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Добавлен: 01.12.2019

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2 Numerous places of interest in the United States attracted many tourists the country.

There are unique natural features among the most interesting and visited places.

3 the most famous waterfall

4 Arizona. Grand Canyon formed by the Colorado River

6 historical monuments. unusual rock city of Mesa Verde in Colorado

7 original architectural structures. the most popular among them - the famous Empire State Building in New York City

8 entertaining establishments

9 United States of America - one of the founders of the United Nations and a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

10 The United States is the most developed in the world of the national economy

11 first country developed nuclear weapons.

13 James Cooper_ Edgar Allan Poe

16 American cyclist

17 Today the U.S. - one of the leading economic, political, and cultural forces in the world.