) driver

e) pupil

210. Choose the correctword – combination.

    1. +new methods of dental treatment

    2. new metods of dental treatment

    3. new methods of dental treetment

    4. new methods of dental tretment

    5. new methods dental of treatment

211. Choose the correct word.

a) direktion

b) derection

c) direkcion

d) +direction

e) direcsion

212. Choose the correctword – combination.

    1. directionforadminestration

    2. direktionforadministration

    3. +directionforadministration

    4. directionforadmenistration

    5. directionforadministraition

213.Find the proper word for definition

A person professionally trained to treat teeth


b) surgeon

c) biologist

d) chemist

e) teacher

214. Choose the correctword – combination.

    1. drugs for intramascular injections

    2. drugs for intramusculor injections

    3. drugs for intremuscularinjektions

    4. +drugs for intramuscular injections

    5. drugs for intramuscular ingections

215. What generalizing word refers to the following words:

prescription, medicines, remedies, label, dose, external use, drug cabinet

  1. school

  2. +chemist’s

  3. department

  4. home

  5. station

216. Choose the correct word.

a) intramascular

b) intramuscular

c) intramusculor

d) intremuscular

c) entramuscular


  1. Choose the proper articles:

I saw … beautiful dress in the shop, but … dress is expensive.

  1. a, a

  2. +a, the

  3. the, a

  4. an, a

  5. - , -

  1. Сhoose the proper ordinal numeral.

  1. twenty-five

  2. +twenty-fifth

  3. twenty-four

  4. twenty-one

  5. twenty

  1. Choose the proper pronoun:

My little brother plays with …

  1. +me

  2. she

  3. it

  4. I

  5. he

  1. Choose the proper pronoun:

What colour is … pen?

  1. he

  2. it

  3. +your

  4. she

  5. we

  1. Choose the adjective in comparative degree:

My son is … than yours.

  1. young

  2. +younger

  3. the youngest

  4. youngest

  5. most youngest

  1. Choose the verb in the Present Indefinite tense:

She … this poem.

  1. read

  2. has read

  3. +reads

  4. will read

  5. had read

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb:

I … to the library last week.

  1. +went

  2. go

  3. goes

  4. will go

  5. has gone

  1. Choose the proper from of verb:

I am busy. I …. my homework now.

  1. are doing

  2. is doing

  3. +am doing

  4. was doing

  5. were doing

  1. Choose the proper from of verb:

Alice … breakfast for us tomorrow.

  1. cook

  2. cooks

  3. +will cook

  4. cooked

  5. has cooked

  1. Find the special question.

  1. Is he in Moscow or in Almaty?

  2. Do you speak German?

  3. +What story are you reading?

  4. He is in Italy now, isn’t he ?

  5. Have you a friend, haven’t you?

  1. Find the general question.

  1. How many books did you buy?

  2. +Does he live in Astana?

  3. What are you doing now?

  4. It is a book, isn`t it?

  5. Are you a student or a worker?

  1. Put the sentence in correct order.

  1. Family hasour a doggot.

  2. +Our family has got a dog.

  3. Our family dog has got a.

  4. Our family a dog has got.

  5. A dog has our family got.

  1. Choose the second form of the verb.

  1. write

  2. +wrote

  3. writes

  4. will write

  5. has written

  1. Choose the second form of the verb.

  1. give

  2. gives

  3. +gave

  4. has given

  5. will give

  1. Choose the proper preposition:

My shoes are … the sofa.

  1. through

  2. +on

  3. under

  4. above

  5. between

  1. Put the verb in Present Indefinite tense:

There…. manypupils at school.

  1. am

  2. is

  3. +are

  4. was

  5. were

  1. Choose the proper pronoun:

There aren`t…. knives on the table.

  1. no

  2. some

  3. +any

  4. anything

  5. something

  1. Choose the sentence in correct order.

  1. The boys morning exercises do every day.

  2. The morning boys exercises do every day.

  3. +The boys do morning exercises every day.

  4. Every day do morning exercises boysthe.

  5. Do the boys morning exercises every day.

  1. Choose the proper article:

Let me think … moment.

  1. the

  2. +a

  3. any

  4. an

  1. Choose the second form of the verb.

  1. gets

  2. get

  3. will get

  4. +got

  5. has got

  1. Choose the proper preposition:

She made many mistakes … her dictation.

  1. between

  2. from

  3. under

  4. +at

  5. over

  1. Choose the proper preposition:

She has a lot of newspapers… her bag.

  1. +in

  2. through

  3. among

  4. above

  5. between

  1. Choose the sentence in Present Perfect tense.

  1. You have supper about seven.

  2. +We have never been to London.

  3. He had read the story already.

  4. He has a friend.

  5. They have 5 lessons on Monday.

  1. Choose the second form of the verb.

  1. +choose

  2. has chosen

  3. chose

  4. had chosen

  5. will choose

  1. Choose the verb in Present Perfect tense:

Our republic……a wide network of medical institutions.

a) +has established

b) established

c) had established

d) establishes

e) will establish

  1. Choose the verb in Present Indefinite tense:

Any physician of the polyclinic ……his patients very well.

  1. know

  2. +has known

  3. knows

  4. had known

  5. will know

  1. Choose the second form of the verb:

  1. +ate

  2. eats

  3. has eaten

  4. had eaten

  5. eat

  1. Choose the proper modal verb:

. A good doctor …. love people and have a kind heart.

  1. +must

  2. can

  3. may

  4. is allowed to

  5. could

  1. Complete the sentence:

three hundred visitors in this museum yesterday.

  1. +There were

  2. There are

There was

  1. There is

  2. There will be

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb:

The patient……by the doctor every year.

  1. was examined

  2. has examined

  3. had examined

  4. +is examined

  5. will be examined

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb:

The patient…tomorrow.

  1. is operated.

  2. +will be operated

  3. was operated

  4. has operated

  5. had operated

  1. Choose the proper modal verb:

We …. clean the teeth every day.

