Файл: Характеристика исследования степени лояльности персонала к новой организации.pdf

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Fear in the workplace. The workplace provides a rich opportunity to develop power, using fear and coercion, because many of our needs are met there. For example, fear of losing a job characteristic, it seems, everything. In certain circumstances you can so easily and effectively use the fear that some leaders often resort to it: even a hint of dismissal, deprivation of any of the powers or demotion usually gives immediate results. When subordinates are protected from this kind of threats, coarse and direct, the Manager can use more subtle ways of instilling fear. Research shows that the appeal to fear can be an effective method of influence if the proposed concrete action. Such an appeal to fear can be found in television commercials that show how people ascend into heaven there they say that they would have to insure his life to provide financially for their loved ones. Once the primary object of these fear-oriented methods were "blue collar". However, overexploitation of these methods only stimulated the appeal to the workers to trade unions. Now the unions use this same method, protecting its members so securely that they are difficult to dismiss even legally. Hence, today leaders are more susceptible to influence through fear than their subordinates. With a large demand for competent, experienced managers are rude threats of layoffs do not usually have the desired effect. Instead of the desired action such threats sometimes lead to anything other than additional costs for the payment of fees to the employment Agency and to the long painful search for a suitable replacement.

More often fear crumble to the head, directed not to his material interests, and his ego. Because the authority of leaders rests on respect for their identity, they usually react badly to all sorts of humiliation. To avoid excessive exposure, humiliation is issued to leaders in small doses: casually thrown remark that another Manager has already done his job; a hint that the candidate for Vice-President it is better to find on the side; the appointment to the prestigious position, from which all refuse; the allocation is less convenient Cabinet. This is only a small fraction of the available ways to instill fear in the head that he is not respected and they may need to work harder. Indeed, fear can prevail only when there is a fairly high probability that the person will be caught in the moment behavior. In order to use such a tool as the fear you must have an effective system of control. But effective control system to create easy and fun is expensive even under the most favorable circumstances.

