ВУЗ: Не указан

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Добавлен: 23.06.2019

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Упр. 218. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect.

1. I just (to see) Jack. 2. She (to wash) the dishes from five till six. 3. Look! She (to draw) a very nice picture. 4. At this time yesterday I (to talk) to my friend. 5. The TV programme (to be­gin) before I (to come) home. 6. I (not to eat) ice­cream since summer. 7. I understood that she (not to read) my letter. 8. She (to do) the rooms when I (to come) home. 9. It's all right: she (to find) the way out of the situation. 10. He (to come) home late yesterday. 11. She is very glad: she (to finish) her composition at last. 12. He (to trans­late) the whole text by eleven o'clock. ГЗ. I never (to be) to Rome. 14. Last year we (to work) very much. 15. When I (to have) breakfast, I went to school. 16. I (not to see) you for ages! I am very glad to see you. 17. When you (to see) the "Swan Lake"? 18. My sister already (to graduate) from the institute. 19. He repaired the toy which his brother (to break) the day before. 20. I (to see) an interesting TV programme this week. 21. You ever (to be) to Trafalgar Square? 22. They (to cook) the whole day yesterday.

Упр. 219. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect.

1. Only when she was going to bed, she remem­bered that she (to forget) to ring up her friend. 2. We already (to study) seven English tenses. 3. He (to spend) two weeks in Scotland two years ago. 4. I (to buy) a lovely fashionable dress. Now I shall look smart at the party. 5. He (to learn) Eng­lish before he (to go) to the USA. 6. When she (to spend) all her money, she (to go) home. 7. I (to speak) to my friend yesterday. 8. Look! Kate (to wash) all the dishes. 9. Your mother (to return) from work? Can I speak to her? 10. She (to do) her flat the whole day on Saturday. 11. The cat (to drink) all the milk which I (to give) it. 12. You ever (to be) to Piccadilly Circus? 13. He (not to read) Turgenev since he was a pupil. 14. They (to reach) the river by sunset. 15. I (not yet to re­ceive) an answer to my letter. 16. She is very hap­py: her son (to finish) school. 17. My brother (to train) at the stadium from six till eight yesterday. 18. My sister (to buy) a pair of nice model shoes this month. 19. I (not to dance) for ages. 20. When Nick (to come) from school, his friends (to play) in the yard. 21. When your sister (to go) to London? 22. My friend just (to recover) after a serious ill­ness. 23. I never (to be) to the Bahamas. 24. At this time yesterday we (to talk) about you.

Упр. 220. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect.

1. They (to tell) me yesterday that you (to get) an excellent mark. 2. When you (to receive) a let­ter from your friend? 3. Our grandmother (to cook) dinner from twelve till three yesterday. 4. Look! What beautiful flowers she (to buy)! 5. They (to travel) along the coast of Africa last year. 6. We (not to see) each other for ages. 7. They (to eat) all the apples which I (to bring). 8. When the children (to have) dinner, they (to go) for a walk. 9. Last summer we (to live) in the country and (to go) to the river every day. 10. My sister (to spend) a lot of money yesterday. 11. She is so upset: she (to lose) the key to the front door. 12. By the 1st of September all the children (to return) from the country. 13. Columbus (to discover) America 500 years ago. 14. Columbus (not to know) that he (to discover) America. 15.1 already (to read) five Eng­lish books. 16. He (to discuss) the problem with a lot of people before he (to take) a decision. 17. Mother (to bake) a delicious cake! Sit down at the table and let's eat it! 18. She (to read) an Eng­lish book the whole evening yesterday. 19. I never (to be) to Greece. 20. You ever (to be) to the Nia­gara Falls? 21. At this time yesterday they (to sit) on the sofa and (to listen) to their grandmother who (to tell) them fairy-tales. 22. My friend just (to ring) me up from London. 23. I (to stand) at the tram-stop when it (to begin) raining. 24. We (not to skate) since last winter.

20. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Завтра в это время мы будем подъезжать (приближаться) к Лондону. 2. Он уехал в Самару в 1955 году и с тех пор живет там. 3. Он работал на этом заводе уже пять лет, когда началась война. 4. Мы пришли домой, когда солнце еще светило. 5. Все уже лягут спать к тому времени, когда мы вернемся. 6. Закройте дверь. Идет дождь, и стало очень холодно. Погода сильно изменилась со вчерашнего дня. 7. Когда я вошел, он положил книгу, которую читал, на стол и встал, чтобы поприветствовать меня. 8. Он не будет делать успехов до тех пор, пока не будет работать больше. 9. Было холодно, так как солнце еще не взошло. 10. Я напишу вам после того, как поговорю с ним. 11. Я знаю его давно и могу сказать, что он очень хороший человек. 12. Собрание уже началось. 13. Если он придет после того, как я уйду, дайте ему книгу, которая лежит на столе. 14. Уже несколько дней море очень бурное, и с понедельника не было парохода на Сухуми. Мы выедем из Одессы, как только будет пароход. 15. Я шел уже около часа, когда, наконец, увидел большой дом недалеко от реки. Я сразу понял, что это тот дом, о котором говорил мне Александр. Я подошел к дому и постучал. Какая-то женщина сидела у окна и пела. Услышав стук, она встала и пошла к двери. 16. Сегодня я пошел на завод, чтобы повидать г-на А. по делу. Мы договорились встретиться в 3 часа дня. 17. Вчера вечером я ожидал автобус на Невском проспекте. Я заметил, что человек, который стоял рядом со мной, внимательно смотрит на меня. Я узнал своего друга, с которым учился в школе. Я не видал его с 1985 г. и был очень рад, что встретил его.