Файл: A sound mind in a sound body.docx

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Добавлен: 12.12.2023

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Проверяемые задания

Проверяемое задание 1

Тема “A sound mind in a sound body”.


Task 1. Read the post from the website for teenagers:

I’ve just finished school and now I have to choose my way in life. I’m really interested in design and I want to be a designer.

But my parents want me to choose a different profession. They are doctors and want me to continue the tradition. I can't imagine my life without design and hate everything connected with medicine. Can you give me some advice?
Helen, Northampton

Write your advice to Helen (80-120 words).

  • Use your ideas

  • Use “You should”, “You shouldn’t”, “Why don’t you?”

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме “A sound mind in a sound body”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме «Модальный глагол Should»

  3. Прочитайте и переведите письмо.

  4. Напишите ответ на письмо (80–120 слов), используя выражения Youshould”, “Youshouldnt”, “Whydontyou?”


Hello, Helen

When I was little, my parents often told me what I should do, but I chose my favorite profession and did not regret it. You should choose with your heart. You don't have to worry about it because you just graduated from high school. Why don't you write out the pros and cons and make a decision yourself. .Your parents will support you in any case and will make your decision. They are just very worried and want a better life for you.


Проверяемое задание 2

Тема “A sound mind in a sound body”


Task 2. Describe an appearance and a character of your friend or relative (80–100 words).
Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме «A sound mind in a sound body».

  2. Используя изученную лексику, опишите характер и внешность своего друга или знакомого (80–100 слов).


I have a girlfriend, Alina. Alina is an amazing person. She is a very beautiful girl. She is of medium height, with short brown hair and dark green eyes. . Alina has several tattoos on her body and a nose piercing.Alina is the kindest person I know. She will always come to the rescue and always calm you down, but sometimes Alina is angry, it's easy to make her angry, so we often quarrel. But I still love her and consider her a good person

Проверяемое задание 3

Тема “Future plans


Task 1. Read the letter from a friend:

Dear, Paola!

How are things with you? Do you feel this New Year’s atmosphere? I’ve got so many plans for the year coming, so many New Year’s resolutions! So, I want to share them with you!

First of all, I’m going to start eating healthy food and stop eating so much chocolate. I’m also going to go to the gym at least twice a week. It will help me to stay slim and beautiful. And of course, I’m going to study harder to pass the math exam. I have already told you about it in the previous letter.

What are your New Year’s resolutions? What are you going to do?

Take care and write back soon.

Best regards.


Imagine you are Paola. Write an answer to Marry and tell about your plans (80–120 words).

  • Use your ideas

  • Use the organisation of an informal letter in the given example

  • Use the clichés:

a) Thanks so much for ... (or Thank you for your letter!);

b) How are things ... (or How is everything?);

c) Anyway, that’s about it for the moment. (or Anyway, that’s all the news for you.);

d) Look after yourself and keep in touch. (or Take care and write back soon.);

e) All the best (or Best wishes).

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме “Future plans”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме «Способы выражения будущего времени. Конструкция going to».

  3. Прочитайте и переведите письмо.

  4. Напишите ответ на письмо (80–120 слов), используя выражения, приведенные выше.

Проверяемое задание 4

Тема “Future plans


Task 2. Imagine you are studying in a different country now. Write an e-mail to your parents and tell them about your studying (80–120 wods).

Use such phrases as:

  • to take an exam;

  • to pass an exam;

  • to study for an exam etc.

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме “Future plans”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме “Verb patterns”.

  3. Используя пройденный материал, напишите письмо родителям (80–120 слов).

Проверяемое задание 5

Тема “Life experiences

Task 1. Describe the most beautiful place you’ve been to (80–120 words). Write where the place is, when you were there, why you think it’s the most beautiful place in the world.
Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме “Life experiences”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме “Present perfect”.

  3. Используя пройденный материал, опишите самое замечательное место, где вы были (80–120 слов).

Проверяемое задание 6

Тема “Life experiences

Task 2. Make up a dialogue between an airport personnel and a person who is flying to different country and wants to check in (the dialogue should contain 15 phrases).

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме “Life experiences”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме “Present perfect”.

  3. Используя пройденный материал, составьте диалог между работником аэропорта и пассажиром (15 фраз).