When the basis of the authority is primarily the coercion, it is almost impossible to maintain effective control at moderate cost, as it increases people's desire to deliberately deceive the organization. Even if the opportunity to create an effective system of control at moderate cost, the best that can be achieved through fear, and - minimally adequate performance. Because a person is not given the opportunity to satisfy his higher needs at work, he may begin to look for their satisfaction elsewhere. Studies show that organizations that use power based on coercion, are characterized by high productivity and lower product quality. One of the studies dedicated Manager, who used the power, based on coercion, showed that employees engaged in sales, have experienced dissatisfaction with their work. In another study based on a survey of more than 100 heads of business and government organizations, revealed that this kind of power was seldom used. It was used only when several leaders came to the conclusion that poor labor productivity is caused by lack of discipline, not lack of ability. The promise of a reward is one of the oldest and often the most effective ways to influence other people. Power based on reward, influenced through positive reinforcement of the subordinate with the aim to obtain from him the desired behavior. The contractor shall not resist this influence because he is in exchange for doing what the head wants, to wait to receive compensation in one form or another. In the context of the motivational theory of expectations, the contractor represents that there is a possibility of receiving direct or indirect remuneration that will satisfy the active demand, and that he is able to do what the head wishes. Since all of the individual and their needs are unique, that one appears to be a valuable reward may not seem so to another. To influence behavior, the reward must be perceived as valuable enough. In other words, the contractor should be granted such a reward that it is adequately consent to the influence. This adequacy is the main advantage of government based on rewards, compared to the weaknesses of power based on coercion. Disadvantages of positive reinforcement. In a sense power, based on remuneration that will be effective provided always that the head can correctly identify what in the eyes of the performer is a reward and actually offer him a reward. In practice, however, the head many limitations in the ability to give rewards. Every organization has limited resources, it can allocate promoting staff a fixed number of them. The authority of the Manager to propose financial incentives are also governed by the company's policy and all sorts of techniques. In some cases, restrictions may be imposed by the outside world. The difficulty of using power-based remuneration is increased by the fact that it is often difficult to define what would be considered remuneration. Money and more prestigious position are not always able to impress a person and influence his behavior. Therefore a good leader must learn to use other ways of influence. If you look at history, tradition would be the most common tool of influence. The principal uses the tradition to meet the demand of the contractor of safety and belonging. However, this method will be efficient only on condition that the singer has already learned the values that will enable him to believe that the leader is able to meet these needs. For millennia, the cultural tradition of the West strengthened the power of the authorities. Almost all of us were forced to obey the people occupying certain positions. For example, few people dared to argue with bestowing some order of a police officer. Although today, many young workers seem less inclined to accept authority, do what is right or wrong dictates of their superiors, just because "he's the boss, isn't it?". Perhaps you had to do something not very pleasant for you just because I told your parents, traditional authority which you have imbibed with mother's milk. Tradition is especially important for formal organizations. The opportunity to encourage and punish strengthens the authority of the Manager to give orders. But it would be extremely inconvenient and would take a lot of time, not to mention the cost if the guide would be to offer rewards whenever it is necessary to compel workers to obey orders. The Manager must be aware that because subordinates often have power, use them unilaterally its authority in full may cause subordinates that reaction that they want to demonstrate their own power. And this, in turn, can lead to wasted effort and to reduce the level of achievement of the objectives. Therefore, an effective leader tries to maintain a reasonable balance of power, sufficient to ensure the achievement of the objectives, but not causing subordinates feelings of deprivation and hence the rebellion. In addition to subordinates over the head can have the power of his colleagues. The increased importance of computers in organizations has led to the increased power of the staff of the departments of data processing. The more necessary information, resources or services of one leader gives to another, the greater his power over other leaders. As secretaries chiefs usually know who to contact to get specific information, they also often holding a significant share of power. The Manager can increase his power by giving others the opportunity to see what they depend on it for resources necessary for their work. These resources can mean access to important people, information, services, money, necessary meetings, etc. Taking this into consideration, we can say that creating a working group, we create a family. And married life is an art. Having mastered this art, you can put the creation of a "cell of society", groups, on a commercial basis. Fear, reward, tradition, charisma, rational faith, belief, and participation in management are tools that a leader uses to influence by appealing to his needs. But even the rare leader who has in their disposal all these mechanisms should take into account other factors. It is not enough to have power: it must be strong enough to encourage others to work, inspired and aimed at achieving the objectives of the organization. To achieve this you must fulfill several conditions. The largest impact will be when the contractor appreciates the need to which the appeal believes is important to its satisfaction or dissatisfaction and thinks that his efforts will meet the expectations of the Manager. Conversely, if any of these components is missing, the power of influence is reduced or disappears altogether. In order to be an effective leader you must possess the skill of working with people: 1) try to win respect, not popularity. 2) Set the direction, to spread the risk and difficulties. 3) don't be a dictator and taskmaster. 4) Show an example to back up their words with deeds. 5) Listen trying to understand. Be open to new ideas. 6) eager to discuss and solve the problems of their people. 7) to Help people uncover their talents. To charge them with energy. 8) to Support teamwork. To facilitate the interaction. 9) to Help his team in the decision-making process.

