Файл: Практическое задание 16.docx

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15.03.01 Машиностроение

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Практическое задание №1-6
по учебному курсу «Иностранный язык 3»

(наименование учебного курса)
Вариант ____ (при наличии)


Алексей Соврасов

(И.О. Фамилия)




Прошина Анна Владимировна

(И.О. Фамилия)

Тольятти 2023

Проверяемые задания

Проверяемое задание 1

Тема “A sound mind in a sound body”.


Task 1. Read the post from the website for teenagers:

I’ve just finished school and now I have to choose my way in life. I’m really interested in design and I want to be a designer.

But my parents want me to choose a different profession. They are doctors and want me to continue the tradition. I can't imagine my life without design and hate everything connected with medicine. Can you give me some advice?
Helen, Northampton

Write your advice to Helen (80-120 words).

  • Use your ideas

  • Use “You should”, “You shouldn’t”, “Why don’t you?”

Hello Helen. I got acquainted with your situation and really want to help you with advice. Yes, it won't be easy, you have to should to calm. First, listen to their reasoning. As a rule, we will talk about the fact that the business you will be doing is unprofitable, stupid and "what kind of profession is it, where did you hear about it." You shouldn’t have to take everything for granted. Study in detail the nuances of the work you want to do, communicate with representatives of this profession (social networks make it easy to do this), and then explain to your parents. The world is changing very quickly, and new professions are increasingly appearing in it. Most likely, parents may simply not know something, and ignorance causes them well-founded fears. You must explain to them why you want to do this. Say why you don't like what they offer. the profession plays a big role, and then they may forget that you can be guided by other, more compelling reasons. Stock up on arguments and go ahead. You need to explain to your parents why your own preferences are more important to you than the opinions of others.

Проверяемое задание 2

Тема “A sound mind in a sound body”


Task 2. Describe an appearance and a character of your friend or relative (80–100 words).
Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме «A sound mind in a sound body».

  2. Используя изученную лексику, опишите характер и внешность своего друга или знакомого (80–100 слов).

My best friend's name is Maria. She is not only my closest friend; she is also my oldest friend. We met when we were both five years old and immediately became friends. Maria is very kind and a pleasure to talk to.

She is also very pretty. She's pretty short. Maria is well-built, she has an athletic figure and a beautiful posture. Her shoulders are quite wide for a girl. She has slender arms and legs. Her neck is not very long and rather thin. Maria has beautiful features. Her face is oval. Mary's hair is very long and thick. It's curly. Her natural hair color is blonde, but she dyed her hair brown some time ago. This color suits her and looks very natural, because Mary has thick dark eyebrows. She has a rather high forehead. She has large sparkling brown eyes. Since Maria is very athletic, she often wears sportswear and jeans. But she looks good in dresses too. She generally does not like high heels, so she usually wears sneakers, sneakers or flat shoes. She usually does not wear jewelry, but she likes to wear different beautiful earrings. Her character is very difficult, because you can never understand what she wants. According to the city, she is twins, but still I love her very much.

Проверяемое задание 3

Тема “

Future plans


Task 1. Read the letter from a friend:

Dear, Paola!

How are things with you? Do you feel this New Year’s atmosphere? I’ve got so many plans for the year coming, so many New Year’s resolutions! So, I want to share them with you!

First of all, I’m going to start eating healthy food and stop eating so much chocolate. I’m also going to go to the gym at least twice a week. It will help me to stay slim and beautiful. And of course, I’m going to study harder to pass the math exam. I have already told you about it in the previous letter.

What are your New Year’s resolutions? What are you going to do?

Take care and write back soon.

Best regards.


Imagine you are Paola. Write an answer to Marry and tell about your plans (80–120 words).

  • Use your ideas

  • Use the organisation of an informal letter in the given example

  • Use the clichés:

a) Thanks so much for ... (or Thank you for your letter!);

b) How are things ... (or How is everything?);

c) Anyway, that’s about it for the moment. (or Anyway, that’s all the news for you.);

d) Look after yourself and keep in touch. (or Take care and write back soon.);

e) All the best (or Best wishes).

