Файл: Е.А. Копылова Тексты для внеаудиторного чтения (английский язык).pdf

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Word search

III. Find international words in the text, write them and mind their meanings ( they are over 50).

IV. Put words or phrases from this list in place of the words underlined in the text.

1. tested

2.fasten firmly

3.a sequence

4.dealing with



7.to reply forcefully to an attack

8.to do better than

9.come up from behind and passed

10.based on

11.in support of

12.including as a leading performer

13.at a rate above the usual value


V. Replace the words in brackets by the words from the text.

1. The recipe for Coke - ( given the secret name of) Merchandise 7X - had remained unchanged since 1986.

2.For many it was the company that summed up ( the ideal vision of US society).

3.Members of the public were invited ( to make a comparison between Pepsi and Coke in which the testers could not see what they were drinking).

4.Coke was still the biggest selling American (non-alcoholic drinks).

5.Everyone was waiting for Coke to strike ( in return).

6.Coke’s market share has been (falling to a lower level) while Pepsi’s has (risen).

7.But despite this, in the early 70s Coke was still (being sold in larger quantities than) Pepsi by two bottles to one.



8. I think it’s ( a point in time at

which a very important change takes

place) in those wars, we’ve at last (forced Coca-Cola to retreat).

9. Goizueta (gave way to public pressure) and (returned) old style CocaCola under the name “Classic Coke”.

10. Market research for the new drink had (undoubtedly) not been (having all necessary).

11. But a New Coke simple line extension would have considerably (made smaller in importance) its (effect).

12. The sound of the Michael Jackson ads (echoing in the ears after the sound has stopped).

13. Enrico decided that, after a (sequence) of several years, the Pepsi Challenge (main idea) was (clear) enough.

Match the synonyms

VI. Match the verbs.


to look at

a. to summarize


to base on

b. to represent


to look into

c. to regard


to sample

d. to surrender


to beat

e. to build on


to sum up

f. to test


to give in

g. to investigate


to stand for

h. to defeat

VII. Match the nouns.




1. a rival

a. support



b. main idea


a stake

c. a competitor



d. publicity


an answer

e. goods



f. an equivalent


a try

g. a bet



h. an attempt





VIII. Match the prepositions,

adverbs and adjectives.




1. behind


a. in spite of




b. plentiful


something like


c. in support of




d. close to




e. about




f. unmistakable




g. undoubtedly




h. uncontrolled

Comprehension check

IX. Are these statements true or false? If they are false, look for the right ones in the text.

1. The recipe for Coke - code-named Merchandise 7X had changed several times since its launch.

2.Coca-Cola was a sign of great changes and skyscrapers America.

3.Despite the Pepsi Generation advertising campaigns Coke still sold in larger quantities than Pepsi.

4.The Pepsi Challenge is an invitation to compete in a Coke taste contest.

5.While researching formulae for Coke’s new diet Goizueta’s R&D people proved that original Coca-Cola was preferable to the slightly sweeter taste of Pepsi.

6.Wine merchants began to sell out crates of New Coke at premium prices.

7.Withdrawing the old-style coke helped to keep goodwill among loyal customers.

8.The backing of the world’s number one pop star was Pepsi’s aggressive new initiative.

9.The decision to improve the formula of the world’s best selling soft drink Coca-Cola - is one of the most successful in business world.

10.The Pepsi Generation advertising campaigns appeared in 70s and early 80s.

11.The main idea of the Pepsi Challenge was to take a blind taste test comparing Pepsi to Coke.




Internal taste test panels found that a new cola flavour complex was

preferable to the original Coca-Cola.


Little by little the increase of output helped Pepsi to eat away at Coca-

Cola’s dominant market position.


The exciting announcement over the changing the recipe for Coca-

Cola made by R. Goizueta worried the management at Pepsi.

X. Answer the questions.

1. What business decision of the 1980s is considered to be one of the bravest and most controversial and why ?

2.How do Coke’s adverts differ from Pepsi’s ads?

3.What did the Pepsi Generation put in the stated position?

4.What effect did advertising campaigns of the 60s and early 70s have on sales figures?

5.Why was the Coke management worried by the launch of the Pepsi Challenge?

6.What situation did R. Goizueta face when he took over as a chairman of Coca-Cola in 1981?

7.Why did the decision to create a new cola flavour complex appear?

8.Why did Pepsi sign Michael Jackson?

9.For what reason was 1985 the most dramatic year in the history of the cola wars?

10.What was R. Goizueta’s response to a new advertising campaign of Pepsi with Michael Jackson?

11.What point is supposed to be a turning one in the cola wars?

12.Why New Coke wasn’t sold alongside the existing product?

13.How did the customers react to the launch of New Coke?

14.At what moment did wine merchants start buying up crates of Old Coke and why?

15.How did it happen that Pepsi succeeded in overtaking Coca-Cola to become the biggest selling soft drink in the US?