10) to Delegate authority. Trust your people and their opinion. 11) to Speak openly and honestly, to make people believe your words. In order to properly lead, you need to influence to influence, you must have a basis of power. Common sense tells us that in order to have power you must be able to control anything of importance for the performer, that will create dependence on you and make him act as you wish. Researchers in the field of power and leadership (management), has developed a convenient classification of bases of power. According to their classification, there are five main power: 1) Power based on coercion. The contractor believes that the influence has the ability to punish, in a manner that will prevent the satisfaction of some need, or can make any other troubles. 2) Power based on rewards. The contractor believes that the influence has the ability to satisfy an immediate need or pleasure. 3) Expert power. The executor believes that impact has special expertise that will satisfy the need. 4) Reference power (power of example). The characteristics or properties affecting so attractive to the performer that he wants to be the same as impact. 5) Legitimate authority. The contractor believes that the influence has the right to give orders and that his duty to obey them. He or she is following orders to the letter influence, as tradition teaches that obedience will lead to the satisfaction of the contractor. All forms of influence to encourage people to fulfill the desires of another person, satisfying unmet needs or preventing them satisfaction, or they encourage the contractor to expect that the demand will be or not granted depending on the conduct of the contractor. Seeing this behavior, one begins to imagine in the mind the impact of his behavior on the patient's needs. And the head is also the effect of its influence on the behavior of the contractor. As a result, the head and Executive of learn the similar or dissimilar behavior for the future.


Формирование лояльности в компании должно базироваться, прежде всего, на нематериальных факторах. Конечно, можно немного увеличить сотрудникам зарплату или повысить премии. Но стоит помнить, что лояльность, как и любые эмоции, нельзя купить. Ее можно вырастить постепенно, не форсируя события.

Анализ организационной культуры, сформировавшейся в процессе совместной деятельности двух ЦЗН после своего объединения, показал, что в настоящее время организация обладает иерархической ОК. Деловой компонент, хотя и выражен существенно сильнее по сравнению с клановым и адхократическим, не определяет типа организационной культуры.

Предпочтения рядовых сотрудников центра кардинально отличаются от представлений менеджмента об эффективной организации. Если руководство центра находит, что в современных условиях более правильным является иерархически-рыночный вектор развития организации, то подчиненные в качестве предпочитаемой организационной культуры называют эклектическую ОК, в рамках которой характеристики клана являются не менее значимыми, чем характеристики иерархической или рыночной ОК.

Результаты изучения лояльности персонала к новой объединенной организации, которая возникла в результате слияния двух самостоятельных организационных структур, свидетельствуют о неприятии её практически всеми сотрудниками ЦЗН. Согласно полученным данным, около 80% испытуемых демонстрируют низкую степень лояльности по отношению к новой организации, а оставшиеся 20% - полное отсутствие лояльности.

Результаты анализа данных на предмет выявления возможной связи между низкой степенью лояльности испытуемых по отношению к новой организации и типом её культуры показали, что такая связь является достоверной при р < 0,05.

Низкая степень лояльности персонала определяется существенными различиями в характере ценностей, т.е. «относительно стабильных предпочтений индивидуальных оценок» руководящих и рядовых сотрудников центра. Так, большинство респондентов разделяют ценности сбалансированной по типам организационной культуры, при которой одинаково сильными оказываются и клановый, и адхократический, и рыночный, и иерархический компоненты ОК.

Ценности иерархической ОК, активно внедряемые менеджерами в настоящее время, воспринимаются рядовыми сотрудниками как «чуждые», отклоняющиеся от их собственной системы ценностей, а потому вызывают у респондентов негативную реакцию в виде слабой мотивации работать на пользу организации.

Очевидно, что основной причиной обозначенного стремления респондентов является тот факт, что многолетнее пребывание сотрудников центров занятости в условиях эклектической культуры способствовало выработке и закреплению в их поведении тождественных убеждений и ценностей в качестве «собственных».

У персонала сформировалась стойкая убежденность в том, что наиболее приоритетной является форма существования организации, при которой одинаково сильными оказываются и клановый, и адхократический, и рыночный, и иерархический компоненты ОК. На фоне предпочтения сотрудниками сбалансированной по типам организационной культуры иерархическая ОК, ориентированная на контроль и результат, а не на участие и поддержку, ценности которой активно внедряются представителями менеджмента в настоящее время, естественно воспринимается подчиненными как «чуждая», отклоняющаяся от ставшей привычной, «своей» эклектической системы ценностей.

Именно поэтому современная организация вызывает у респондентов негативную реакцию, проявляющуюся в виде низкой лояльности, а значит, слабой мотивации работать на пользу существующей организации.


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