  1. may

  2. can

  3. is able to

  4. are able to

  5. +must

  1. Put the proper prepositions:

My friend always goes … the stadium … Sunday.

  1. in\for

  2. at\on

  3. +to\on

  4. on\on

  5. to/to

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb:

We … the match on TV at 9 o`clock tomorrow.

  1. +will watch

  2. watch

  3. has watched

  4. had watched

  5. watched

  1. Choose the sentence in Passive:

  1. They had done this exercise already.

  2. +This exercise was done by them yesterday.

  3. This exercise they has just done.

  4. They will do this exercise tomorrow.

  5. They did this exercise yesterday.

  1. Choose the sentence in Past Indefinite tense:

We saw the cat jumping from the tree.

  1. We don`t see the cat jumping from the tree.

  2. We hadn’t seen the cat jumping from the tree.

  3. +We didn`t see the cat jumping from the tree.

  4. We haven’t seen the cat jumping from the tree.

  5. We not saw the cat jumping from the tree.

  1. Choose the correct pronoun:

I saw her … but I don`t remember where.

  1. somebody

  2. anywhere

  3. nobody

  4. +somewhere

  5. nowhere

  1. Choose the second form of the verb.

a) feel

b) +felt

c) has felt

d) will feel

e) had felt

43.Choose the proper pronoun:
If somebody attacks you, you need to be able to defend . . .
a) himself
b) yourselves
c) ourselves
d) themselves
e) +yourself

44. Choose the correct tense form:
He read a newspaper yesterday.
a) Past Perfect
b) Present Simple
c) +Past Simple
d) Present Perfect
e) Past Continuous

45. Choose the proper article, if necessary:
We live in…… Kazakhstan.
a) an
b) a
c) +the
d) -

e) no right answer

46. Put the proper preposition:
I went to school … the age of seven.
a) under
b)+ at
c) after
d) before
e) for

47. Put the proper form of the verb:
What ….. the children …… when the teacher came into the room?
a) are, doing
b) was, doing
c)+were, doing
d) is, doing
e) am, doing

48. Choose the proper ordinal numeral:
I have been learning English since…

a) seven years
b) twice a week
c) three times a week
d) +the fifth grade
e) two times a week

49. Find the special question.
a) They have done lessons, haven’t they?
b)+What have they just done?
c) Have they done lessons?
d) Have they done work?
e) Have they done lessons or work?

50. Choose the proper form of the verb:

I … reading a book now
a) is
b) are

c) +am
d) was

e) were

51. Find the proper auxiliary verb:
… he understand American English quite easily?
a) Was
b) Am
c) Is
d) +Does
e) Do

52. Choose the proper modal verb:
I’m sorry. You …………… take mobile phones into the building.
a) have to
b) may
c) must
d) +can’t
e) can

53. Put the verb in Passive:
The tests … next month.
a) are published
b) +will be published
c) is published
d) was published
e) were published

54. Put the verb in Passive:
The roses … by my mother yesterday.
a) is planted
b) will be planted
c) are planted
d) +were planted
e) has planted

55. Choose the correct tense form:

I am beginning to repair my car at the moment.
a) Present Indefinite
b) Past Continuous
c) Present Perfect
d) Future Indefinite
e)+ Present Continuous

56. Choose the second form of the verb.
a) leave
b) leaves
c) has left
e) had left

57. Choose the proper preposition:
They are going to work …….. a village during the summer holidays.
a) +in
b) to
c) from
d) for
e) above

58. Choose the proper auxiliary verb:

How long … you lived there?
a) did
b) +have
c) are
d) is

e) was

59. Choose the adjective in comparative degree:
This suit is … than that one.
a) expensive
b) +more expensive
c) expensiver
d) most expensive
e) expensivest

60. Choose the sentence inPast Indefinite Passive.
a) +He was examined five years ago
b) He is examined twice a year.
c) He will be examined next year.
d) He has already examined.

e) He had examined before entered university.

61. Put the verb in Passive:
All the tickets…. very quickly yesterday.
a) +were sold
b) had sold
c) sell
d) sold
e) are sold

62.Choose the second form of the verb.
a) teach

b) teaches
c)+ taught
d) has taught
e) will teach

63. Choose the proper adverb:
I can’t hear you. You’re speaking very … .

a) quiet
b) +quietly
c) loud
d) loudly


64. Choose the second form of the verb:
a) think
b) +thought
c) will think
d) has thought

e) had taught

65. Choosethe correct sentence in negative form:
There were a lot of people in the park.
a) +There were not a lot of people in the park
b) There not were a lot of people in the park
c) There were no a lot of people in the park
d) There wasn’t a lot of people in the park

66. Choose the proper preposition:
The boy has got a ticket … the football match.
a) up
b) off
d) in
e) at

67. Choose the second form of the verb.
a) take
b) takes
c)+ took
d) has taken

e) will take

68. Choose the second form of the verb.
a) lose
b) loses
c) has lost
e) will lose

69. Put the proper articles, if necessary:
There is no… place like … home.
a) -, the
b) a, a
c) +-, -
d) the, the
e) -, a

70. Put the proper preposition:
When I was a child I was interested … rock.
a) +in
b) on
c) with
d) by
e) to

71.Choose the second form of the verb.

a) hear
b) will hear
c) has heard
d) +heard
e) had heard

72. Choose the proper numeral: 7321.
a) Seven thousands three hundred and twenty one
b) +Seven thousand three hundred and twenty one
c) Seven thousand three hundreds and twenty one
d) Seven thousand and three hundred twenty one
e) Seven thousand three hundred twenty one

78. Put the proper articles:

London is … capital of … Great Britain.
a) a, the
b) the, the
c)+ the, -
d) a, a
e) -, -

79. Put the proper form of the verb:
How are you? – I … all right.
a) were
b) been
c) was
e) are

80. Choose the adjectivein comparative degree.
a) +leasier
b) busy
d) busiest
e) more busy

81. Choose the proper preposition:
My little sister likes to listen … classic music.
a) for
b) in
c) off
e) at

82. Choose the proper form of the verb:
America … by Columbus in 1492.
a) will be discovered
b) are discovered
c) discovered
d) +was discovered
e) is discovered

83. Choose the proper form of the verb:
There … a pie and a glass of milk in the fridge.
a) am
b) are
c) +is
d) were
e) be

84. Choose the proper form of the verb:

They …. TV now .