Hi Maria! How is everything?

I really like to celebrate the new year.

No doubt New Year is the best holiday. But it is not at all because I receive many wonderful gifts from friends and parents. And even not because it comes at the same time with the long-awaited winter vacation. Most of all, I like the feeling of magic that inevitably arises on the eve of the New Year and the mystery that the celebration itself is covered in. I'm going to start doing sports and going to the pool. I also want to learn how to skate, because I haven't learned it all the time. At 12 o'clock in the morning we will go to celebrate the new year on the square. Anyway, that’s about it for the moment. Look after yourself and keep in touch.

Best wishes, Paola.

Проверяемое задание 4

Тема “Future plans”


Task 2. Imagine you are studying in a different country now. Write an e-mail to your parents and tell them about your studying (80–120 wods).

Use such phrases as:

  • to take an exam;

  • to pass an exam;

  • to study for an exam etc.

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме “Future plans”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме “Verb patterns”.

  3. Используя пройденный материал, напишите письмо родителям (80–120 слов).

Hello my dear parents. Everything is fine with me. How are you? I have a history exam tomorrow. I'm sitting here reading. In fact, I love this subject very much and I shouldn't have any difficulty with this exam. The teacher is literate, explains everything very clearly, but in general I really like it here. The country is just wonderful, clean. The atmosphere for learning and developing one's abilities is quite favorable. I will definitely be back for the holidays.
We will meet again soon.

With love, Alexey.

Проверяемое задание 5

Тема “Life experiences”

Task 1. Describe the most beautiful place you’ve been to (80–120 words). Write where the place is, when you were there, why you think it’s the most beautiful place in the world.
Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме “Life experiences”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме “Present perfect”.

  3. Используя пройденный материал, опишите самое замечательное место, где вы были (80–120 слов).

Millions of people around the world spend their holidays traveling and I am no exception. Travel is my passion. Fortunately, my parents are of the same opinion. So every time we have a holiday, we try to go somewhere new. It can be either a new city or a new country. We have already visited Poland, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria.

Most of all I remember the trip to Turkey, which we went to last summer. Turkey is a state in Southwest Asia. Turkey is located in two parts of the world at once, connecting Europe and Asia, the Black and Mediterranean Seas. We were in the city of Bodrum - in the south of the Aegean Sea, which is crowded with tourists in summer. Here you can look at Roman ruins, have fun in trendy clubs and visit charming seaside towns. Turkey fascinated me the most with its rich history and heritage. I consider Turkey the most beautiful place in the world, because the territory of the country is located in two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. It is very beautiful and atmospheric, I advise everyone to visit this country.

Проверяемое задание 6

Тема “Life experiences

Task 2. Make up a dialogue between an airport personnel and a person who is flying to different country and wants to check in (the dialogue should contain 15 phrases).

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме “Life experiences”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме “Present perfect”.

  3. Используя пройденный материал, составьте диалог между работником аэропорта и пассажиром (15 фраз).

-Hi! I'm checking in for a flight. When will I be on board?

-Within 15 minutes.

-Here, take the documents, I also have a visa.


Do you know the baggage rules?


-You have a ticket with luggage, you can take luggage up to 10 kg, less with a surcharge.

-How much will be the surcharge for 2 kg overweight?


- Okay, here's the money.

-Here's your boarding pass, all the information is there.

- How are things with luggage?

- He will fly on the same flight.

- Do I have a transfer ticket?

- Yes, I gave you boarding passes for both flights and checked in your baggage until the end of the route.

-Are there other registration options?

-Yes. On the airline's website, you can find "Check-in for the flight".

-When do I have to be before check-in?

-It's written on your ticket. Please go through the security check.

- Great, all the best!