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b) have returned 

c) be returned 

21. The causes of the financial crisis … in many articles. 

a) has been dealt 

b) will have been dealed 

c) have been dealt 

22. The decline in quality of services … by the experts. 

a) must have studied 

b) must be studied 

c) must will be studied 

23. The words … on the sand … a stick. 

a) was written … by 

b) were written … with 

c) have been written … by 

24. No announcement about the test results … so far. 

a) has been made 

b) have been made 

c) has made 

25. At present Jillian … for heart problem. 

a) has being treated 

b) was treated 

c) is being treated 

26. Measures should … to avoid such a problem in future. 

a) take 

b) be taken 

c) have been taken 

27. How would you feel if you … to spend hours in a wheel chair? 

a) have been forced 

b) are forced 

c) were forced 

28. A lot of money … from the bank on Monday. 

a) has been stolen 

b) have been stolen 

c) was stolen 

29. Your order … within 3 days. 

a) will be delivered 

b) to be delivered 

c) to will have been delivered 

30. When did you discover that the child … ? 

a) was kidnapped 

b) has been kidnapped 

c) had been kidnapped 


21. … I bought you a new car, would you be very happy? 

a) If 

b) When 

c) As 

22. If I … very hard, I would have been able to stop smoking. 

a) would have tried 

b) try 

c) had tried 

23. ‘Did you have a message for Tobias?’ 


‘Tell him I’ll call him on Tuesday if you … him.’ 

a) will see 

b) had seen 

c) see 

24. If you … got that job, would you have been able to move to a new house? 

a) will have 

b) had 

c) have 

25. If I … you, I wouldn’t risk it. 

a) were 

b) would be 

c) had been 

26. I would want very much to move to a new house if I … that job. 

a) having 

b) have 

c) had 

27. If they had waited another month, they could probably … a better price 

for their house. 

a) had got 

b) would get 

c) have got 

28. If I pay you twice as much, will you … to finish by Monday? 

a) be able 

b) is able 

c) are able 

29. Will you come to dinner with us if we … a babysitter for you? 

a) will find 

b) had found 

c) find 

30. If he decides to accept that job, he … it for the rest of his life. 

a) had regretted 

b) has regretted 

c) will regret 


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11. If you were hungry, you … study properly. 

a) won’t 

b) couldn’t 

c) didn’t 

12. What if I … you that there’s a good chance I can get tickets for the concert? 

a) have told 

b) were telling 

c) were to tell 

13. The view was wonderful. If … a camera with me, I would have taken 

some photographs. 

a) I would have had 

b) I’d had 

c) I had 

14. If Jacob … a mistake, he got into big trouble. 

a) made 

b) makes 

c) will make 

15. ‘Did you have an argument with Sebastian?’ 


‘If you had been there, you … the same.’ 

a) will do 

b) would have done 

c) had done 

16. If there ... happen to be any reason for late delivery, please inform our department. 

a) should 

b) would 

c) might 

17. If you see Juliet on Wednesday, … her to give me a ring. 

a) you would have told 

b) you will tell 

c) tell 

18. If I win, I … buy you a very big car as a present. 

a) am 

b) will 

c) should 

19. If you really want to be helpful, then you … to tell me the truth. 

a) will have 

b) had 

c) have 

20. If I’d known you were coming, I … a cake. 

a) would bake 

b) would have baked 

c) baked 


31. The famous actor … for the magazine. 

a) will interviewed 

b) will be interviewed 

c) was already interviewed 

32. I don’t know when the goods I’ve ordered … to my place. 

a) will be delivered 

b) are delivered 

c) will have been delivered 

33. The hotel bill … by my wife early in the morning. 

a) was payed 

b) will paid 

c) was paid 

34. Many new houses … by next year. 

a) will built 

b) will have been built 

c) will be built 

35. Some antique vases … in the old mansion. 

a) were found 

b) were founded 

c) are found 

36. Unfortunately, the flight … . 

a) was just delayed 

b) had just been delayed 

c) has just been delayed 

37. Our tent … in the night by the wind. 

a) was blew 

b) was blown 

c) had been blown 

38. I …. by the Doctor and … a prescription. 

a) was examined … was gived 

b) was examined … given 

c) have been examined … was given 

39. Two soldiers … when the Dean came in. 

a) were questioning 

b) were being questioned 

c) had been being questioned 

40. Mike said he … at the next lesson. 

a) would be asked 

b) will be being asked 

c) would asked 




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Test 2 


1.  When Eliana arrived, she soon … at all her jokes. 

a) had laughing everyone 

b) had everyone laughed 

c) had everyone laughing 

2.  Your request is … considered. 

a) be 

b) been 

c) being 

3.  Mrs. Hutchinson asked me to tell you that she would like … by Tuesday 

at the latest. 

a) sending the orders 

b) that you sent 

c) the orders sent 

4.  We … by a loud noise during the night. 

a) were waking up 

b) woke up 

c) were woken up 

5.  The architect Antoni Gaudi did not like … and there are few pictures of 


a) having his photograph taken 

b) taking his photograph 

c) photographing 

6.  There … between 4,000 and 6,000 languages in the world, depending on 

how you count them. 

