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Word search

III. Find international words in the text, write them and mind their meanings (they are about 60).

IV. Put words or phrases from the list in place of the words underlined in the text.

1. an amount of money produced as a profit

2.would be given permission to start something

3.got into the news

4.had gone bad

5.had gone higher

6.clever action that obtain the desired result

7.came to possess

8.described as

9.with right of obtaining

10.be loyal to him

11.so as to be in

12.continued in spite of difficulties

13.was filled with joy

14.selling goods, property for cash in order to pay off debts

15.a very large company

16.a company which arranges auction

17.to a certain degree

V. Replace the words in brackets by the words from the text. 1. …became a national hero (during the night)

2.Then the crash in the property market in the early 70s (made) him diversify his interest.

3.…he was losing money (very quickly and in large amount).

4.…the Americans and other nations will come here to try and (obtain with difficulty) this cup off us.

5.Alan Bond was also thinking (from the point of view of) hundreds of millions of dollars.

6.In a series of (filling with admiration) corporate raids, …

7.…banks were prepared to lend (extremely large) sums with no more security than a potential cash flow.

8.…Bond would be given the go-ahead (to gain control over and responsibility for it).



9. …he launched a successful

(bid to gain control of a company

by buying most of the shares) for the giant Australian brewer, …

10. …Alan Bond’s next step should have been (to stop for a short time before continuing and combine into fewer).

11. Castlemaine lager might be able (to pay the interest on his debts),…

12. The world was faced with economic (complete failure).

13. …where the British economy is (in very good condition and not easily destroyed).

14. … “I still (act with serious intentions).

15. He became (showing more and more bravery and willingness to take risks).


Match the synonyms

VI. Match the adjectives.






































Match the verbs.




to hail as


to drive

to embark on


to produce

to force


to increase

to imagine


to describe

to acquire


to satisfy

to generate


to discover




to find out


to start

to give in


to suppose

to grow


to gain

to meet


to surrender


Match the nouns.





























Match the adverbs.









in addition to

in the eyes of



these days


in reality






in spite of that



according to

on top of



Comprehension check

X. Are these statements true or false?

1. Alan Bond received his great wealth by inheritance.

2.In 1983 Alan Bond appeared on the front pages of the newspapers, on radio and television news as the most successful businessman in Australia.

3.The victory in the America’s cup was described as one of the most serious sporting achievements for the last ten years.


4. Most Australians didn’t go to bed so as to be in the night to watch the race on TV.

5.The period just before the America’s Cup win was the most successful for Alan Bond.

6.Alan Bond was mad about going in for sport and he had won the America’s cup just for pleasure.

7.Prime Minister Bob Hawke was conscious of the commercial importance of the yacht race winning practically at once.

8.Nobody had strong desire to deal with Alan Bond after the America’s Cup.

9.Usually banks don’t need any security when granting a loan.

10.When bank offered money to Alan Bond, they wanted him to prepare relevant documents such as profit and loss accounts and balance sheet for the most recent years.

11. Alan Bond made an offer to buy Castlemaine-Tooheys at price of $ 1.2bn.

12. For Alan Bond brewing was just a reliable source of profits.

13. After Black Monday on October the 19th 1987 Alan Bond expected the worst possible result.

14. The Alan Bond’s resolution to launch a takeover bid for the huge Lonrho empire failed because the bid was too high.

15. By buying in the pre-crash bull market, Alan Bond believed that prices would rise.

XI. Answer the questions.

1. When did Alan Bond become well-known worldwide?

2.Why was the America’s Cup considered to be an unusual ordinary yacht race?

3.What symbol was the Cup? And why?

4.What was the purpose of Alan Bond’s taking part in the America’s Cup?

5.What was the aim in Alan Bond’s life?

6.What became the main source of wealth for Alan Bond first?

7.What made Alan Bond diversify his interests?

8.What spheres did he go into to diversify his interests?

9.What gave rise to Alan Bond’s problems in the years immediately before September 26,1983?

10.What caused the Bond’s Corporation share price to fall? How much did they fall?


11. Why did Bob Hawke suppose the America’s Cup would earn a fortune to Australian?

12. For what purpose did banks depart from their normal practice of lending, dealing with Alan Bond? What kind of practice was it?

13. Could you enumerate all the successful takeovers launched by Alan Bond?

14. Why were news reports coming in of Black Monday compared to a meltdown?

15. What steps did Alan Bond take after Black Monday? What did the stock market crash mean for him?

16. Why did Black Monday become a sudden serious misfortune for Alan Bond?

17. On what condition could Alan Bond keep solvent?

XI. Find the sentences in the reading.

1. Большинство австралийцев не ложились спать допоздна, ожидая ночи, чтобы посмотреть гонки по телевизору.

2.Затем крах на рынке собственности в начале 70-х побудил его расширить сферу своих интересов.

3.Его инвестиции в австралийский сектор розничной торговли обманули ожидания, и он очень быстро, в большом количестве, терял деньги.

