Файл: Abstract(абстракт) relating art that doesnt attempt to represent external reality Collection(коллекция.docx

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Добавлен: 05.12.2023

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Abstract(абстракт)- relating art that doesn’t attempt to represent external reality

Collection(коллекция)- the action or process of collecting sm

Curator(хранитель,охранник)- a keeper of museum

Dealer(торговец)- a person who buys and sells goods

Exhibit(экспонат)- publicy display(a work of art or item of interest) in art gallery/museum

Exhibition(выставка)- a demonstration of a skill

Landscape(пейзаж)- all the visible features of an area of land

Mural(стенная роспись)- a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall

Patron(спонсер)- a person who gives financial or other support to a person,organisation

Portrait(портрет)- a painting depicting face or head and shoulders

Sculpture(скульптура)- make a form by carving,casting or other shapind techniques

Self-portrait(автопортрет)- a portrait of oneself done by oneself

Still-life(натюморт)- a painting of an arrangement of objects,including fruit,flowers

Phrasal verbs

Come up with(придумать)- produce sm/to suggest of an idea or plan

Live up to(достигать того что ожидают)- to achieve what is expected

Put off(откладывать)- cause someone to lose interest/ postpone sm

Set up(начать,открыть)- establish a business,organisation

Turn away(отварачиваться)- start to move away in different direction

Turn down(отклонять,отказывать)- reject sm offered /adjust a control on a device

Turn out(оказываться)- prove to be the case

Best-seller( бестселлер) - a book or other product that sells in very large numbers.

Billionaire(миллиардер )- one whose wealth is estimated at a billion or more dollars , pounds, or other monetary units.

Bookworm(книжный червь)- a person unusually devoted to reading and study.

Breathe(Дышать)- to inhale and exhale freely.

Bring up(Воспитывать)- to bring (a person) to maturity through nurturing care and education.

Broadcast(Транслировать)- to make widely known.

Budget( Бюджет) -an account of gains and losses of such a quantity

Building sites( строительная площадка) - a piece of land on which a house or other building is being built.

Calendar(Календарь)- printed table showing the location of days, weeks and months in a year

Candle(Свеча)- a usually molded or dipped mass of wax or tallow containing a wick that may be burned

Catch up with( Догнать)- succeed in reaching a person who is ahead of one.

Charm(Очарование)- the power or quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating others

Cloth(Ткань)- woven or felted fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fibre.

Clove(Гвоздика) - the dried flower bud of a tropical tree, used as an aromatic spice

Colossal(Грандиозный)- extremely large or great.

Commission(Комиссия) - an instruction, command, or role given to a person or group

Commit suicide(Покончить с собой)- the act of taking one's own life

Comply(Соблюдать)- act in accordance with a wish or command

Controversy(Разногласия)- prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion.

Conviction(Убеждение)- a firmly held belief or opinion.

Cover(Покрытие)- shelter or protection sought by people in danger.

Crowl(Ползти)- move forward on the hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground.

Craze(Мания)- to make or become insane or as if insane.

Depression(Депрессия)- feelings of severe despondency and dejection.

Detention centre(Центр содержания под стражей)- a type of prison where young people can be kept for short periods of time

Disbelief- неверие-mental rejection of something as untrue.

Dot- точка-a small round mark or spot.

Faint-слабый- lose consciousness for a short time because of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain.

Falter- спотыкаться- lose strength or momentum.

Farce- комедия -a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay

Focal point- фокус -the point at which rays or waves meet after reflection or refraction, or the point from which diverging rays or waves appear to proceed. точка, в которой лучи или волны встречаются после отражения или преломления, или точка, из которой, по-видимому, исходят расходящиеся лучи или волны.

Fuel -заправлять -supply or power (an industrial plant, vehicle, or machine) with fuel.

Get away with -сбежать -escape

Glance -взгляд -take a brief or hurried look.

Godsend -дар божий -a very helpful or valuable event, person, or article.

Greet -приветствовать -give a polite word of recognition or sign of welcome when meeting (someone).

Have an affair -интрижка -To engage in a romantic or sexual relationship while being married.

Intimate -близкий- closely acquainted; familiar.

Jug -prison -кувшин/тюрьма

Juvenlie- несовершеннолетний- for or relating to young people.

Logo -лого -a symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.

Maggot -личинка -a soft-bodied legless larva of a fly or other insect, found in decaying matter.

Maid- прислуга -a female domestic servant.

Melt- плавиться -make or become liquefied by heat.

Mortuary -морг -a room or building in which dead bodies are kept, for hygienic storage or for examination, until burial or cremation.

Needle- игла- the pointed hollow end of a hypodermic syringe.

Network -сеть -arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines.

Nominate -выдвигать -propose or formally enter as a candidate for election or for an honour or award.

Overly -чрезмерно -excessively

Overpowering -всепоглощающий- extremely strong or intense; ovpearl-(жемчуг) hard lustrous spherical mass, the gemstone

perfectionist-(перфекционист) a person who wants everything to be perfect and demands the highest standards possible

phenomenon-(явление) an observable fact or event

pill-(таблетка) a small round mass of solid medicine for swallowing whole.

pregnant -(беременна) of a woman or female animal) having a child or young developing in the uterus.

put forward-(выдвигать)recommend someone as a suitable candidate for a job or position.

quote-(цитата)repeat or copy out (words from a text or speech written or spoken by another person).

rate -a measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against another quantity or measure.

recover-(выздоравливание) return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.

regime-(режим)a particular government or a system or method of governmenterwhelming

reputation-репутация the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.

retire -leave one's job and cease to work, typically on reaching the normal age for leaving service.

sabre –сабля a heavy cavalry sword with a curved blade

set-установить put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position.

shark -a large fish that has sharp teeth and a pointed fin on its back

single -only one; not one of several.

skull-a bone framework enclosing the brain of a vertebrate; the skeleton of a person's or animal's head.

slight-small in degree; inconsiderable.

slip-lose one's footing and slide unintentionally for a short distance.

slot-.a long, narrow aperture or slit in a machine for something to be inserted.

smarten-make or become smarter in appearance.

stain-mark or discolour with something that is not easily removed.

sting-.a small sharp-pointed organ at the end of the abdomen of bees, wasps, ants, and scorpions, capable of inflicting a painful or dangerous wound by injecting poison.

strict-demanding that rules concerning behaviour are obeyed and observed.

suspend-temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect.

tactic -an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.

talented-having a natural aptitude or skill for something.

tireless -having or showing great effort or energy.

unveil-remove a veil or covering from, in particular uncover (a new monument or work of art) as part of a public ceremony

vending machine-a machine that dispenses small articles such as food, drinks, or cigarettes when a coin or token is inserted.

viewer-a person who looks at or inspects something.

warden-a person responsible for the supervision of a particular place or activity or for enforcing the regulations associated with it.

worldwide-extending or reaching throughout the world.