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Seminar No 2

Functional Styles of The English Language

Assignment 1. Define functional style features of the following passages:

1) Satellite communication systems, like other wireless communication systems, convey information using electromagnetic waves. Since radio was the first practical application of wireless technology, we may refer to them as radio waves. Спутниковые системы связи, как и другие беспроводные системы связи, передачи информации с помощью электромагнитных волн. С радио было первое практическое применение беспроводных технологий, мы можем обратиться к ним в виде радиоволн. Scientific prose, bookish, formal, long sentences, accuracy, unemotional.

2) 'Never you mind what they say, dear', said Mrs. Hodges.'I've 'ad to go through it same as you 'ave. They don't know any better, poor things. You take my word for it, they'll like you all right if you 'old your own same as I 'ave'. (W. S. Maugham) "Никогда не возражаете, что они говорят, дорогая", сказал г-жи Hodges.'I've 'объявления, чтобы пройти через это так же, как вы пр. Они не знают, какие лучше, плохие вещи. Вы берете мое слово, они вам все нравится в порядке, если вы старый самостоятельно же, как I '' пр. (У. С. Моэм) belletristic style, narrative prose, monologue of protagonists is a reflection of colloquial style.



Last Tuesday, ten Melitopol machine building plants employing 22,000 workers came to a standstill. The enterprises are lacking the funds required to pay for 50% of electricity consumed according to the latest government's decision. This will entail an automatic suspension of allocations into the state budget and a further increase in arrears of wages and salaries. The Board of Melitopol Directors sent a telegram to the President and the Cabinet asking the government to suspend the decision and keep the payment procedure un­changed for a three months period, The Day's Victor Puzhaichereda reports. кстати говоря

В прошлый вторник, десять Мелитополь машиностроительные заводы, использующие 22000 рабочих пришли в тупик. Предприятия не хватает средств, необходимых для оплаты 50% электроэнергии, потребляемой в соответствии с решением последней правительства. Это повлечет за собой автоматическое приостановление отчислений в государственный бюджет и дальнейшему росту задолженности по заработной плате. Совет директоров Мелитополя послал телеграмму Президенту и Кабинету просят правительство приостановить решение и сохранить порядок оплаты неизменным в течение трех месяцев, сообщает Дня Виктор Puzhaichereda. Publicistic style, journalistic article or radio or TV program, neutral, literally words, economical terms, headline

4) The Petrivka book market:

Alive & Kicking

Text: Tetiana Honcharova

For several years there have been persistent rumours that Kyiv's most popular makeshift book market Petrivka is nearing its end. But it is alive and shows no signs of deterioration, although rumours persist. Peo­ple were especially worried after the so-called Book Square opened on Plosh-cha Slavy [Victory Sq.]. Petrivka enemies were rubbing their hands in antic­ipation, but their expectations were not to be rewarded. Petrivka staggered under the blow but survived.

After all, what better place is there for the local book, video and CD lovers? Petrivka offers a stunning assortment and the prices are more or less affordable. [...] Newspaper style, inform people about all kind of events, Review


Horlivka July 17, ...

Parties to this Contract are:

Horlivka open-type Stockholding Company "CONCERN STIROL" here­inafter referred to as the "Seller" represented by Mr Rachinsky acting on the basis of the Statute from one part, the firm "S. E. R. C. L." hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer" represented by its President Mr Roland Hytter-haegen acting on the basis of the Statute from the other part, concluded the present contract on the following: [...] The style of official document, business relations between individuals and organizations, devoid of expressiveness, rational and pragmatic, specific rules of making inscriptions using capital letters and abbreviations, long sentences.

6) Wrist watch music power.

Panasonic's Ewear music machine is so small you can wear it like a watch.

Despite its size it provides 2 hours of your music from a 64mb SD memory card that is no bigger that a postage stamp. For the fashion conscious lady I you can even wear it as a pendant round your neck. Apparently it unfortu- I nately does not also tell the time so you still have to wear your watch on the I other wrist.

This would be an interesting idea for your mobile as well because in the I heat of summer when clothing is sparse it would be most convenient to wear your phone on your wrist. Publisictic style, TV advertising or review, online TV shop/ Newspaper style informational article.

7) The City of Dreadful Night rises from its bed and turns its face to­ wards the dawning day. With return of life comes return of sound. [...] What is it? Something borne on men's shoulders comes by in the half-light, and I stand back. A woman's corpse going down to the burning-ghat, and a by­ stander says, "She died at midnight from the heat." So the city was of Death jas well as Night, after all.

(Rudyard Kipling, The City of Dreadful Night)

Belletristic style, narrative prose, tropes, personification, specific bookish language.

8) Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to welcome you to the 2001 UMC Annual Report on behalf of the UMC Board of Directors.

2001 was an extremely successful year for UMC and its Subscribers...

A number of important technologies were introduced...

Importantly, UMC moved closer to the Customer...

The financial results...

On behalf of the UMC Board of Directors, I would like to thank all UMC employees, business partners and most importantly our Subscribers, for a record result in 2001.

Gemot Taufmann

Chairman of the Board

Publisictic style, oratory style, speech, contact of the speaker with the audience, the speaker resorts to varieties of address (Dear Ladies and Gentlemen),