  1. is watching

  2. was watching

  3. +are watching

  4. were watching

  5. will be watching

85. Choose the properform of the verb:
My brother … music lessons now.
a) took
b) will take
c) take
d)+ is taking
e) have been taking

86. Put the proper form of the verb:
He … to collect stamps when he was a boy.
a) like
b) likes
c) +liked
d) is liked
e) have liked

87. Choose the proper articles if necessary:
There are … apple – trees in … my friend’s garden.
a) a/the
b) the/the
c) +-/-
d) -
e) an/a

88. Choose the verb in Present Indefinite tense:

I … this actor very much.
a) +like
b) liking
c) likes
d) is liking
e) has liked

89. Choose the proper modal verb:
I’m afraid we … miss the train
a) have to
b) need
d) cannot
e) must

90. Choose the correct form of the verb:
My hobby … travelling.
a) are
b) am
c) been
e) be

91. Choose the second form of the verb.
a) find
b) finds
c) has found
d) will find
e) +found

92. Choose the proper pronoun:

I have just found … watch. Is it yours?
a) these
b) that
c) those
d) +this
e) ones

93. Choose the proper pronoun:
He was asked … questions about his lifestyle.
a) any
b) much
c) +some
d) one
e) most

94. Choose the proper preposition:
My dad tried to give … smoking but he couldn’t.
a) on
b) in
c) +up
d) round
e) off

95. Choose the sentence in Present Indefinite Passive.
a) We must protect the environment
b) People must take care of the nature
c) Polluted air and water injure our health
d) After acid rain the top of plants and trees die.
e) +Energy must be saved at home.

96. Choose the correct modal verb:
I have a toothache. I … go to the dentist.
a) shouldn’t
b) are atle
c) +should
d) era allowed
e) is able to

97. Choose the proper numeral “115”.
a) a hundred fifteen
b) eleven and five
c) a hundred fiftienth
d)+ a hundred and fifteen
e) a hundredth fifteen

98. Choose the proper numeral “1991year”.
a) one thousand nine one
b) +nineteen ninety one
c) one thousand nine hundred nine one
d) nineteen nine one
e) nineteen and nine one

99. Choose the proper pronoun:
Mt friend never has … money.
a) +any
b) some
c) no
d) few
e) a few

100. Choose the proper form of the verb:
She … her foot when she jumped off the bus.
a) hurts
b) hurt
c) will hurt
e) has hurted

101.Choose the second form of the verb.
a) live
c) lives
d) has lived
e) will live

102. Choose the proper preposition:

I take the book … my bag.


b)+ out of

c) from

d) to

e) into

103. Complete the sentence:

…………………..usually two departments in a large chemis’s..

a) +There are

b) There is

c) That is

d) That isn’t

e) There isn’t

104. Choose the proper preposition:

We are … the chemist.

a) +at

b) in

c) to

d) from

e) on

105. Choose the proper articles:

Every small bottle, … tube or … box of medicine has … label on it.

a) the, the, a

b) a, a, ___

c) _, _, the

d)+ a, a, a

e) a, a, the

106. Complete the sentence:

four patients in this ward.

a) +There are

b) There is

c) This is

d) That is

e) Those are

107. Complete the sentence:

a glass of water on the table.

a) There are

b) +There is

c) Those are

d) The

e) -

108. Choose the proper preposition:

I came back … my friend’s at 7 o’clock.

a) to


c) at

d) on

e) in

109. Choose the proper auxiliary verb:

She … work tomorrow.

a) does

b) +will

c) was

d) were

e) did

110. Choose the proper form of the verb:

I … at home yesterday.

a) were

b) will

c) did

d) am

e) +was

111. Choose the proper modal verb:

… … you speak English?

a) Must

b) Have to

c) +Can

d) has to

e) is able to

112. Choose the proper preposition:

Come … the room, please.

a) for

b) over

c) under

d) by

e)+ into

113. Choose the proper word:

His … is Chris.


b) names

c) name’s

d) names’

e) names’s

114. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Yesterday I … at home.






115. Choose the proper preposition:

The patient complained …. the pain.



c) over



116. Choose the adjective in comparative degree:

Sasha is … than her sister.

a)more younger




e)most youngest

117.Choose the proper word:

Are there … toys in the box?






118. Choose the proper form of the verb:

The holidays … last week.


b) was begun



e)will begin

119.Complete the sentence:

Look! … my house over there and those are my cars.

a)This are

b)There are

c) These

d)+That is

e)These are

120.Choose the proper form of the verb:

I … when she came .

a)+was sleeping

b)has been sleeping


d) is sleeping

e) will be sleeping

121. Complete the sentence :

We enjoyed the film very …

a)+ much

b) few


d) many

e) best

122.Choose the pronoun:

Be careful! They are looking at … .