4.Но в это время планы Бонда относительно роста были в действительности сконцентрированы на двух основных сферах: пивоварении и средствах массовой информации.

5.Таким образом, в январе 1987г. он смог осуществить свое следующее успешное поглощение стоимостью 1млрд. долларов – на этот раз в отношении самой лучшей телевизионной сети, 9-го канала.

6.Больше всего это было похоже на разрушение ядерного реактора, которое я едва ли хотел бы видеть.

7.Имея доступ к огромным запасам кредита, он начал одно из самых крупных по своему размаху поглощений, которое мир когдалибо видел.

8.Таким образом, если заемщик находится в состоянии банкротства, вы ликвидируете его имущество , и существует возможность, что вы получите ваши деньги обратно.

9.Многие инвесторы, которые осуществили покупки на рынке быков в 1987г., были разорены в финансовом отношении.


10.Но я полагаю, что мировая экономика в целом, несмотря на очевидные проблемы Соединенных Штатов, находится в довольно хорошем состоянии.

11.Несмотря на общую финансовую безысходность, Алан Бонд продолжал действовать как раньше, не обращая внимания на трудности.

12.Он становился все более и более отважным.

13.Совершая покупки на рынке быков до краха, он заплатил слишком много за свои активы, в случае с 9-м каналом, наверное, в два раза выше рыночной стоимости.

14.Под влиянием Тайни Роланда банкиры Бонда начали выражать сомнения по поводу финансового положения корпорации Бонд.

XIII. Complete these texts, using the words given.

1. The America’s Cup

When the yacht Australia II won the America’s Cup in 1983, its … , Alan Bond, was … as a sporting hero. But Bond has always been a … first and a sportsman second. He had … millions of dollars in his victory and, like any good businessman, he wanted to see a … on his … .

businessman, hailed, return, owner, investment, invested 2.Black Monday

Black Monday. October 19th 1987. the worst financial … since the Great … of 1929. Bond didn’t … it at the time, but Black Monday was a … for him. By buying in the pre-crash … market he had paid far too much for his … .

admit, bull, crash, disaster, collapse, assets

XIV. Read the text quickly and find the word(the noun) to the following definitions that may be regarded as figurative meanings to this word:

1) a period of drinking, wild behaviour, etc.

2) a period of eating a very large amount of food, done by someone suffering from an eating disorder.

Bondy & the bank’s money

In the mid 80s the banking system was awash with money. In the 70s some of the biggest borrowers had been the governments of developing countries like Nigeria and Brazil. But by the mid-80s many of these countries could no longer meet their repayments. The result was that the


big banks were desperately looking for new borrowers. People like Alan Bond were only too happy to help.

With access to enormous supplies of credit, Bondy embarked on one of the biggest takeover binges the world has ever seen. He gained control of hundreds of companies all round the world, including the brewers, Castlemaine, and the Australian TV company, Channel 9.

XV. Here’s the article for you to get some additional information (to that you were given in the text) about Tiny Rowland. It’ll help you to form an idea of his personality. Compare the personal characteristics of Tiny Rowland and Alan Bond (use question XVI text 2).

Tiny Rowland & Lonrho

“…the unacceptable face of capitalism.”

-Ted Heath, former British Prime Minister

Roland “Tiny” Rowland is not a man you argue with. The only thing that’s tiny about him is his nickname. He’s nearly 1.9m tall and his business is the giant Lonrho empire. Lonrho has interests everywhere in the world – it’s one of the biggest food producers in Africa and also owns Britain’s Observer newspaper.

In October 1988, Alan Bond launched a takeover bid for Tiny Rowland’s company, but he got a very nasty shock. Rowland defended his company by asking Bond’s bankers the obvious question – “Should you really be lending money to this man?” The answer, of course, was “No”.

A Lonrho team produced a report which called Bond’s businesses “The South Sea Bubble of debt”. He was , so they claimed, technically insolvent – in other words, bankrupt.

One by one, Bond’s bankers began to withdraw their support.

XVI. Read the article and study these graphs. Make a report of the comparison of three-month interest rates in the United States, Japan, Germany and Britain. To begin the report you may use the following expressions: 1) As you can see from the chart (graph); 2) If you look at the chart (graph) you can see that ; 3) As the chart (graph) clearly shows. Plus question XIV Text 2.

Rising interest Rates

In the final years of the 1980s, interest rates rose dramatically all round the world. Rates in Australia were often higher than the ones shown here.


For Alan Bond it was a disaster. His interest bill was $280 million in 1987, but by 1989 it had climbed to more than $1 billion.


Three-month money market %

12_ United States








86 87 88



8__ Japan


















8__ Germany






14_ Britain








1985 86 87 88 89 90


XVII.Summarize the text (the key patterns are in question XVII; text 1).


Составитель Елена Александровна Копылова

Тексты для внеаудиторного чтения

(английский язык)

Методические указания для студентов экономических специальностей 2 курса

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