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Lesson 8. Some Useful Advice to a Speaker

  1. Before you begin writing your paper think about two things:

your purpose and your audience.

2. Regardless of your topic you should take into consideration the audience’s background (фоновые знания, квалификация) and the range (диапазон) of their knowledge in this particular field.

  1. Don't try to cover too wide a field in your talk: one main idea consistently and methodically developed will ensure the understanding and appreciation of the audience. (последовательно и методично развивается, обеспечит понимание и оценку аудитории.) Arrange (упорядочить) your arguments so as to support this main idea.

4. There are two ways of delivering your speech (Существует два способа передачи вашей речи): talking or reading. If you decided on the first way, a previously prepared outline or notes (наброски или заметки) on the cards will be good guides during your presentation. They will help you to keep the order of points and not forget something important. You may also write down your speech word for word (слово в слово) but don't try to learn it by heart. Instead, practice delivering (представлять, предоставлять) the information the speech contains in parts. After that go over the entire speech until you can speak freely.

  1. If you read the text, make the rhythm and pace (ритм и темп) of your talk closer to those of natural speech. To keep up contact with the audience don't forget to look up regularly.

6. Emphasize the most important points, changing the tone and rate (скорость) of your speech and making deliberate pauses (преднамеренные паузы). This will help you to hold the attention of the audience.

  1. You ought to remember that your listeners don't have the opportunity to come back to what has been already said. They can't stop at a puzzling (приводящий в замешательство) idea and think it over. For this reason, don't neglect (принебрегайте) repetition, specifications, internal summaries, etc. (повторение, уточнения, краткие выводы)

  2. If your speech exceeds (превышает) the time allowed, don't be tempted (не поддавайтесь искушению) to speed up your delivery (выступление). Think over in advance which parts of the text can be left out (опустить).

  3. You are to talk to the audience as if you were talking to a group of your very good friends. Make your listeners feel that you are talking to each other individually.

{From "American English for Everyday and Academic Use")

Ex. 1. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What two things is it necessary to think about before you being writing the report? your purpose and your audience.

2. Is it advisable to take into consideration the range of knowledge of the listeners? Yes

3. What are two ways of delivering your speech? talking or reading

4. Is it always necessary to learn the speech by heart? No

5. Why is it important to change the tone and rate of your speech and to make deliberate pauses? Emphasize the most important points and tohelp you to hold the attention of the audience

6. What shouldn’t you neglect while delivering your report? you shouldn’t neglect (принебрегайте) repetition, specifications, internal summaries, etc.

7. Should you speed up your delivery? No

Ex. 2. Which of the recommendations discussed in the text, in your opinion, are the most important? Give your reasons. Add some recommendation if you can.

Ex. 3. Translate and remember the phrases expressing your appreciation about taking part in a conference:

I think it is privilege for me to participate in this conference and I greatly appreciate it. Я считаю, что это большая честь для меня принять участие в этой конференции, и я высоко ценю это.

I’d like to begin by expressing my appreciation for this opportunity to exchange information on the problems which interest all of us. Я хотел бы выразить признательность за возможность обмена информацией о проблемах, которые интересуют всех нас.

It is a great pleasure for me to attend this representative meeting and to have an opportunity to take part in a lively discussion here. Это большая честь для меня присутствовать на этом представительном собрании и иметь возможность принимать участие в оживленной дискуссии.

Ex. 4 Study various ways of starting the problem and its importance:

- In my paper I’m concerned with … - В моей статье я обеспокоен ...

- It is known, in recent years a considerable number of works have appeared on the problem of … - Известно, что в последние годы появилось значительное количество работ по проблеме ...

- Our research has been undertaken with a view to understand the mechanism of …- Наше исследование было предпринято с целью понять механизм .

- My task deals with … - Моя задача ...

- It is known that in the last few years there have been many studies of the phenomenon of … - Известно, что за последние несколько лет было много исследований феномена ...

- Research into the properties of … is of great importance nowadays. - Исследование свойств ... в настоящее время имеет большое значение.

- It is the purpose of our study to determine … - Цель нашего исследования - определить

- The aim of my talk today is to consider … - Цель моего доклада сегодня - рассмотреть ...

- In recent years much interest has been centered around the phenomenon of … - В последние годы большой интерес был сосредоточен вокруг феномена

- We have performed a series of experiments in order to determine … - Мы провели серию экспериментов для того чтобы определить ...

- To begin with, I will consider the theory of … - Для начала я рассмотрю теорию ..

- I will start with the discussion of … - Я начну с обсуждения ...