a) are said to be 

b) say to be 

c) are said that 

7.  A new supermarket is going to … next year. 

a) be built 

b) be building 

c) build 

8.  New brick houses … the workers. 

a) were built for 

b) were built 

c) were built to 

9.  When … ? 

a) discovered penicillin 

b) was penicillin be discovered 

c) was penicillin discovered 

10. We … a swimming pool put in this week. 


Test 2 


1.  I’m not tired enough to go to bed. If I … to bed now, I wouldn’t sleep. 

a) go 

b) went 

c) had gone 

2.  If you saw another student cheating in an exam, … somebody? 

a) did you tell 

b) would you tell 

c) do you tell 

3.  If I were rich, … a yacht. 

a) I’ll have 

b) I’d have 

c) I can have 

4.  If the library is closed, I … home. 

a) would go 

b) will go 

c) go 

5.  If I … hear from Houston, I’ll tell him you were asking after him. 

a) should happen to 

b) will happen to 

c) happened 

6.  If I … the lottery, I’d give some of the money to each member of my family. 

a) won 

b) have won 

c) will win 

7.  … you write your autobiography if you were famous? 

a) Will 

b) Would 

c) Should 

8.  If you hadn’t taken the money, you … in prison now. 

a) hadn’t been 

b) wouldn’t have been 

c) wouldn’t be 

9.  If you … the book, you … the film. 

a) would like ... will like 

b) like ... will like 

c) will like ... like 

10. Do you think that if we … earlier we might not have missed the coach? 

a) had left 

b) have left 

c) have been leaving 


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c) tastes 

40. If he hadn’t been acting so foolishly, he ... punished. 

a) would be 

b) wouldn’t have been 

c) would have not been 







































a) are having 

b) get 

c) have got 

11. The castle … built in the 16th century. 

a) is 

b) was 

c) has been 

12. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think … . 

a) we are following 

b) we are being followed 

c) we are being following 

13. I could see that a lot of work … on the house. 

a) has been doing 

b) had been done 

c) had done 

14. ‘Where … ?’ 


‘In New York.’ 

a) are you born 

b) have you been born 

c) were you born 

15. The government must … strong measures against crime. 

a) be seen be taking 

b) be seen to be taking 

c) see to be taking 

16. There was a fight at the party, but nobody … . 

a) hurt 

b) gotted hurt 

c) was hurt 

17. Joining a gym … , but I didn’t really fancy the idea. 

a) was suggesting me 

b) was suggested to me 

c) was suggested me 

18. Jane … to phone me last night, but she didn’t. 

a) was supposed 

b) is supposed 

c) supposed 

19. My teeth were a little yellow so I … by the dentist. 

a) had them cleaned 

b) had cleaned them 

c) have them cleaned 

20. I spoke to Victor last night and he says he … while he was on holiday. 

a) had his phone stolen 


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b) was got his phone stolen 

c) had stolen his phone 

21. Where … ? Which hairdresser did you go to? 

a) did you have cut your hair 

b) have you cut your hair 

c) did you have your hair cut 

22. Stuart’s thinking of having … ! 

a) his head shaved 

b) shaved his head 

c) his head shaving 

23. Is he … arrested as we speak? 

a) been 

b) will be 

c) being 

24. Why didn’t you … you when you moved house? 

a) have Leo help 

b) have got Leo help 

c) have Leo helped 

25. All these houses … neglected for decades. 

a) have been 

b) are being 

c) has been 

26. My mother and father didn’t fancy cooking, so we got a pizza … . 

a) be delivered 

b) to be delivered 

c) delivered 

27. Profits … slightly next year, although we don’t predict any job losses. 

a) are expecting to fall 

b) expect to fall 

c) are expected to fall 

28. Can we … this summer? 

a) get installed air-conditioning 

b) have installed air-conditioning 

c) have air-conditioning installed 

29. There’s no question that they … delighted when they see her tomorrow. 

a) will be 

b) have been 

c) will have been 

30. How many times have you … your house broken into? 

a) have 

b) had 

c) been 


a) wouldn’t have fell 

b) didn’t fall 

c) wouldn’t have fallen 

30. They’ll go to the restaurant if they … a table in advance. 

a) would reserve 

b) reserve 

c) reserved 

31. If the temperature falls below 0°C, water ... into ice. 

a) turned 

b) turns 

c) will turn 

32. If he ... the fine, he will go to the prison. 

a) hadn’t paid 

b) won’t pay 

c) doesn’t pay 

33. If I ... time, I’d take up sport. 

a) have 

b) had had 

c) had 

34. If she had studied harder, she … the test. 

a) would have passed 

b) would pass 

c) would passed 

35. If you need help, ... to me. 

a) will come 

b) would come 

c) come 

36. If I hadn’t been rude to her, she ... upset now. 

a) would not have been 

b) wouldn’t be 

c) will not be 

37. If I were you, I ... to your mother. 

a) would listen 

b) had listened 

c) will listen 

38. If you ... your work, we can have a rest. 

a) will finish 

b) finished 

c) have finished 

39. If you add sugar to a cup of tea, it ... sweeter. 

a) taste 

b) tasted