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«Moscow and London- great art capitals»


I course, MDA & PA, MDP

Zadiranova Olga

I Muscovite, and sincerely glad that I live in the capital, in such a beautiful city with rich history and cultural experience. From childhood, we have a wonderful opportunity to observe the magnificent(мэ’гни’фисэнт) monuments of architecture, and various fine arts.

I am very fortunate to work closely acquainted(экува’йнтед) with theatrical life in Moscow, which is very rich and varied as in none European city. Moscow is also the heart of Russian performing arts, including ballet and film. Modern Moscow has more than 100 theaters, 132 cinemas and twenty-four concert-halls in Moscow.

I have worked and held practices in the largest drama theaters and in the Bolshoi Theater. See how it's all done from within, to participate in the creation of fine performances, not with an incomparable(инко’мпрэбэл) pleasure.

The same permanently pass various festivals, arrive productions of foreign directors, choreographers and musicians what , not to mention a very interesting and important exhibitions.

There are more than 60 museums.One of the most notable art museums in Moscow is the Tretyakov Gallery

In addition to state museums in Moscow there are many private art galleries, many of whom specialize in contemporary art.

In general, for any interested viewer, there is any event in taste. The main thing to be willing to be quite curious and knowledgeable. With this just would not have any problems, unnecessarily in our time, when there are all sorts of media, which permanently alert the public about cultural events in the capital.

I'm with my friends regularly visit the new exhibition, to get of their new knowledge and inspiration. Less than we would like, visit theaters, concerts of classical music and ballet, because it is difficult for the student. Prices for tickets is higher than we can afford.

Not so easy sometimes to get even in the Pushkin Museum, the prospects defend kilometer turn, is not always inspire, but at the same time, it can not but rejoice. This suggests not decreasing in popularity and needs of people in art, theater and consert-halls , all more common to see young faces, and this means that our generation "Coca-cola" as it is called, constantly striving to develop their spiritual world.

London has played a leading role in the political, economic and cultural life of Britain. Anything about cultural capital of the UK, I can tell, just by the seen on television or read in the media. And what I saw I was attracted, and did not leave indifferent.

As far as I know in London, and in England in general, more highly developed tendency of contemporary art, and developed it for a long time.

In our capital, only 10 years ago began to open exhibition areas of contemporary art, it is most likely caused by the Soviet period, a period when our nation's art was very conservative and did not take innovation, there was no communication with the West.

The presence of modern cultural center is a huge plus, because the audience permanently receives the latest information about the development of modern art, can see the work of his contemporaries and thus be with them in constant contact "dialogue. " London was founded in 43 AD. It's a very old city. There is no doubt that the cultural heritage of its very large and richly varied, and not only national artifacts. The image of London, who formed me by the books of the great English writers, seen in movies, just love and appreciate the English film, and of course on paintings, which reflect the life of London, has always attracted me very much, probably more than even the great Italian cities -Renaissance art treasures.

I've always been following the development of English art, and very eager to go to London to personally see and evaluate what had only just presented. In connection with the globalized world, we are always aware of the most important cultural events. Londo-Moscow permanently exchanging cultural experiences, performances by national theaters, arrive exposition.

London is home to many museums, galleries, and other institutions, many of which are free of admission charges and are major tourist attractions as well as playing a research role.