Ex. 5. Study various ways of presenting the body of the report:

- Let us turn to … Обратимся к...

- Now I’ll pass to … Теперь я перейду к...

- I’d like to make a short remark in the other aspect of … Я хотел бы сделать краткое замечание в другом аспекте…

- Let me now make comments on … Позвольте мне теперь высказать замечания по (об)...

- I’d like to say a few words on … Я хотел бы сказать несколько слов о…

- Now I’ll consider briefly … Теперь я кратко рассмотрю…

- Further I’ll concern myself with … Далее дело пойдет о...

Ex. 6. Study different phrases to draw the attention of the audience:

- It should be noticed that … Следует заметить, что

- Of special interest is the fact that … Особый интерес представляет тот факт, что…

- It should be stressed that … Следует подчеркнуть, что

- I’d like to draw your attention to … Я хотел бы обратить ваше внимание на…

- It’s essential that … Важно, чтобы

- It’s of great significance that … Очень важно, что

- It should be underlined that … Следует подчеркнуть, что

- It is important to recognize that … Важно признать, что

- It is of great importance that … Очень важно, чтобы

- It is particularly interesting that… Особенно интересно, что…

Ex. 7. Study the phrases to specify and clear up the points being discussed:

  • From this it follows that … - Из этого следует, что ...

  • For this reason, it is feasible that … - По этой причине возможно, что...

  • Consequently, it is possible that … - Следовательно, возможно, что ...

  • Namely … - А именно ...

  • On the contrary … - С другой стороны ,Напротив ...

  • On the one hand …, on the other hand … - С одной стороны ..., с другой стороны ...

  • In other words … - Другими словами ...

  • In particular … - В частности ...

  • Strictly speaking … - Строго/грубо говоря ...

Ex. 8. Study various ways of concluding a paper:

  • Summarizing … - Подведя итог...

  • To summarize what I have said, …- Подводя итог сказанному ...

  • To conclude, the most effective method of investigation this problem is … - В заключение, наиболее эффективным методом исследования этой проблемы является ...

  • From this it can be concluded that …- Из этого можно сделать вывод, что ...

  • In conclusion, we’ll say that … - В заключение, скажем, что ...

  • To sum up, it is evident that …- Подводя итог, очевидно, что ...

Ex. 9. Write out your own speech at the conference making an introduction, body and conclusion. Use the phrases from the previous exercises.

How to Write a Report (доклад, отчет, сообщение)

1 Reports can serve a wide variety of purposes and so have a number of different formats. Most written reports, however, follow the same basic pattern(шаблон), regardless of the subject or aim. This pattern is:

  1. the preliminary page; Титульная, предварительная страница

  2. the introduction;

  3. the body of the report;

  4. the conclusion, recommendations or main findings;

  5. acknowledgements; ссылки, подтверждение

  6. appendix. Приложение

Before your report itself starts, you need to provide certain information, and this should be done in the preliminary pages. These pages should be:

a) The title page, which gives the title of the report, the date it was written and distribution. (рассылка, распределение)

b) A summary. (резюме, краткое изложение) If the report is a long one, it is a good idea to provide a brief summary (no more than 150 words), giving the gist (суть) of what the report contains, and the main conclusions, recommendations.

c) A table of contents.(оглавление) This is also only necessary if the report is a long one and should be on the page itself. In it you should list the major headings (заголовки)and the pages on which they appear.

In your introduction give the background (предпосылки) to the report itself:

  • why it is written;

  • what it is about;

  • who it is intended for;

  • the investigative (исследовательский) and other methods used.

The body of the report is the largest part. There you set out (излагать) all the relevant (соответствующий) information — what you have discovered during your investigation (исследования), the facts on which you base your arguments, the details that you have been asked to provide (предоставить). An analytical report should usually develop a logical argument, building up (перерастающими) to a conclusion or recommendations.

The conclusion, recommendations or main findings(основные выводы). In an investigative or analytical report, you may discover several possible solutions to the problem you have been investigating. You may, of course, only recommend one solution, but you should give all the possibilities in your conclusion, with their advantages and disadvantages. Your report is to contain both a conclusion and recommendations, then put them in two separate sections(части, разделы). Always give your reason for recommending a particular course of action (ход действий).

2. If you need to acknowledge (ссылки) the help of other people or if you have referred to their written work you need to separate acknowledgements section. If you have referred to publications then it is customary (обычно, общепринято) to give the following information:

  • in the case of books: the author, the title, the publisher, the year of publication;

  • in the case of magazine or journal articles: the author, the title of the article, the title of magazine or journal, the volume (том) and number (or date) of the particular issue, and the year of publication.