123.Choose the verb in Present Indefinite Passive:

This newspaper……… everywhere.

a)+is sold



d)are sold

e)were sold

124.Choose the proper modal verb:

You are ill. You ….see a doctor.

a) may



d) is able to

e) might

125.Choose the second form of the verb.

a) come

b) comes

c) +came

d) has come

e) will come

126. Put the proper preposition:

I am interested … most sports.

a) from

b) under

c) with

d) +in

e) on

127. Choose the adjective in comparative degree:

My … sister doesn’t live with us.

a) +elder

b) more older

c) old

d) most older

e) olderest

128. Choose the proper nouns in plural form:

Our … are … .

a) child / brothers

b) children/ brother

c) childs/ brother

d) childrens/brother

e) +children/brothers

129. Choose the second form of the verb.

a) +worked

b) work

c) works

d) has worked

e) will work

130. Choose the proper preposition:

He lives ….. Astana.

a) to

b)+ in

c) on

d) for

e) over

131. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Everybody …mistakes sometimes.

a) make

b)+ makes

c) has made

d) will make

e) had make

132. Choose the proper pronoun:

At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept …… drug cabinets.

a) of

b) at

c) +in

d) for

e) on

133. Choose the proper pronoun:

There aren’t … fruit-trees in the garden.

a) +any

b) some

c) no

d) anything

e) nothing

134. Choose the proper noun:

There are a lot of … in this place.

a) mices

b) mouse


d) a mouse

e) mouses

135. Choose the proper preposition:

I’ll be on vacation … next week.

a) +-

b) on

c) at

d) the

e) in

136. Choose the second form of the verb:

a) have

b) has

c)+ had

d) will have

e) has had

137. Choose the verb in Present Indefinite tense:

The doctor …………….. the patient at the polyclinic.

a)+ examines

b) examine

c) will examine

d) has examined

e) examined

138. Choose the proper form of the verb:

The heart ………………. from the first moment of life.

a) contract

b) +contracts

c) contracted

d) will contract

e) has contracted

139. Choose the proper form of the verb:

I….as a teacher in 1998.

a)+ worked

b) work

c) works

d) will work

e) has worked

140. Choose theproper form of the verb:

The teacher…..the lecture now.

a) delivers

b) +is delivering

c) was delivering

d) will be delivering

e) has been delivering

141.Choose the proper form of the verb:

Physician ………………. me drugs yesterday.

a) administered

b) was administered

c)+ administer

d) administers

e) will administer

142. Choose the proper form of the verb:

I….a doctor in future.

a) am

b) were

c)+ will be

d) are

e) to be

143. Choose the proper form of the verb:

He ….a headache.

a)+ has

b) have got

c) nothas

d) have

e) having

144. Put the proper form of the verb:

We ….. Anatomy yesterday at 2 o’clock.

a) will study

b) have studied

c) studied

d) +were studying

e) was studying

145. Choose the correct variant of auxiliary verb:

all the vertebrae compose the spinal column?

a) Does

b) Did

c) Has

d) +Do

e) Are

146. Choose the correct variant of auxiliary verb:

you buy a book tomorrow?

a) Do

b) Did

c) Has

d) Have

e) +Will

147. Choose the correct form of the verb:

All medicines ….. in drug cabinets.

a) kept

b) to keep

c) to be kept

d) is kept

e) +are kept

148. Choose the adjective in comparative degrees:

The right lung is….than the left one.

a) the heaviest

b) heavy

c)+ heavier

d) more heavy

e) the most heavy

149. Choose the right variant:

There are many… in the garden.

a) flower


c) flower’s

d) flowers’

e) a flower

150. Complete the sentence:

I … a student now.

a) will


c) was

d) will be

e) have

151. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Every day I … breakfast at 8 a.m.

a) had

b) has

c) am having

d) have had

e) +have

152. Put the proper pronoun:

Peter is a pupil. … studies in the 10th form.

a) She


c) I

d) We

e) You

153. Choose the right variant:

It’s difficult for you. You can’t do it … .

a)+ yourself

b) himself

c) myself

d) ourselves

e) themselves

154. Choose the right variant:

February is the … month of the year.

a) one

b) first

c) +second

d) third

e) one of

155. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Tom is in his room. He … the piano.

a) was playing

b) plays

c) played

d) has playing

e) +is playing

156. Choose the right variant:

There is … on the table.

a) books

b) book’s

c) +a book

d) books’

e) book

157. Choose the proper form of the verb:

He … born in 1975.

a) is

b) were

c) had


e) am.

158. Choose the proper pronoun:

There are … books in the library.

a) little

b) much

c) few

d)+ many

e) any

159. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Yesterday we … to the party by our friend.

a) was invited

b)+ were invited

c) are invited

d) is invited

e) will invited

160. Choose the proper form of the adjective:

Mary is … in her family.

a) younger

b) more younger

c) youngest

d) young

e)+ the youngest

161 . Choose the proper form of the verb:

I ……a book yesterday for 2 hours.

a) was reading

b) am reading

c) will read

d)+ have been reading

e)had been reading

162. Choose the proper modal verb:

People… drive more carefule.

a)+ must

b) may

c) could

d) can

e) ought

163. Choose the right variant:

I see only two students in the room. Where are…?

a) other

b) +the others

c) the other

d) another

e) others

164. Choose the proper numeral:

There are (14) schools in our town.

a) second

b) first

c) third

d) fifth

e) +fourteen

165. Choose the proper preposition:

St.Paul’s Cathedral was built….the 17th century.

a) +in

b) with

c) on

d) at

e) for

166. Find the uncountable noun.

a) +butter

b) book

c) pen

d) table

e) student

167. Put the proper article:

There is …student in the room.

a) –

b)+ a

c) the

d) an

e) zero

168. Choose the adjective in superlative degree:

.famous educational centers are Oxford and Cambridge universities.

a)+ The most

b) More

c) Famous

d) Most famous

e) A famous

169. Put the proper preposition:

The quests can put…at the famous hotels.

a) on

b) in

c) under

d) +up


170. Find the general question.

a) +Can you swim?

b) Can you swim or ski?

c) You can swim, can’t you?

d) What can you do?

e) Who can swim?

171.Find the special question.

a) +Where does he study?

b) Does he study or work?

c) He studies, doesn’t he?

d) Does he study?

e) He doesn’t study, does he?

172. Find alternative question.

a) Where does he study?

b) +Does he study or work?

c) He studies, doesn’t he?

d) Does he study?

e) He doesn’t study, does he?

