Файл: Work, rest and meeting people.docx

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Проверяемые задания

Проверяемое задание 1

Тема “Work, rest and meeting people”.


Task 1. Read the letter to a friend:

Chrummwisstrasse 47

8702 Kuesnacht


17th September

Dear Mark,

Thanks so much for your card.

I really loved the party last week and I was quite sad at the end. I’m going to miss all the wonderful friends I made at the company. How are things without me?

I started work at my new place on Monday. The commute is a lot shorter. I catch a train near my house and I'm at work in fifteen minutes. It’s amazing! I have time to play with Maggie before she goes to bed!

The house is nice - see the pictures. But we’re really busy at the moment. A lot of things are still in boxes - including the computer - so I can’t email at the moment.

We’re enjoying learning a new language. The first time Maggie heard some children talking she cried. Then she said 'Daddy! What's wrong with them?' In fact, many of the Swiss speak English (and French and Italian!) so communicating in shops isn't difficult. Television is a bit harder! I watched the German "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' the other night. I think I got two questions correct, but I don't know!

Victoria sends her love – she’s cooking something Swiss at the moment. Remember: the flight is only 40 minutes! You, Таmsin and the children are always welcome.

Anyway, that’s about it for the moment. Look after yourself and keep in touch.

All the best,


PS I'm in London for a meeting at the end of October. Do you want to meet for dinner?

Imagine you have moved to another country. Decide what country / city you live in now. Do you live in a flat or in a house now? Why have you moved?

Write an informal letter (230-250 words) to a good friend about your new life:

  • Use your ideas

  • Use the organisation of an informal letter in the given example

  • Use the clichés:

a) Thanks so much for ... (or Thank you for your letter!);

b) How are things ... (or How is everything?);

c) Victoria sends her love ... (or She says hi to you and Victoria.);

d) Anyway, that’s about it for the moment. (or Anyway, that’s all the news for you.);

e) Look after yourself and keep in touch. (or Take care and write back soon.);

f) All the best. (or Best wishes).
Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме «Work, rest and meeting people».

  2. Прочитайте и переведите письмо.

  3. Напишите ответ на письмо (80–120 слов), используя выражения “You should”, “You shouldn’t”, “Why don’t you?”

Проверяемое задание 2

Тема «Work, rest and meeting people»


Task 2. Write an assay on the following topic: The best way to find a job. (150–200 words).

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме «Work, rest and meeting people».

  2. Используя изученную лексику напишите эссе на тему «Лучший способ найти работу» (150–200 слов).

Проверяемое задание 3

Тема «
Beginnings and start-ups»


Task 1. Read the email:

Dear Poppy,

How are you? Sorry I didn't reply to any of your emails, but I only checked today. Last week was a busy and very exciting week.

Ollie and I went out for dinner on Friday. We were celebrating our anniversary – we started going out four years ago. Four years! I can't believe it. He wanted to surprise me and he did - we went to Fifteen - Jamie Oliver's new restaurant! The food was amazing. It's also cheaper than I thought. However, that's not the reason I'm writing ...

After the meal, we were having coffee and Ollie asked for the bill. When it came, he gave it to me. I laughed, but then I saw a lot of waiters looking at me. What's more, they were all smiling.

I didn't know what was happening. When I looked at the bill, I knew. It just said Will you marry me. Katy?' in Ollie's handwriting Then Ollie gave me a small box. It was a ring! I put it on and very nervously said yes. The waiters started clapping and I went very red!

Someone in the restaurant gave us a bottle of champagne. We didn't drink it, though. We can have it when you next come to London. And we can also go shopping! I need a wedding dress and someone to help me choose it!



Imagine you have some exciting news about an event in your family / private life. Write an informal letter (230-250 words) to a good friend about your news:

  • Use your ideas

  • Use the organization of an informal letter in the given example

  • Use the words in bold that help to link ideas in the text:

Last week was a busy and very exciting week.

Last week was a busy week. It was also exciting.

Last week was a busy week. What’smore, it was very exciting.

Sorry I didn‘t reply to any of your emails, but I only cheeked today.

Sorry I didn't reply to any of your emails. However, I only checked today.

Sorry I didn't reply to any of your emails I only checked today, though.

TIP! • We always put a comma (,) after What’s more and However.
Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме «Beginnings and start-ups».

  2. Прочитайте и переведите письмо.

  3. Напишите ответ на письмо (80–120 слов), используя выражения, приведенные выше.

Проверяемое задание 4

Тема «Beginnings and start-ups»


Task 2. Write a conversation at a party (15 phrases).

Use such phrases as:

  • How do you know…?;

  • Do you live near hear?;

  • Are you a friend of…?;

  • Where did you meet…?;

  • What do you do? etc.

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме «Beginnings and start-ups».

  2. Используя пройденный материал и приведенные ниже выражения напишите диалог между незнакомыми людьми, встретившимися на вечеринке (15 фраз).

Проверяемое задание 5

Тема «The world of work»

Task 1.

Website designer. Some experience needed.

Hotel Management. Training position in busy UK Hotel. Language needed.

Secretary with languages. Computer skills needed.

Assistant Chef. Are you interested in a career in food? No experience necessary.

Write your CV for one of the advertisements (150–200 words).
Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме «The world of work».

  2. Используя пройденный материал напишите резюме для устройства на работу по одной из представленных вакансий (150–200 слов).

Проверяемое задание №6

Тема «The world of work»

Task 2. Write an assay on the topic: Unemployment in my country (150–200 words).

Answer the following questions:

    • Is unemployment a problem in your country?

    • What measures can be taken to solve this problem?

    • What does the government do to solve this problem?

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме «The world of work».

  2. Используя пройденный материал напишите эссе по теме «Безработица в моей стране» Эссе должно содержать ответы на представленные выше вопросы» (150–200 слов).