Make the body of your report as short and interesting as possible, so that you keep the readers attention. But sometimes it becomes of real importance to prove your solutions or investigation with long tables (таблицы) or something like this. So it's a good idea not only to mention just the main features in the report itself, but reproduce the tables in the appendix (приложение).

Ex. 1. Translate the following into Russian using the proper meaning of the basic words:

1. What parts of speech do you know? Какие части речи вы знаете? pronoun, numeral, noun, verb, adverb, adjective 2. Do you know the rules of abstract (реферат, конспект) writing? Знаете ли вы правила написания конспекта? 3. Next session begins in two days. Следующая сессия начнется через 2 дня. 4. I know him to deliver a speech at the coming seminar. Я знаю, что он выступит на предстоящем семинаре. 5. Weather report promises no rain. Прогноз погоды обещает дождь. 6. It’s pity there were no debates on this question though the problem was rather interesting. Жаль, что не было никаких дискуссий по этому вопросу, хотя проблема была довольно интересной. 7. I wanted to have a speech with him. Я хотел поговорить с ним. 8. This company does its financial report every three months. Эта компания делает свой финансовый отчет каждые три месяца. 9. The winter session of the Parliament has already begun. Зимняя сессия парламента уже началась 10. This was the first-hand report thats why we can really trust the information. Это был отчет из первых рук, поэтому мы действительно можем доверять информации.

Ex. 2 Give the definitions of the words. Use the word combinations in brackets:

1) a speech (expression of thoughts; in spoken words);

the ability to talk, the activity of talking, or a piece of spoken language; a set of spoken words

2) a debate (by words and arguments; a communication);

to engage in discussion by words and arguments

3) a report (spread by common talk; an account); (распространяемый общий разговор; счет)

a written or spoken account of a situation or event

4) an abstract (presented in skeletal form; a summary of points);

present a summary of points

5) a session (a meeting; devoted to a particular activity).

a formal meeting or series of meetings

Ex. 3 Choose the correct meaning of the word.

1. An abstract is a) a remark c) a paragraph b) a precis d) a note

1. Аннотация : a) Примечание/ пометка c) абзац b) краткое изложение d) заметка

2. A speech is a) an utterance c) a thought b) a discussion d) a glance

Речь: a) высказывание c) мысль б) обсуждение d) взгляд

3. A report is a) habit c) mark b) knowledge d) statement

Отчет/ доклад : a) привычка c) оценка б) знание d) заявление

4. A discussion is a) a view c) a talk b) a book d) a device

Обсуждение: a) точка зрения c) беседа б) книга d) устройство

5. A session is ……a) a holiday c) a season b) a meeting d) a job.

Сессия - это: a) праздник c) сезон b) собрание d) работа.

Ex. 4. Complete the sentences:

  1. A usually detailed account or statement is called … report

Обычно подробный отчет или заявление называется ... отчет

  1. A meeting or period devoted to a particular activity is called … session

Встреча или период, посвященный конкретному мероприятию, называется ... сессией

  1. Something that is spoken is called … argument, problem

  2. An account of a judicial opinion is called report

Учет судебного мнения называется запись судебных решений

  1. A summary of point is called … abstract

  2. A contention by words or arguments is called … debate

Конфликт словами или аргументами называется ... дебаты

  1. An individual manner of speaking is called …style

  2. A consideration of a problem in informal debate is called … discussion

Рассмотрение проблемы в ходе неофициальных прений называется дискуссия

Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is a report? Report is an account given of a particular matter, especially in the form of an official document, after thorough investigation or consideration by an appointed person or body. Доклад за конкретный вопрос, особенно в форме официального документа, после тщательного расследования или рассмотрения назначенным лицом или органом.

  2. What is the basic pattern of the report? the preliminary page; Титульная, предварительная страница the introduction; the body of the report; the conclusion, recommendations or main findings; acknowledgements; ссылки, подтверждение appendix. Приложение

  3. What types of report do you know? Investigative and analytical

  4. What kind of information does the title page of the report contain? The title page gives the title of the report, the date it was written and distribution. (рассылка, распределение)

  5. Which section of the report contains a gist суть of the information? A summary. (резюме, краткое изложение)

  6. Where would you locate a list of major headings? A table of contents

  7. What is the largest part of the report? The body of the report

  8. In what cases should you make acknowledgements? if you have referred to written work you need to separate acknowledgements section.

  9. What is appendix? It is a section or table of additional matter at the end of a book or document.

Ex. 6. Write out your own speech at the conference making an introduction, body and conclusion.