ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 26.06.2019

Просмотров: 144

Скачиваний: 1

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I have learned that person's appearance is very important and plays an important role. From a person's appearance depends on how it will relate to him .For example Tall presidential candidates have a much better chance of winning elections than their shorter opponents. The importance of beauty has been emphasized in the arts for centuries. The power of attractiveness begins early in life. Posture, gestures, facial expressions, and other behaviors can increase the attractiveness of an otherwise average person.

I realized that clothing plays an important role. The way we dress can make a significant difference in the way others perceive us, as you’ll now see. Clothing is a mean of non-verbal communication. We do make assumptions about people based on their attire. But as we get to know others better, the importance of clothing shrinks. Clothing is especially important in the early stages of a relationship, when making a positive first impression is necessary.

Also I have learned about National costume of England and Ukraine. England has no official national dress. There is a wide variety of costumes from the spectacular ceremonies associated with monarchy to the traditional costumes worn by Morris dancers and others at English country fairs. The Ukrainian traditional dress has come a long way with some elements remaining intact since the times of ancient Slavs. Embroidery is the major adornment of the traditional costume used primarily to decorate underclothing.

Statistics – 234 words.