173. Choose the proper form of the verb:

The drugs usually …. in a drug cabinets .

a) was kept

b) will be kept

c)+ are kept

d) is kept

e) had been kept

174. Choose the verb in Passive:

The patient …..by a physician yesterday.

a)+ was treated

b) is treated

c) had been treated

d) will be treated

e) is treating

175.Choose the verb in Passive:

Tomorrow Medeo ….by tourists.

a) is visited

b) were visited

c) are visited

d) has been visited

e)+will be visited

176. Choose the verb in Passive:

Everyday I….by my friends.

a) is invited

b) was invited

c) +am invited

d) will be invited

e) have been invited

177. Choose the verb in Passive:

Last year the book…..by me.

a) is bought

b)+was bought

c) will be bought

d) has been bought

e) were bought

178.Choose the verb in Passive:

Next year Anatomy ……by our teachers.

a) is taught

b) were taught

c) are taught

d) was taught

e)+ will be taught

179.Choose the verb in Passive:

Yesterday we …. to the party by our friend.

a) was invited

b) +were invited

c) are invited

d) isinvited

e) will be invited

180. Choose the proper preposition:

S.D. Asfendiyarov mastered … perfection Turk, Tajik, and Farsi languages.

a) On

b) At

c) -

d) With

e) +In

181.Choose the proper preposition:

Almaty is located …the foot of Alataumountains.

a) in


c) on

d) upper

e) under

182.Choose the proper preposition:

There are many beautiful lakes ….London.

a) at

b) on


d) up

e) upper

183.Choose the correct preposition:

Almaty is an industrial center ….a highly developed engineering.


b) in

c) at

d) -

e) on

184. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Yesterday there ….many pictures on the wall.

a) is

b) was

c) +were

d) are

e) been

185. Choose the proper form of the verb:

We …..good surgeons in future.

a) are

b) is

c) was

d) have been

e) +will be

186. Choose the proper form of the verb:

He …..at the theatre yesterday.

a) is

b) were

c) am

d) +was

e) will be

187.Choose the proper form of the verb:

She …..in hospital now.

a) +is

b) were

c) am

d) was

e) will be

188. Choose the proper form of the verb:

He ….in France next month.

a) is

b) were

c) am

d) was

e)+ will be

189. Choose the proper form of the verb:

My sister….ill now.

a) +is

b) were

c) am

d) was

e) will be

190. Choose the proper form of the verb:

I ….a computer now.

a)+ have

b) has

c) will have

d) having

e) had

191. Choose the proper form of the verb:

We ….a meeting tomorrow.

a) have

b) has

c) +will have

d) having

e) had

192. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Yesterday we….three lectures.

a) have

b) has

c) will have

d) having


193. Put the proper form of the verb:

The doctor ….. the patient’s temperature now.

a) takes

b) will take

c) took

d) has been taking

e) +is taking

194. Put the proper form of the verb:

The nurse …… injections at 2 o’clockyesterday.

a) +was giving

b) will give

c) give

d) has been giving

e) is giving

195. Put the proper form of the verb:

I ……. the operation tomorrow at 2 o’clock.

a) was performing

b) +will be performing

c) perform

d) has been performing

e) am performing

196. Find the ordinal numeral.

a) twenty-nine

b) twenty-eight

c) twenty-one

d)+ twenty-fifth

e) thirty- two

197.Find the ordinal numeral.

a) nine

b) eight

c) one

d)+ forth

e) two

198. Find the ordinal numeral.

a) thirtyone

b) thirtytwo

c)+ thirtythird

d) thirty five

e) thirty seven

199. Find the cardinal numeral.

a) third

b) fourth

c) +ten

d) eleventh

e) fortieth

200. Find the cardinal numeral.

a) eleventh

b)+ twelve

c) sixtieth

d) ninth

e) third

201. Choose the proper form of the verb:

They ……with friends at the moment .

a)+are staying

b) have been staying

c) stay

d) stayed

e) being stayed

202. Choose the proper form of the verb:

This shampoo……of roses.

a) +smells

b) is smelling

c) has been smelling

d) smelt

e) had smelt

203. Choose the proper form of the verb:

He …….a new suit yesterday

a) was buying

b)+ bought

c) had bought

d) were bought

e) has bought

204.Complete the sentence:

Where is Polly? She …. .

a) is in her room studying

b) in her room is studying

c)+is studying in her room

d) has in her room studying

e) was in her room is studying

205. Choose the proper auxiliary verb:

The stomatological faculty of KazNMU … founded in 1959.

a) is

b) are

c) were

d) +was

e) will be

206. Find the general question.

a) What are the parts of a tooth?

b) What tissues does a tooth consist of?

c) In what case is a tooth painful?

d) What does every tooth consist of?

e)+ Did the best specialists organize an educational process?

207. Find the special question.

a) Can the graduates apply for post-graduate training?

b) Are there four Republican stomatological centers on the basis of specialized departments?

c) Does the stomatological faculty promote international scientific conferences?

d) +When was the stomatological faculty of KazNMU founded?

e) Are there seven departments at the stomatological faculty?

208. Insert the proper prepositions:

The graduates … the stoimatological faculty are stomatologists … general practice.

a) in, in

b) for, for

c) since, since

d) from, from

e) +of, of

209. Insert the proper auxiliary from of the verb:

Graduates … apply for clinical training.

a) could

b) cannot

c) will can

d) couldn’t

e)+ can

210. Choose the proper auxiliary verb.

6918 doctors … graduated from the Stomatological Faculty for 50 years of its existence.

a) hadn’t

b) haven’t

c)+ have

d) had

e) has

211. Find the special question.

a)+ How many doctors have graduated from the StomatologicalFaculty for 50 years of its existence?

b) Is the faculty an outstanding dental education center?

c) Do students participate in international scientific conference?

d) Does the faculty hold meetings with foreign dental specialists?

e) Does the faculty organize meetings with foreign scientists?