XI. Put the parts of this outline in the correct order.

1. Problems of the launch of New Coke.

2.Coca-Cola’s response.

3.A new cola flavour complex.

4.Pepsi’s advert with Michael Jackson.



5. Pepsi’s new chief executive


6.Pepsi’s victory in the cola wars.

7.The launch of New Coke.

8.The Pepsi Challenge.

9.Coca-Cola’s new chairman.

10. Consumer’s Preference for Pepsi.

11. The biggest selling American soft drink.

12. Pepsi’s youthful image.

13. The Pepsi Generation.

14. Traditional company.

15. Coke’s outselling Pepsi.

XII. Find the sentences in the reading.

1. Кока-кола имела много подражателей, но только кока-кола могла претендовать на то, чтобы считаться “подлинной вещью”.

2.Постепенно реклама помогла компании подмыть доминирующую позицию кока-колы на рынке.

3.Таким образом, когда Роберто Гозуэта стал во главе "Кока-колы"

в1981г., он обнаружил, что главный продукт его компании стоит перед серьезными проблемами.

4.Гозуэта, несомненно, пришлось найти достойную замену рекламной кампании “Испытание Пепси”.

5.Могла ли эта новая формула действительно быть альтернативой легендарному рецепту Товара 7Х?

6."Кока-коле", несомненно, нужно было отвечать на новую энергичную инициативу "Пепси".

7.Гозуэта знал,что он вынужден ответить чем-то необычным.

8.Новая рекламная кампания "Пепси", несомненно, подняла ставки.

9.Доля коки на рынке падает, в то время как пепси - выросла.

10. Но это значительно уменьшило бы его воздействие.

11. В ее штаб-квартире в Нью-Йорке Роджер Энрико веселился и дал всему штату сотрудников выходной день.

12. "Пепси" и" Кока" находятся в состоянии “войн колы” около 87 лет.

13. К началу июня горячая линия потребителей кока-колы получала 1500 звонков в день с жалобами на новый напиток.

14. Потребители не разделяли его точку зрения.




Решение отказаться от коки старого сорта стоило компании

расположения местных клиентов.


1985 году предстояло стать самым драматичным годом в истории

“войн колы”.

XIII. 1) Read these texts quickly and think of titles to them.

2) Read the texts again and decide what nouns are replaced by the pronoun it underlined.

The statue of Liberty... The stars and stripes... Coca-Cola. Coke is one of the great symbols of the USA. For millions of Coke drinkers around the world, it is the product which sums up the American dream. At home in the United States, it stands for the traditional America - freedom, family life and small-town values. As the power of its image shows, Coca-Cola was once the world’s best marketing company. It is still easily the dominant player in the global soft drinks market. But in recent years, it has found itself under increasing pressure from its rival, Pepsi.


The science of marketing teaches that the dominant company in a market never mentions its challengers. According to legend, the word “Pepsi” is never used at Coke’s headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. Pepsi has always been the industry’s number two and has never had the same worries. In fact, it has become a master of comparative advertising. It showed us that Pepsi was younger than Coke, newer than Coke, more fun than Coke. It even told us that Pepsi tasted better. And then, in 1985, there was New Coke.

XIV. Match the parts of the sentences.

1) 1886 John Styth Pemberton - a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia - invents Merchandise 7X, ... .

2)1893 Caleb D. Brabham of North Carolina starts using ... .

3)1919 Ernest Woodruf’s company buys Coca-Cola for $25 million. The influence of the Woodruf family lasted untill ... .


4) 1941-45 US involvement in World War Two. General Eisenhower sets up Coke bottling plants near fronts ... . Coca-Cola spreads around the world.

5)1950-58 Pepsi’s sales increase ... .

6)1960 Coke diversifies into non-cola drinks, like Fanta and Sprite, ... .

7)1963 The Pepsi Generation advertising campaign promotes ...


8)1976 Start of national US Pepsi Challenge.

9)1981 Roberto Goizueta takes over ... .

10) 1982 The launch of Diet Coke - the first ever line extension using ... .

11) 1985 The launch of New Coke.


a)... the death of Ernest’s son, Robert, in 1985.

b)... threefold.

c)... the “Coke” name.

d)... to improve troops’ morale.

e)... for the first time.

f)... the secret recipe for Coca-Cola syrup.

g)... as coke’s chairman.

h)... Pepsi’s youthful image.

i)... the name Pepsi-Cola for his own cola drink.

XV. Read the text quickly and answer the question: What was Michael Jackson paid some danger money for ?


Pepsi signed Mickael Jackson at the peak of his fame. His album, Thriller, sold more than 40 million copies, to become the word’s biggest seller of all time. Jackson was paid handsomely for his work on the Pepsi campaign. But he certainly earned some danger money. Not only did he appear with wild animals, but while filming a TV advert, his hair caught fire and he had to be rushed to hospital for treatment.

XVI. Look through the following information and find the key sentence of the text. Do you agree with its conception?