Файл: Seminar No 3 Stylistic lexicology-1.docx

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Добавлен: 05.07.2019

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  1. детектив neutral, нишпорка special colloquial, сищик special literally, філер special literally, слідець special colloquial;

  2. ґрунт special literally, земля neutral, персть special colloquial;

  3. листування common colloquial, кореспонденція special literally, переписка neutral;

  4. адвокат neutral , захисник common literally, оборонець special colloquial, речникspecial;

  5. розум neutral, інтелект common literallu, глузд common colloquial, тяма common colloquial, застанова special literally, клепка special colloquial;

  6. провал neutral, прогар special colloquial, фіаско special literally.

Assignment 2. Point out a neutral and a special literary word (med­ical term). Exchange them in their places and make adjustments for the second remark to sound logical then as well:

"Is the doctor treating her for nervousness?" - "Oh, dear, no. She's rich enough to have psychoneurosis."

navel- umbilicus мед пупок

people -Homo sapiens

protein-  albumen биол. хим.; ,белок

verdict- condemnation юр приговор

law; rule;-  statute юр. Закон

Assignment 3. Determine the stylistic features of the following sentences and paraphrase special vocabulary into neutral:

  1. Overtime emoluments(payments) are not available for employees who are not resident. (Formal)

Staff who dont live in can’t get paid overtime. (Informal)

  1. He had a buddy(friend) from Brooklyn. Sort of a brainy guy who, however, was just crazy about shooting madman stuff. Yeah, a show-offy(boaster) хвастун-looking fella(outstanding) boy. Colloqual

3. - It will cost у a hundred bucks to buy that pitcher. It will cost уou one hundred dollars/

- Anyways, I gonna(I’m going to do this). I was not kidding when I toleja(told you) I'm pretty loaded(busy) t'day(that day).

4. He made out like as if he didn't (did not) even hear they gonna(were going to) give him the axe (discharge) at the institute.

5.1 have our brochure here setting out our services. Were you thinking of interment ( funeral) or incineration (cremation) of the deceased( the dead)?

6. Haply(Can happen) some hoary-headed(gray-headed) swain may say,

Oft(often) have we seen him at the deep of dawn( beginning, sunrise) ...(Gray)

7. Tell me, thou (you) star, whose wings of light speed thee( your, you) in thy fiery flight...

Assignment 7. Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the idiom in italics:

1. That was a slap in the face.

  1. Someone hit me in the face.

  2. Someone insulted me. оскорбил

  3. Someone complimented me.

2. John is wet behind the ears.

  1. He didn't dry his ears.

  2. He doesn't have much experience.

  3. He hears well.

3. They don't see eye to eye. Быть одного мнения

  1. They never look at each other.

  2. They always wear dark sunglasses.

  3. They don't agree with each other.

4. That car is on its last legs. Быть на последнем издыхании

  1. It only has one tire.

  2. It needs a paint job.

  3. It is about to break down completely.