212. Find the special question.

a) Do you like to go to the dentist?

b)+ When did you go to the dentistlast?

c) Are you a skillful dentist?

d) Have you had your teeth filled?

e) Is your dentist a good specialist?

213. Insert the necessary preposition:

The main goal … the stomatological faculty is to practice dentists.

a) in

b) from

c) out

d) +of

e) on

214. Choose the proper numeral:

He is ….. of the best student.

a) second

b) third

c) one’s

d)+ one

e) ones

215. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Yesterday I …..at home.

a) am

b) were

c)+ was

d) are

e) is

216. Choose the proper preposition:

The patient complained …. the pain.

  1. on

  2. out

  3. off

  4. up

  5. +of


  1. 1. Complete the sentence:

  2. The … is the head of our country.

  3. a) prime – minister

  4. b) chairman

с) +president

  1. d) senator

  2. e) director

2. Complete the sentence:

  1. Kazakhstan is ……. country.

  2. a) united

  3. b) federation

  4. c) monarchy

d)+an independent

  1. e) republican

3. Complete the sentence:

My home is my …

a) school

b) university

c) college

d) castle

e) +fortress

4. Complete the sentence:

. monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar square.

a) The King Arthur’s

b) Winston Churchill’s

c) +Admiral Nelson’s

d) William Shakespeare’s

e) General Washington’s

5. Complete the sentence:

Kazakhstan got its independence in ….. .


b) 1989

c) +1991


e) 1997

6. Complete the sentence:

A person professionally trained to treat teeth is called the …. .

a) biologist

b) surgeon

c) therapeutist

d) physician

e) +dentist

7. Complete the sentence: The official and political part of London is…

a) the City


c) the West End

d) the East End

e) Trafalgar Square

8. Complete the sentence:

Kazakh State Opera and Ballet Theatre named after... .

a) M.Auezov

b) G.Musirepov

c) +A.Kunanbaev

d) M.Lermontov

e) N.Satz

9. Complete the sentence:

The London buses are….. .

a) +red

b) yellow

c) pink

d) white

e) blue

10. Choose the right variant:

The Queen of GB lives in …. .

a) +the Buckingham Palace

b) the St. Pauls Cathedral

c) Covent Garden

d) Downing street, 10

e) the Houses of Parliament

11. Complete the sentence:

The capital of Great Britain is … .

a) Belfast

b) Birmingham


d) Dublin

e) Cardiff

12. Choose the right variant:

The Clock Tower is famous for its big hour bell, known as… .

a) Small Ben

b) Long Ben

c) Nice Ben

d)+ Big Ben

e) Large Ben

13. Choose the correct variant:At a Secondary Modern school children get … .

a) primary education

b) +secondary education

c) higher education

d) compulsory education

e) limited education

14. Complete the sentence:S.D.Asfendyiarov finished Military Medical Academy in… .

a)+Petersburg b) Verny c) Sverdlovsk d) Moscow e) Orenburg

15. Choose the proper word: Children learn to listen attentively and to behave in … .

a) nursery school

b) infant school

c) +junior school

d) secondary school

e) grammar school

16. Complete the sentence: Kazakhstan system of higher education adopted … .

a) +European model in 1990

b) European model in 1992

c) Western model in 2000

d) Western model in 1992

e) Western model in 2011

17. Choose the proper variant: Children go to primary school ….. in our country.

a) +at the age of seven

b) at the age of eight

c) at the age of five

d) at the age of four

e) at the age of nine

18. Complete the sentence:

St. Paul’s Cathedral was built in the 17th century by… .

a) Alexander Fleming

b) M. Konchalovsky

c) Alexander Ivanov

d) +Christopher Wren

e) Edward Jenner

19. Choose the right word:

The first stomatological institute in the Soviet Russia was established in 1920 ………

a) +Moscow

b) Verny

c) Peterburg

d) Orenburg

e) Sverdlovsk

20. Complete the sentence:

The nurses on duty take the patient at the… .

a) chemist’s

b) shop

c) +reception ward

d) sport club

e) ward

21. Complete the sentence:

The nurses keep all drugs in… .

a) the bag

b) pocket

c) +drug cabinets

d) ward

e) the box

22. Complete the sentence:

All … have special labels.

a) drug cabinets.

b) +drugs

c) chemist’s

d) prescriptions

e) wards

23. Complete the sentence:

We buy drugs at a…

a) shop
b) market

c) +chemist’s

d) store


24. Complete the sentence:

A polyclinic is an institution where we…

a) +go to see a doctor

b) study mathematics

c) cook meals

d) have meals

e) dance

25. Complete the sentence:

The doctors begin the daily rounds of the words at about… .

a)12 o’clock

b) + 9 o’clock

c) 7 o’clock

d) 13 o’clock

e) 15 o’clock

  1. 26. Complete the sentence:

London is the capital of … .

  1. a) the USA

  2. b) +Great Britain

  3. c) France

  4. d) Spain

  5. e) Russia

27. Complete the sentence:

The most educational centres Cambridge and Oxford universities are in …. .

  1. a) the USA

  2. b) France

  3. c) Germany

  4. d) +the UK

  5. e) China

28. Complete the sentence:

S.D. Asfendiarovfounded our university in ….. .

a) 1912

b) 1914

c) 1931

d) 1938

e) +1930

29. Choose the proper word:

The capital of …is Cardiff.

