ВУЗ: Казахский национальный медицинский университет им. С.Д. Асфендиярова
Категория: Ответы к тестам
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Добавлен: 04.02.2019
Просмотров: 1331
Скачиваний: 9
12.What does the RK law on languages consist of ?
a) +present law, other normative legal acts
b) present law, other state programs
c) present law, other regulations
d) present law, other international programs
e) present law, other regional programs
13.Whom is application of RK law on languages extended for ?
a)citizens of Kazakhstan
b) citizens of Kazakhstan ,foreigners
c) citizens of Kazakhstan ,persons without citizenship
d) +citizens of Kazakhstan, foreigners, persons without citizenship
e) persons without citizenship
14.What languages are necessary to develop due to “Triunity of languages” project?
a) +Kazakh ,Russian, English
b) Kazakh ,English, German
c) Kazakh, ,English, Turkey
d)Kazakh, Russian ,German,
e) Kazakh ,Russian, Chinese
15.What does the introduction of “Trilingual teaching in KazNMU” program suppose?
a) stage by stage development of teaching 1 language
b) stage by stage development of teaching 2 languages
c) + stage by stage development of teaching 3 languages
d) ) stage by stage development of teaching 4 languages
e) stage by stage development of teaching 5 languages
16.What is the subject of “RK Law on languages ” regulation?
a) +social relations
b)national relations
c)ethnic relations
d)international relations
e)family relations