Файл: Контрольная работа 2 Задание 1.docx

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Добавлен: 12.12.2023

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• Осведомленность о потребительских предпочтениях

• Техническая экспертиза

• Способности к решению проблем

• Хорошее управление временем и способность работать под давлением.

Критерии отбора на курсы

Курсы по технологии пищевых продуктов доступны для всех уровней специализации, но вот некоторые критерии, которым вы должны соответствовать, чтобы получить право:

• Вам необходимо, чтобы наука была основным предметом в средней школе с оценками не менее 50%-60% на выпускных экзаменах.

• Ваши научные предметы должны включать физику, химию и биологию. Некоторые колледжи также требуют, чтобы математика была обязательным предметом.

• Минимальный возраст для получения степени бакалавра в области пищевых наук составляет 17 лет.


1. There is considerable growth potential in the agritech sector that ser-

vices the meat industry and which is also a major export sector in its own right.

However there are arguments that sheep farming is regaining competitiveness compared to other sectors and that this could end the long-term decline in sheep numbers and therefore of sheep meat production. Sheep industry productivity gains are likely to be significant and there are growth prospects in international markets.

2. One measure of growth potential is the difference between the highest

and average performing farm business. MAF has calculated the differences in the profitability of sheep and beef farms in the top 25% compared with the average for all sheep and beef

farms. The difference between the top performing 25% of farms and the aver-

age is $220. If all sheep and beef farmers were to reach the performance level

of the top 25% of producers this would correspond to a lift in farm gate income

of $1,95 billion per annum.

3. New Zealand is a niche player in high value biochemicals that draw on

meat industry by-products such as blood extracts and fine chemicals. New Zealand companies compete effectively in niche markets characterised by economies of scope, demanding customers and leading edge technology.

4. One limitation is that New Zealand’s agritech sector focuses on pastoral

rather than the much larger intensive animal industry markets.

Agritech businesses also tend to be small to medium sized businesses

that face high fixed costs of exporting and complex marketing and distribution


5. Land use changes to dairy and forestry have the potential to lead to further reductions in sheep numbers. There may well be great potential from the triangulation of New Zealand’s agribusiness and meat industry capabilities, modern biotechnology

and high value niche markets.