  1. a) Scotland

  2. b) +Wales

  3. c) England

  4. d) Northern England

  5. e) The United States

30. Choose the proper answer:

Compulsory education begins at the age of … in England.

a) 3

b) 4

c)+ 5

d) 6

e) 7

31. Complete the sentence:

At the age of 5 the English children go to …. .

a) nursery school

b)+infant school

c) junior school

d) secondary school

e) grammar school

32. Complete the sentence:

The coronation of the Kings and Queenshas taken place in ……. .

a) +Westminster Abbey

b)House of Parliament

c) Buckingham Palace

d) St. Paul’s Cathedral

e) the Tower of London

33. Choose the proper word:

. is London’s business district.
a) Port
b)The East End
c) The west End
d)+The City
e) Hyde park

34. Choose the proper word:

London stands on the river ….. .
b) Severn
c) British Channel
d) Volga
e) Trent

35. Choose the proper answer:

The UK consists of …. main parts.
a) six
b) three
c) two
d) five

e) +four

36. Choose the proper word:

The flag of the UK is known as the….. .
a) Union John
b)+ Union Jack
c) Union Andrew
d) Union Patrick
e) Union Tom

37. Choose the right variant:

The British money is …. .
a) dollar
b)+ pound
c) euro
d) rubble
e) tenge

38. Choose the proper word:

The national emblem of Northern Ireland is the …. .
a) chamomile
b) violet
c)+ thistle
d) rose
e) daffodil

39. Complete the sentence:

The head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is …………..
a) +the Queen
b) the Prime Minister
c) the Mayor
d) the President
e) the Speaker

40. Complete the sentence:

The name of the Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster is ……….
a) Huron
b)+ Lock Ness
c) Michigan
d) Erie
e) Superior

41. Complete the sentence:

The Speaker’s Corner is situated in ………. in London
a) St. James Park
b) Regent’s Park
c)+ Hyde Park
d) Green Park
e) Holland Park

42. Complete the sentence:

The dentist will give an …….. before tooth is exracted.

a) fat
b) sweets
c) acid


e) protein

43. Complete the sentence:

British people celebrate Halloween on ……...
a) the 2
nd of September
b)+ the 31
st of October
c) the 5
th of November
d) the 8
th of March
e) the 25
th of December

44. Choose the proper answer:

There are usually ………. departments at the chemist’s.
a) one
b) +two
c) three
d) four
e) five

45. Complete the sentence:

At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in ………...
a) drug room
b) refrigerator
c) store
d) drug shop
e)+ drug cabinets

46. Insert the missing word:

………… lables indicate drugs for internal use.
a) Brown
b) Yellow
c) Dark
d) +White
e) Blue

47. Complete the sentence:

The ………. of drugs may case unfavorable reactions and sometimes even death.
a) overstrain
b) overeat
c) overweight
d) overestimation
e) +overdosage

48. Complete the sentence:

The ..…occupies most of the territory of the British Isles.
a) +United Kingdom
b) USA
c) Arabian countries
d) Russian Federation
e) Australian continent

49. Finish the sentence:

London stands on the river ……...
a)+ the Thames
b) the Severn

c) the British Chanel
d) the Volga
e) the Trent

50. Complete the sentence:

The head of the Governmentin Great Britain is ……….
a) Speaker

b) the Queen
c)+ Prime Minister
d) Lord Chancellor
e) President

51. Insert the missing word:

The overdosage of …. may cause unfavorable reactions and sometimes even death.
a)+ drugs
b) tube
c) drug store
d) drug cabinets
e) label

52. Complete the sentence:

.labels are for external use.
a) White
b) +Yellow
c) Dark
d) Blue
e) Brown

53. Complete the sentence:

The territory of the UK is …….
a)+on British Isles

b) on the Irish sea
c) on the Atlantic Ocean
d) on the North sea
e) on the English Chanel

54. Choose the proper word:

……… has no teeth at its birth.

a) +Birth

b) At the age of

c) Children

d) Teenager

e) Person

55. Complete the sentence:

Every ……… has a crown, a neck and a root.

a) gum

b) jaw

c) palate


e) vessel

56. Complete the sentence:

Inner tissues of the tooth are dentine and …. .

a) canal

b) tissue

c) enamel

d) cementum

e) +pulp

57. Complete the sentence:

Outer layers of the tooth are …. and cementum.

a) tissue

b) pulp

c)+ enamel

d) part

e) vessel

58. Complete the sentence:

Teeth have blood vessels and …. .

a) palate

b) gum

c) jaw


e) health

59. Choose the proper word:

An adult person has.… teeth.

a) weak

b) soft

c) +strong

d) big

e) cheap

60. Insert the missing word:

Teeth are very important for…. .

a) sport

b) knowledge

c) education


e) disease

61. Choose the proper word:

You will have no …. if you keep teeth clean.

a) headache

b)+ toothache

c) spine ache

d) stomachache

e) joint’s ache

62. Complete the sentence:

The first teeth erupt between …. .

a) 6 to 8 months

b) 8 to 12 months

c) 12 to 18 months

d) 16 to 20 months

e)+ 6 to 9 months

63. Complete the sentence:

Central incisors erupt between …. .

a) 16 to 20 months

b) +6 to 8 months

c) 6 to 9 months

d) 8 to 12 months

e) 12 to 18 months

64. Complete the sentence:

Lateral incisors erupt between …. .

a)+ 8 to 12 months

b) 6 to 9 months

c) +12 to 18 months

d) 16 to 20 months

e) 20 to 30 months

65. Complete the sentence:

First molar erupts between …. .

a) 6 to 8 mounts

b) 8 to 12 months

c) 12 to 18 months

d) +16 to 20 months

e)20 to 30 months

66. Complete the sentence:

Cuspids erupt between …. .

a) 20 to 30 months

b) 10 to 13 months

c) 16 to 20 months

d) 20 to 25 months

e) +20 to 30 months

67. Complete the sentence:

Second molar erupts between……….

a) 8 to 15 months

b) 15 to 18 months

c) 18 to 20 months

d)20 to 25 months

e) 20 to 30 months

68. Choose the proper word:

The entire set of 20 teeth erupt by the age of……….years.

a) 2 years

b) 3 years

c) 4 years

d) 5 years

e)+2,5 years

69. Choose the proper word:

Dentine is a ………. tissue.

a) soft

b) slight

c) weak

d) +hard

e) temporary

70. Choose the proper word:

Pulp is a ………tissue.

a) hard

b) weak

c)+ soft

d) strong

e) first

71. Choose the proper word:

Little children have ……….. teeth.

a) strong

b) hard

c)+ deciduous

d) permanent

e) insensitive

72. Choose the proper word:

Stomatology is a ………. of medicine.

a) cavity

b) disease


d) mouth

e) rule

73. Complete the sentence:

It is necessary to clean teeth daily with a ……….

a) tweezer

b) dental mirror

c) napkin

d) diet

e)+ toothbrush

74. Put the proper word:

There are … …. for gifted children.

a)+ specialized schools

b)special schools

c) gymnasiums

d) high schools

e) colleges

75. Complete the sentence:

One of medical institutionsis the …. .

a) network

b) health


d) school

e) work shop

76. Complete the sentence:.

If a person falls ill he will ring up his local polyclinic and call in a …. .

a) biologist

b) patient

c) teacher


e) worker

77. Complete the sentence:

Sick persons usually follow a bed …. .

a) examination

b) network

c) condition

d)+ regimen

e) branch

78. Complete the sentence:

Many specialists including therapeutists, neurologists, surgeons and others work at the .… .

a) kindergarten

b) school

c) education


e) colleges

79. Complete the sentence:

At the local polyclinic every patient has a personal patient’s …. .

a) temperature

b) examination

c) treatment

d) +card

e) sick-leave

80. Complete the sentence:

If it is necessary a nurse will come to the patient’s house to carry out any of doctor’s …. .

a) cards

b) health

c) complaints

d) +administrations

e) examination

81. Choose the proper word:

People go to …….. if they fall ill.

a) institute

b) college

c) university


e) school

82. Choose the proper word:

Any physician of the polyclinic knows his …. very well.

a) sick-leave

b) condition

c) health

d) +phycisian

e) diet

83. Complete the sentence:

The doctor must know well the pathogenesis of any …. .

a) visual examination

b) palpation

c) percussion

d) auscultation

e)+ disease

84. Complete the sentence:

Before treating the patient it is necessary to make a correct …. .

a) regiment

b) question

c) task

d)+ diagnosis

e) temperature

85. Complete the sentence:

Some symptoms are …. .

a) soft

b) hard

c) large


e) sensitive

86. Choose the proper word:

A number of different …. is used to establish a diagnosis.

a) causes

b) development

c) disease

d) injections

e)+ procedures

87. Complete the sentence:

Some symptoms are …. .

a) hard

b) large

c) proper

d) +subjective

e) visible

88. Choose the proper word:

Aetiology is the …. of the disease.

a) symptoms

b) mechanism

c) +causes

d) diagnosis

e) development

89. Complete the sentence:

Pathogenesis of any disease is the way and mechanism of its …. .

a) aetiology

b) cause

c) symptoms

d) +development

e) disease

90. Finish the sentence:

After the extraction of the tooth the patient washes his mouth out with some …. .

a) tea

b) milk

c) toothbrush


e) diet

91. Complete the sentence:

If the tooth is too bad to be filled the doctor …. it.

a) fills

b) washes

c) +extracts

d) drills

e) saves

92. Complete the sentence:

It is necessary to make a …. before treating.

  1. development

  2. disease

  3. +correct diagnosis

  4. reception

  5. complaint

93. Find the proper word for definition:

A person who works at a shop where medicines are sold.

  1. doctor

  2. patient

  3. surgeon

  4. nurse

  5. +chemist

94. Finish the sentence:

To keep the teeth sound is very important for …. .

  1. a medicine

  2. knowledge

  3. +health

  4. location

  5. chart

95. Complete the sentence:

Stomatology deals with the diseases of the …. .

  1. gastro-intestinal tract

  2. cardiovascular system

  3. respiratory tract

  4. +tooth and jaw bone system

  5. the diseases of the liver and bile ducts

96.Choose the proper word:

A chemical remedy used to destroy bacteria is …. .

  1. surface

  2. temperature

  3. +disinfectant

  4. administration

  5. development

97. Choose the proper word:

The end of the root is called the …. .

  1. +apex

  2. cusp

  3. pulp

  4. chamber

  5. root

98. Choose the proper word:

Baby has …. deciduous teeth.

  1. 30

  2. 32

  3. 28

  4. +20

  5. 31

99. Complete the sentence:

The …. is the part visible in the mouth.

a) neck

b) root

c) +crown

d) dentine

e) pulp

100. Complete the sentence:

The junction of crown and root is called the …. .

  1. +neck

  2. chamber

  3. root

  4. apex

  5. cuspid

101. Complete the sentence:

The …. teeth erupt between 6 to 9 months.

  1. +first

  2. permanent

  3. first molar

  4. cuspids

  5. second molar

102. Complete the sentence:

The most famous Public schools in Great Britain are ………

  1. Bath, Nourish

  2. +Eton, Harrow

  3. Oxford, Cambridge

  4. Nourish, Oxford

  5. Cambridge, Bath

103. Choose the proper word:

The baby has …….. teeth at the age of 2.5 years.

  1. 15

  2. +20

  3. 18

  4. 12

  5. 21

104. Complete the sentence:

The longest river of Great Britain is ………

  1. +the Thames

  2. the Severn

  3. the Mississippi

  4. the Columbia

  5. the Volga

105. Complete the sentence:

The population of Great Britain is ……

  1. over 47 mln.

  2. over 40 mln.

  3. +over 56 mln.

  4. over 8 mln.

  5. over 54 mln.

106. Complete the sentence:

The end of the root is called ……..

  1. neck

  2. apex

  3. crown

  4. +jaw

e) month

107. Complete the sentence:

The eruption of the tooth start at …….

  1. +6 months

  2. 5 months

  3. 9 months

  4. 8 months

  5. 12 months

108. Choose the proper word:

An adult has ….. permanent teeth.

  1. 36

  2. +32

  3. 30

  4. 28

  5. 31